Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 4

by Red Phoenix

  “Let her continue,” her father insisted.

  Brie took a deep breath, steeling herself before she continued. “I would have reached out to you eventually, but when Rytsar disappeared, things got even worse for us.”

  Her parents had no idea how bad…

  “I know about Lilly,” her father stated.

  Brie stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean?”

  “I shared that email with your father,” her mother informed Brie. “I couldn’t stand there being any secrets between the three of us.”

  Brie sat there in shock. He knew about the blackmail attempt…

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” her father demanded.

  Still in shock, she faced him. “If you know what Lilly was accusing Thane of, then you must understand why I wanted it kept secret. I appreciated how hard it was for you to accept Thane because of our lifestyle, and I couldn’t take the chance you might believe Lilly’s accusation.”

  She looked down at her hands, wringing them nervously. “I couldn’t bear it if you ended up hating him, especially if…” Her voice caught again, but she forced herself to finish. “Especially if Thane had died and never gotten the chance to defend himself.”

  “Did you really think I’m that stupid?” her father demanded.

  “Stupid? No, of course not…” Brie faltered, feeling the conversation already heading south.

  Her mom reached over the seat and squeezed her shoulder gently. “Your father has a keen mind, honey. Initially, he was as shocked as I was when he read what Lilly was claiming. But, after poring over the anonymous message and the photos, he was able to deduce that she had set Thane up and sent the email to us, hoping to discredit him and to hurt you.”

  Brie glanced at her father, now wondering if she had trusted him back then, if she might have had her parents’ support the entire time.

  “I’m not an idiot, Brianna.”

  “I know, Daddy. But even I was questioning my own husband when she first made those accusations. How could I expect you to react any differently?”

  “Your lack of trust hurt, little girl. Are we not family?”

  Brie swallowed hard, nodding.

  What her father failed to acknowledge was that Brie had reasons to fear what his reaction would be. It had started that first day, when she announced she was dating Sir and he had reacted badly. Things became even more complicated when her documentary came out and both of her parents began struggling with her lifestyle becoming public. All along, her father had wanted to blame Sir for the direction her life had taken, not accepting that everything she’d done had been her decision alone.

  Truly, it hadn’t been until the premiere of her film, when she had been attacked, that Brie had seen a glimmer of hope around her father’s changing feelings toward Sir—it was the first time her father acknowledged that Sir might truly love her.

  Being a man of principles, Sir always treated her father with the respect his position deserved, no matter how disrespectful her father was in return. Sir’s actions eventually won him over—enough to bless their marriage and walk his little girl down the aisle in Italy.

  Despite having solid reasons for her caution, one thing was clear from their conversation: Her parents genuinely loved her and supported Thane, and she had hurt them more than she knew by her continued silence.

  “I’m sorry… so sorry for hurting both of you.”

  Her father surprised her by pulling off to the side of the road and turning to face her. “Look at me, Brianna.”

  Brie braved meeting his gaze.

  “What you did was wrong, but your mom and I love you. Our hearts are big enough to forgive you for this. While we will choose to forget and put it in the past, I want you to remember it. Not because I need you to feel guilty, but because I want it to serve as a reminder of our loyalty to you…and to Thane.”

  She nodded, speechless, his words having touched her so deeply.

  “Brie,” her mother added, “I understand why you thought you needed to keep things from us. But from now on, we can’t have secrets between us.”

  Brie smiled, but it was with a heavy heart. She wanted to be open with her parents, but there were certain events that would always remain a secret between them, including the attempted kidnapping. Brie knew her parents would never stop worrying if they heard what Lilly had done.

  Heck, even now, they might insist on her moving back to Nebraska in a misguided attempt to keep her safe. As their only child, they had everything to lose, but Brie didn’t want to live her life that way.

  So, even if she knew then what she knew now, Brie would have made the same decision to pull away to protect them—and herself.

  Sadly, her parents would have to remain in the dark, but she would do everything within her power not to cause them that kind of pain again. Her parents had done nothing to deserve it.

  “While I can’t change what happened, I promise not to hurt you guys again. I love you both too much.”

  Her father chuckled. “Sorry, Brianna, you can’t make that promise.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Parents are always affected by their kids. If you are happy, we’re happy. If you are suffering, we’re suffering. You are going to hurt us again. It is the way things are, no way around it.”

  Brie had a better understanding of what he meant, knowing how much she cared about the baby growing inside her. Rubbing her stomach, she told him, “I’m beginning to get what you mean, Daddy.” Amending her promise, she vowed, “I will keep in touch with you both no matter what is going on in my life.”

  “Now, that is a promise I can live with,” he stated, holding his arms out to her.

  Brie leaned over to hug him. It was an awkward embrace because of the divider in the middle, but it was one of the warmest hugs he’d ever given her.

  When she pulled away, she took her mother’s hand and squeezed it, smiling with tears in her eyes.

  “We will always love and support you, darling,” her mother assured her.

  “Thank you, Mom.”

  Her father pulled back onto the road and announced, “First, we get a good lunch down you, a nice Reuben sandwich for old time’s sake.”

  Brie laughed. “It’s been forever since I’ve had one of those.”

  “No one makes the original like a Nebraskan, but we’ll see what we can find in this tinsel town.”

  “And, after that, we’re going to shop our little hearts out,” her mother added excitedly.

  “Yes, when we return you to my son-in-law, I want him to agree that you are the most stylish pregnant woman he’s ever seen,” her father announced.

  Brie smiled, her heart overflowing with love, yet she still suffered from lingering guilt. She should have trusted Sir when he’d insisted she join her parents for the day.

  He knew the profound feeling of having lost both of his parents, and he had simply wanted to ensure Brie took full advantage of the love her parents showered upon her. Brie pulled out her cell phone and sent him a text.

  Thank you for this, Sir. I love you!

  A short time later, she received a text back.

  Make the most of it, babygirl.

  A few seconds later, he sent a second.

  This man loves you.

  She quietly slipped her phone back into her purse and closed her eyes, soaking up the sheer brilliance of his love.

  Too Hot to Handle

  Weary, Brie looked over at Rytsar, sweat rolling down her face from the pain and the effort. “I can do this…”

  “Yes, you can, radost moya. You must.” Giving her a wink, he added, “I am ready to finally be a dyadya.”

  His words filled her with renewed energy.

  Every push was a step closer to meeting her daughter. Brie tilted her head back to look at Sir, who was standing behind her and smiled weakly as she readied herself for another contraction.

  “You’re doing good, babygirl. The doctor said you only have a couple of
centimeters to go.”

  She laughed tiredly. “Who knew that childbirth was really an extreme version of BDSM?” Brie started breathing more rapidly as another contraction gripped her body.

  “You need to slow your breathing,” Sir reminded her.

  Brie heard him and understood what he wanted, but she was in pure agony. She shook her head, still resisting it as she lay there, gasping for breath after the contraction ended.

  Sir wiped away the tears that had formed during her struggle. “They’re getting stronger and closer together, which is good.”

  Brie nodded, knowing he was right, but she honestly didn’t feel that way. If she could make them stop in order to give her a breather, she totally would. But nature was a sadist, and the onslaught of contractions just kept coming…

  “I demand a safeword.”

  Rytsar chuckled. “This is your ultimate challenge, is it not? Knowing that there is no end until the task is complete.”

  Brie sighed as she laid her head on the pillow.

  No safewords…

  The doctor came back in to check her. “We seem to have stalled out a bit. If we don’t start seeing more progress, I’ll give you Pitocin to make the contractions stronger.”

  Brie’s eyes widened in fear.

  When the doctor left the room, Brie whimpered, legitimately terrified.

  “I know what will open you up,” Rytsar said with confidence.

  “What?” she squeaked.

  “Sexy thoughts.”

  Brie frowned. “Rytsar, you shouldn’t joke at a time like this.”

  “No, I think he’s right, babygirl. I want you to think of one of your fantasies. Make it a challenging one to complement the pain you are feeling.”

  She tilted her head back. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I think it will help.” Sir leaned forward from behind her so he could play with her breasts through the material of her gown. “Close your eyes and let that imagination of yours run wild.”

  Brie took a deep breath. Already, her body was responding to Sir’s touch as he tugged and squeezed her nipples.

  She closed her eyes, wondering what fantasy she should play out in her mind. Something challenging and kinky…a smile suddenly came to her lips.

  “Have you got one in mind?” Sir asked.

  She nodded.

  “Does it involve me, radost moya?”

  “It does, Rytsar…along with Sir, Master Anderson, and Boa.”

  Sir’s chuckle was low and alluring as he whispered in her ear, “Indulge yourself…”

  I was nervous. I knew Sir was planning to play out the fantasy I had written in my journal—the one about Sir, Rytsar, and the two hunky men who visited our home daily to help Sir in his recovery.

  Unfortunately, I’d already been informed that the two men were strictly vanilla and would not be joining us. Instead, he’d invited men I knew and had scened with before but he refused to tell me which ones.

  The only hint was that I would find the scene challenging.

  Normally, I would have been intimidated by that, but Sir had a way of taking my fantasies and making them even more delicious than I ever imagined.

  I trust him completely, but my curiosity is killing me.

  He takes me to a private home, explaining on the way that the owners are off traveling in Europe and have offered their place to him. I like the idea of an unfamiliar environment. It adds to the sense of the unknown and increases my excitement.

  We pull up to a mansion in Beverly Hills. It is impressive with its marble path leading up to the house and the giant water fountains on either side, surrounded by lush greenery. There’s no doubt important people live here.

  Sir leads me inside and I am blown away by the size and opulence of the foyer alone. A small house could fit in that space. I look up at the tall ceiling and muse over what it would look like to have a ballet of submissives flying in jute above me.

  I am guided down a flight of stairs and taken through the hallway to a set of grand double doors.

  The doors open up to a luxurious, multi-roomed suite with an impossibly large canopy bed next to a window overlooking a manicured garden. Everything about this place is over the top.

  To contrast against the luxurious surroundings, Sir asks me to strip. I look to my left and see a wall covered in mirrors. As I take off my clothes, I catch a glimpse of my naked body. I bow before him, turned on by the fact he still wears an expensive Italian suit.

  I am his, to be used according to his will, and I know from personal experience that his will is kinky and ravenous.

  “I will not be the only one you please tonight.”

  Rytsar enters the room from one of the adjoining areas. The wicked grin on his face and the erection outlined in his pants alerts me to the fact he is aroused by what Sir has planned for me.

  I have enjoyed quite a few scenes with these two and look forward to them putting me through my paces—but we are not alone.

  Master Anderson walks in, dressed only in blue jeans and his black Stetson. I bite my lip as I gaze up at his manly chest. He tips his hat to me. He, too, appears to be excited about the evening’s events based on the rigid cock trapped in his jeans.

  So it is to be three on one tonight. I am curious how it will play out, considering the impressive size of Master Anderson’s shaft. I start to feel tingles of fear and excitement, wondering how much my body will be pushed.

  That’s when a fourth man enters the room. I let out a gasp when I see who it is.

  I am very familiar with Boa and his shaft, having studied it closely during class at the Submissive Training Center, and then later having been claimed by it during one of my practicums.

  Boa is every bit as challenging as Master Anderson.

  I brave a glance up at Sir, wondering how much he will demand of me.

  “Téa, there will be no safeword tonight.”

  My heart skips a beat. We have never played out a scene without a safeword before.

  “Do you understand and consent?” he asks.

  As always, I have control over what happens next. My curiosity outweighs my fear and I answer confidently, “Yes, Master.”

  “Very well.”

  I feel the sexual tension rise in the room, now that the four men know there are no limits hindering them. However, this will not be a free-for-all because my Master orchestrates the scene.

  First, I am taken to a room on the left where a pole in the center of the room dominates the space. Sir binds my wrists as Master Anderson takes out his bullwhip and begins warming up his arm. With no safewords, I am left totally to his mercy.

  I glance nervously at Master Anderson, knowing well the bite of his whip, and he winks at me. I understand that he will be delivering pain, but take comfort in the knowledge I will be kept safe under his Dominance.

  The other Doms stand on either side of me and at a distance, so they can watch.

  Like the other room, one of the walls is covered in mirrors so I can experience the bullwhip as I watch it strike. This adds a whole new element to the scene, and I tremble with anticipation.

  “Get ready, darlin’. This is going to sting.”

  I whimper before the first lash even makes contact with my skin. The moment of impact, I cry out with the pain I knew was coming, my back on fire with the strength of his first stroke. This initial lash lets me know he is not warming my skin before diving into play.

  My focus is now riveted on that whip and the next stroke coming.

  Unlike times before, he does not stop or slow down. It is a continuous volley of strokes that leave me no room to breathe. I scream loudly when it becomes too much, but Master Anderson continues to challenge me, enjoying the limit he has crossed.

  When the lashes finally stop, I am left panting and shaking in my bonds, my body numb from the onslaught. I almost feel as if I am an outside participant to my own body, except I still feel the sting when his hands touch the lash marks he has left on my back.

/>   “I love watching your body respond to my bullwhip.”

  I moan, mesmerized by his voice. He turns my head, kissing me deeply, his tongue unleashing the need and passion produced by our scene. I become caught up in his erotic energy and surrender to his ardent kisses, inviting him to consume me.

  He groans in response, pressing his hard cock against my body.

  I want him to claim me…to ravage this vessel he has primed for his use. But I am left needy and desperate when he pulls away.

  Rytsar joins me next. After taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves, he tightens my bonds and whispers in my ear that he is going to make me orgasm.

  Claiming my submission, he bites my neck. His teeth sink into my skin, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark.

  He kneels behind me and begins strapping a device I know well onto my trembling thigh. Settling the head of it against my clit, he places it at just the right angle to leave me helpless to its vibration. Rytsar backs away without turning it on. He picks up his cat o’ nines and I whimper when I hear it cut through the air, knowing the intense pain it will cause.

  He smiles as he walks around me slowly, feeding off my fear and obviously relishing it.

  Without a safeword, I know he may be the greatest challenge I face tonight. The first time I scened with him and his nines, I’d only taken three strokes before I had cried “red”—and my back still burns with Master Anderson’s recent attention.

  I have no safety net now…it both terrifies and arouses me.

  Rytsar returns to my side, tracing his finger over my lips. “You will count out each strike,” he commands before reaching down and turning on the Magic Wand. My whole body stiffens as my clit is rocked by the strong vibration.

  Because of the priming done by Master Anderson, I am not surprised when the first orgasm builds at lightning speed.

  “Permission to come?” I gasp, having no idea what I will do if he says no, since I have no control at this point.

  “Of course,” he replies smoothly. “I want you to come often while you scream.”

  His words frighten me but do not hinder that first orgasm. My whole body shudders in pleasure.


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