Under a Dom's Care

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Under a Dom's Care Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  * * * *

  The heat from her ass was making it impossible to focus on what he said. Arousal filled every one of her senses. Bella pushed the glasses she wore up her nose as he caressed her flesh. The pain no longer hurt and was more than bearable.

  “What’s going on inside your head?” he asked, staring down at her.

  She looked up at him as he stroked her core. What did he do to leave her so exposed? Every other man she could palm off on her sister or find some reason for them to go. Jake wasn’t like them. He demanded attention and now she didn’t want to let him go. “Does my reaction mean I’m a submissive?”

  “No, but you and I both know you are. We can explore more, but first I want to play with your pussy while I watch the game. Do me a favor and be quiet.” He leaned forward without stopping his touch to grab the remote. He had to be doing this to annoy her. Glancing over at the screen, she saw a football game was on. Jake’s fingers slid across her clit, then down to press a finger inside her body. Moaning, she arched up, trying to make him go deeper. If he wanted to be an ass, at least he was playing with her while he did.

  He withdrew his hand to torture her clit. She kept her gaze on him. Jake stared at the screen, cheering when his team scored a goal.

  For the next hour she noticed he cheered whenever anyone scored a goal.

  “I thought the point of football was to support one team at the start of the game to the very end.” Getting the words out were hard as he continued to play with her.


  “You’re cheering for anyone who scores. Are you even watching the television?”

  Jake turned toward her, smiling. “Busted.”

  Mouth open, she straddled his lap. “You beast, how dare you? Why were you doing that?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her nose to his. “You’re not playing fair.”

  “But my point is, you stayed in the same position because I told you to.”

  She frowned. “So?”

  “So, you like me being in charge, don’t you?”

  Biting her lip, she glanced down his chest.

  I’m straddling his lap.

  Looking at him, she tensed about to climb off.

  His hands gripped her ass, drawing her down on his lap. “No, you’re not going anywhere.” To keep her in place, he gripped her hips, holding her steady.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m keeping you in place.” He pushed some hair off her face. “God, you’re so beautiful and submissive. I’m not telling you to become mine overnight but know, we’re meant to be together.”

  All arguments fell out of her head as she looked at him. Why argue when he spoke the truth? She loved it when he took control. The thought of losing him filled her with pain.

  “I could have died when you told my family you worked at Extreme.” She groaned, remembering the silence around the table.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed to her core. She rocked on him and he hardened more. They both moaned together.

  “Fuck, stop torturing me,” he said.

  “I don’t want to stop. You’ve done something to me and now I feel all achy.” Rubbing her body against his, she stared into his eyes, seeing the same kind of heat looking back at her.

  “I wasn’t going to lie to your parents. They deserve to know the truth. I’m sure there are a lot of rumors surrounding Extreme. Wouldn’t you hate for your sister to find me and drop the bombshell another time?” he asked.

  “I see your point.” Reaching down, she gripped his shaft in her hand. “There’s something I want to do to you. Will you trust me?”

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  Smiling, she crawled off his lap to land at his feet. Unbuckling his belt, her pussy clenched in response. Everything about Jake turned her on. The game played in the background and she ignored it. Blood pounded through her head as he worked his pants down. Jake lifted his ass off the sofa for her to work off the jeans he wore.

  “You look like the cat that’s got the cream,” he said.

  She tugged the boxer briefs down his thighs. His cock sprang free standing long, thick and proud.

  Kneeling between his legs, she worked from the base up to the root seeing his pre-cum leaking out of the tip.

  “These movies you’ve watched are the fucking devil,” he said.


  Before he answered she licked along the pulsing vein at the side and took the tip inside her mouth to suck.


  “What did you say?” she asked, releasing his length.

  “You’re a fucking tease.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, tightening her hair around his fist.

  “Do you like it?” She tongued the tip, waiting for his answer.

  “I fucking love it. Take my cock in between those plump lips.”

  She took the tip, swallowing down his pre-cum that exploded on her tongue. Bella took as much of him in as she could, until he hit the back of her throat. When she could take no more, she pulled away, to tongue the tip.

  “I always knew those lips would look good around my cock.”

  Closing her eyes, she concentrated on sucking his length. Using her hand, she worked the root of his cock to the point where her lips ended. In turn, she played with the whole of him.

  Jake grew harder and she swallowed more of him. Taking deep breaths she tried to swallow him. When she was at the point of gagging, she withdrew to swallow her excess saliva.

  “I’m not going to be able to look at those lips without thinking about you on your knees.”

  Seconds later he tugged on her hair and she had no choice but to pull back.

  “What?” she asked.

  With his hand fisting her hair, he tugged her to her feet. “Take off your clothes.”

  In quick movements he had her naked and back to kneeling between his legs. He leaned forward to play with her nipples. She cried out as he pinched each bud between his fingers. The answering pulse echoed in her pussy. Gripping his legs, she bobbed her head over his cock, swallowing every drop of pre-cum that spilled into her mouth. Each passing second had her close to orgasm herself.

  “Fuck, if you don’t stop I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  She kept up her movements wanting to feel his cum splashing her mouth.

  “Bella, I mean it. If you don’t want to swallow pull the fuck off now.”

  He released a stream of curses. Jake tensed, his cock jerked and Bella had no choice but to swallow as his cum flooded her mouth. She stayed still taking every drop that was spent into her mouth.

  When he was finished, she licked him one final time, smiling up at him.

  She didn’t get to enjoy the experience for long. Jake tugged her onto the sofa, spread her out and played with her pussy. There was no control and she reached her orgasm within a matter of moments, splintering apart in his arms.

  Afterwards, he held her tight to his chest, kissing her head.

  “I’m never letting you go, baby. You’re mine.”

  Bella truly hoped he meant every word he spoke. There was no other man out there for her. She’d gone and fallen in love with Jake.

  Chapter Five

  For the next couple of weeks Jake spent all of his available time with Bella. He visited her at the library, taking her out to lunch. They talked, laughed, and did everything together. One afternoon he met her after work and took her for a walk in the local park where there was a pond. Together they sat watching the sunset, snuggled up together. Work was much of the same. Only Jake no longer missed being a Dom, helping to train other Doms with their subs. He would walk around the main dance area of Extreme, he’d text Bella to see what she was doing. Every waking moment his thoughts were dominated by her.

  They divided their time between each other’s places. He liked staying at Bella’s house. She kept so many pictures of her family and friends. Her place made him think of home, a place for him to settle down in and raise a couple of kids. />
  During their time together his parents phoned to inform him they expected him for dinner in a month’s time. He wouldn’t be taking Bella as he didn’t want to expose her to the kind of people who’d raised him. Sundays were divided between seeing her parents and going to Chris’s family, who he considered his own. Chris’s father complimented him on Bella and the whole family accepted her within the fold.

  In all of their time together, they still hadn’t had sex. Jake wasn’t in a rush, even though several times he’d almost gone too far and fucked her. He was intoxicated by her body. The pleasure she gave him from simply walking into a room had him hard. They’d gone shopping for some new clothes for her. She wouldn’t let him spend money on her but she let him pick out what he liked.

  He liked the compromise as he’d gotten her into some tight jeans displaying all of her curves. All of the clothes he picked were for her to show off every delightful inch of her body. When they went for lunch men stopped to watch her walk past. He’d never noticed how her hips swung side to side in the drab clothes she used to wear. Her walk was the sexiest, tempting thing he’d ever seen. When he watched her walk, her hips seemed to have a mind of their own.

  “You’re looking like a happy man,” Nick said, coming to stand beside him.

  “I’m good. More than good. You?”

  “The blonde at the bar has my attention. She keeps looking around as if she’s looking for someone.”

  Jake glanced in the direction where Nick pointed and spotted Daisy sitting at the bar. “I know her. Would you like an introduction?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Walking across the floor he took a seat beside her.

  “Bella’s boyfriend,” she said, hugging him close.

  Chuckling, Jake gave her a light squeeze before pulling away. “What brings you here?”

  “I’m checking this place out. I hear it’s the bomb.” She opened her arms wide imitating an explosion, the sarcasm easy to hear.

  “Okay, your sister is at her place with Maya.”

  “Sharing places now? It’s getting serious. Do you have a diamond picked out?”

  Before he met Bella any thought of settling down filled him with fright. When it came to his woman, he knew it was going to be the next step for them.

  “You’re settling down already. It’s only been a couple of weeks,” Nick said.

  Daisy looked past him to Nick.

  “Who are you?” Daisy asked, eyeing his friend up and down.

  “This is Nick Clark. He works here too.”

  “Are you a Dom?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Nick took Daisy’s hand, kissing her knuckles. Heat filled her cheeks as she started to stutter. “So, you’re settling down?” Nick turned back to him, still holding Daisy’s hand.

  “I’ve met the right woman. She’s waiting for me at home.”

  “The good little wife then,” Nick said.

  Laughing, he left them and pulled his cell phone out. He dialed Bella’s number, waiting for her to answer.

  “Hello,” Maya said, answering the phone.

  “Hi, will you put Bella on the phone?”

  “Why? What’s wrong with me?”

  “You’re not my woman, and I don’t want to talk to you,” he said, walking toward Ryan’s office.

  Maya huffed. “Tell that friend of yours, Chris, he can kiss my ass. We’re completely over. He can buy me as many flowers and chocolates as he likes. I’m not going near him and his septic cock again.”

  “Shut up, Maya. Give me the phone.” Bella fought with her friend. A little scuffle and a squeal met his ears. “Hey, Jake. How’s work?”

  “What did you do to get her off the line?” He sat down in the first available chair and relaxed at the sound of her voice.

  “I pulled her hair. Maya’s like every other woman. She’s all bark and no bite once you handle her right.”

  “Just like you. I seem to recall you liking your hair pulled when it’s the right moment. Your mouth is always full when I do.”

  Bella groaned. “Stop. It’s not fair because now all I want is for you to come home so we can do exactly that.”

  “He’s talking dirty to you. Your cheeks are all flushed and your nipples are—”

  “Maya, shut up. You’re not being very friendly.”

  “Your cheeks are flushed?” he asked.

  “What do you expect when you talk like that.”

  “I’m rock hard.”


  “Yes. I’m thinking about what I want to do to you when I get my hands on you.”

  Her breathing came over the line in pants.

  “Are you working this weekend?” she asked.

  “Yes. You can stay at my place for the weekend and I’ll wake you up when I get home. You’re not at the library, are you?” He rubbed a hand over his face, waiting patiently.

  “No, I’ll stay at your place.”

  They talked for several minutes and he enjoyed their conversation. What he was about to do cemented in his mind as the right thing.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said

  “Okay, work hard but not too hard.”

  He hung up the phone. The words, ‘I love you’, were on the tip of his tongue. Jake kept them back. He wasn’t ready to take that next step.

  It was only a matter of time before they were there. He knew without a shadow of a doubt he belonged to Bella just like she belonged to him.

  Knocking on Ryan’s door he waited for confirmation to enter.

  “Come in.”

  Opening the door, he was surprised to see only Ryan in the room.

  “Jake, it’s great to see you. I’ve been given good reports about you.” Ryan leaned back in his chair, smiling. “The other men have been talking. They believe you’ve learned your lesson and want you to start training again.”

  This was not the news he wanted to hear. Running a hand down his face, he stared at his boss. “It’s great to know the men are no longer pissed at me. I know what I did was fucking wrong and I’m so sorry.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re about to say but?”

  “Because I am. During the last couple of weeks I’ve met someone. She’s amazing, special and everything I didn’t know I wanted in a woman.” He smiled, looking down at his lap and thinking about her. “I don’t want my old job back of training fellow Doms or subs. There are no other women for me. I know you’re getting weekly requests from other men more suited to the room. This is not my life anymore and I’m not going to try to be one thing here and another thing at home.”

  Ryan stayed silent, gazing at him. “You’ve surprised me. When I first interviewed you, one of things you said was you’re not the type of guy to settle down. You’ve found the right woman and now you’re the settling down kind of guy?”

  “I’ve changed. What I said before was wrong. I hadn’t met Bella then.”

  “No? You hadn’t.” Ryan leaned forward putting both of his hands on the desk. “Are you handing in your notice?”

  “If you don’t need another guy to man the main part of the club then I’ll hand my notice in immediately. If you need me then I’m going to stick to my part of the club. I’ll be happy to work in the club.” He tapped his leg, watching Ryan make his decision.

  “This woman, is she a submissive?”

  “Yes, but she’s not a trained one. We’re working through our lives together. I’m hoping to one day bring her to the club to see others within the lifestyle. Until then, we’re going to enjoy each other.”

  Ryan ran a finger over his lip. “Fine. I do need a man on the main part of the club, full time. You’ll stay on and I’ll give you the necessary cards and codes to bring your woman to the dungeon when you’re ready.”

  Breathing out a sigh, Jake shook his boss’s hand. “Thank you, sir.”

  * * * *

  “So, this is serious between you and Jake?” Maya asked, sitting down.

  Bella blew over the top
of her hot chocolate so it wouldn’t burn the roof of her mouth. She tucked her feet up underneath her, staring at her friend sitting on the couch in front of her. “Yes, it’s serious.”

  “I’m so happy for you. For so long you’ve been alone hiding away from the world. Jake’s going to be good for you. I’ve never seen you so happy before.” Maya took a sip of her chocolate.

  Her friend looked so sad and defeated. Bella hated seeing her look like that. “What’s wrong?” Bella asked.

  “Nothing.” Maya shrugged.

  “Tell me, don’t lie and pretend otherwise. You wouldn’t let me do that.” She placed her cup on the coffee table, hugging a pillow to her front.

  “It’s Chris. He’s, I don’t know, he’s just a total asshole and I can’t believe I waited around for him.” Tears spilled from Maya’s eyes. “We were at Mixer’s last Friday. I invited you and Jake but you had something planned.

  She remembered. Bella had spent the night at Jake’s while he worked at the club. Guilt swamped her at leaving her friend alone. Going out had never been her thing, but she’d never thought about how it affected her friend.

  “Don’t feel bad. I promise you I don’t mind. It’s not like you’ve gone out before. I understand. Anyway, I’d gone to the bathroom and when I got back he was taking another woman’s number and promised to give her a call.” Maya slapped her hands in front of her face. “I’m a total loser. I can’t believe I thought I could have anything with him. All he does is use me. It’s not fair.”

  She stood up and sat on the arm of the sofa, wrapping her arms around her friend.

  “I’m a fucking idiot for believing there is anything good about him.” Maya sobbed.

  “No, you’re not. He invited you back to meet his parents, right?”

  “Yeah. It’s why I thought he might be wanting to take it to the next stage. I was so fucking wrong.” Whenever Maya got upset, her friend took up cursing to get her through the pain. “I hate him. I want to make a voodoo doll of him and cut off his penis.”

  Laughing, she tightened her hold on Maya. She wasn’t letting her friend leave her home tonight.


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