Other books by David Hatcher Childress
The Mystery of the Olmecs
Technology of the Gods
Pirates & the Lost Templar Fleet
Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth
Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of the Southwest
Lost Cities of China, Central Asia & India
Lost Ciies & Ancient Mysteries of Africa & Arablia
Lost Ciies & Ancient Mysteries of South America
Lost Ciies of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific
Lost Ciies of North and Central America
Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean
Atlantis & the Power System of the Gods
Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis
The Crystal Skulls (with Stephen Mehler)
David Hatcher Childress
Yetis, Sasquatch & Hairy Giants
ISBN 978-1-931882-98-9
Copyright 2010
by David Hatcher Childress
Published by Adventures Unlimited Press
One Adventure Place
Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA
There were giants in the earth in those days;
and also after that when the sons of God came
in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children unto them, the same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown.
—Genesis 6:4
The subject of yetis, bigfoot, hairy giants and wildmen is one that has managed to become extremely popular in modern culture. Tales of bigfoot, yetis, and living giants and wildmen are weekly fodder in the world’s media. Press conferences are called, photos are shown, claims are made and bloggers weigh in with their ponderous opinions.
We will start this book with the subject of giants and wildmen because these subjects are a good precursor to the more controversial subjects of yeti and sasquatch. Giants and wildmen are very real, and no one really doubts that either exist. They both most certainly do. The question, though, is just how big these “giants” get? There can be no doubt that a good dose of exaggeration has come with stories of giants. Many, if not most, “professional” giants that worked in circuses and sideshows exaggerated their height as much as possible. Yet, no matter exactly how tall they were—or weren’t—they were certainly people of considerable height, literal giants.
Since we know that modern giants often exaggerated their height, each struggling through his agent to be the tallest man in the world, it would seem that ancient chroniclers of giants were also told exaggerated stories, or made the exaggerations themselves. Still, we have to wonder at the core truth behind these tales. Were some of the men described really nine or ten feet tall? Did some of them genuinely have six fingers and six toes? What might be the limit for a full grown, proportional man to grow—12 or 14 feet tall? It is an amazing thought!
The word “giant” comes down to us from both ancient Greek and Latin. In Greek mythology, powerful giants called Titans—who were gods— ruled the earth during the legendary Golden Age. Their role as Elder Gods was overthrown by a race of younger gods, the Olympians. There are twelve Titans in their first literary appearance, in Hesiod’s Theogony. Later, a thirteenth Titan named Dione, a double of Theia, is mentioned by the Greek historian Pseudo-Apollodorus in Bibliotheke. The six male Titans are known as the Titanes, and the females as the Titanides (“Titanesses”). The Titans were associated with various primal concepts, from which their names largely derive. The original Titans were ruled by the youngest, Cronos (Saturn), who had overthrown their father, Oranos (Sky), at the urging of their mother, Gaia (Earth).
Several Titans produced offspring who are also known as Titans. These second-generation Titans include the children of Hyperion (Helios, Eos and Selene), the daughters of Coeus (Leto and Asteria), and the sons of Iapetus (Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas and Menoetius).
The Titans were of gigantic stature and enormous strength and, according to myth, they carried on wars with the gods and from them sprang the Gigantes, frightening beings with terrible faces and the tails of dragons. Eventually, the hero Hercules, himself said to be seven feet tall, slew the Gigantes and defeated the Titans with the aid of Zeus, who became the all-powerful god of the Greeks.25
Hercules also battled the giant Antaios in one of his adventures. A second-century BC Greek geographer named Pausanias tells us that the great walls of Mycenae, Tiryns and Argos were constructed by the giant race of Cyclopes. It is from this reference that archeologists get the term “cyclopean masonry” which is used to describe unusually gigantic rocks within walls. The aforementioned Greek cities have such walls, but they are also found in Lebanon, Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and many other places.
Homer describes the most famous Cyclops, a giant named Polyphemus, in The Odyssey. He dwelt in a cave on the coast of Sicily and lived on human flesh. He sought for victims with his mighty club which Homer describes:
The monster’s club within the cave I spy’d
A tree of stateliest growth, and yet undry’ed,
Green from the wood; of height and bulk so vast,
The largest ship might claim it for a mast.
Giants of a previous civilization were said to have built the dolmens, trilithons and giant walls that are strewn throughout Europe, and are especially prevalent in France and the British Isles. The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia mentions that in Basque mythology, giants were said to have raised the dolmens and menhirs. Natural features like the basalt formation in Northern Ireland called the Giant’s Causeway were similarly attributed to giants.
In Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England there are numerous tales featuring combat with giants. Giants were often noted for their stupidity. Some British and Irish stories relate how giants threw stones at each other—something that would explain many great menhirs and other mysterious gigantic stones on the landscape.
In Norse mythology, the giants are typically opposed to the gods and come in different types, such as mountain giants, fire giants, and frost giants. These giants are the origin of many of the monsters in Norse mythology, and it is foretold that in the eventual battle of Ragnarök the giants will storm Asgard and defeat the Gods.
An old print of a knight meeting a cyclops giant.
Six-Fingered Giants of Renown
The Bible makes a number of references to races of people who are of great stature and actually names a number of individuals who were of abnormal height.
The first reference is in Genesis 6:4 which is about the Nephilim, the famous “Giants in the Earth” which married the daughters of men; these were the famous “Sons of God.”
Then, in Genesis 14:5 we are told of the R
ephaim, also giants, who were defeated by the hero-king Chedorloamer and the allied kings of Ashteroth. Also mentioned are the Emims, who dwelt in the wilderness of Moab, “a people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims, which also were accounted giants as the Anakims.” (Deut. 2:10)
British scholar C.J.S.Thompson mentions the Anakims in his 1930 book The History and Lore of Freaks. He says this race of giants dwelt at Hebron, and were the same giants who excited the wonder and alarm of the spies sent by Moses in Canaan. These giants are variously described as the sons of Anak, or Anakim, and the descendants of Anak. They were “men of great stature” and according to Numbers 13:32, “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak which come of the giants; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”25 In Deuteronomy 9:2 they are described as, “A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest and of whom thou hast heard say, ‘Who can stand before the children of Anak?’”
David and Goliath do battle.
The land of Ammon “also was accounted a land of giants; giants dwelt therein in old time; and the Ammonites called them Zamzumminms, a people
great and many and tall as the Anakims.” (Genesis 12:12)
A Dore engraving of David holding up the head of the slain Goliath.
Og, King of Bashan, was the last of the race of these giants we are told in the book of Joshua. “All the Kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants; for these did Moses smite and cast them out.”
According to Deuteronomy 3:11, his bed could still be seen on display in the city of Rabbah: “It is nine cubits long and four cubits wide, according to the ordinary cubit.” This translates to a bed that is 13.5 feet long and six feet wide. Indeed a bed big enough for a giant!
Says C.J.S. Thompson, “It is probable that Og, whose story survived in many Eastern legends, was about nine feet in height, although in some accounts he is said to have been taller, and according to the Targum, he was ‘several miles’ in height.”25
The Bible relates the familiar tales of how giants joined the Philistines and fought against the Hebrews in the second book of Samuel (21:20) and says that “there was a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number, and he also was born a giant. And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimeah the brother of David slew him.”
Goliath, whom David slew with his slingshot, may also have had six fingers and toes and was said to stand six cubits and a span in height. This is about nine feet, nine inches, a considerable height by any standards. He may have been under seven feet, as Wikipedia says that the original Septuagint Hebrew Bible as well as the historian Josephus (and the Dead Sea Scrolls) give Goliath’s height as “four cubits and a span,” which would make him approximately six feet seven inches. He was certainly a big man whose coat of mail weighed 5,000 shekels of brass, computed to be about 208 pounds.
The prophet Amos testifies that the land of Canaan was originally inhabited by giants, destroyed by Yahweh in the Israelite conquest. Amos says in a divine oracle: “I destroyed the Amorites before them, whose height was the height of cedar trees, and whose strength was like an oak” (Amos 2:9).
A little known apocryphal book of the Old Testament is called Ogias the Giant, also known as the Book of Giants. According to Wikipedia the text relates how, before the Biblical deluge, a giant named Ogias fought a great dragon. A brief mention of this giant, “Ohia” is found in the Babylonian Talmud (Nidah, Ch 9) which says, “Sihon and Og [from the book of Numbers] were brothers, as they were the sons of Ohia the son of Samhazai [one of the leaders of the fallen angels in the book of Enoch]”.
Ogias the Giant is thought to have been based on the book of Enoch which elaborates on an obscure passage from Genesis (6:1-4) concerning the Nephilim, which became “fallen angels.” The Book of Giants concerns itself with filling in details about the giants and their offspring that are missing from the book of Enoch. Wikipedia says that a version of the Book of Giants was spread by the Manichaean religion; it reached deep into Central Asia and exists in Syriac, Greek, Persian, Sogdian, Uighur and Arabic, although “each version is somewhat distorted, incorporating more local myths.”
The Jewish-Roman historian Josephus mentions two pillars, one of stone and one of very hard brick, that were placed by giant men to stand as a monument to their architectural wisdom in the event of a cataclysmic flood such as those in legends. These giants were known as the children of Seth (identified by British author H.T. Wilkins as “giants of the kingdom of Thoth, or Taut of Atlantis...87) and they had erected the two pillars so that at least one might survive the flood.
Says Josephus, “Now, these pillars remain in the land of Siriad to this day... Noah quitted the land of Seth for fear that his family might be annihilated by the giants. Their span of life had been reduced to 120 years... and Jah turned dry land into sea to destroy the earth... The food of the antediluvians was fitted to maintain a long life, and they observed the stars over the period of the Great Year, that is 600 years... Ephorus and Nicolaus say that the antediluvians had a span of life of 1,000 years. As late as the days of Joshua, son of Nun, there were still giants of Hebron, who had bodies so large and faces so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these giant men are still shown to this day.”36
Josephus is affirming to us what the ancient traditions tell: that in antiquity, men in general were larger than men today, and they were longer lived, though their lifespans had been shortened from hundreds of years to only 120. As we read in the Bible:
My spirit shall not always strive with man,
for that he also is flesh:
yet his days shall be
a hundred and twenty years.
— Genesis 6:3
The Giants of Patagonia
The British author and excellent researcher Harold T. Wilkins discusses many tales of giants in his 1952 book Secret Cities of Old South America.87 Says Wilkins, “One tradition in ancient Mexico says that the pyramid of Cholula was built by an antediluvian man, the giant Xelhua, who emerged from the mountain Tlaloc. ...In old Peru, the Quechuas say that the pucaras (forts and prehistoric strongholds, such as Chanchayillo, and Quellantana, overlooking Lago de Titicaca, near the pueblo of Vilcachico), were ‘erected by giants before the sun shone’...”
Wilkins mentions a curious incident in northern Mexico: “In the fall of 1929, Dean Byron Cummings of Arizona University and Professor Manuel San Domingo, a Mexican Government scientist of Sonora went to a dangerous spot 160 miles from the international border where the turbulent Yaquis smash excavation work with rifle butts and menace intruders with sudden death. They found three giant skeletons of two men and one woman eight feet tall. The skulls were a foot long and ten inches wide, and there were remains of six children, all six feet tall. In tall ollas were human ashes suggesting either cremation or human sacrifices. The remains were in an ancient burial ground called the ‘Cyclopes necropolis.’ Beautiful ceramics were buried with the giants’ remains which were also covered with fine jewels.”87
Wilkins goes on to say, “Earlier in the same year (1929) Mr. Paxon Hayes found mummies of a peculiar race of Mongoloid giants in dry caves in the sierras of New Mexico, USA. He got out 34 of these mummies, and did four years’ hard work in the region. He says facial angles of these and their burial customs are different from those of Indians. They have slanting eyes and sloping foreheads, and the adults are about seven feet high, though their feet are only seven inches long. Their hair is black, with a peculiarly sunburnt tinge when closely examined. The remains were preserved in asphaltum, or resin, and wrapped in burial clothes bound with fibre.”87
Wilkins also notes, “Telegrams from Casas Grandes, Mexico, in 1923, announced the discovery of several skeletons of Indians fifteen feet tall, buried side by side, with vases
of precious stones. The news came from Ciudad Juarez.” (Italics in this and the following paragraphs are by Wilkins)
Elsewhere, Wilkins mentions a discovery made in a cavern in a coal mine, in Pas de Calais, France. In January 1884, “six fossilized human bodies were found with remains of arms and utensils, in petrified wood and stone. In a second cave were eleven giant human bodies, animals, and even precious stones. The walls of this cave were decorated with pictures of combat between giant men and beasts of gigantic size.”87
On page 430 he mentions that an “amazing discovery was made, in 1577, near Reyden, in Switzerland, when, in a cave revealed by the fall of a very ancient decayed oak, there were found the bones of a giant man, 16 feet tall! The remains were sent to the senate of Luzern, and a well known physician of Basel, Felix Plater, reconstituted missing parts of the skeleton structure of the giant, which was then painted by an artist of Basel, Joannes Bock...”87
One of the great mysteries of history involves the tales of a race of giants in southern Argentina and Chile, which were told by the first European explorers into the region. The northern part of Argentina is the swampy and partly wooded area known as the Gran Chaco, while the southern area is the cool, arid plateau of Patagonia. Geographically, Patagonia is formed by a plain which rises west from the Atlantic to the Chilean border in the towering peaks of the Andes.
The population density over the 450,000 square miles of Patagonia is one person per square mile, kept company by 40 sheep. Quite a few Welsh arrived in Patagonia in the 1800s to tend these sheep, founding a number of Welsh towns that are still there today. Patagonia itself means, “the land of the people with long feet,” a title which refers to the stories of the Patagonian Giants.
When Ferdinand Magellan discovered Patagonia in 1520, on his way around the world, he anchored at Port San Julian, just north of Tierra del Fuego (“the land of fire”). While Magellan’s fleet laid at anchor in the natural bay, a native of extremely large proportions appeared on the beach. “This man,” wrote Pigafetta, a companion of Magellan, “was so tall that our heads scarcely came up to his waist, and his voice was like that of a bull.” Other natives emerged, and according to a historian in Spain, the smallest of them was taller and bulkier than any Spaniard. So was born the story of the Patagonian Giants, appearing to vindicate those historians who had insisted that such a race must exist.45
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