The Arrogance of Power

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by Anthony Summers

  RN and press ’62: (angry in ’60) TW60, p. 336; Fletcher Knebel in Minneapolis Tribune, undated, Jan. 1961; U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 26, 1962; (LA Times 1962) int. Paul Ziffren by FB, FBP, American Journalism Review, Apr. 1997; (not unfair) Klein, op. cit., p. 58; (“ridiculous”) int. Maurice Stans; (“What unnerved”) Hill, op. cit., p. 177.

  RN after speech: (“in the ass”) David, op. cit., p. 124–; Witcover, op. cit., p. 22, citing Time, uses “behind” rather than “ass”; (leaves for home) ibid.; (drive by self) Klein, op. cit., p. 372.

  RN alcohol election night: (8th Ave.) int. Jack Langguth; (concluded drink) e.g., James Wrightson, editor Sacramento Bee, in eds. Strober, Nixon, op. cit., p. 14; int. Richard Bergholz by FB, FBP; (description omitted) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 18; (“perversely stimulating”) Hill, op. cit., p. 164; (“one or two”) Hillings with Seelye, op. cit., p. 93; Parmet, Nixon, op. cit., p. 429; Witcover, op. cit., p. 13; (Ehrlichman) Ehrlichman, op. cit., pp. 21, 17; int. John Ehlrichman in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 121; int. John Ehrlichman.

  insomnia: (long-term) int. Leonard Hall by FB, FBP; (“more tired”) MEM, p. 237.

  RN/Pat relations ’62: (watching Pat) McCall’s, Oct. 1972, citing aide Nick Ruwe; Cronkite, op. cit., p. 221; (cruise) int. John Ehrlichman; Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 12; (“tension”) int. Ronald Ziegler; (“never forget”) int. Howard Seelye; (“bubbling”) SF News Call-Bulletin, Sep. 28, 1961; (“weapon”) Newsweek, Oct. 29, 1962; (“just stick”) int. Richard Bergholz by FB, FBP; (“Keep mouth shut”) int. Judge Jerry Pacht by FB, FBP.

  Pat after election: (aides preventing) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 17; (Pat sobbing) Witcover, op. cit., p. 13; (Pat “berserk”) Cheshire, op. cit., p. 112; (return home) Witcover, op. cit., p. 22; (“Oh, Dick” etc.) PAT, p. 213.

  RN rages: (“irrational”) int. Robert Finch by FB, FBP; (“deep dark”) Safire, op. cit., p. 364.

  Pat temper: e.g., Alsop, op. cit., p. 59.

  “martinis’ great”: 1968 presidential aide who requested anonymity.

  RN physical abuse: (Woodward) ints. Bob Woodward and also Carl Bernstein, David Obst; (Hersh) convs. Seymour Hersh, transcripts Hersh int. on NBC Today and CNBC Hardball, June 23, 1998; (Brown) transcript of int. Pat Brown by FB, FBP; (Cullen) int. Frank Cullen; (van Petten) int./corr. Jon Ewing and re. Van Petten career, corr. Tom Wolfe; (Ehrlichman on RN drink) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 21–; ints. John Ehrlichman and int. John Ehrlichman in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 121–; (Sears) ints. John Sears; (background) Garment, op. cit., pp. 107, 113; Wise, Police State, op. cit., p. 56–; Susan Trento, The Power House, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992, p. 72; Safire, op. cit., p. 167; (Taylor background, not re. beating) int. Waller Taylor III; (Taylor father—Reese) see Reese and Waller Taylor files, Series 320, VP, NA and Dennis Effle report to author, July 18, 1996; (service station) Winter-Berger, op. cit., p. 247; (Bohemian Grove) RN to Reese Taylor, July 31, 1961, corr. files, Series 320, VP, NA; (Segretti) Waller Taylor to RN, May 26; Finch to Waller Taylor, May 29, 1959, corr. files, Series 320, VP, NA; (’60 Convention) Waller Taylor to RN, July 11; RN to Taylor, July 22, 1960, corr. files, Series 320, VP, NA; (“He knows Pat”) int. Lou Cannon by FB, FBP; (psychologist/abuse) int. and corr. Gaye Humphries, counseling psychologist, formerly with Irish Defense Forces.

  RN/trousers: int. Sarah McClendon and see Parade, Oct. 31, 1971.

  “more reserved”:NYT magazine, May 13, 1962.

  “mother lay”:PAT, p. 214.

  “sadness for years”: ibid., p. 216.

  divorce?: int. Arnholt Smith and int. John Sears.

  depression/impotence?: (Bassett) notes and transcript of int. Bassett friends, Paul and Mickey Ziffren by FB, FBP, FB, p. 331; (RN observed) Harriet Van Horne column, New York Post, Nov. 15, 1968 and see Woodstone, op. cit., p. 8; (Hutschnecker) ints. Arnold Hutschnecker.

  Woods/dinner: int. James Bassett by FB, FBP; (just “kind of thing”) int. Nancy Chotiner.

  RN finished?: (Eisenhower) int. Leonard Hall by FB, FBP; (Time) Witcover, op. cit., p. 25; (“unelected”) NYT, Nov. 9, 1962; (“shot down”) int. Bryce Harlow in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 7; (JFK gloated) Parmet, Nixon, op. cit., p. 437; (JFK/Brown) SF Examiner, Dec. 6, 1998 citing JFK/Brown taped call, JFKL, released 1998; (JFK: “nobody . . .”) Bradlee, op. cit., p. 32n; (RN/Graham) Graham, op. cit., p. 443; (Chotiner) SF Examiner, Nov. 24, 1962.

  Pat griping: Witcover, op. cit., p. 41.

  $4 billion:PAT, p. 61.

  Chapter 20

  “I was accused”: Nixon, Arena, op. cit., pp. 36–, 122.

  Paradise Island: (background) Lisa Gubernick, Squandered Fortune, New York: Putnam, 1991, p. 124–; Paul Albury, Paradise Island Story, London: Macmillan, 1984, p. 94–; Gigi Mahon, The Company That Bought the Boardwalk, New York: Random House, 1980, p. 27; Alan Block, Masters of Paradise, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1991, p. 61–; (“Meyer’s Island”) Nassau Guardian, Feb. 16, 1978 citing Vincent Teresa deposition; (RN arrival ’62) Nassau Weekend Guardian, Nov. 17/18, 1962, Witcover, op. cit., p. 36–; (Davies) ibid.; ints. Huntington Hartford and (former wife) Diane Hartford; (not charged) Denny Walsh article, NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; (RN family arrive) MEM, p. 247, Nassau Daily Tribune, Nov. 28, 1962; (Paar) Paar, op. cit., p. 132; (“morose”) int. Seymour Alter; NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; (cigarette box) ibid.; (‘67 visits) London Daily Mail, Jan. 8, 1968; Look, Apr. 2, 1968; DP column, undated (Oct. ?),1968; Gubernick, op. cit., p. 176.

  Island take-over: (Crosby/Davis) Nassau Tribune, Dec. 14, 1968; (Lansky meeting) Gubernick, op. cit., p. 170–; Block, op. cit., p. 43; (bribe/exemption) “Masters of Paradise Island: Organized Crime, Neo-Colonialism & the Bahamas” by Alan Block and Patricia Klausner in Dialectical Anthroplogy, Vol. 12, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987, p. 92, citing “Report to Control Commission with Reference to the Casino License Application of Resorts International Hotel, Inc., Vol 3, (1978), p. 15, and Report of Commission of Inquiry into the Operation of the Business of Casinos in Freeport & Nassau, Nassau, 1967, pp. 20, 102; Henry Petersen to Fred Vinson, Mar. 24, 1967, citing Louis Chesler, admission to Peloquin, Messick Papers, Alan Block Collection; (informant on cheating) IFB report, Nov. 9, 1964, Phelps No. 92-2831, File 92–102, Justice Dept. Org. Crime & Racketeering Section, Block Collection; (Peters trailed) Saturday Evening Post, Feb. 25, 1967; (been cartons) Miami Herald, Apr. 12, 1967; (Hartford furious) Gubernick, op. cit., p. 156 and see 153–; Block, op. cit., p. 62–; Mahon, op. cit., p. 65; (license in 1966) Dialetical Anthropology, supra., p. 94; Mahon, op. cit., p. 68–; (Groves) Block, op. cit., pp. 27–, 34–; Mahon, op. cit., p. 60–; Saturday Evening Post, Feb. 25, 1967.

  Crosby: (background) Manhattan, Inc., Feb. 1987; (Groves/Life) NYT, Jan. 17, 1979; (real estate project) Mahon, op. cit., p. 208–; (“The funds amassed”) Block, op. cit., p. 81; (Fiduciary Trust) ibid., p. 82–; (Enforcement Div. opposed) Barrons, Sept. 26, 1977, Manhattan, Inc., Feb. 1987; Hollywood Reporter, Dec. 5, 1978; Wall St. Journal, May 22, 1970, p. 15.

  “ripe for skim”: Block, op. cit., p. 70.

  Cellini: (Director) company bio., Resorts International stockholder’s report, 1967, Block Collection; (banned/removed) NYT, Jan. 17, 1979, [Brunswick, NJ] Home News, Jan. 24, 1979; (claimed innocent) Dialectical Anthroplogy, supra., p. 96; Bergen County Record, Oct. 14, 1976; Las Vegas Sun, Mar. 21, 1971, Mahon, op. cit., p. 86; (Eddie Cellini/Cuba/Kentucky) CIA Inspector General’s Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro, op. cit., p. 30; Messick, Lansky, op. cit., p. 217; Dialectical Anthropology, supra., p. 96; Jerry Shields, The Invisible Millionaire, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986, p. 226; Hank Messick, Secret File, New York: Putnam, 1969, p. 323–; [Brunswick, NJ] Home News, Jan. 24, 1979.

  Lansky/Dino Cellini indictment: Jeff Gerth article, Penthouse, July 1974.

  Teresa: (testified) Perm. Subcttee. on Investigations, Cttee on Gov. Ops., 92nd Cong., 1st Sess., U.S. Sen., Hearings on Organized Crime (Stolen Securities), July 27, 1971, p. 814; Nassau Guardian, citing Jan. 31, 197
8 testimony in Resorts International Inc., v. Straight Arrow Publishers Inc., U.S. Dist. Court, S. Dist. of Florida, No. 76144551-CIV-WMH, and see Teresa and Renner, op. cit., p. 222; (inspector) Ray Clark, cited in undated memo, 1973, Warren Adams to John Sablich of Fidelifacts; (corporate investigators for plaintiff Huntington Hartford in suit v. James Crosby, Resorts International, et al), supplied to author, p. 536; (FBI agent) Frank Smith, cited in memo Dec. 10, 1973, John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, ibid., p. 583.

  Skyjector: Mahon, op. cit., p. 55.

  Chesler: Jeff Gerth article, Sundance, Nov./Dec., 1972; Blumenthal & Yazijian, op. cit., p. 139.

  Alter: (“old Lansky man”) Smith cited in memo, Dec. 10, 1973, John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 584; (Block) Block, op. cit., p. 61; (Alter/Lansky) ibid., pp. 62, 78n16; Miami Herald, Mar. 20, 1976; (officials oppose) NYT, Sept. 2, 1979; (violations/bribery) NY State Liquor Authority docs., transcript of Alter grand jury testimony, 1962, all in Block Collection; NYT, Dec. 13, 1978, Feb. 18, Sept. 2, 1979 and Block, op. cit., p. 61; Gubernick, op. cit., p. 172; Mahon, op. cit., p. 231–; (RN/Rebozo relations) NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; int. Seymour Alter; (“Treat well”) Judith Denny memo to files on DeBoer int., Aug. 15, 1975, Box 98, WSPF, NA.

  RN and Paradise Island: (“in on negotiations”) Frank Smith cited in memo, Dec. 10, 1973, John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 586; (RN/Crosby $100,000) int. Seymour Alter, NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; (RN/benefactor dine) Nassau Tribune, June 11, 1968; (Cosa Grande) Nevada State Journal, Oct. 31, 1968; undated memo, Warren Adams to John Sablich, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 545; (Crosby Wh. House) HD, p. 25; Barrons, Sept. 26, 1977; (Golden background) memos Jim Rowe to Scott Armstrong, Oct. 17, 1973; Armstrong to Terry Lenzner, Oct. 22, 1973; Sen. Int. memo folder 807, Box 101, WSPF; Nassau Tribune, Aug. 8, 1969, Resorts International stockholder’s report, (1969?), Block Collection; (close to RN) Frank Smith cited in memo, Dec. 10, 1973, John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 588; (“Nixon’s man”) Rolling Stone, May 20, 1976; (Ehrlichman) int. John Ehrlichman; Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 52; (S.S. advice) Barrons, Sept. 26, 1977; (“significant investment”) London Daily Mail, Jan. 8, 1968.

  “giving the shaft”: Moldea, Interference, op. cit., p. 174.

  Paradise Island Bridge: (suit) Nassau Tribune, Oct. 9, 1973; Gubernick, op. cit., p. 210; (Bridge facts) Nassau Tribune, Jan. 27, 1966, Oct. 9, 1973, Aug. 31, 1984; (percentages) IRS informant Sally Woodruff, wife of Ed Woodruff, text, supra; report on Sy Alter, P.I. Bridge Co., Ltd., p. 4, Block Collection; (“reason to believe”) Nassau Tribune, Oct. 9, 1973; (RN Swiss deposits?) Moldea, Interference, op. cit., p. 458n6 and convs./corr. Dan Moldea; (Crosby denied) Mahon, op. cit., p. 50; (Smith) cited in memo, Dec. 10, 1973; John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, Fidelifacts report, supra., pp. 578, 586–; (Butler background) Block, op. cit., pp. 141–, 157n24 and 37, Hutchison, op. cit., refs.; (Butler/bridge) ibid., p. 281–; Hougan, Spooks, op. cit., p. 180; (Mitchell) int./corr. Jim Hougan, investigative journalist who conducted interview.

  “20 a day”: int. Carl Feldbaum.

  “A sound basis”: Carl Feldbaum to Henry Ruth, May 15, 1974, Investigative Corr. Box 14, WSPF (H-R), NA.

  Pictures ’69: (“Rebozo feared”) Spear, op. cit., p. 69; (Silk) ints. George Silk.

  Silberman: (call to FBI) June 8, 1973 FBI memo, “Re: James Walter McCord, et al. Burglary of Dem. Party HQ, June 17, 1972” and associated corr., probably all in file containing FBI 139- 4089-2624; (Buckley) Feldbaum to Ruth memo, May 15, 1974, supra., and accompanying docs.; (male associates) former FBI informant, now security consultant, and former entertainment industry executive, both of whom requested anonymity; (background) ints. David Silberman, Elsie Silberman (wife), Kathy Silberman (daughter), Dee Anne Hill (secretary), Jack Cassinetto (former colleague), Gene Henry and Alvin Lotzcar (coin dealers); (murder conviction) Oakland Tribune, Oct. 21, 1979, Oct. 23, Nov. 25, Dec. 18, 1980; (signed photo) int. Dee Anne Hill; (Life pic. in bar) ints. Kent Woods, John Cassinetto; (S. Service agents) ints. Art Godfrey, Earl Moore by Phil Stanford, Robbyn Swan, and author; (Feb. Group) association directory, Dec. ’94/Jan. ’95, NYT, WP, Apr. 26, 1977; Newsweek, undated, 1978; SF Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1978; (Youngblood) WP, Oct. 19, 1971; (Edward Kennedy) June 13, Sept. 7, 1972 entries; AOP, pp. 40, 132; WP, Feb. 8, 1997; (McGovern) Nick Akerman to files, Nov. 19, 1973, citing int. John Dean, WSPF, NA; Marc Lackritz, undated memo, “Campaign Practices,” GEMSTONE file, E, NA; (Don Nixon) Wall St. Journal, Dec. 4, 1973; (“perversion”) NYT, Feb. 18, 1974; (Morgan) notes of int. Pacific News Service, Nov. 2, 1982, Stanley Kutler Papers; (Ehrlichman) int. John Ehrlichman; (FBI doc.) C. A. Nuzum to Mr. Long, May 23, 1974, FBI 139-4089-2761.

  Laxalt: (crime links?) Sacramento Bee, Nov. 1, 1983; Scheim, op. cit., p. 308–; Dan Moldea, Dark Victory, New York: Viking, 1986 p. 347; Crime Control Digest, May 28, 1984; (Hughes Donation) Maheu, op. cit., p. 167; (re: Hoffa) Moldea, Dark Victory, op. cit., p. 259; (Laxalt denial) Tom Loranger to author, Nov. 8, 1999.

  gold window: Safire, op. cit., p. 509–; Wicker, op. cit., pp. 543–, 545–; Theodore White, The Making of the President 1972, New York: Atheneum, 1972 (henceforth TW72), p. 64–; James Reston, Jr., The Lone Star: The Life of John Connally, New York: Harper & Row, 1989, p. 403–; Genovese, op. cit., p. 68–; MEM, p. 518–; ints. Don Adams, asst. dir. of international finance, Federal Reserve, George Shultz, Peter Flanigan, Darwin Beck; (Volcker) Safire, op. cit., p. 515.

  Selix: ints. Janice Selix, Rose Wilkins.

  study as described: int. Ronald Ziegler.

  woman invited: ints. Patti Clarke.

  3 witnesses: Dee Anne Hill (Silberman’s secretary), Robin Sargeant (cousin), and Carol Adams.

  Newell background: ints. Elizabeth Newell, Bill Gill, Michael Hershman.

  DeBoer: (ad./“honest”) Stephen Haberfield to Hughes-Rebozo file, re: int. of DeBoer, Jan. 10, 1974, Folder 809, WSPF, NA; Mahon, op. cit., p. 34; (wife/Rebozo) ibid. and DeBoer executive session testimony, Aug. 8, 1973, p. 2–, E, NA—DeBoer said once that he met Rebozo a year before getting the job, once that he met him only two weeks earlier; (knew Crosby/partner [I.G. Davis]) ibid., p. 51, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 486–; (Crosby/Davis accounts) NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; WPLG-TV News, July 20, 1973, in Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 1537; Village Voice, Dec. 20, 1973; (SEC bar/Exchange expulsion) WP, Oct. 25, 31, 1973; NYT, Jan. 5, 1971, Nov. 9, 1973; (jail) Miami Herald, June 19,(?) 1977; (Newell revelations) ints. Elizabeth Newell, Kent Blacklidge [nephew], Newell original contemporary notes and calendar, supplied to author; (“losing” money) int. Elizabeth Newell, contemp. Newell notes of DeBoer convs.; (Alter) ibid.; (Woodruff) Nassau Guardian, July 29, 1971; Warren Adams to John Sablich, undated memo, Fidelifacts report, supra., p. 544; (Stearns) Linda Noonan to Paul Michel, Nov. 15, 1974; summary ints. re: Alter, O’Sullivan, DeBoer, Box 113, WSPF, NA; (giftshop) Linda Noonan to Paul Michel, Nov. 15, 1974, re: Alter on matters testified to by Stearns, summary IRS int., Box 112, WSPF, NA; NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; (Rebozo instructions) Alter note in papers of Carmine Bellino, Ervin Cttee. chief investigator, supplied to author; Miami Herald, Nov. 29, 1973; (“lots of things”) Judith Denny to files, Aug. 15, 1974, DeBoer folder, Box 98, WSPF, NA; (“bagman”) NYT, Jan. 21, 1974; (tapes made) ints. Newell, Michael Hershman, Bill Gill, Carl Feldbaum, Newell transcript, Paul Michel to Henry Ruth, Oct. 16, 1975, p. 244, “re. Closing Memo on Hughes-Rebozo Unreported Campaign Funds,” File 309-804, Final Report, WSPF, NA, and Jack Anderson in WP, Dec. 11, 1973, NYT, Jan. 27, 1974; (fabrication?) ibid. and see memo of DeBoer int. by IRS, Nov. 8, 1974, File 804, WSPF, NA—DeBoer acknowledged knowing Newell.

  “no foreign accounts”: Frost, op. cit., p. 192.

  “Operation Tradewinds”: Block, op. cit., p. 6–; ints. Richard Jaffe, Norman Casper; (RFK/Reno commended) copies supplied to author by Jaffe.

  Castle Bank: (access obtained) ints. Norman Casper, Richard Jaffe, Casper and Jaffe testimony, Nov. 4, 1975, Hearings Subcttee. of Cttee. on Gov.
Ops., Oversight Hearings into the Operation of the IRS, U.S. House of Reps., 94th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 137–; (suspect) ibid., p. 140; (print-out found) ibid., pp. 141, 157–, 179–, 182, 207, 211–; (list obtained) ibid., 142–, 178–; Castle Bank Account List, 1972, Jaffe handwritten notes, Block Collection re: list obtained Jan. 15, 1973, & (re: briefcase) U.S. Petitioner v. Jack Payner, US-65LEd21468, 100, S. Ct., U.S. Supreme Court Reports, p. 473; (2nd copy) Miami Herald, July 1, 1980; (names) ibid., Castle List, supra.; Wall St. Journal, Apr. 18, 1980; Hank Messick article, Rolling Stone, May 20, 1976 [inc. Hall] and see TW-24 memo, “Subject Tom Ferguson,” Apr. 25, 1974, Casper Papers; (files purged?) IRS Oversight Hearings, supra., p. 207–; Richard Jaffe to Levoy Venable, May 15, 1974, at p. 187; Sartiano ref. at Steadman Stahl Summary, Nov. 3, 1981, Jaffe Papers, TW-24 to file, June 11, 1973, May 10, 1974, Casper Papers; (denial) Nassau Tribune, Oct. 29, 1976; (“absolutely positive”) int. Samuel Pierson; (Bahamians prohibited) Nicki Kelly to author, Sept. 27, 1987, Burton Kanter to Anthony Marro, June 29, 1975, Casper Papers; (computer) Nassau Tribune, Nov. 4, 1972; (“not prepared”) int. Alan Bickerton, IRS Oversight Hearings, supra., p. 187; (IRS upheaval) Wise, American Police State, op. cit., p. 348; Lernoux, op. cit., p. 90–; Miami Herald, Apr. 7, 1976 and undated Jan. 1977, July 1, 1980, Nassau Tribune, Sept. 27, 1975; WP, Nov. 5, 1977; Rolling Stone, May 20, 1976; LAT/WP Service, Dec. 6, 1975.

  Casper reaction to discovery: (“disturbed me”) Oversight Hearings, supra., p. 212; (respected) ints. Charles Wey [former adviser to IRS asst. commissioner], Richard Jaffe, Dallas Morning Star, Nov. 23, 1975; (knew RN/Rebozo) ints. Norman Casper; (Republican) ints. Norman Casper; (Rebozo/Casper mtg.) Jaffe diary note, Feb. 12, 1976, Block collection, Casper to Jaffe, Feb. 17, 1976, Casper Papers, int. Norman Casper; (Casper wondered?) Oversight Hearings, supra., p. 179.


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