This Is Where I Sleep

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This Is Where I Sleep Page 15

by Tiffany Patterson

  “I know. I just can’t help worry about you. What if something happens to me? I don’t want you to not have anyone. You could at least let me tell Stacey,” I pounced on a moment of weakness.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” she answered.

  “No. I don’t make deals,” I frowned.

  “Aww come one. Look, if you at least consider taking the plunge and asking Liam about what happened five years ago and then really opening up about your feelings for one another, I will consider talking with Stacey. Okay?” I heard the hope in Tasha’s voice, and I wouldn’t say no to her this time.

  It really was one of the biggest fears of mine, leaving Tasha behind if something were to happen to me. She didn’t have friends. She had no family ties, and she spent her days writing, which earned her a living and fed her creative passion. But, outside of that, she had no life to speak of.

  “It’s a deal,” I said, finally.

  “Okay, you go put little Laura to bed. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Oh, speaking of, did I tell you that Laura loved the part when Danica finally retrieves the sacred seed from the evil governor? She can’t wait to read the next book, or have it read to her.”

  “Awww, give that little munchkin a kiss for me and tell her Danica is coming back strong.”

  “Will do. Bye,” I said quietly, as I hung up the phone. I picked up Laura and cradled her in both arms to take her up the stairs when I remembered the elevator next to the staircase. I pressed the button, peeking at Laura to make sure she wasn’t awakened by the sound of the doors opening. She stirred a little bit but remained sleep. Once in her room, I removed her shoes and changed her into her favorite My Little Pony nightgown. I knew we were not going to get any reading done, so I placed her on the bed, turned on her night light that lit up stars and shapes around the room and then went to tuck her in. As soon as I began pulling up the covers, Laura’s little hand grabbed mine.

  “Can you stay with me?” her cute little voice requested, and I was putty in her hands.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” I crooned, as I eased in the bed, lying down next to her. I figured I’d stay for another five or ten minutes until she got back to sleep. I made a short mental list of what I needed to clean up in the family room before the world went black and I fall into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was fucking exhausted. After that little showdown with Nate earlier, I headed to dinner with a few of my DC connections. I also had some of them digging to gather dirt on my father. His connections were long and his reach wide, but I knew he had some massive dirt buried somewhere. After dinner, I made the decision to hop on the plane and head back home to my women. It was now three in the morning, and I was dead on my feet.

  I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, dropping my suitcase and briefcase by the door. I’d already texted Brian and told him no need to come over today since I was back home. I headed up the stairs to first go check on my baby girl and then to my room where I hoped to find Coral. I knew by now she’d seen that I moved all her clothing and items to my bedroom. I wondered why she hadn’t said anything, but then I figured it was because she was busy with Laura all day. I made my way down the hall to Laura’s room and pushed open the slightly ajar door, and the sight before me left me stunned.

  I eased in quietly to not disturb the scene before me. I stood at the foot of Laura’s bed with my heart on my sleeve as I watched Coral and Laura sleeping peacefully. Coral was laying on her side, as Laura’s little body was tucked in close, facing her, with her little arm wrapped around Coral’s waist and her other arm wrapped around her favorite stuffed bear. Coral’s arm was protectively draped over Laura.

  I took a few more moments to digest the scene. Needing to capture this moment, I pulled out my phone and snapped a couple of pictures. I looked through a few and chose my favorite to make my phone’s wallpaper. Afterward, I strolled over to the far side of the bed and reached down to pull the covers up over Laura. Before I could even graze her shoulder with my fingers, my wrist was caught in a vise grip. I looked down to see a mocha colored hand gripping my wrist. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Easy, Scorpion. It’s just Papa Bear checking on his cub,” I murmured.

  Coral slowly opened her eyelids, and those alert hazel eyes zoned in on me. Realization quickly settled in, and she let my wrist go.

  “I fell asleep,” she half-whispered. She looked amazed that she’d spent the night in here.

  “I see that. Why don’t we give your ribs a rest and let Princess finish sleeping by herself. You come with me,” I said, grinning down at Laura’s knee braced against Coral’s ribcage.

  She squinted as she looked down and frowned. “I think I’m going to have bruises. I’m sure she socked me in the eye at least once,” she halfheartedly groaned, rising slowly from the miniature bed.

  I frowned, knowing how rough my daughter could be in her sleep and the soreness that accompanied, sleeping in such a small bed all night. “Come on,” I said once I re-covered Laura, who was still resting peacefully.

  “I’m not sleeping in your room,” Coral grumbled groggily even though she’s letting me lead her out the room and down the hall.

  Of course, I had no intention of letting her sleep anywhere else besides my bed. Thankfully, she didn’t put up much more of a fuss as we entered my bedroom.

  “Lay down,” I told her, pulling the sheets back and pushing her towards the mattress.

  She fell willingly, and I removed the ankle boots she still had on. Leaving her side for a second, I searched through drawers trying to remember which one I’d placed her sleeping clothes in. Finally finding it, I pulled out a t-shirt and shorts. It took some maneuvering, but I managed to get her out of her jeans and button up shirt. I inadvertently licked my lips at the sight of the top of her breasts peeking out of her bra. Instinctively, I leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek, neck and top of each breast. Coral sighed and stirred a little, but her eyes remain closed. Even though she appeared completely relaxed and asleep, I knew she was only letting me do this because she was comfortable with me. With the instincts of a cat, she’d be out of this trance in a millisecond if she sensed danger. That thought both comforted and terrified me. I was grateful to know Laura was with someone so capable and loving in my absence, but it also reminded me of how much fighting this woman had to do in her life.

  When I finished changing her, I undressed, stripping down to by boxer briefs, and climbed into bed next to Coral, pulling her close to me so that we were face to face. I settled in and smiled in satisfaction when I felt Coral scoot even closer into my embrace. I reached over to turn the lamp on the nightstand off and resettle myself in.

  The quiet of the room was disturbed when Coral announced, “I’m moving back in the guest room first thing in the morning.” Seconds before drifting off back to sleep.

  “If you say so,” I said, placing another kiss on her forehead and pulling her even tighter into my side.



  “We found him!” I exclaimed as I barged through Liam’s office door with Brian right on my heels. We’d been searching for the last week for Rodrigo, the security guard. I’d gone over his interview numerous times, picking up on the subtle body movements that signaled he was lying. He knew a lot more than he was willing to let on. And since the owner of the junkyard identified him as the man who tried to get in to see Larry’s damaged car, I knew he was the key to solving this case.

  Liam’s head jerked up from his computer screen in surprise. It took less than a second for his eyes to widen with the realization of who I was referring to. By then, I stood in front of his desk with my opened tablet showing a Google maps image of a nightclub that existed just outside of Dallas.

  “Here?” Liam asked, looking between Brian and I.

  “Turns out, Rodrigo’s cousin is Antonio Vegara, owner of the Onyx Nightclub. Rodrigo’s hiding out, staying at the apartment that resides just
above the club and acting as security for the club. Antonio’s on the up and up, so it’s doubtful he knows what his cousin is into or that we’re looking for him.”

  Liam nodded in understanding. “‘Kay, so we need to go speak to Rodrigo. It’s Friday which means he’s probably going to be busy working security at the club tonight.”

  “Go ahead and tell him your plan for this one,” Brian intervened, shaking his head as if he already knows Liam’s reaction.

  I side-eyed Brian, silently telling him to shut the hell up, but he just smirked knowingly. I rolled my eyes and turned again to face Liam. “Alright so, I’m going to go in the club and speak with him. You know; ask a couple of questions. Get the information we need,” I explained, greatly downplaying my plans.

  Liam didn’t buy it for a second. Tilting his head to the side, he glared at me. “You’re going to use yourself as bait?” he asked rising from his chair.

  “Not quite as bait. I mean, I probably will have to do a little...finessing to get him alone and whatnot, but…” I trailed off at the murderous look that passed over Liam’s face.

  “You thought I’d be okay with this?!” he thundered, looking straight at Brian.

  “Listen,” I said growing agitated at being overlooked.

  “No, you listen,” Liam now refocused his attention on me, “I told you I didn’t want you walking into danger for this fucking case. I already have two Goddamn bodyguards on you at all times. Why the hell did you think I’d be okay with you walking the middle of some nightclub surrounded by hundreds of unknown people, wearing God knows what, to seduce some lowlife we know had something to do with Larry’s death. No, this shit is not happening. Think of another way to get to him.” The finality in his tone was supposed to make me think it was the end of the conversation. Not happening.

  I smiled at Brian over my shoulder. “Brian, can you excuse us?”

  Warily, he looked between me and Liam, and finally, dipped his head in agreeance, leaving Liam and I alone.

  “You know, there’s not very many people I let talk to me like that. Don’t let the fact that I woke up in your bed this morning get you too comfortable,” I finished, returning the same stare he was giving me.

  “Don’t get cute, Coral. This is not happening. You’re not using yourself as bait. Find another way to get to him.” With that, he took his seat and started slamming folders and other items around his desk.

  “This is happening, Liam whether you agree or not. Rodrigo is the key to this. I can feel it. Jabari’s still having trouble accessing the content on the drive and getting Rodrigo is our last alternative. The sooner we get this done the better. You and I both know this is our best shot at ending this.” I couldn’t believe I was standing there pleading my case to Liam. Any other time I wouldn’t give a shit whether or not someone agreed with my methods as long as I got the job done. I sighed, running my hand through my short curls, in an attempt to stave off my growing anger at how far this situation between Liam and I had gotten. I should have known there was no way I could take this case and not become personally invested. Now, I was waking up in his bed every damn morning, after helping tuck his daughter in at night.

  “This has gotten too out of control,” I said out loud, more to myself than to Liam.

  Something in my tone must have caught Liam off-guard because he paused his little tirade and looked at me questioningly. “What are you talking about?”

  Those green eyes that held so much emotion stared at me and that warm feeling in my chest that I had become accustomed to in the last few weeks started up again. I blew out a breath. “This,” I waved my hand between the two of us. “I didn’t come here for this. I came to work this case and get information that I needed for another matter,” I said being elusive. “I wasn’t...this wasn’t supposed to happen. It’s been five years!” My voice was rising, the emotion bubbling over. “You left me. No explanation. No apologies. Just some pathetic note that I still don’t know the meaning of. And I don’t care.” I held up my hand to stop whatever he was about to say. “Now, I’m waking up in your bed. Tucking your daughter in at night like some...I didn’t come here to fall in...” I stopped not letting those words fall from my mouth. I stepped back from him, as he rounded his desk, reaching out for me.

  “No,” I fervently said, stepping back even more. “I’m doing this. I’m going to find out who the hell Rodrigo is working for and I will find whoever killed Larry and I will get the answers I need with or without your approval. That is what I’m here for.” I took one last look at Liam’s now forlorn expression and quickly strode out the door, slamming it behind me. I didn’t even stop when I heard something crashing against Liam’s office door behind me. Nor, did I stop as Brian’s quick footsteps fell behind me.

  “We’re going for a run. Then we’re going to spar,” I threw over my shoulder as I opted to take the steps down the twenty-five flights instead of waiting for the elevator.

  “I figured,” Brian grumbled behind me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  This Goddamn woman, I thought as she descended the stairs covered in a too tight, too short, black dress. The front was covered in a black shimmery material, but the sleeves, sides and from what I could see, the back were made of a sheer black material, exposing the fact that she was not wearing a bra or panties under this thing. The dark, smoky eye makeup and dangly earrings all gave an alluring look to the outfit, but what completely set it off was Coral’s toned legs on full display in the pair of “come fuck me” heels she was wearing. The heels had to be at least five inches and every time she moved, the muscles in her legs and ass bulged and flexed to perfection, causing a stirring in my loins. Even though I was still pissed as hell at her, I had to tuck my hands in my pockets to keep them off of her. For now.

  This insane woman hadn’t spoken to me since she stormed out of my office earlier today. I was so pissed when she slammed my door, I threw my very heavy glass paperweight against it, causing it to shatter. Maintenance had to spend several hours cleaning up shards of broken glass and the dent in the door. To say my employees were all shocked was an understatement. I didn’t lose my cool like that. Not ever. Except when it came to her. It was then I made a decision…well, a few decisions. The first being that there was no way she was going to walk into that club without me nearby. She wasn’t doing this alone. The second decision was that I would finally tell her why I’d left all those years ago. I would confess what really went down, explain why I did what I had to do and then make her understand that her place was and always has been with me.

  “What do you think?” she asked as she spun around giving everyone an eye full.

  I squeezed my hands into fists when I heard someone behind me whistle low in appreciation. Ron, Brian, Mitch and a few more of my security staff were there to accompany Coral to the club. It might’ve been overkill but was the only way I felt comfortable going into this.

  “You look great, Coral. No doubt you’ll catch Rodrigo’s eye,” Brian said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

  I cut my eyes at him trying to figure out if he was trying to calm me down or egg me on.

  “You’re sure he has no idea who you are?” I asked, moving my gaze from Brian to Coral. I saw her breasts rise and fall as she sighed heavily, clearly annoyed by my question.

  “I’m sure your team explained this to you already.” She barely looked at me.

  “They have, but I want you to explain it to me,” I ordered, stepping directly in her line of sight, so she had nowhere to look but up at me. I planted my feet and folded my arms over my chest, waiting impatiently for her to reassure me of this plan.

  She ran her hands through her fluffed curls, affixed her earrings and smoothed the sides of her dress before she looked me in the eye again. “Rodrigo never met me. All the interviews were done through Ron,” she gestured to Ron, who remained quiet on the other side of the room. “I was always in a separate room, and Rodrigo worked the night shift, so he
was never at the office at the same time I was since I’ve always been there during the day. Only the people in this room know I’ve been working this case. So, you can relax and let me do my damn job.” Her face was a hard mask of impatience and agitation.

  I stepped closer, peering down at her. “The fact that you’re in that slinky ass dress and not locked up in my bedroom is proof I’m letting you do your damn job,” I said low enough for her ears only. I watched as her chest heaved and the small vein in her neck quickened ever so slightly, revealing my words have the desired effect on her.

  “I’m going to kick your ass one day,” she growled lowly.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get this over with.” I stated the second part loud enough so everyone in the room hears it, as I gripped Coral’s arm and lead her out the room.

  This woman was going to be the death of me, I kept thinking to myself as I watched her dress rise up almost showing her entire ass as she bent to get into the car. It’s going to be a long damn night.



  This man was going to be the death of me.

  This was all I could think as I strutted my way through the club, but felt his eyes on my every move just as much as if he were touching me. As far as plans and assignments went, this one was relatively easy. My goal was to simply make contact with Rodrigo, entice him a little, and get him into one of the private rooms. Once there, I’d plug him for information. I knew he was there at the office the night of Larry’s death. He had to have known or seen something, if he knew enough to go to the junkyard and start asking questions.

  I scanned the club, and there were hundreds of people here. The bass of some techno-mix was playing loudly, and the strobe lights made it difficult to focus on any one spot for too long. Luckily, I’d already prepared for all of this. I knew exactly where Rodrigo was positioned in the club. His spot, I’d been informed by our contact, was posted up by the hallway that leads to a number of rooms where patrons could pay to have some privacy for however long. I looked up to the second level where there were many scantily dressed women and men pushing up on them, dancing. I spotted one of the new security guards Liam had brought. Most of the rest, including Ron, were waiting outside. Rodrigo knew who they are and would likely suspect something if he saw them.


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