His Woman

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His Woman Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “No, I’m good by the door.”

  Gritting his teeth, Drake tightened his grip around the wheel of the car.

  “What’s your problem with me?” he asked.

  “I’ve not got a problem.” She answered a little too fast for his taste.

  “I’ve never done anything to hurt you or upset you, and yet I’m the one being given the silent treatment.”

  “I don’t know you. I went to school with Henry. I don’t know much about you, Drake. What do you want me to say?”

  Get a grip, Drake.

  “There’s nothing for you to say. Forget about it.”

  Turning on the radio, he filled the car with the love music always playing at this time of night. As they arrived at her door, Drake saw Bishop waiting on the front porch. Putting the truck into park, he climbed out, going around to her side of the door to help her out.

  “Drake? What are you doing with my girl?”

  “I’m just bringing her back. I was at the bar, and it’s out of Lloyd’s way. I didn’t see a reason for him to come all the way here when I was.”

  Rachel disappeared inside after kissing her father’s cheek. Her ass caught his attention. The full ripe cheeks were begging for a spanking.

  “Eyes, Drake.”

  He stared at Bishop and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The door closed, and Bishop walked down the steps.

  “I know that look,” Bishop said.

  “Then you also know nothing is going to stop me from taking her.”

  “That’s my daughter.”

  “I didn’t say I was going to use her and discard her. When I take Rachel, she’ll be my woman by my side for the rest of our lives.”

  They were silent as they stared at each other.

  “Is this you declaring yourself for my girl?”

  “Yes. Rachel will be mine.”

  Bishop stared at him for several minutes without saying anything. The other man was clearly weighing up all the options. There was no one better than him.

  “I won’t have her upset. You’ll treat her like a princess.”

  “Of course. Rachel will want for nothing. I’ve got the means of giving her a good life.”

  “Fine. I won’t cause a problem, but if she ends up hurt, you’re finished, do you understand me?”


  Shaking Bishop’s hand, Drake took one last look at her home then climbed in his truck. Driving away from Rachel felt wrong to him. He wasn’t going to give her the chance to pull away. Drake was done with fighting whatever demons were in her mind.

  Entering his own home, he went straight to his bathroom. Stripping down, he took a quick shower and entered his bedroom. He’d be up at six in the morning to deal with the morning round up. Some of his men arrived that early while others came in around eight or nine. His father would help out where he could, mostly with dealing with supplies. His parents still lived on the ranch, but they rarely took over the running of it. The ranch was his, and his father would offer suggestions if he needed it. Most of the time, it was him dealing with everything.

  Closing his eyes, Drake thought about Rachel. It was time for her to realize he wasn’t backing down. Whatever shit went down in the city could stay there. He was in this for the long haul. There was going to be no other woman he wanted.

  With Bishop on his side, Drake knew he had a better chance of getting Rachel to accept him. First, he needed to get through that coat of armor she’d erected around herself.


  The following morning, Rachel stood at the stove scrambling eggs ready for her father. The freshly made bread was baking in the oven, and she added another knob of butter.

  “I hope you’re planning on putting some clothes on for when the boys arrive today.”

  Turning around, she saw her father enter, running a hand down his face.

  “Daddy, I’m fine right now.”

  She wore a pair of shorts that showed off a good deal of thigh and a crop top with a bra. At the delicate age of eleven she’d started growing breasts, and her mother had taken her to buy her bra. Since then, she’d never been allowed not to have one. Her breasts were large, and going without always made her uncomfortable. The boys on the ranch knew her and rarely said anything to her. Like her mother, Rachel had a fuller figure. Her hips were large with a rounded stomach and heavy breasts. She had large thighs and had learned long ago she wouldn’t be thin.

  The first diet she had gone on at sixteen had her father in a tizzy-whizz. It drove him crazy to think of her on a diet, not eating. He banned diets from the house. If his wife wasn’t allowed one, then his daughter certainly wouldn’t be allowed. Long ago she learned if he ever worried about her weight, he’d tell her.

  “Yeah, I’m going to have to get my gun. The men will be jumping on you all over. I won’t hear the bloody end of it. Add more butter to my eggs.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “More butter is bad for you. I’m not losing you to high cholesterol, heart attack, or anything else.”

  Serving him up a plate, she took a seat beside him.

  “What would I do without you?” he asked.

  “You’d eat too much fat and probably be overweight and have no chance of finding love again,” she said. She looked up to see the pain cross his face. “Daddy?”

  “No, baby, I’m not finding love again. Your mother was all I needed.” He ate more of his eggs and toast.

  “You could find love. There are plenty of women out there, and you’re a good catch. You can’t be alone for the rest of your life.”

  He took her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Rachel, honey, I love you, but please stop. There is no other woman I want. Your mother was my world. I won’t be dating or trying to replace her. This place is her home.”

  “She wouldn’t mind you finding someone else. Mother would hate you being alone.” Her throat felt thick and tight.

  “No, Rachel. There’s no other woman for me but your mom. She blew my world from the moment I saw her.”

  “Sorry. I won’t bring it up again.”

  He closed his eyes, cleared his throat, and stood. “I’m going to go and check on the animals.”

  She didn’t stop him from leaving the house. Feeling like a bitch for bringing it up, she tossed the rest of her breakfast in the trash and headed toward the back of the house. Opening up the windows, she started to clean and freshen up the house. Also, she hoped to create a nice breeze to take some of the heat out of the house. She was sweating by the time she finished cleaning. It was past eleven.

  Heading upstairs, she took a shower and made sure to shave her legs and armpits before leaving. No one, not even the ranch hands, wanted to see a woman with hairy pits and legs. Once she was clean, she climbed out, wrapped a towel around her body and headed into the bedroom.

  She dried her body, wrapping her black hair up in a towel. Picking out another pair of shorts and a crop top, she chose a matching red lace underwear set. Dressed and her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she made her way downstairs to find her father waiting.

  “I’m sorry about this morning, honey,” he said.

  Going to him, she wrapped her arms around him. “I shouldn’t push.”

  “It’s fine. I know it’s strange for a man to be alone. Your mother ruined me for other women.”

  “Eww, I really don’t need to know this.” Pulling away, she kissed his cheek. “I’m going to get started on the barbeque. There will be no more mention of other women or dates. I promise. I’ll be good, and I won’t push you toward other women.”

  “I know you mean well, baby.” He kissed the top of her head. Seconds later, he pulled away. “Right, I need you to marinate those ribs for me. Don’t forget the beef, chicken and to make up the burgers.”

  “I know, I know. I’ve got the salad, slaw, and all the trimmings to think about doing as well. Not to mention the pies and everything else.” She chuckled at the look on his face over the mention of a salad. �
��Don’t panic. There will be plenty of grease thrown into the mix.”

  “Good girl. You’re good on your own.”

  “Yes, I’ll feed the chickens and collect some eggs in between everything else. I promise I can do this.”

  “That’s why I love you.”

  Tracey, the woman who’d been cleaning the house and cooking the meals, was off over the weekend. Since she’d returned home, Rachel made sure to make up for lost time. She didn’t know much about the older woman, but her father didn’t seem to have any issues in her care.

  Putting the marinade all over the ribs and chicken, she made up the burgers and placed them in the fridge until her father would need them. Heading outside, she wore some wellies as she made her way around the small pen for the chickens. Collecting the eggs, she spent a little time with the animals before heading in to start the potato salad and pies.

  Her thoughts returned to Drake the previous night. She wondered what he’d been talking to her father about.

  Pushing them away, she knew it would be a waste of time thinking about him. Drake Solomon wouldn’t be giving her the time of day.

  You also don’t want to be given the time of day.

  No, she was happy to remain alone and to never know the touch of a man. She’d die a virgin with loads of cats and dogs.

  Chapter Three

  Drake was hungry. The day had been long, but the cattle had all been rounded up and checked over, and it wouldn’t need to be done again until the first frost started to hit. There would be days where he went to check over his herd, but it was no longer necessary in the next couple of weeks.

  Clicking his horse, he pulled in beside Bishop heading back toward his house.

  “I’m starving.”

  “Well, be ready. I’ve got plenty of meat to grill, and Rachel’s cooking up a storm just like her mother used to. God, I miss that woman.” Bishop went silent, clearly lost in his own thoughts. Staying quiet, Drake looked over the men to see them all heading toward the ranch with intent. “Rachel will fire the grill up, and I’ll wash before setting the meat on.”

  “What brought her back home?”

  “Why don’t you ask her?” Bishop asked.

  “She won’t tell me.”

  “You’re not getting it out of me. You don’t want to put that effort into my daughter then you don’t get the extra.” Bishop led his horse back to the stable, and he petted the beast before heading toward the house.

  “I wanted to make sure she wasn’t hurt.”

  “My girl was hurt but not in any other way but emotional. That’s all you’re going to get out of me, and you’re going to have to live with that.” Bishop shook his hand. “You’re staying for the barbeque?”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it,” Drake said. Most of the time he headed home, but today he intended to spend some time with Rachel where she couldn’t find an excuse to leave. This was her home, and there was nowhere else for her to go. Washing his hands in the outhouse where the other ranch hands did, he heard Rachel humming to herself.

  “She’s a fine cook, Drake. You’re in for a right treat,” Mark said.

  Glancing at the other ranch hand, Drake nodded. Her mother’s cooking had been well respected all through Crest Hill. Unless something went seriously wrong in Rachel’s genetic makeup, he didn’t see why she wouldn’t be amazing in the kitchen. Walking out of the outhouse he saw her at the table, bending over as she placed cups in the center. The sight of those legs sent an instant hit of lust to his cock. Her skin looked like smooth milk chocolate, only better. Drake knew when he got his hands on her she wouldn’t melt out of his fingers. His mouth watered at the thought of getting his lips on her pussy.

  She was going to be the death of him.

  Drake went to her side, reaching out to cup her hip.

  “What are we having?”

  Her hip filled his palm. She was rounded in all the right places, and he didn’t want to let go.

  Rachel jerked, spilling some of the lemonade over the table.

  “Erm, we’re having barbeque. What are you doing here?” She pulled out of his hold, scampering around to the other side of the table.

  Run, little girl. You won’t get away from me.

  “Bishop and I work together all the time. When he mentioned barbeque, I knew it was what I wanted.”

  Her hands shook as she placed the rest of the glasses in the center of the table. The other men came out from washing their hands and faces.

  With the sun glaring down, Drake took his time to admire Rachel’s body. Her tits were huge. Drake couldn’t wait to get her naked and underneath him in bed. He’d fuck her so good she wouldn’t be able to walk for days.

  The top stretched over those luscious tits and showed a great deal of cleavage. He saw a couple of the men took a moment to look at her.

  She turned away, leaving the men to enter the kitchen.

  Not bothering to stay behind he entered the house to see Rachel pulling something out of the oven. Those rounded globes were going to know the pleasure of his hand when he finally got his hands on her body.

  When she turned, Rachel paused. “You’re here now?”

  “Yeah, I was going to help bring stuff out. What have you got to start us off with?”

  He watched her walk to the fridge and turn back, holding two filled bowls. “You can start with the salad. I just got to dress the potatoes, and then Dad can grill the meat.”

  “Sounds great.” He took the salads out to the table. Entering the kitchen he saw Bishop had entered and was holding two trays of ribs.

  “Bring out the chicken and follow me,” Bishop said.

  Without arguing, he took the chicken and followed Bishop out toward the grilling area. Putting the meat down he made to leave, but the other man stopped him. “Leave the girl alone,” he said.


  “You’re scaring her. She looks ready to scamper away. Give her some space.”

  “I’ve been giving her some space.” All he’d been doing was giving Rachel space, talking to her when he got the chance.

  “Look, son, I know my daughter. Take time. Talk to her, get to know her, and when it’s time you’ll have her to yourself.”

  Rachel walked out carrying a large bowl of potato salad. The men cheered, diving into the food. Staying by Bishop, Drake helped grill the meat. Beer was opened, and Rachel took the rest away, banning them from drinking.

  “Come on, honey, we’ve been working all day,” Bishop said, shouting toward his daughter. She stood in the doorway, hands on hips, glaring at him. “Then you’ll put everyone up for the night. I’m not going to spend the night worrying about their safety. If they drink more than one bottle, then no one is leaving the ranch.”

  “Can I have a second?” Drake asked.

  The ranch hands went silent as they turned to stare at Bishop. Didn’t any of the other men see how gorgeous she was?

  “He can have another, honey. I’ll get his dad to come and pick him up.”

  Rachel threw another bottle at him. He caught it, barely, and she turned on her heel, leaving him alone to the stairs.

  “Don’t push your luck, Drake.”

  He wouldn’t push his luck, but he wasn’t going to give another man the chance to have what he wanted.

  Leaving the bottle sealed, Drake helped clean away the food several hours later. By six o’clock he couldn’t stay behind any longer and made his way out to the stable to collect his horse.

  “Drake, wait,” Rachel said, running out of the house. She carried a foiled packet. “Here, take this. I don’t know if your girlfriend will mind, but here are some leftovers. Dad always does too much on the grill.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said, taking the package from her.

  “Oh, I thought you’d be with someone.” She gave him a smile about to turn away.

  “Why?” he asked, wanting to prolong their conversation. He would do anything to get her to talk to him.


  “Why do you think I’d be with someone?”

  She looked down at the ground stumbling over her words. Her actions were those of a woman embarrassed. He’d never seen Rachel stutter or look down. She always held her head high. Did she wish she hadn’t asked him about the girlfriend?

  “You’re a handsome man. I, erm, I assumed you’d be with someone.”

  “You think I’m handsome?” He dropped his arm from his horse.

  “No, yes, I mean, no. I don’t know what I mean.” She took a step away from him. “Thank you for helping Dad out today. I always worry about him.”

  “I do it for you.”


  Taking that one step, he cupped her cheek feeling her skin against his palm. “I work with your father and help out because of you.” Staring at her plump, inviting lips, Drake couldn’t resist.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, gasping.

  “I’ve got to have a taste.”


  What should she do? Drake’s breath fanned Rachel’s face, and she struggled to think of what to do. He was going to kiss her. Did she want to be kissed? Why would he want to kiss her? Then, all thought fled her mind as his lips were on hers.

  His large hand covered her cheek, tilting her head back so he could slam his tongue deep into her mouth. Reaching out, she gripped his shoulders with every intention of pushing him away. It didn’t happen. She moaned as he met her tongue with his. Stepping closer, Drake dropped his hand, wrapping one arm around her back, drawing her close.

  “Kiss me back, baby doll.”

  Closing her eyes, Rachel kissed him back giving as good as she got. Whimpering, she went on her toes to deepen the kiss. She sank her fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, clawing at the strands.

  He broke the kiss, and she moaned as he kissed down to her neck.

  Crying out, she tilted her head back to give him better access to her neck. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.


  “Yeah, baby doll?”

  Why did he keep calling her baby doll? It was such a strange term.

  “I think it’s time you should be going,” her father said, interrupting the moment.


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