This Is Where I Sleep

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This Is Where I Sleep Page 21

by Tiffany Patterson

  “He was in love with you.”

  Those words were like a splash of cold water to a sleeping man. The obvious signs that I had been ignoring or not quite ready to accept. I stared across the dimly lit town car at Coral. My eyes dropped down to her lap where a sleeping Laura rested peacefully. She hadn’t left Coral’s side since we left the hotel. She even cried and wailed when I tried to take her so Coral could get checked out by the doctor. She’d been sleeping for over an hour and every time I tried to reach in to put her down on the seat, she awakened and clung to Coral’s arms. I finally gave up, but as Coral snuggled her closer and stroked her hair, I doubt she minded the intrusion.

  “Too bad for him,” I commented, thinking about Ron. My only regret was ever trusting him in the first place and not being the one who killed him. When I ran into the room and heard Coral yelling for Laura to run and seeing Ron holding a knife to her throat sent a rage through me unlike any other, I had ever felt.

  Coral’s voice was soft, tremulous as she asked, “You think she’ll be okay?”


  “Laura. What she saw today. No kid should see that type of shit. You think she’ll be okay?” The love shining in those hazel eyes was evident even in the dark car.

  I reached over and stroked Laura’s hair and smiled. “She’ll be fine.” I reached up and stroked Coral’s face. “We’ll make sure of it.” The car finally stopped as those words passed my lips. We’d arrived at the airport.

  “Back to Dallas,” Coral mumbled as Brian opened her door.

  “You haven’t told her?” he asked across the car once we’re all out.

  Coral hoisted Laura up to hold her more comfortably and looked between the two of us.

  I smiled. “I was just about to.”

  “Care to let me in on the little secret?” She cocked an eyebrow. She was so damn sexy when she did that.

  “We’re not going back to Dallas. We’re taking a little family vacation. I think we need a break, and with all the shit that is about to hit the fan in the media, it’s best for us to get away now.”

  Coral pondered this for a second and surprisingly, she didn’t put up any resistance. She simply smiled and said, “Lead the way.” Not even asking where our destination was.

  I reached around and pulled her close to me by her waist, gave Laura a kiss on top of her head, and led my girls to the jet that would take us away from all this bullshit for a while.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Eight Weeks Later


  “Come here.”

  That deep, gravelly voice instantly made my nipples pebble as if we hadn’t just finished a round of morning sex an hour ago. It didn’t take much to get me revved up these days. And as I looked across the room into those shining green eyes, I knew he already was well aware of what his words were doing to me. I bet he’d done this on purpose. I grabbed my mug of green tea and made my way over to the table where Liam sat in a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. Even in this basic outfit he looked delicious. His muscles rippled under the shirt with every move he made. It made me think of the morning session we’d just shared. I was teaching him yoga, and somehow our lesson turned into a make out session, which then turned into me on all fours as he plowed into me from behind. Damn, I’m getting wet just thinking about it.

  “Ah, be careful!” I yelled as he took advantage of my mind wondering and snatched me by the waist down onto his lap, causing a few drops of my tea to spill on his sweatpants.

  “I told you to come here. You were taking too long. Reminiscing about the way I fucked you this morning?”

  I wanted to smack that cocky ass grin right off his face, but he already knew the truth. “You’re too damn arrogant for your own good,” I said instead, as he removed the mug from my hand, placing it on the table.

  He merely chuckled before leaning up and tickling my neck with his tongue. I sighed in pleasure at the feeling of his warm tongue on me and his hands reaching under my shirt. He made small circles with his hand on my back that sent chills through my body. He pulled back a little. “Where are your rings?”

  I opened my eyes, only then realizing I had closed them in the first place. “Um, upstairs,” I said, wanting him to continue doing what he was doing.

  “Why aren’t you wearing them?” I swore this man was obsessed with me wearing those damn rings. Don’t get me wrong; I loved the center cut solitaire, flawless diamond, and matching band even though I’d spent weeks refusing to wear rings priced close to a million on my finger…every day. But Li wore me down.

  After leaving Austin, we ended up flying to Honolulu where Li owned a home and got married a couple days later in a private ceremony attended by only Brian, Jeremy, and Laura of course. The three of us remained secluded on his private little getaway for six weeks. We came back home last week, and Liam had been mainly working from home, only going into the office a few days due to the raging media madness. Reporters were still camped out in front of Bennett Industries trying to get an interview.

  “I wasn’t going anywhere today. Everyone in this house knows we’re married. No need to wear my rings to ward off potential suitors here,” I said, saucily.

  “You still haven’t told your family,” he frowned.

  No, I hadn’t. Not because I didn’t want them to know. Part of me was a little sad they wouldn’t get to experience my wedding. I had no regrets about the way Li and I married, but I felt I’d kept my family from so much of my life, that I felt guilty for not including them in this too. I hadn’t even told Tasha about us getting married. I knew she and Stacey would be pissed, as would Jabari and Quincy. My aunt and uncle would just be hurt. I sighed.

  “You need to tell Quince and Jabari you’re no longer working with them too,” he continued.

  “Who said I’m not working with them anymore?”

  “How are you going to continue working with them and run the Community Center as Director?”

  I’d already thought of that ever since Brian resigned as director to become Li’s new head of security, and Li all but insisted I take on the role. Truthfully, it wasn’t much of a fight. I loved that place, and I got to bring Laura with me a couple of days a week; it was a win-win. If only I could convince Li to get rid of Mitch following me, but he was not budging on that one. I had twenty-four-hour security wherever I went, despite obviously being able to handle myself. I refused to admit I loved how much he looks after me.

  “I will work as a director at the Community Center here, and maintain a silent partner role in the security company. I’ll only help out from a distance when they need it,” I answered.

  “And when were you planning on telling them? Let me guess,” he said cutting off my response, “Soon.” He threw out the answer I’d been giving him for two weeks now.

  “Soon,” I repeated.

  He grinned as if he knew something I don’t, which he knew I hated. “It’s already taken care of,” he said cryptically.

  Before I could ask what he meant by that, Laura’s giggles and Mrs. Mary’s laughter interrupted us.

  “How do I look?” Laura asked, twirling around. She was dressed in a fluffy white dress, with patent leather shoes and white stockings. Her hair was done in spiral curls and was held back by a flower headband.

  I crinkled my brows in confusion. “You look gorgeous, Princess, but what’s the occasion?”

  I perked up, shocked, as a familiar voice answered. “Your wedding.”

  “Stacey?” I called just as she rounded the doorway and entered the kitchen.

  “Not that you invited us,” another familiar voice responded.

  “Tasha,” I said, as she emerged from behind Stacey.

  I just stared at everyone in the room, remaining in Liam’s lap in shock. “My wedding?” I finally asked.

  I turned my head to look down at Liam, and he merely smiled and nodded.

  “But we’re—”

  “Already married. Yeah, we know,” Stacey’s
annoyed voice interjected.

  “Thanks for telling us,” Tasha said.

  I gave Liam a scowl.

  “Told you I already handled it,” he shrugged.

  “We’re getting married? Again? In front of my family?” I asked in awe.

  Li reached up and cupped my cheek and tilted my head so our foreheads met. “You didn’t think I knew you’d want your family to see you get married? I know you better than the back of my own hand.” He stroked my cheek lovingly.

  Our lips touched, and I forgot everyone else in the room.

  “I never thought I’d see this damn day. Ol’ boy really does have her sprung,” a male voice sounded out, interrupting our kiss. I looked up to scowl at Jabari’s smart ass.

  “I can still kick your a—” I stopped when I saw Laura silently watching me. “Behind,” I said turning back to Jabari, who stood next to Quincy. Those two with their dark brown skin, tall statures and imposing builds were both a sight to behold. I looked at Quincy’s smile and felt a sense of relief knowing he had gotten over his animosity towards Liam. That ever-present sadness still lingered in his eyes, however, and it made my heart ache. We both knew what it was like to lose the love of our lives. I only hoped that one day, Quince would be able to find what I found and heal.

  “Enough of that gushy stuff, we only have an hour to get your makeup and hair done and dressed for this ceremony,” Stacey rushed as she pulled me from Liam’s lap. I looked back at my husband, and he was grinning from ear to ear.

  “I’ll meet you at the aisle, CeCe.” Li winked at me.



  Where I Sleep. I smiled as the Emeli Sandé song played because this was truly how I felt. This home, with Li and Laura, was where I belonged. I pressed my left hand to my belly. This was where I slept. The smile remained frozen on my face as I thought of all the planning Li had gone through to make this day special. Our backyard had been decorated, and tents set up for the reception. Bright pink and purple imported flower petals were spread throughout the grounds. He’d even planned our attire. For me, he’d chosen a simple, long white silk dress with a lace shawl, and he wore tuxedo pants and white button up shirt. Very casual, just the way I liked it.

  I looked over and saw Liam and Laura playing with Jabari and Quincy. The scene in front of me showed me how much I had truly missed my family over the years.

  I turned my head towards the sky and wondered if my mother could see us. “I hope I made you proud, Mama,” I said, just above a whisper.

  “You’ve made her more than proud and me too,” my Aunt Ruth said behind me.

  I turned towards her and felt the usual heartache, staring into her face. She and my mother had been identical twins. Although Stacey was young when our mother died, I was old enough to remember everything about her, down to how she smelled. My aunt with her caramel complexion, chestnut colored eyes, and petite frame, stood a couple of inches shorter than me, even in heels. She reminded me so much of my mother. It was another one of the reasons I’d kept my distance all these years. It hurt to look at her, but I was working on moving past that.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for allowing us to come stay with you next week. I can’t wait to spend more time with you and that precious little Laura and the one on the way,” she smiled and winked at me.

  I blinked in shock and my gaze shot over to where Liam was, accusingly.

  “He didn’t spill your little secret,” my aunt said. “The way you can’t keep your hand off your stomach for more than a few minutes did.” She eyed my hand resting on my still flat stomach.

  I immediately pulled my hand away. “I’m not that far along,” I confessed, biting the inside of my cheek to suppress a grin. I couldn’t help how happy this day and the knowledge of our baby growing in my stomach made me.

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” my Aunt replied.

  “Him?” I question.

  “Trust me on this. This one will be a boy,” she smirked and pulled me into a hug. For the first time in a long time, I actually allowed my aunt to hug me, and it felt good.

  “I need to go find that uncle of yours and make sure he isn’t overindulging on that delicious tiramisu cake.” We both laughed at that. My uncle had a huge sweet tooth.

  I laughed out loud a few moments later when I saw my aunt scolding my uncle who was indeed holding a plate with another slice of cake.

  “I love you.”

  My whole body reacted to those whispered words in my ear. “Show me,” I whispered back and Liam wasted no time cupping my face and pulling me in for a heated kiss. I could no longer feel the ground beneath my feet, only his passion and possession as his tongue swept through my mouth. I moaned, forgetting we were not alone until I heard the clanking of glasses. I pulled back to see our guests tapping their glasses with silverware and applauding us. We both laughed.

  “That’s just a preview of what’s to come later.” The promise in his voice sent my belly quaking.

  We continued dancing when another slow song came on. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeremy eyeing Tasha like she was a perfectly broiled sirloin. He pulled her onto the dance floor, even though she seemed nervous. Without thinking, I moved towards them only to be stopped by Li.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Tasha, she…”

  “She’s just dancing.”

  “Yeah, with your cousin who is eyeing her the same way you eyed me in those yoga pants this morning. Your cousin is a certified freak with a dark side. Tasha’s not ready for that.”

  Maybe they’d be good for one another. They’ve both been through a lot,” Liam responded.

  I merely huffed and continued staring across the dance floor at the pair.

  “Li, you know what she’s been through,” I reminded him.

  He nodded. “And I know what he’s been through, and my cousin would never hurt her or any other woman.”

  “I know that. I just meant…”

  “You’re just being your usual overprotective self. Tasha’s fine. Come here I want to hold my wife,” he pulled me back to him. “But speaking of Tasha, when are you two going to tell Stacey and the rest of your family?”

  I rested my head on his strong chest and sighed. “I don’t know. Tasha didn’t like the idea of me interrupting our wedding day to tell the rest of the family that she’s the illegitimate child of my asshole father who cheated on his dying wife.”

  “She’ll let everyone know when she’s ready, and you’ll be there for her just like you’ve always been,” he said, before bending down and pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. His hand moved around from my waist to my abdomen. “How’s our little guy?”

  I shook my head. “Aunt Ruth says it’s going to be a boy too.”

  “I told you it’s going to be a boy. Have you eaten enough today? You’ve been on your feet all day. Want to sit down?” Li began practically pushing me to where the tables and chairs were.

  “Li, I’m fine.” I swatted his hands away. He’d become even more overprotective since learning I was pregnant. I was nearly ten weeks along.

  “I’m just making sure—”

  “Daddy! Uncle Jabari’s gonna teach me to ride a bike!” an excited Laura ran over to us saying.

  Li picked her up kissing her cheek. “We may have to wait on that one, Princess,” Liam replied also wrapping his arm around my waist.

  As Beyoncé’s new song All Night Long began playing, Li walked all three of us to the dance floor. I leaned against him and wrapped one arm around him and cupped Laura’s cheek with the other. Together all three of us danced to the song in our own little world.

  For the first time ever, I felt whole.

  The End!

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  Other books by Tiffany Patterson:

  Black Pearl

  Black Dahlia

  Black Butterfly

  Jessica Watkins Presents is currently accepting submissions for t
he following genres: African American Romance, Urban Fiction, Interracial Romance and BWWM Romance. If you are interested in becoming a bestselling author and have a complete manuscript, please send the synopsis and the first three chapters to [email protected].




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