His Woman

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His Woman Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Only when his body could hold his weight did he slide to the side with his cock still inside her.

  Rachel was smiling as she turned to look at him.

  “What are you thinking, baby doll?”

  “I now know why women brag about sex. That was amazing.”

  He chuckled at the sparkle in her eyes. “Considering it was your first time, you know what you were doing.”

  She beamed at him. “Really? I was good.”

  “I’ve never come like that before in my life. I can’t feel my feet.”

  “All your blood is in one place,” she said, scrunching up her face.

  “Yeah, it’s starting to get to other places now.” He stroked the side of her body until he cupped her breast. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. How am I going to look at my father?” she asked, eyes wide.

  Groaning, he buried his head in the pillow. “Why did you have to bring Bishop up?”

  “Well, they say your parents know. How can I face him when he knows that I’ve had sex?”

  She was the most adorable woman in his life.

  “Promise me you’ll never change,” he said.

  “I won’t. I can’t.”

  “Bishop will probably hunt me down with his shotgun, but you just don’t say anything, baby doll. He doesn’t need for you to tell him everything.” Taking hold of her hand, he turned her palm over thinking about his grandmother’s ring. “Rachel, will you marry me?”

  She gasped, staring at him. Fuck, had he asked too soon?


  Had she heard Drake correctly? Did he just ask her to marry him?

  “What did you say?” she asked. Her heart was pounding once again only this time she was nervous about what he was going to say.

  “I asked you to marry me.” He pushed some hair off her face. “If you’re not ready, I can wait.”

  “Is this because of Dad and his shotgun?”

  “No. Hold on.” He pulled out of her body, and she missed him the instant he was gone. Drake looked between her thighs and cursed.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I didn’t realize about the whole, erm, blood thing. I’ll grab a cloth.” He disappeared into the bathroom.

  Glancing down, she winced as small specks of blood coated her lips and pubic hair.

  He returned with a warm cloth. Before she could stop him he was cleaning away the blood, tending to her.

  “I could do that.”

  “No, I did this, and I’m the one who needs to clean it up.”

  She watched him clean away her virgin blood. He did it slowly, taking his time. When he was finished he disappeared again. Seconds later he reappeared, still naked, but he went to his shirt. He went into the pocket and pulled something out of the pocket.

  As she tucked some hair behind her ear, the bed dipped underneath from the weight of him. Drake opened his palm showing her a large diamond ring.

  “It was my grandmother’s, and it was left to me to pass onto my wife.”

  “Shouldn’t your mom be wearing this? It’s like an heirloom?” She didn’t want to touch it. The ring looked expensive, extravagant, and made her nervous looking at it.

  “My grandmother was still alive when my dad married Mom. This is to go onto the oldest son for his wife if the father is already married. So if you’re alive when our first son gets married, the ring will go to his son, or we can do something else in our will,” he said.

  “You’re really planning our future.” Kids, grandkids, what was going to happen next?

  “I see children in our future. Admittedly, I don’t want to share you yet. We’ve got plenty of time to have kids.”

  “What if I don’t want any?” she asked. Rachel did want kids, but she wanted to know the answer to her question first.

  “If you don’t want kids then we won’t have any. I want you more than kids, Rachel.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Will you marry me?”

  Staring into his brown gaze, Rachel knew she couldn’t deny him. “You’re nothing like I expected,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I’ve heard about you, Drake. You were all over women. You never kept the same woman for longer than a few weeks. You’ve completely obliterated my original thoughts about you,” she said, smiling.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her drawing her in close to his body. Laughing, Rachel cupped his cheek as he pressed kisses against her face. She’d never been so happy before.

  “We’ve got to tell everyone.”

  “We will.” She looked up at him then ran her hand down his body to grip his cock. He was long thick and hard once again.

  “Are you ready to fuck once again?” he asked.

  “Yes.” He eased back and nodded toward the drawer. “Grab a condom.”

  “I’ll get an appointment with the doctor next week for the pill,” she said, reaching to grab a foil packet.

  “No, you won’t. I’ll take care of protection. I don’t want you going on the pill. When we’re ready for kids I’ll stop using condoms.” He tore into the foil packet. She watched him roll the rubber over his length then move over her. Opening her thighs, she went up onto her elbows.

  “Actually, go to your knees,” he said.

  Doing what he said she went to her knees and then grabbed a pillow placing it over her ass. Drake started to laugh, tugging the pillow out of the way. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t want you to look at my ass. It’s large.”

  The pillow landed somewhere to the left of her head.


  The hit of his palm to the cheek of her ass took her by surprise. Yelping, she looked over her shoulder.

  Fingers caressed her ass, spreading the cheeks wide.

  “I love this ass. Don’t you ever try to hide your body from me or I’ll spank you every chance I get.”

  “I can’t believe you just hit me,” she said.

  “Spanked you, there’s a difference.”

  “No, you hit me. It’s the same thing as a spank.”

  “Really? Spanking is much more erotic than a hit.”

  She opened her mouth about to complain, then stopped as fingers slid through her slit. He plunged two fingers inside her body as his thumb stroked her clit. Biting her lip, she buried her head in the pillow and groaned.


  Jerking up, she glared at him. “What was that for?”

  “You’re keeping your moans away from me. I want to hear what I do to you, and the only way for me to do that is to hear it.” He tapped her clit, and she screamed out her pleasure.

  The touch was strong, intense, and hard for her to deny him.

  “That’s it, give it to me, Rachel. Show me who is boss.”

  Drake was the one in control of her body. She didn’t have a say over what he did.

  He stopped, leaving her hanging over the edge of bliss with no orgasm in sight.

  In the next moment she cried out as he slid his cock against her clit then up to thrust inside her pussy. Hands on her hips, Drake slammed in deep.

  Crying out, he seemed to go deeper than before. He pulled her ass cheeks open, and she heard him curse.

  “Fuck, baby doll, if you could see how fucking beautiful you look taking my cock you’d lose your mind. I can see your cunt opening around my cock.”

  Groaning, she held onto the pillow in front of her for some support. Everything he did took her closer toward orgasm but never let her over the edge. He was the one in control of everything.

  He slammed inside her over and over never letting her orgasm.

  “Drake, please, let me come.”

  “No, when I’m ready.”

  She cried out, begging him. He didn’t give in, fucking her body hard. Drake cupped her breasts, pinching the nipples.

  “Please,” she said, screaming and begging.

  His fingers slid a
cross her clit, slowly circling her clit. She whimpered as the pleasure increased, and then she couldn’t contain the noise as he held her at the edge.

  “Rachel, come for me.”

  Drake stroked her clit, and she splintered apart as her orgasm crashed through her. Eyes closed, head flung back she felt him pounding inside her. He growled, and his cock pulsed within her. The condom was the only protection between them.

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Drake didn’t want to move. Staring at the beauty beside him had him aching all over, not for sex, just with love. Rachel was going to be his. His woman, his wife, and she’d own his heart. Reaching out, he moved some strands of hair out of the way of his view. Her eyes were closed in sleep with her lips partially open, as she breathed in and out.

  She lay on her back with one hand above her head, and the other rested against her stomach. He refused to wake her and simply stared at her.

  Peace settled over him as he saw the ring on her finger. She was going to be his. Today they were going to visit his parents and then her father to tell them the good news. His parents knew he intended to marry Rachel.

  In her sleep she moaned, turning onto her side. She winced and opened her eyes.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said, cupping her cheek.

  “Hey. Have you been watching me sleep?” she asked, holding his hand.

  “Yes, you’re so adorable when you snore.”

  “I snore?”

  “The adorable kind.” He leaned over and brushed her lips with his.

  “Stop, I’ve got morning breath.”

  “I don’t care. I’m taking my kiss if you like it or not.” He pressed his lips to hers and moaned as she kissed him back.

  She sank her nails into his back.

  Drawing back, he stared into her eyes. “We better go before I take you and leave the parents waiting.”

  Rachel groaned. “Why do we have to leave? You finally got me here.”

  “I know, and now I’ve got to prove to our parents that I’m going to keep you here with good intentions.”

  He climbed out of bed, picked her up and carried her through to his bathroom. Screaming, she wrapped her arms around him. “I can walk. I hate it when you just pick me up like that. I always think you’re going to drop me.”

  Chuckling, he settled her down onto her feet and took a step back. She grumbled something behind him, which he didn’t hear. He turned the shower on and tugged her inside. Putting her underneath the shower head he picked up the soap. For the next half an hour he washed her body and hair taking his time to leave her feeling clean. Her tits were tricky as he spent a great deal of time massaging the mounds to make sure they were completely clean.

  “You’re going to make the simplest task a chore, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “Baby doll, everything we do is going to become a task when you’re naked.”

  Rinsing the soap out of her hair he heard her chuckle.

  “Why do you keep calling me ‘baby doll’?”

  “Don’t you know why?”


  “You’re my baby, my woman, and dolls are fragile. They need to be taken care of and loved. You’re my baby doll. My woman to love and protect.”

  “Since I’ve got back you called me that.”

  “It’s how I saw you. I can tell you these feelings took me by surprise. I remember you being friends with Henry, not close friends, but you were in the same year and everything.” He shrugged, turning off the water. “I wasn’t prepared to admit to wanting you. That soon changed when the alternative was less appealing.”

  “There you go being all sweet again.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Shit, baby, please don’t cry. I can’t stand it if you cry on me.”

  “These are good tears. I promise.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I can’t believe I’ve been so lucky.”

  “I’m the lucky one. Come on, we better get to my parents’ place before they start worrying. If you can’t face your father after last night you’ll probably fail with my own parents.”

  He led her back into the bedroom, and they changed. Drake watched her change loving the domestic feel of the moment. She was his woman and was going to be his wife. This was right and complete for them.

  Ten minutes later they were arriving at his parents’ home. Rachel’s hands were fisted on her knees as he parked the truck up.

  “Tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours?”

  “They’re your parents, Drake. Every woman is nervous to see their boyfriend’s parents.”

  “Technically, you’re my fiancée.”

  She groaned, flinging her head back against the seat. “This is a nightmare. I love you, I do. This is, this is new. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.”

  He took her hand, locking their fingers together. “You see this.”


  “This is us. We’re together, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says because this is what we both have together. My parents can hate you, your father can plot my death, none of it matters. We love each other, and we’re going to face the rest of the world together without our parents if we have to.”

  He hoped his words helped ease her troubled thoughts. His parents already adored her from what he said. They knew who she was and who her parents were. This meeting was going to go easy. She just needed to relax.

  “I can do this. We can do this. It’s fine. I mean, they’re just parents,” she said.

  Drake stayed in his seat as she continued to mumble. “Did you do this in the city? If so, I can see why.”

  “No, I didn’t talk to myself. This is new. I never had to meet parents.”

  Opening the door of his truck, he saw his parents were standing by the window beside the door waiting to let them in. Rounding the truck, he opened her door.

  “What are you doing? I’m not ready.”

  “If I leave you to talk to yourself you’ll never be ready.” He offered up his palm. “Take my hand, and we’ll walk into my parents’ house together.”

  “Am I annoying?”

  “No, Rachel, you’re adorable, and I love you. Trust me, take my hand, and we’ll walk in together.”

  She stared at his palm and slowly brought her own onto his. “Are you sure you want to marry me?” she asked.

  Laughing, he jerked her out of the truck so she fell onto his body. Wrapping his arms around her, he spun her away from the truck and lowered her to her feet. “Baby doll, I’m getting you down that aisle even if I have to carry you down there myself.”

  He dropped a kiss onto her lips and chuckled as she tried to get back in the truck.

  “No, you’re not getting out of this.”

  The front door opened, and his parents stood together intertwined watching them. The love before him was something Drake knew he was going to share with Rachel. They had both come from families that were not afraid to show love for each other. Henry appeared behind them, smiling.

  “I see you won the battle to bring her here.”

  Nodding, he kept his hand locked with hers and walked up the steps. “Mom, Dad, Henry, I’d like you all to meet my fiancée, Rachel Bishop.” Drake made the introductions noticing the humor in his father’s eyes.

  “How you got to get a ring on her finger without dying is amazing. Hey, honey, welcome to the family,” his father said.

  Like he knew they would, his family accepted her with open arms.


  Okay, so she freaked out a little bit in the car. Any woman would freak out at meeting their boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Only, she wasn’t meeting them as a girlfriend but as his fiancée. After all of her panicking they embraced her with open arms and took her into their home.

  She was placed at the table as Drake filled her plate with so much food. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and there was even some hash browns. Eyes wide, she waited for him to st
op. Several times she tried to make him stop, but he was talking about the upcoming wedding. Were they moving too fast? She didn’t know.

  Glancing down at the ring on her finger, Rachel tried to stop her nerves. The dress, the cake, the church, all of it was going to be about planning. Drake had his own thoughts, and then there was her father.

  “It’s okay, they’ll settle down soon. Mom’s been wanting one of us to get married for a long time now. Wait until she wants grandbabies,” Henry said.

  “Wow, okay, erm, I think I’m going to panic if we get that far,” she said.

  “Don’t stress or panic. I promise, Mom will back off, and the wedding will be what you want to make of it.”

  An hour later they were leaving his parents’ house and on the way to her father’s.

  “You weren’t kidding about your parents liking me,” she said, running her palms down her thighs.

  “Yeah, Mom can be a bit full on, I’m sorry.”

  “I need you to cancel the dressmaking. I’m wearing my mother’s dress when we get married.”

  “Mom doesn’t mind dealing with all the arrangements,” he said. “You can have a new dress.”

  “Drake, I’m wearing my mother’s dress. I don’t care about the expense. It’s what I want.” She turned to face him as he pulled up outside of her father’s house.

  “Okay, are you mad or something?” he asked, climbing out of the truck.

  She spotted her father walking through the gates leading out to the fields. He was coming toward them rather than walking away.

  “Yes, I’ve got a problem. This is our wedding, not your parents’.”

  “I know.”

  Did he know?

  Running fingers through her hair she stared at him. Didn’t he see what happened at breakfast?

  “Were you just there?” she asked, pointing behind her in the direction of his house.

  “What’s the problem, Rachel?”

  “At breakfast you and your mother were organizing our wedding. I wasn’t involved. You asked me last night, and already she’s booking dressmaking and the church.”

  “Again, what’s the problem?”


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