Cocky Prick: A Bad Boy Romance

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Cocky Prick: A Bad Boy Romance Page 30

by Tessa Thorne

  “Hey, Marco.” She leans in and gives him European kisses on the cheeks. She puts a white box and her purse on the closest table and turns around with her arms wide open. I run into her arms and give her a big hug.

  “It’s so nice to see you again!” Her words are muffled by my hair.

  “I know.” I pull back and look into her face. It really is nice to see her again. I’ve practically been under house arrest for the past week, and I’ve been dying to talk to her in person.

  I turn to Marco. “We'll be upstairs if you need me.” He nods.

  Sarah picks up the large white box, removes the cord wrapped around it and puts its contents on display in front of Marco’s face. “Before you go, take a pastry.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” He grins and takes a chocolate-covered puff pastry. He turns to me. “You should have her over more often,” he jokes.

  I laugh as I start to walk upstairs. “Will do, Marco.”

  He pops the entire pastry into his mouth, smiles with his mouth comically filled up, and lets his eyes linger on my legs before he heads into the living room.

  I close the door to my bedroom after Sarah comes in, wait for her to put the box and her purse down on my table, and give Sarah another big hug.

  “That guy’s always got his eyes on you.” Sarah laughs.

  “I know, but he’s harmless. Too afraid of my dad.” I shrug. “I’m so happy you're here.”

  “It’s been too long, girl.” She looks at me sadly. “Have you really been cooped up in this house for a week?”

  “Yeah. They have me on house arrest.” I breathe out an exaggerated sigh. “My dad has Marco keeping an eye on the place whenever he’s out. I can’t even go to Hush. I have to do all my work from here.”

  “That fucking sucks.” She plops down on my couch and kicks her heels off her feet.

  “Tell me about it.” I sit down on the other end of the couch and put my feet up on her thighs.

  She looks at my feet, curling her lips with a slight sneer of disdain.

  “Are you judging my feet?” I laugh.

  She raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. “You want to lie and tell me you’ve gotten your nails done this week?”

  “I think you’re forgetting the part about how I’m under house arrest.” I pull my feet back from her lap and wrap my arms around my knees.

  “This is one of those family things you can’t talk about, right?”

  I put my chin on my knees and nod.

  “You know my parents think I’m crazy staying friends with you, right?” She grabs the box of pastries, throws open the lid and passes it over to me.

  “No kidding.” I take out a mini cannoli with chocolate chips. I eat the pastry slowly in a moment of awkward silence. That’s how conversations about my family always end, with awkward silences. I’m just glad Sarah decided to stay my friend after she found out who my family is.

  “You know you’re the devil, Sarah?” I pick out another cannoli. “You know I can’t stop eating these.”

  She grins and makes devil horns with her hands. There are two ways people tend to react when they find out who my dad is. They either stop talking to me, afraid I’ll have them killed over the smallest slight. Or, they pretend I’m their best friend, so they can tell everyone they know they're friends with the Pavonis. Sarah’s the only person I've ever met who just shrugged and kept acting like I was a normal person. I really lucked out getting her as a roommate when we were in college.

  “Soooooooo…” I immediately know where she’s headed, and I don’t really want to talk about it. There are times when only having friends who are sycophants would have its advantages, and I suspect this is one of them. “Have you heard from Gio yet?”

  There it is. The conversation I was dreading having. “No.”

  “Have you texted him?”


  “So you’re just leaving it at that?” She puts the box aside and pulls herself up on the couch so she can properly stare me down.

  “It’s his turn to text me back.” I cross my arms over my chest and look away from her.

  “What the hell does that mean?” she asks with exasperation.

  “It means I went out on a limb and texted him after we hooked up that first time.” My voice gets louder than I’d meant. I don’t want to yell at her, but he’s not here for me to yell at him. I take a deep breath to calm myself. “He has my number. He can call or text me back.”

  “Look, girl.” Sarah leans in toward me and lowers her voice. “You’re the one who’s always complaining about how guys are too afraid of your family, so you can never get laid. Right?”

  “No.” I’m pretty sure I’ve never said that. Not in those words, anyway. “I complained that no one ever asks me out, not that I don’t get laid.”

  “Whatever!” She throws up her hands. “You go on a date to get laid. So you’re just arguing semantics.”

  “Fine.” I turn back to her. “What’s your point?”

  “My point is that you had a sex god walk into your life. He gives literally zero fucks about who you are, or your family. He fucked you in a way that makes the guys I’ve hooked up with look like innocent virgins. And you aren’t willing to text him back because it’s his turn?”


  “You wanna know what I think?” she asks.

  “Not really, but I know you’re going to tell me anyhow.”

  “Damn straight, and that’s why you love me.” She grins. “I think you’re afraid of how he’s making you feel. I think you’re afraid that if you keep seeing him, you’ll eventually have to tell your parents. And you’d rather live the rest of your life in misery than tell them that you're no longer your dad’s little princess.”

  I put my chin down and bury my face between my knees. I keep trying to deny it, but I know she’s right.

  She scoots closer on the couch. “Take this from me. She puts her hand on top of my head and brushes her fingers through my hair. “I’ve dated a lot of men, and someone like Gio doesn’t come around that often.”

  I lift up my head and look at her. She’s definitely right. If I let Gio go, it’ll be a decision I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I owe it to myself to at least try to make it work.

  The moment of silence is broken by the faint sound of a phone vibrating from my closet. Our heads whip around in that direction and I have to race Sarah to get to the phone first. I grab the purse, turn my body to block her out and dig the phone out of the purse.

  It’s Gio.

  Sarah reaches for the phone in my moment of hesitation. “Answer it!”

  I manage to keep the phone out of her hand and accept the call.

  “I want to see you.” It’s definitely Gio.

  “Well, hello to you, too,” I say sarcastically. I ignore Sarah demanding that I put the phone on speaker. “You don’t call me for a week, and then you just demand to see me?” As much as I want to talk to him, I can't help giving him a little shit over everything.

  “Some things are better said in person.” His voice sounds tense.

  “It’s going to be hard to get out of the house right now, Gio.” Sarah is shaking her head, disappointed in the direction this conversation is going.

  “Then I’ll come to you.”

  “I don’t think you understand.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I can’t have a guy over to my house. My dad will flip.” I’m actually worried he’d do much worse given what’s happened recently.

  “He doesn’t have to know.” I hear the sound of a loud engine in the background. Sounds like he’s driving. “I’m about twenty minutes away. Just leave your window open so the alarm doesn’t trip.”

  Shit, he’s already on the way. My heart starts thumping in my chest in anticipation. My body’s betraying me, eager for him to drop in on my bedroom, but my brain is screaming that this is a terrible idea.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say. Sarah’s clearly heard what he’s said abo
ut coming over, and she’s doing her embarrassing happy jig. She’s got no rhythm. “My house has manned security, alarms and cameras. There’s no way you’ll get in here without being caught.”

  “I’ll see you in twenty.” The phone goes dead.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Sarah pumps her fist into the air. “Can I stay and watch from the closet? This is going to be like one of those 80s romance movies!”

  “Oh my God, you big weirdo!” I rush out of the closet and start cleaning up my room. “No. You have to get out of here before he comes.”

  “Aw…” She clasps her hands together and pouts. “Please! I just want to see him…and to verify that his dick is as big as you said it was.”

  “You’ll just have to take my word for it.” I pick up her purse and shove it into her arms. “Besides, you don’t want to be here when this whole thing goes south. There’s no way he can sneak into this house without getting caught.” Despite my misgivings, I really hope he can prove otherwise. He did say he was a commando, or something like that.

  “Okay, fine.” She pulls me into a hug. “But you’re going to have to give me all the details.”

  I squeeze her back. “You know I will.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” She smiles and squeezes my cheek. “My baby girl is all grown up.”

  “Okay, you really have to go now.” I laugh. “On your way out, just tell Marco I’m not feeling well and I’m going to bed early, okay?”

  “Will do. As long as you do all the things I wouldn’t do!” She waves goodbye and blows me a kiss. “Ciao.”

  I close the door behind her, wishing the damn thing had a lock. I sit down on my chest, listening to the blood pounding in my ear. With Sarah gone, the whole situation crashes down on me. What the hell am I doing, telling him it’s okay for him to come here?

  He didn’t even ask, he just said he’s coming. I should have told him no. What, am I supposed to just hope that Marco doesn’t decide to come upstairs to randomly check on me? At least I don’t have to worry about my mom walking in on me.

  I check the time on my phone, which I'm still clutching tightly. He should be here in fifteen minutes. Just enough time to find something better to wear. I unlock my windows, pressing the small buttons on the side of the frame so the alarms don’t trip. I wonder how he knew about those, but I don’t think on it much as I rush into my closet looking for something to wear. I should have asked Sarah to stay long enough to help me pick out an outfit. I’m the more business-minded of us, but she really knows her clothes.

  I end up settling on a light summer dress and a pair of silver ballet slippers. I’m feeling a little self-conscious about my toes, and I don’t have enough time to reapply nail polish.

  Time must have gone by faster than I’d thought because next thing I know, I hear a light knock on the windowsill to my bedroom. I rush to the window and lean down to find Gio grinning back up at me.

  “I can’t believe you made it without getting caught!” The yard is totally empty. No guards rushing after him. No one’s noticed a thing.

  He lifts himself up onto the windowsill and swings his legs around. “Is this a shoe-free household?”

  I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this situation is. I’m breaking the most important rules of living under this roof, and he’s asking me if he should take off his shoes.

  “That’s probably a good idea.” He’s wearing red leather boots with sturdy looking soles. “I don’t want to have to explain any extra-large boot tracks left on my carpet.”

  He nods and unties his boots, then drops down onto the carpet in his brown wool socks, and flexes his toes into the plush carpet.

  “This is good carpet.” He takes me by the hand and pulls me into his chest. “Totally worth taking off my shoes.”

  His lips press against mine in a too short kiss. I’d be lying to myself if I said I’d mind him throwing me down on my bed and taking me right now. Just being next to his body after a week apart is setting my loins on fire.

  I look up into his intense gray eyes. “How did you make it through the tree line and the yard without getting caught?”

  “It’s what I do.” There’s no braggadocio in his voice. He says that like it’s just a matter of fact. “There’s no security system that’ll keep me away from you.”

  Those words send a shiver up my spine. Him being here tells me he’s right, but it reminds me how little I really know about him. He never told me who he was looking for when he first came to Hush, and a part of me tells me that I wouldn’t like his answer.

  I poke my head out of the window to take one last look to make sure no one saw him coming. Finally satisfied, I pull my head back and close the window.

  “Your camera systems have a few blind spots.” He lays his backpack against the wall and slides his boots under the bed. “If you’re patient and can figure out the timing, you can make it through the yard without being seen.”

  “That’s very impressive.” Given what’s happened lately, it’s actually a bit worrying. I wonder if I should tell my dad about the flaws with our security system. But how would I do that without making him suspicious?

  “If you want, I can show you where they are. That way you can come and go without being seen.” He smiles playfully as he unzips the backpack and pulls out a rectangular pine box.

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  He opens the box and inside is a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses cradled in the cloth-covered box.

  “I know this spot nearby.” He pulls a bottle opener from the case and pulls the cork out of the bottle with a pop. “You can drive up on this clearing above the tree line, lie back on a blanket and just watch the sky.”

  “That sounds really nice.” I check outside the door to make sure no one's out there, close it again and turn up the music just a bit.

  Gio’s eyes follow me with a small smile on his face. I feel my blood rush to my face realizing how childish this must all look to him. He has to sneak into my room by climbing in from my yard. I’m checking outside my door to make sure no one’s spying on me. I have to turn up the music so no one can hear me talk.

  These are things a grown woman shouldn’t have to deal with. Part of the privilege of being the daughter of an important man.

  Gio walks over to the couch, sits down and motions for me to sit next to him. I walk over as he pours two glasses of wine, and sink down into the cushion next to him.

  The warmth of his body is only matched by the intensity in his eyes. I feel his eyes burning into me as I take a glass from him, ring it against his and bring the dry red wine to my lips.

  “If you want,” he says before he takes a shallow sip of wine, “I can take you there after we're done with this wine.”

  I try to make myself stop but my eyes flicker toward the door. “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I say reluctantly.

  “Why not?” He shifts his glass to his other hand and puts his arm around my shoulders. I sink into him, enjoying his strong arm around me.

  “It’s been a strange week.” I put my hand on his, rubbing his knuckles with my thumb. “My family’s been on edge over some...things, and I’m supposed to stay in. I haven't even been able to leave the house for work.”

  “That’s what your father wants.” Gio finishes his glass and puts it back on a coaster on my table. “But I didn’t come here to find out what Mr. Pavoni wants to do. I want to know what you want to do.”

  There’s an odd inflection in the way he says Mr. Pavoni. It’s not much of a stretch to think he’d be annoyed at my dad though, keeping me from seeing him as freely as I want. But I have to admit, the idea of sneaking out with him to a secluded spot really appeals to me.

  I look up into his eyes and bite my lip. “I think I want you to show me this spot.”

  He smiles, leans in and gives me a soft kiss. I want it to be so much more but I’ll take what he’s willing to give. “Let’s order some takeout while we finish this wine. Have the wise guy do
wnstairs bring it up. You’ll tell him you’re just going to eat and turn in early. Then I’ll take care of the rest.”

  My stomach is doing flips as I hear him lay out the plans. I can’t imagine how this is really going to work, but the sureness in his voice comforts me. If he was able to get here without being caught, surely we’d be able to do it together. Right?

  He takes the bottle and pours me another glass. I raise it to him and take a big gulp, hoping that it’ll slow down my heart so it doesn’t pound its way out of my chest. “Let’s do it.”

  There’s a knock on my door. I wait a moment to see if he’ll come in without me acknowledging him, but the door remains closed. I smile ruefully, knowing that at least Marco doesn’t think he can just walk into my room without permission.

  I pull my sheet up over my chest so he doesn’t see I’m dressed to go outside. “Come in.”

  The door opens slowly and Marco pokes his head inside hesitantly. This must be really weird for him, being asked to come into the room where the boss’s princess sleeps. I don't think he's ever even seen my room before.

  “Hey.” He steps inside, a small grin on his face. “Your food is here.”

  He has a takeout bag from a local Chinese place in one hand, and a plate with utensils in another.

  “Thanks, Marco.” I don’t bother feigning a sick voice. That’s just too much like being back in high school. Not that I faked being sick much, just the few times I had reasons to avoid school. Being a Mafia princess doesn’t make you immune to the cruel things people can say behind your back.

  He puts everything on the table. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “You’ve done more than enough, Marco. Sorry you’re stuck here tonight.”

  He laughs and steps back toward the door. He’s clearly feeling weird about being in my bedroom. “It’s not that bad. You have all the cable channels, so I’m catching up on some shows I never got around to watching.”

  “Have you figured out anything about what happened to Tommy and Rizzo?” I blurt out. I really shouldn’t be dragging this out with Gio hiding in my closet, and me dying to get out of my room. But I let my curiosity get the better of me.


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