Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  The genuine smile that spread across Autumn’s face was answer enough. “I have no issues at all. I think these photos will be stunning.”

  Studying Autumn, Brie realized how much her friend had changed since the last time she’d seen her. This was not the shy girl who’d wanted to hide behind a veil. This woman radiated an easy confidence. Brie noticed she now wore makeup and had styled her hair, bringing focus to her face rather than trying to distract the eye from her facial scars. It actually made the scars less noticeable because her captivating eyes, high cheekbones, and lips were now the main focus.

  It seemed as if Autumn had transformed into a new woman, much as Brie had after her training at the Center. It was exciting, and Brie couldn’t wait to ask her about it.

  What an incredible gift Rytsar had given her…

  Brie glanced at Sir, shaking her head in wonder. “I can’t believe Rytsar did this for me! We should invite him over so he can watch.” She rummaged through her purse for her phone so she could call him.

  Tono stopped her, saying, “Actually, he told me that he wanted to be surprised by the photos we take. I’m to make two sets of photos. One for you and one for him.”

  Brie shrugged, looking at Sir. “Well, there’s no harm in thanking him, at least.” She was disappointed when Rytsar didn’t pick up and she was forced to leave a message. Wanting him to know how grateful she was, Brie promised in her message, “We’ll be sure to take a photo especially for you.”

  While Tono and Autumn left to get the equipment and set up for the photo shoot, Brie followed Sir to their bedroom to get ready. She was still buzzing with excitement and cried, “I can’t believe this, Sir. What a perfect surprise!”

  “Durov is certainly full of surprises,” he replied, buttoning up his white shirt.

  Wanting to look perfect for him, she asked how he would like her to wear her hair.

  He stared at her for a moment before answering. “I would like you to keep your curls, but sweep it back and use this to secure it.” Thane walked into the closet and came back with the white orchid comb Nosaka had given her as a gift.

  Brie’s face lit up. “That’s beyond perfect.”

  She quickly freshened up her makeup before starting on her hair. She was acutely aware that Sir was watching her as she added extra curls to enhance the look. It made the task much more enjoyable knowing he was taking satisfaction in observing her. It reminded Brie of the days when he would set her in an artful pose and sit back, watching her for hours.

  There was something exceedingly sensual about being someone’s entire focus. In a world that moved at a lightning pace, such encounters were a rare and coveted treat.

  “Very nice,” Thane complimented her as she modeled for him after she was done.

  Brie blushed, pleased by his praise. A girl could never get enough of that, especially being a subbie.

  “While you finish getting dressed, I’ll discuss a few ideas I have with Nosaka. Don’t feel that you need to rush, babygirl. We have plenty of time.”

  Brie watched him with pure adoration as he slipped on his jacket and buttoned it up. Whether Sir wore a formal suit, dressed casually, or was completely naked, he was always devastatingly handsome. She was thrilled they would be capturing him on film today. In fact, she wanted a whole wall covered in photos of him.

  She thought of Rytsar and silently thanked him again before she set about the task of getting dressed for the shoot. She glanced at her reflection in the full-length mirror and caressed her stomach lovingly. Although her pregnancy had been riddled with pain and suffering, she had enjoyed the pregnancy itself. Feeling the baby move inside her felt like a miracle each day. It seemed extraordinary that her body could create and support human life.

  As she stared at her belly, Brie realized that she would miss this part of her life. Being pregnant had actually been a beautiful experience for her, despite feeling constantly uncomfortable.

  She walked out of the bedroom, her heart bursting with joy again thinking about what lay ahead for the day. “I’m so excited about this!” she confessed to Tono and Autumn. “Not only do I get pictures and wax, but I also get to spend the whole day with you two. It’s been far too long.”

  “It is an honor to be here for such a happy occasion,” Tono told her in his soothing voice, sending pleasant waves of peace through her soul.

  Memories of their last time together flashed through her mind, including that terrifying moment when Tono had saved her from the kidnapping attempt. She could not hide the emotion in her voice when she told him, “Thank you, Tono—for everything.”

  He graced her with a gentle smile.

  Tono turned to Sir and said with conviction, “I always remained confident you would recover. You have a strong spirit and a devoted heart.”

  “I am grateful Durov thought to call you. It gives me a chance to formally thank you for what you did for Brie while I was indisposed.”

  Tono picked up his camera and pointed the lens at Sir while he adjusted it. “What I did, I considered a privilege because I think so highly of you two. It fortifies my heart to see you both now, whole and content.”

  He then asked Autumn, “Could you adjust the angle of that light for me, kohana?”

  It warmed Brie’s heart to hear the pet name he had for Autumn. It spoke to the level of comfort the two shared, now that Autumn was training under Tono as his submissive.

  Autumn smiled at Tono as she corrected the angle. Meanwhile, Tono guided Brie to the spot where he wanted her to stand. He took his time to pose her, making little adjustments until he was satisfied.

  Brie looked at Sir, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much.

  “Sir Davis,” Tono asked, “would you stand behind Brie and wrap your arms around her, placing your hands on her stomach?”

  When Sir stood behind her, Brie felt like she would melt from the tenderness of the pose when he placed his hands on her belly. She stared into the camera lens, riding high on a state of emotional bliss.

  Sir was extremely patient and amenable, allowing Tono complete freedom to pose the two of them in various positions so Tono could realize his artistic vision. Afterward, he took the reins, directing their photo for Rytsar.

  Brie giggled as she sat on the floor completely naked, the vodka bottle, which sported the homemade label with the red line through it, sitting between her legs—artfully hiding her pubic area as she gave the camera a humorous smirk.

  When Sir felt satisfied they had enough shots, Tono handed Brie her silk robe so she could join them as they previewed the final shots.

  “Perfection, babygirl,” Sir whispered, wrapping his arm around her.

  “I think Rytsar will love it,” she told him.

  Sir surprised Brie when he led her away to speak privately. “I have an important errand I’m obligated to run, but I’ve requested that Nosaka take additional pictures of you in his jute.”

  Her heart fluttered at the thought of being bound in Tono’s rope, and she enthusiastically agreed.

  “Don’t forget, you will also be enjoying the session of wax that Durov arranged.”

  “Wax, too!” she squeaked.

  Sir smiled. “And, in gratitude for their time and kindness in coming today, I’ve ordered a home catered meal. Nosaka will let the cook in if I am not back by then.”

  She looked at him with concern. “How long do you think you’ll be gone, Sir?”

  He stroked her cheek. “I need to check in with a friend, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Who knows, you may still be flying in subspace by that time and won’t even notice my return.”

  “I doubt that,” she giggled. However, the idea of experiencing subspace again bound in Tono’s jute had Brie more than a little excited. However, she hated that Sir had to leave and begged, “Are you sure you can’t stay?”

  “No, my dear. But on my return, I will expect a full accounting of your day as we look over your pictures together.”

  Brie tried to pout, but it
didn’t last long before she broke into a smile. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so wonderful.”

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “I can see you’re giddy already, just thinking about the jute.”

  She blushed. “You know me too well.”

  “Enjoy this, babygirl. It will make Durov exceedingly happy.”

  “Sir, if he ends up calling you first, would you tell him how happy I am?”

  “Of course,” he replied, kissing her again.

  Sir said goodbye to Tono and Autumn, giving Brie a private wink before he headed out the door. Brie hated to see him go but was immediately distracted when Tono’s favorite flute music filled the room.

  “Close your eyes,” Tono ordered softly.

  Brie obeyed his command, letting the music carry her as she waited. When he told her to open them again, Tono stood before her, dressed in his black kimono, a length of colored jute in his hand.

  “Your Master has requested that his beautiful wife be bound in my decorative jute.”

  Brie nodded, biting her lip in excitement.

  “Let Autumn help you into your lingerie,” Tono instructed.

  She glanced at Autumn, who was holding up the panty set Brie had picked out. Although she and Autumn had never worked together in a scene, she felt completely comfortable with her here.

  “I have a confession,” Autumn told Brie. “When Tono invited me to join him for this shoot, I actually squealed.”

  “I can attest to that,” Tono replied, chuckling.

  Brie was grateful to hear it. “So you weren’t weirded out that it would be with me?”

  Autumn shook her head, smiling. “Now that I’ve had time to get to know Tono, training as his submissive, I see things much more clearly.” She glanced at Tono proudly. “Ren Nosaka is the most honorable man I’ve ever met. I am completely and utterly in love with him.” Autumn smiled self-consciously, looking to the ground as a smile played on her lips.

  Tono blushed slightly, but Brie saw in his eyes that the love Autumn had for him was returned.

  Reveling in the feeling of peace and love that surrounded her, Brie quickly shed her robe and slipped into the lingerie Autumn held out for her, sincerely grateful for the help.

  “Come,” Tono told Brie, holding out his hand when she was done.

  She glided over to him, feeling as if she were walking on clouds. When he took her hand, Brie blushed, feeling a sense of déjà vu as he helped her onto the jute mat he’d laid out.

  “Sit comfortably. I will act as your support.”

  Brie felt awkward as she tried to find a position that was comfortable for her and the baby. But once she found it, Tono moved behind her and sat down, pulling her back against him. “I want you to close your eyes so you can concentrate on my breath.”

  “Breathe with me…” she murmured, a smile on her lips.

  “Hai,” he answered softly.

  Brie imagined her tiny child safe within her womb, hearing the muffled but soothing sound of the flute as she was flooded with the overwhelming peace of her mother. Brie unconsciously caressed her stomach.

  “Yes, I feel her, too,” Tono replied quietly.

  Brie smiled. Tono had always had a special connection with her, so it seemed only natural that it extend to her child, as well.

  That, my little girl, is my dear friend, Tono Nosaka, she said silently.

  “I will not be binding you tightly today,” Tono explained. “I do not want to cause any stress for you or the baby.”

  Brie felt the length of the rope trail across her skin, causing delightful tingles wherever it touched. She opened her eyes and smiled up at Autumn, surprised to see her holding a camera, the lens pointed at Brie, while Autumn silently took photos of them.

  It was the same role she had played at Brie’s wedding—taking candid photos of the wedding party. Brie was grateful for the unique perspective Autumn would bring to recording this experience.

  Closing her eyes again, Brie relaxed, doing just as Sir had asked, losing herself in the moment—there were no cameras, no audience, only the sound of the solo flute, the feel of jute, and Tono.

  Giving in to the sensations, Brie felt as if she was floating effortlessly in the ocean, and a soft peal of laughter escaped her lips.

  “Yes,” Tono encouraged her quietly, reaching around Brie as he tied incredibly intricate knots with skilled effort. The pull of the jute, the grazing of it against her skin, and the sound of his steady breathing filled her senses, leading her to nirvana.

  When he was done, Tono stood away from her briefly to take pictures of his own. He moved around Brie, getting different angles and perspectives, smiling at her the entire time.

  When he returned to her, he told her, “And now the pictures for your husband.” Tono slowly unhooked her bra and pulled it through the bindings in time with the music, leaving her breasts exposed. He gently moved her long curls to the side before taking the camera from Autumn.

  “When you look into the lens, I want you to speak to your husband,” he instructed her.

  Brie stared at the camera, the emotional high of being constricted in rope playing into her feelings for Sir and mixing with the miracle of their love growing inside her. A lone tear formed, and there was nothing she could do about it as it slowly rolled down her cheek.

  “Could you wipe it away?” she asked Autumn.

  “No,” Tono told Brie. “Do not erase your feelings—embrace them. Look at the camera again and let your eyes reflect the depth of what you are feeling.”

  Brie nodded, looking at the lens as if she were staring into Sir’s eyes. She felt jubilant, the joy of the rope lifting her spirits, but it melded with her profound love for Sir. Rytsar suddenly invaded her thoughts, and she felt a seed of panic.

  Tono lowered his camera. “What is it?”


  His expression changed to one of concern. “What about him, Brie?”

  She closed her eyes, seeking to understand the reason behind her fear, but as quickly as the feeling had come, it disappeared. In its wake came a flood of warmth like the sun’s rays, bringing with it a sense of bliss.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what that was, but it’s gone now.”

  Tono’s eyes softened. “I am glad to hear it. Would you still like to continue?”

  Brie smiled up at him, her heart light again. “Please.”

  “Match my breath again,” he instructed.

  Brie closed her eyes, reconnecting with Tono’s beautiful spirit as she slowed her breathing to match his. It didn’t take long before she was riding the emotional high of being bound in jute. Tears pricked her eyes when the baby moved, adding to her overall sense of euphoria.

  “That’s it…” he encouraged, taking several pictures in rapid succession.

  She glanced over at Autumn and caught her smiling.

  “You look so beautiful, Brie…like a goddess,” Autumn said with a hint of awe in her voice.

  Brie blushed at her compliment, but she knew Sir would love that.

  Refocusing her attention on Tono, Brie appreciated how serene he seemed. Tono had always had a calming nature, but it was an outer peace he released into the world. Now, Brie could feel an inner peace that was new.

  She understood.

  Tono had finally found the key to his soul in Autumn—just as she had with Sir. A love that profoundly challenged a person, but also brought about positive change. She had instantly recognized those outward changes in Autumn but, as she studied Tono now, she realized the significance of the change in him. His entire aura was one of light and anticipation. It was as if he knew some wondrous secret of the universe and it made him that much more attractive.

  The loving glances Autumn kept shooting his way highlighted how close they’d become during her training, and it left Brie to wonder if an official collaring was in the near future.

  After a few more clicks of the
camera, Tono handed it to Autumn and returned to Brie’s side to begin the unbinding process. She loved that every bit as much as the binding itself, and sighed in sheer pleasure when she felt his arms around her, the warmth of his breath caressing her neck as he slowly untied the knots he’d created.

  Once again, the world disappeared as she focused on Tono and the magic of his jute.

  It seemed much too soon when she heard him call to her, “Brie…”

  It wasn’t until she opened her eyes that Brie realized she had drifted away. She looked up at him, feeling slightly dazed when she realized her head was resting in Tono’s lap.

  He looked down at her and smiled. “The call of the rope.”

  Brie answered in a wistful tone, “I call it nirvana.”

  Tono helped her sit up and went to the kitchen, returning with two cups of hot tea. Brie took one from him, enjoying the warmth of the cup in her hands.

  Looking around, she asked, “Where’s Autumn?”

  “She left so you would have no distractions during the next scene.”

  “Autumn didn’t need to do that. I enjoy having her here.”

  “As do I, but she mentioned wanting to visit Lea while we’re here.”

  Brie nodded, waiting until Tono took a sip of his tea before she took hers. She couldn’t help purring as the warm liquid traveled down her throat. “Still the best tea in the world.”

  His smile was tender, with no of hint of sadness behind it.

  “You have changed,” she said.

  “I have.”

  The two continued to sip their tea in easy silence.

  With Tono, it always seemed that words were unnecessary. She stared at him, conveying in their pleasant silence the joy she was feeling because of Sir’s recovery, Rytsar’s rescue, and the baby’s upcoming birth.

  “I celebrate with you, toriko.”

  Brie reached out and squeezed his hand. “I feel the same, Tono. I have never seen you so settled in your soul.”

  He nodded. “Autumn and I are on a path of empowerment. I hope our journey will inspire others.”

  “In every fiber of my being, I believe it will.”

  He finished his tea, placing the cup on the floor. “I will be forever grateful that you brought her and me together.”


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