Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 10

by Jodie Halliday

  “And it’s important that your parents don’t sell this house, OK?” said Neil, looking at them both. “To prevent that I think Holly, you should make an offer on it, conditional on inspection.”

  “But I don’t think this is the right house for me.”

  “Actually, I don’t either. It’s the right size but too far out of town for you and the wrong side for your commute. But if you make an offer, say in eight to ten days’ time then that will maybe stop them from accepting any other offer. All we need to do is delay their acceptance of an offer until Jess has a place at Witney, right?”

  “Oh, OK, then I withdraw the offer?”

  “Yes. You’re about the twentieth person who has viewed the house and everyone either dislikes the location or thinks it’s overpriced. It’s going to be on the market for some time longer until the price is dropped. So by the time you withdraw the offer Jess will have left home. Is that OK with you Jess?”

  “Yeah, but I would need somewhere to go.”

  “Ok, so here’s part two of the plan. Normally I would get five percent of the sale price as commission. In the case of this potential sale to Holly I’ve had so much fun that I will donate the proceeds of whatever house you buy Holly back to you, and you, Jess. Half each.”

  “What?” they said in unison.

  “To be used for rent after Jess moves out. Either into a very temporary place, or straight into Holly’s house after she has moved out. It should cover the rent until you get your grant and a job. And some to cover the costs of basic furniture for you, Holly.”

  Jess jumped up from her seat and hugged him. Holly touched his hand in admiration. “That’s a very generous thought, Neil,” said Holly.

  “Jess, you absolutely have to stay in the dorms for the first year, OK?” said Neil, kissing her.

  “But ..”

  “We can see each other at weekends and holidays.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” said Holly.

  “Jess,” said Neil. Telling your parents about your plans will be a tough moment for all of you. Any idea what you’ll say?”

  “No, not really. They’ll go crazy.”

  “Try it out now, on me and Holly, as though we’re your parents,” said Neil, smiling at the thought.

  “Well, I’m not sure,” said Jessica, thinking for a while. She looked up and smiled. “Dad, Mum, I need to tell you something important. I’ve been accepted at Witney University for the next school year to study Physics. I’ll be moving out of here in the next two or three weeks and will let you know where I’ll be living. When the term starts I’ll be in the dorms with all the other students.” Jessica looked at them both. Holly raised her eyebrows in appreciation and Neil nodded slowly.

  “Worked for me, maybe mention something about visiting them at weekends?” said Holly.

  “Yeah, short and sweet,” said Neil.

  “By now my Mum would be screaming at me ‘Physics? You’re doing English Literature and Divinity my girl!’ and my Dad would be running for the family bible.”

  Neil nodded in understanding. “You may just want to excuse yourself and go to your room, before they try to send you there. Then email me and Holly.”

  “Do you have a house key?” asked Holly.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Maybe take a walk, demonstrate that you feel free to come and go since you’re nineteen.”

  “Oh yes, that would be good, see how my Dad reacts and whether he trails me in his car.”

  They talked for almost an hour on other parts of the plan and whether there was any chance of a rescue if Jessica didn’t get accepted at Witney. After agreeing on a story for what happened overnight they made the house look respectable, left some clues around to indicate sleeping arrangements then after a final check of each room, Holly walked out and down to her car, cursing her skirt and heels in the atrocious ice and snow. The sun however was wonderful and the whole neighborhood was silent except for the tinkling of a thousand drips. The car doors were stuck and she had to pull fairly hard to get them to open after which threw the bag of Jessica’s spare clothes on the back seat and then set about the scraping the windows. Neil arrived about five minutes later and Holly very slowly turned the car round and they headed back to town.

  Holly drove carefully and impressed herself with her ability to handle the car even as the road changed from slush to ice. The tree-lined avenues were stunningly pretty where the sun placed golden medallions on the snow and warmed the surface of the dual carriageway. She leaned back in her seat after being hunched up over the wheel and relaxed. Neil put his hand on her knee and briefly squeezed. She understood the meaning, mainly a thank you for exorcising his demons but also as confirmation of their shared weekend. His cellphone buzzed and he looked down at the screen then chuckled.

  “Jess. Saying she hopes we’re home safely.”

  “Huh, almost. Ask her to let you know when the tree has been chopped up.”

  He tapped away then slipped it back into his pocket. “To think it was all triggered really just by one kiss.”

  “How do you mean?” asked Holly as they stopped at traffic lights.

  “Jess said that when you kissed her for the first time she knew she was going to be free someday.”

  “She was like a little bird as we lay there. A bird with a broken wing.”

  “Hol, there’s more to this church social thing than she first admitted. Seems it went on for almost two years from when she was fifteen.”

  “Jeez, I had no idea! Whatever it was it will be with her for life, poor thing.”

  “I know.” Neil rested his head on the window and stared out at the shops and the few pedestrians who had braved the cold. “After you had gone to sleep last night we talked for ages. The subject of this social club came up, actually she brought it up. She wanted to get someone else’s opinion, to get it out into the open. It was as painful for her as, you know, Shelly had been.”

  “Poor girl.”

  “Yeah, lots of tears but mainly feel guilty for letting it happen, not fighting back.”

  “But she couldn’t, could she?”

  “No, no way.” He stared out of the window for some time before turning to Holly. “She wasn’t a virgin, Hol, last night”

  Holly shook her head. “Like my first kiss, what you did probably gave her the courage to move forward with her life.”

  “Take a left here,” said Neil, pointing at the next junction. “Yeah. You’re probably right. If you’re OK with it I think we need to give her a helping hand for a little while longer.”

  “Course, happy to help her.” Holly wondered if that was going to be the limit of his help and that she had misjudged their attraction for each other. His words didn’t seem to reflect the affection that he had shown when they were together. She didn’t think he was the sort of man who would use Jessica for his own brief excitement then immediately move on.

  “OK, this is my place here.”

  Holly pulled up as indicated and surveyed the road and the properties. “Wow, this place is huge!” she said, regarding the house and its grounds.

  “Got it as a foreclosure. Took two years to process the legal stuff but it was worth it. Four bedrooms, no basement though.”

  “You have three spare bedrooms?”

  “Yeah, excessive eh?” he said, grinning happily over at her.

  Holly smiled. “OK, let’s keep in touch. I’ll call you once I’ve spoken to the Dean.” She leaned over and he kissed her cheek.

  “Thanks so much Hol, drive carefully.”

  Chapter 6

  Holly arrived back at her house fifteen minutes later and congratulated herself for managing to miss every car she had encountered. She careful stepped around the car, grabbed Jessica’s bag of clothes and went inside. She made a quick cup of coffee and went upstairs, closing the door behind her before turning on the electric fire. The room was cold and it would take at least twenty minutes to heat up before she could relax. Closing the curtains,
she turned on her PC and dropped her mail on her desk, then flopped onto her bed. It smelled nice, homely and welcoming as she snuggled down under the duvet to wait for the warmth to mobilize her.

  She called her mother and waited for her to answer the call. It seemed to ring for much longer than usual before her mother answered.


  “Mum, it’s me.”

  “Holly! Oh, so nice to hear your voice. Where are you now?”

  “At home. Just got back from house hunting,” she said, knowing this was the first they had heard about it.

  “Are you moving then?”

  “Yes, I’m thinking of buying a house.”

  “Buying? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it works out just about the same as renting. I’m looking around the Witney area.”

  “Oh Holly, that’s a big commitment you know.”

  “Yeah Mum, but I’ve worked it out. I’ll be fine.” She looked at the ceiling, hoping that she had given enough information so that they could talk about something else. “How are you though?”

  “Oh, I’m not so great. This Lyme disease is so debilitating. I’m so tired all the time and haven’t been to work for almost a month now.”

  “Mum, that’s awful. Maybe I’ll drive down next Friday to see you and Dad, eh?”

  “Oh, that would be lovely Holly. Your room is still made up here, ready for you. Maybe there’s some stuff you could take for your new place?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “How’s Ricky?”

  “He’s still in Zurich, we text and call most days. He’s busy but back in three weeks.”

  Her mother updated her on the village, her father’s work, relations and other family news. The room had warmed up a few degrees and Holly slipped her hand under her skirt and awkwardly pulled her panties down while trying to keep the warm air under the duvet. She threw them over in to the corner by her clothes cupboard and stifled a sigh as her warm palm cupped her pussy. She recalled that the last person to touch her had been Neil when he pounded his ridiculously large cock into her as they lay by the fire, then corrected herself as she remembered Jessica kissing her there that very morning.



  “I said did you get hit by the ice storm up there?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely. I got trapped last night in a house I was viewing, had to stay in it overnight because the doors were iced shut.”

  “Oh no, did you get any sleep?”

  “Yeah, the owner said I could use the master bedroom and there was food there. We just had to wait until the temperature rose then we could leave. A tree came down close to my car but it was OK.” She ran a finger along her pussy and sniffed it, pleased with the delicate aroma of arousal and the fact that there was no stickiness. She licked her finger and pushed it deeper between her pussy lips, relaxing even more with the feeling of mild pleasure.

  “Ah well, at least you had company. Did she suggest you buy the place?”

  “The agent?”


  “No, wrong side of town now I think about it,” said Holly, not wishing to complicate the story by telling her about Neil or Jessica. “The ice is melting very quickly, should be gone by tomorrow.”

  “Ok, good, well let us know if you do decide to come down on Friday, it would be nice to see you.”

  “I will Mum, give my love to Dad.”

  “OK Holly, love you.”

  “Love you too Mum. Bye for now.”

  She pressed the red button to disconnect and grinned to herself as she carefully slid it onto her bedside table. Rolling over onto her stomach she looked over at the door and squeezed her hand between her legs as she cupped her pussy tightly. She didn’t think she had felt so horny in her life as she had done since meeting Ricky. Ever since their first night together she had felt an increasing need to touch herself as though he had lit the blue touch paper of a never ending firework and she was now flaming and sending out sexual bursts of energy to the world. She wondered if that was what Neil had meant when he talked about the first kiss that she had given Jessica. The girl had dissolved as their lips touched, sliding down into the pillows as though every muscle had suddenly relaxed. She was a delight. Her golden hair, petite figure and intelligence made her such fun to be with and she agreed with Neil in that Jessica had blossomed over those few hours and become a woman with her own agenda and personality.

  Her thoughts returned to her own sexual needs. Before Ricky, she and her previous (and first) boyfriend Rob had sex maybe once a week, always on her bed and always with her on her back, the obedient missionary who knew no better. Even though she had never orgasmed, she didn’t feel a need to get herself off more than one or twice a month. There was no itch, no pounding need in her stomach to get home and get naked, no midday thoughts of licentious deeds. But since meeting Ricky she had been awakened, her need for shameless acts had developed to a point where if Ricky suggested something she knew would try it unless it would result in immediate imprisonment, and even then a cell full of wayward women had an appeal if she was honest.

  Holly’s middle finger slid into her pussy and she was surprised to find it so wet inside. She pushed in hard, trying to emulate Neil’s fat cock but there was no comparison. He had been big and once again it had worried her a little that she might be hurt by his size. Her thoughts drifted to Ricky, her wonderful boyfriend, thousands of miles away and her quandary once again about what to tell him. The first time she had strayed from the path of faithfulness he had forgiven her, mainly because she had little choice other than to participate and of course that it had also involved another girl which he thought was hot. This time, the fact that she had made love to Neil as an act of mercy wasn’t going to be quite so well received, even if once again there was a girl involved. It would be quite reasonable if he came to the conclusion that she wandered around Witney looking for threesomes while he was away. Holly sighed as she flexed her finger inside her pussy and thought of him, the way he treated her so well and the ease with which they enjoyed each other’s company. While they had never discussed being faithful or exclusive to each other Holly knew in her heart that it was something she expected from him, making her actions over the past twenty-four hours even more difficult to explain.

  She threw back the duvet and slipped off her skirt, leaving it in a pile on the floor. She licked her fingers and immediately thought of Jessica again and the way that first kiss had led to her first orgasm with another person. The thought of the little girl, melting as she touched her sent shivers of pleasure through her. She pursed her lips as she thought of her own mind-numbing orgasm that he had experienced with Ricky that first night, and the fact that since she he became her boyfriend she had experienced sexual encounters with four other people. It was a sobering thought and she was not proud of herself as she picked up the skirt and hung it up.

  It wasn’t quite as warm as she had thought once she was out of bed so after dumping her shirt and bra she put her dressing gown on and sat at her desk, putting her feet either side of the keyboard. Her black stockings looked quite sexy in her mind, decadent even, but they kept her legs warm and that was what mattered most. She could feel a few hairs growing back around her pussy, mainly above her clit. If Ricky was back in three weeks she would shave in another five days which would mean there would be enough there again for him to feel and she would allow him to do it for her after some feeble protest. He could comment on the hair, she would say something like she didn’t have time, he would offer and she would say that he might cut her and after some mild push-back from her she would let him spread the foam over her and do a great job as she lay there, feeling the slick razor cleaning her up prior to their love-making. That would be something different for both of them and that added some weight to the other side of the balance of right and wrong even though it was still firmly indicating that she owed the world an extended period of clean living.

  She wondered if a dildo would m
aybe help to remove desire or temptation as she would always know that quick relief was at hand if she could just make it home. She brought up Google Images in her browser and entered ‘Woman dildo’. She paused over the return key, knowing that she had never searched for anything sexual in her life. She pressed return and a screen full of women with dildos jammed inside themselves filled her view. She squealed and dived for the screen power button before turning to the door, her heart thumping in her chest as the images were seared into her mind. She prayed that Suzy hadn’t heard and wasn’t going to rush into her room to find out what had happened. She brought her legs down off the desk and pulled her dressing gown about her, listening to the sounds of the house for footsteps.

  “Jeez!” she hissed, recalling the sight. So many cream and white dildos, so many different shaped toys and so many pussies. She shook her head in disbelief both at the sight and her lack of knowledge of what was available at the press of a button. She cocked her head and listened again, decided that nobody was coming and turned the screen back on. Holly looked from the top row to the bottom and came to the conclusion that there wasn’t anything very sexy about seeing fifty or sixty images of dildos, women and pussies. She clicked the back arrow and selected ‘search’ then drilled down to find companies that had selections and search functions. Something normal would be best to start with but she didn’t know what size. She couldn’t really text Ricky and ask him to measure himself. She pulled a ruler out of her desk drawer and pondered the scale, still unsure what would be normal and what might be considered excessive. She slipped the ruler into her mouth and thought about Ricky and much of his cock she would be able to take. She pulled it out and saw that only three inches was wet and that didn’t seem right.

  Her frustration to find a dildo to relive her frustration drove her to select the five most popular sizes, add their lengths up and divide by five. 6.2 inches seemed to be the answer and the closest size was 6.7. Holly filled in her delivery details and credit card information and submitted her order for next day delivery. She hoped it didn’t come in a package that had a picture on it. What if her bank called her to check that it was really she who had just ordered a big dildo online? “Hello Miss Craig. We note that your credit card was just used to order a ‘Mr. Big Boy’ flesh-feel Dildo in pink with life-like veins and testicles in the extra big 6.7 inch size. Could you confirm that you made the purchase, just for our records?”


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