“They’re apes,” he told me. “They’re like gorillas. They live in nests back in the dense forest along the river. No one goes back there.”
I looked around the dark hollow with its steep hillsides going up in into the forest where folks had often encountered the sasquatch. The forest was silent and still. I waited to be pelted from the forest. Nothing happened. Eventually, we got into our car and left.
The Du Pont Monster was only about 40 miles from my home in Kempton, Illinois. I had traveled across the world—to Nepal, Mongolia and Tibet—looking for yeti, and I was to have my closest encounter less than an hour away from my house.
It seems incredible, but the reality of the hairy giants—the apemen that live on the fringes of civilization, curious about our lifestyles, and ready to steal our women at any chance—seems hard to deny when faced with what seems an overwhelming amount of evidence. Could all of the stories that have come down to us for nearly 200 years in North America be cases of misidentification of bears, or the occasional escaped circus gorilla? Or hoaxes? That, to me, would be very difficult to swallow.
Indeed, if playing the skeptic, I would have to be skeptical that there can be so many stories, photos and footprints (even frozen bodies) for it all to be a fabrication of imaginative hunters, miners and policemen (and women). One thing that we have learned in this book is that people in general are cautious about their encounters with yeti and sasquatch, and in many cases do not want to report them because they think—they know—that their friends and the general public will ridicule them for the experience that they claim they had.
No, they did not get a photograph. No, they didn’t stop their car and chase after the animal that they spotted briefly in their headlights. No, they didn’t report their sighting to anyone, except a few close friends that they could trust. I personally know many people exactly like that who have had encounters with bigfoot in various places around the United States, but are reticent to talk about it or have their names published. They feel that “normal” folks will ridicule them, accuse them of lying, and even question their professional standing (as a doctor, lawyer or engineer) after hearing their story. They might lose their jobs, their friends—and even their sanity. How can they have seen something that doesn’t exist?
Fortunately, we have a few people who “know what they saw.” There are those folks, often residents of remote rural areas, who had an encounter with a giant hairy apeman and aren’t afraid to talk about it. I say, “hurray for them.”
So what is the reality of yetis, sasquatch and hairy giants? It is for you to decide. Whether a believer or skeptic, hopefully you are open-minded and willing to honestly look at the evidence, such as it is. Why not try what Kenny Mahoney in Kentucky did: buy a motion-sensitive camera and put it at a good spot near your house. Maybe, like lucky Kenny, you might find out that you have more and stranger late-night visitors than you have ever imagined!
This Page and Opposite: Official documents from the 2005 sasquatch encounters at the White Mountain Apache reservation in Arizona.
Above: A photo of a Texas bigfoot given to Donna Shelton at the Kountry Kubbard Restaurant in Lamar, Texas in the summer of 2009.
1. Lore and Legend of the Yeti, Kesar Lall, 1988, Pilgrims Book House, Kathmandu.
2. On the Yeti Trail, M. Gupta & T. Nath, 1994, UBSPD Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Yeti Accounts, Ram Kumar Panday, 1994, Ratna Bandar, Kathmandu.
4. Yeti: Fact or Fiction, Know Nepal Series No. 8, T. Majupuria & R. Kumar, 1993, Indra Majupuria, Kathmandu.
5. Tom Slick & the Search For the Yeti, Loren Coleman, 1989, Faber & Faber, London & Boston.
6. There Are Giants in the Earth, Michael Grumley, 1974, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY.
7. Mount Everest: The Reconnaissance: 1921, C. K. Howard-Bury, George Leigh-Mallory, et al. 1922. Longmans, Green and Co., London, (reprinted by Pilgrims Books, Kathmandu)
8. Everest, Walt Unsworth, 1989, Grafton Books, London.
9. Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come To Life, Ivan T. Sanderson, 1961, Chilton Book Co., New York. Reprinted 2006, Adventures Unlimited Press.
10. The Sherpa & Snowman, Charles Stonor, 1955, Hollis & Carter, London.
11. The Story of Everest, W.H. Murray, 1953, Dent & Sons, London.
12. Bhutanese Tales of the Yeti, Kunzung Choden, 1997, White Lotus, Bangkok.
13. Still Living?, Myra Shackley, 1983, Thames & Hudson, London.
14. The Major Mysteries of Mainland China, Paul Dong, 1984, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
15. Bigfoot: The Yeti & Sasquatch in Myth & Reality, John Napier, 1973, E.P. Dutton, New York.
16. Do Abominable Snowmen of North America Really Exist?, Roger Patterson, 1966, Franklin Press, Yakima, Washington.
17. Tales of the Yeti, Kesar Lall, 1988, Pilgrims Book House, Kathmandu.
18. An Encounter with the Yeti, Kesar Lall, 1991, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu.
19. Nepal: Off the Beaten Track, Kesar Lall, 1992, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu.
20. Yeti Mystery, Ram Kumar Paday, 2007, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu.
21. Mysterious Australia, Rex Gilroy, 1995, Nexus Books, Mapleton, Queensland.
22. The Locals, Thom Powell, 2004, Hancock House, Surrey, BC.
23. Meet the Sasquatch, Christopher Murphy, 2004, Hancock House, Surrey, BC.
24. Mysterious Creatures, 1988, Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia.
25. The History and Lore of Freaks, C.J.S. Thompson, 1930, Senate Books, London.
26. Buccaneers of America, Alexander O. Exquemelin, 1678, reprinted 1967, Penguin Books, London and 2000, Dover Books, Mineola, NYC.
27. The Aquatic Ape, Elaine Morgan, 1982, Stein & Day, New York.
28. Beyond the Andes, Pino Turolla, 1980, Harper & Row, New York.
29. The Morning of the Magicians, Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier, 1960, Stein & Day, NYC.
30. Bigfoot, Ann Slate & Alan Berry, 1976, Bantam Books, NY.
31. High In the Thin Cold Air, Desmond Doig & Sir Edmund Hillary, 1962, Hodder & Stoughton, London.
32. On the Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans, 1955, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
33. Gigantopithecus, E.L. Simons & P.E. Ettel, Scientific American, January, 1970
34. The Mysterious Monsters, Robert & Frances Guenette, Sun Classic, Los Angeles.
35. The Yeti, Odette Tchernine, 1970, Neville Spearman, London.
36. Weird America, Jim Brandon, 1978, E.P. Dutton, NYC.
37. The Elusive Monster, Maurice Burton, 1961, Rupert Hart David, London.
38. Shambala, Andrew Tomas, 1977, Sphere Books, London.
39. Strange Abominable Snowmen, Warren Smith, 1970, Popular Library, NYC.
40. The Snowman and Company, Odette Tchernine, 1961, Robert Hale, London.
41. That Untravelled World, Eric Shipton, 1969, Charles Scribner & Sons, New York.
42. Tibet, Thubten Norbu & Colin Turnbull, 1969, Penguin Books, NYC.
43. Giants: The Vanished Race of Mighty Men, Roy Norvill, 1979, The Aquarian Press, Welllingborough, UK.
44. The Historical Bigfoot, Chad Arment, 2006, Coachwhip Publications, PA.
45. Enigmas, Rupert Gould, 1945, University Books, NYC.
46. Buffalo Bill (Autobiography), William Cody, 1879, Frank Bliss Co., Hartford, Connecticut, reprinted 1978, University of Nebraska Press.
47. The Neandertals, Erik Tinkaus & Pat Shipman, 1970, SBS, NYC.
48. The Mountain Gorilla, George Schaller, 1963, Chicago University Press, Chicago & London.
49. Men and Apes, Desmond & Ramona Morris, 1968, McGraw Hill, New York.
50. The Abominable Snowman, Ralph Izzard, 1955, Doubleday & Co. Garden City, NY.
51. Fortean Times, No. 93, Dec. 1996, John Brown Publishing, London.
52. Stranger Than Science, Frank Edwards, 1959, Bantam Books, NYC.
53. Strange World, Frank Edwards, 1962,Bantam Books, NYC.
54. The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings, John A. Keel, 1994, Doubleday & Co., New York.
55. Trail of the Abominable Snowman, Gardener Soule, 1966, G.P. Putnam & Sons, New York.
56. More Than a Legend, Constance Whyte, 1952, Hamish Hamilton, London.
57. Magic and Mystery in Tibet, Alexandra David-Neel, 1929, Dover, NYC.
58. Lost Cities of China, Central Asia & India, David Hatcher Childress, 1985, AUP, Kempton, IL.
59. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of the Southwest, David Hatcher Childress, 2009, AUP, Kempton, IL.
60. Lost Cities of North & Central America, David Hatcher Childress, 1994, AUP, Kempton, IL.
61. A Kino Guide, Charles Polzer, 1974, Tucson.
62. Baja California: Vanished Missions, Lost Treasures, Strange Stories Tall and True, Choral Pepper, 1973, San Diego.
63. Desert Lore of Southern California, Choral Pepper, 1994, Sunbelt Publications, San Diego.
64. The Sacred Myth of Shangri-La, Peter Bishop, 1987, Athlone, London.
65. The Lovelock Cave, Llewellyn Loud & Mark Harrington, 1929, University of California Press, Berkeley.
66. Bigfoot Encounters in Ohio: Quest for the Grassman, Christopher Murphy, Joedy Cook and George Clappison, 2006, Hancock House, Surrey, BC, Canada.
67. Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, John Green, 1978, Hancock House, Surrey, British Columbia.
68. Ivan Sanderson’s Book of Great Jungles, Ivan Sanderson, 1965, Simon and Schuster, New York.
69. Things and More Things, Ivan T. Sanderson, 1970, reprinted by Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007.
70. Spaceships in Prehistory, Peter Kolosimo, 1975, University Books, NYC.
71. Timeless Earth, Peter Kolosimo, 1973, Bantam Books, NYC.
72. Out of the Shadows, Tony Healy & Paul Cropper, 1994, Macmillan Australia, Melbourne.
73. Giants: The Vanished Race of Mighty Men, Roy Norvill, 1979, Aquarian Books, Northhamptonshire, England.
74. The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide, Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe, 2006, Anomalous Books, New York.
75. The Land of the Lamas, W. Rockhill, 1891, London (reprinted 1975, New Delhi).
76. The Bigfoot Casebook, Janet & Colin Bord, 1982, Granada, London.
77. Bigfoot: Man, Monster or Myth?, Peter Byrne, 1975, Acropolis Books, Olympia, Washington.
78. Encounters With Bigfoot, John Green, 1980, Hancock House, Surrey, British Columbia.
79. On the Track of the Sasquatch, John Green, 1980, Hancock House, Surrey, British Columbia.
80. Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Thomas N. Steenburg, 1990, Hancock House, Surrey, British Columbia.
81. Bigfoot Memoirs, Stan Johnson, 1996, Wild Flower Press, Newberg, Oregon.
82. Sasquatch /Bigfoot, Don Hunter with René Dahinden, 1993, Firefly Books, Buffalo, New York.
83. Big Footprints, Grover S. Krantz, 1992, Johnson Books, Boulder, Colorado.
84. World of the Odd & Awesome, Charles Berlitz, 1991, Fawcett, NYC.
85. The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort, 1919, Ace Books, NYC.
86. Mysteries of Ancient South America, Harold Wilkins, 1946, Citadel, NYC. (reprinted by Adventures Unlimited Press)
87. Secret Cities of Old South America, Harold Wilkins, 1952, Library Publications, Inc., NYC. (reprinted by Adventures Unlimited Press)
88. Rumors of Existence, Matthew Bille, 1995, Hancock House, Surrey, British Columbia.
89. The Goblin Universe, Ted Holiday, 1986, Llewellyn, St. Paul, Minnesota.
90. The Six Mountain-Travel Books, Eric Shipton, 1985, Diadem Books, London.
91. My Quest for the Yeti, Reinhold Messner, 1998 (Austria), 2001, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
92. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America, David
Hatcher Childress, 1984, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois.
93. The Mysterious Valley, Christopher O’Brien, 1996, St. Martins Press, New York.
94. Mysteries of Time and Space, Brad Steiger & Ron Calais, 1974, Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
95. Bigfoot: America’s Abominable Snowman, Elwood Baumann, 1975, Franklin Watts, Inc., New York.
96. The Bigfoot Film Controversy, Roger Patterson and Chris Murphy, 2004, Hancock House, Surrey, BC.
97. The Making of Bigfoot, Greg Long, 2004, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY.
98. Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, Jeff Meldrum, 2006, Forge Books, New York.
99. Cryptozoology: Science & Speculation, Chad Arment, 2004, Coachwhip Publications, Landisville, PA.
100. Strange Indiana Monsters, Michael Newton, 2006, Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, PA.
101. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of the Southwest, David Hatcher Childress, 2009, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL.
102. Montezuma’s Serpent, Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen-Steiger, 1992, Paragon House, New York.
103. Arizona Cavacade, edited by Joseph Miller, 1962, Hastings House Publishers, New York.
104. Lost Cities of North & Central America, David Hatcher Childress, 1994, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL.
105. “The Yeti: A Rock After All?", Anthony B. Wooldridge, Cryptozoology, 6:135, 1987.
106. In the Footsteps of the Russian Snowman, Dmitri Bayanov, 1996, Pyramid Publications, Moscow.
An old photo of an Englishman and some circus giants in India.
The cover of the February, 1968 issue of Argosy with Patterson’s photos.
Yeti, Sasquatch & Hairy Giants Page 22