His Woman

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His Woman Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She pushed some hair off her face, resting her chin on her hands, which lay on his chest.

  “Is that a bad thing? I’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  “When we’re married I won’t have to find any excuse to come and visit you. You’ll be here, and I can have you any chance I can.”

  Rachel smiled. “Dad told me today about his struggle with marrying Mom.” She didn’t know why she was telling him this now.

  Drake stroked her arm. “Yeah, my parents have spoken about it often. For a little while it was the talk of the town because of their differences. After some time had passed and no child was seen, they saw the love between the two.”

  “We won’t have to face that,” she said.

  “I know. People are more accepting now.” In some towns, he knew it wasn’t the case. Some people hated change.

  “Would you fight for me if it was?”

  “Yes. If I couldn’t have you in this town I’d go where I could. I love you, Rachel. Nothing is going to keep us apart, not even the ridiculous difference of skin color.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her lip. “I love your face, your eyes, and your mind. When you smile you light up the whole room.” He looked down at her lips and she wanted him to kiss her. “You’re the only woman I know who doesn’t always have something to say about yourself. Our first date at the steakhouse was a new experience for me as well.”

  She listened to him talk, knowing in her heart her mother would be more than happy with the man she picked for her own.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Four months later

  If anyone ever asked him to arrange a wedding again Drake would shoot them. Glancing at his watch he saw Rachel was scheduled to arrive in a matter of minutes, along with her father. She didn’t have any bridesmaids, and he didn’t have a best man. Henry and Lloyd were holding their rings for them. Rachel didn’t want any bridesmaids, and when he saw how much more work having them would be, he declined them as well. Over the last four months he’d been thrust into every girly part of arranging a wedding so he was sick to the back teeth of it all.

  They’d gone to three different bakeries for the wedding cake. He must have tried ten different versions of a red velvet cake. In fact, he hated cake. Ribs and a beer would be more suitable today. The tuxedo he’d gotten in town, and he was with Rachel throughout the changes to her mother’s wedding dress.

  Together they had written out the invitations, done the catering, fixed up the church and done their rehearsal.

  Hate weddings.

  Rachel better know how much he loved her by now. He would never be marrying another woman.

  I’ll never be arranging another fucking wedding.

  The only hope he got for today was the end when he’d be able to name Rachel his wife.

  “How are you holding up?” Henry asked.

  “I’m fine. I want to get this over with.” The cost of the wedding didn’t bother him. Drake had more than enough to spend for the rest of his life as the Solomon name was a wealthy one. He missed his ranch and the normality of spending time with his woman. The steakhouse was also turned into a place where they discussed everything about to happen to them.

  “What about your woman? Will she be happy to hear about it?”

  “She feels the same way.”

  In the last week Rachel had admitted that she wanted to go to Vegas. If she knew how much work it would have been, she’d have taken the short cut. No more, today was their day. They’d become one, dance, be merry, and tonight he’d have her all to himself.

  Bishop was happy with him taking the time to marry Rachel. His soon to be father-in-law hadn’t threatened him with a shotgun in recent weeks, which Drake was happy about.

  The music started playing. Going up to the priest, he waited for his woman to arrive. The crowd stopped mumbling, and he turned around.

  He’d been present for all the dress fittings, but he never got to see the final dress. Rachel had the arms removed so the straps were thin on her shoulders showing off her delicate neck. The dress hugged her breasts, pushing them up to showcase her cleavage. He glared at all men who dared to look at his woman. The dress flowed out from her hips covering up her legs. A white veil covered her face, obscuring his view of her.

  Sliding a hand down the front of his suit he watched her approach him to the wedding march. Bishop was by her side holding her hand throughout it all.

  Drake didn’t tear his gaze from his woman. She looked stunning even without him seeing her face.

  “She looks beautiful,” Henry said.

  “Keep your hands off.”

  They stopped, and Drake went to her. Bishop pulled up the veil, finally he saw her face. Her black hair was pulled back with multiple grips, and there was a smile on her lips.

  “Take care of her, son.”

  “With my life.”

  He took her hand, and together they faced the church. Drake couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. The priest spoke the words for all to hear. No one stopped them from getting married, and then she was his wife.

  Pulling her into his arms, Drake cupped her cheek.


  Pressing his lips to hers, he ceased surviving in life and knew with Rachel as his wife, he was finally living.

  The church cheered. He didn’t get time to bask in the joy as they were tugged outside for photographs. Within seconds, Drake hated the wedding again. His wife was taken away for photos and then he was.

  It was over an hour before he finally had her sitting beside him. Holding her hand, he kissed her knuckles.

  “How are you holding up?” Drake asked.

  “I’m fine. I wish she was here, but I know in here, she is.” Rachel pointed to her heart. The only problem they ever faced was the memory of her mother. He couldn’t bring the woman back, and he hated the fact he couldn’t give Rachel everything she ever wanted.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t make this perfect for you,” he said.

  “Drake, this is more than perfect. You’re perfect. There is nothing else I need, and later tonight we’re going to have more fun than you can imagine.” She leaned over, kissing his lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  After the toasts, they cut the cake and took their first dance. He kept looking down at his watch, counting down the hours until he got her alone. Bishop threatened him again with the shotgun to keep her happy. Drake was finally used to the threat, and if the other man didn’t say those words, Drake didn’t know how he was going to cope.

  By nine o’clock he was ready to leave. He said goodbye to his family and then escorted Rachel to his truck.

  “You’re rushing us out,” she said.

  “No, I’m taking my wife home so I can make it all official before she changes her mind.”

  Inside, he headed home where no one was going to interrupt them again.

  “That was magical,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “I’m never organizing one of those things again. I can’t believe people actually do it for a job. It’s insane. There is nothing fun about organizing a wedding. I’m so sorry. We should have let your mother organize it all.”

  Laughing, Drake took hold of her hand. Parking outside of his home, he helped her down from the truck, picked her up in his arms and escorted her inside.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. Solomon. This is where you can make everything up to me.”

  She squealed as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom. The night was only just beginning.


  Rachel collapsed to the bed several hours later, panting for breath. Drake left the bedroom and came back with a wash towel. He cleaned away the white droplets of his cum from her breasts. Turning her head, she glanced at the clock to see it was past midnight. Her dress was downstairs, waiting to be washed and put away.

  From the moment they entered the house, Drake hadn’t stopped touching her. They made love against the wall near their front door. In

the kitchen they’d brought each other to orgasm in between eating whatever he had in the fridge, which she’d fully stocked with fresh food.

  They’d showered and made love in the bathroom, and finally, he’d fucked her breasts. She didn’t expect to like her breasts being used in such a way. Rachel had sucked his cock, taking the long length between her lips. She’d tasted the muskiness of his cum on her tongue. He gripped her hair increasing the thrusts of his hips.

  When he could stand for her to suck him no more, he went to the bedroom drawer. He came back carrying a tube of lubricant. She watched him lather his cock and the valley between her breasts with plenty of cream. Then, she’d been blown away as she held her breasts together for him to slide between them, getting closer to his orgasm.

  She would never forget the look on his face as he came over her chest and neck.

  He wiped the last droplet of cum and collapsed beside her.

  “You’re going to kill me if you keep fucking me like that,” he said.

  Chuckling, she turned toward him, pressing her left hand to his chest. She admired her rings, binding her to him. “Today was the best day of my life,” she said, smiling at him.

  “Baby, you better get ready for a lifetime of happy moments. As far as I’m concerned, this is the start of our new life together.” He stroked her cheek, leaning down to take her lips. Drake wrapped his arms around her, and she snuggled in close to his body feeling his warmth surround her.

  The last four months had been a nightmare. She hated every moment of organizing the wedding. Her biggest regret was organizing the wedding herself. She should have let Drake’s mother do it. When Rachel had asked for her to get involved, Drake refused. This was their day, and they were going to do it their way, no one else’s. The only part she’d looked forward to was this. Rachel was pleased they both stuck at it. They’d stuck to it, and the day had become the thing of great joy.

  Closing her eyes, she snuggled into his body, knowing in her heart their life was about to begin. From the moment Drake had tried to talk to her in the bar to now, she’d felt alive. After witnessing the man she thought she loved in the city, Drake had opened her eyes for her to know what real love was all about.

  “Drake,” she said.

  “Yes, baby doll.”

  “When do you think we should start for a baby?” she asked.

  He tensed. “Not yet. I’m not sharing you with another human being. I’ve only just gotten you all to myself. I’m not in the mood to share you.”

  “We will have children, though right?”

  “We’ll have kids and, baby, we’re going to have a future together. I would never take that away from you.”

  “Good,” she said, kissing his lips.

  Several minutes passed with his arms wrapped around her. “Drake?”

  “Yeah, baby doll.”

  “I’m horny.”

  He cursed but claimed her mouth to satisfy her needs.


  Drake kept his promise. For five years they didn’t have a child. He couldn’t bear to share her with anyone, and so he compromised and bought her a dog. The rough collie, Sandy, became part of their little family helping him out at the ranch. Life was blissful and perfect, but Rachel wanted a child.

  Six years together saw their first child, a daughter, Mandy, being born. She was the light of his life like her mother. Drake was torn as he knew in years to come he’d be owning his very own shotgun. The moment he brought mother and daughter home from the hospital he made Bishop teach him how to shoot.

  Rachel thought it was hilarious that he was already planning on shooting boyfriends for when she was older.

  They bought another dog into the family, and when they had been together eight years, Rachel gave birth to their first son, Caleb.

  With two children and two dogs Drake was happy to call it a day on the family building, but Rachel had other ideas. When they were together twelve years, she gave birth to another son and then at fifteen, a daughter. Three more dogs, two cats, and five rabbits were bought into the family.

  It was a dream come true for the pair of them. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for Rachel. She was his woman forever and always.

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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