Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 18

by Red Phoenix

  “Nonsense, we never got to celebrate with you, and a little girl can never have enough dresses.”

  Brie wrapped an arm around her aunt as they made their way toward the beach.

  “Wow, that’s quite the turnout, Thane,” Mr. Reynolds said, clearly impressed.

  “Yes, a lot of people came to celebrate,” Brie agreed.

  “Hey, isn’t that Tom and Sherry over there?” Judy asked.

  “That was mighty thoughtful of you to invite our good friends, Brie,” Mr. Reynolds said.

  Brie grinned. “I just wanted it to be perfect.”

  “Well, I’m not surprised you have such a good turnout,” Judy commented. “You two are quite the popular couple. Thank you for including us today.”

  Brie glanced over at Sir and nodded.

  “Actually, Unc and Auntie, these people came to celebrate with you.”

  There was a collective shout of “Congratulations!” from the group.

  The Reynolds looked at each other in confusion, understanding finally dawning when the banner bearing the words Welcome to the family, Jonathan! was unfurled.

  Judy started to cry.

  “Now, now, dear. There’s no reason for tears…” Mr. Reynolds told her.

  “You two…” she said, wiping her wet cheeks. “I can’t believe you did this for us.”

  Brie squeezed her, while Sir handed her a tissue. “It was Brie’s idea, and I wholeheartedly agreed.” He turned to his uncle. “Unc, I have never been prouder to be a part of your family.”

  “Considering all that has happened with regards to my sister and niece, I am extremely touched to hear you say that.”

  “You are creating a new path for the Reynolds legacy,” Sir told him.

  Jack nodded. “Thank you, Thane.” His voice was strained with emotion.

  “Come, come,” Brie insisted, pulling Judy toward the party. “Everyone is anxious to fawn over your son.”

  As people surged forward to get a peek at the new baby, Brie and Sir stayed back. Rytsar walked over to join them, Hope asleep in his arms.

  “Moy droog, who would ever have guessed this would be your reality after so much suffering?

  Sir nodded, looking down at Brie. “A miracle, to be sure.”

  The Switch

  Brie had to try to contain herself when Lea invited her to hang at her place for a special BFF night. Lea had been hinting all week about having some big news to tell her, and had promised Brie a night of takeout and cheesy romance movies to go along with her big reveal.

  Knowing that Brie would be gone for the evening, Rytsar decided to come over to spend time with Sir. It made Brie glad to know that Sir would have some quality time alone with his best friend.

  Brie was feeding Hope when Rytsar showed up. Rather than cover up as she would with most visitors, she just smiled up at him when he entered the apartment.

  “What a beautiful sight. Wouldn’t you agree, comrade?”

  “Certainly. I have taken quite a few photos of Brie breastfeeding. I find it exceedingly charming.”

  Rytsar looked at her with a critical eye. “Radost moya, I think you should get a portrait done. A classic painting to pass down to future generations of the Davis Family.”

  Brie giggled. “Do you really think my kids and grandkids want to see a painting of me breastfeeding hanging over the mantel?”

  “I would,” Rytsar insisted.

  “Actually, if you turn your head, it only gives a hint of your face. I think it would be an excellent addition to the art on our wall,” Sir stated.

  “Did you hear that, Hope?” Brie asked her daughter. “They want a painting of you and me. Do you want to be immortalized for all time as the breastfeeding baby of the Davis Family lineage?”

  Hope looked up into her eyes, a drop of milk escaping from her lips.

  “I think that is a yes,” Rytsar stated, taking the baby to burp her after Brie was finished feeding. “And you should be immortalized, moye solntse. You’re too beautiful not to be.”

  Brie fastened her bra, pulled her shirt down, and quickly stood up, giving Rytsar a peck on his cheek. “Be good while we’re gone.”

  “You could leave her,” he suggested.

  Brie glanced at Sir. “No…I want you two to have some man time—just the two of you.”

  She walked over to Sir. “I hope you two have fun tonight.”

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him to kiss her on the lips. “Do the same, babygirl. I know you will be laughing the entire night.”

  “And I’ll finally be able to share in the big news!”

  “I look forward to hearing about it.”

  “Give Ms. Taylor a slap on the ass for me,” Rytsar told her.

  “What am I supposed to tell her when I do it?” Brie giggled.

  “Tell her Durov says hi.”

  “I’m not so sure her new boyfriend will appreciate such a greeting.”

  “Oh, is she serious with him?”

  “Yes, it’s pretty darn serious. Are you jealous?” Brie had asked it teasingly, although she was curious to know.

  “Nyet. Ms. Taylor is free to partner with whomever she desires. However, it is an odd choice since I’ve heard he is not a Dominant.”

  “True, but Lea says he wants to explore BDSM,” Brie explained.

  Rytsar shrugged, looking at Sir. “A perfectly good submissive wasted.”

  Sir smirked. “We have to let our graduates walk their own paths, old friend.”

  Brie picked up the diaper bag and took Hope from Rytsar. “Well, I expect to be back around twelve. You can party all you want, but have the place cleaned up by then,” she joked.

  “Drive safe, babygirl.”

  “Always, Sir.”

  Brie smiled down at Hope as she was buckling her up in the car seat. “You’re going to love spending the night with your Auntie Lea. She’s all kinds of silly fun.”

  Brie picked up two orders of fries on the way to Lea’s, having a sudden craving. She knocked on the door holding the baby carrier and the bag of hot fries, eager for the night’s activities to begin.

  She was surprised when Liam answered the door.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you would be here.”

  Liam grinned. “Heya, Brie.”

  He moved aside so she could enter the apartment. Brie walked in slowly, trying to hide her disappointment when the alluring aroma of cooking garlic and onion hit her nose. “Hey, girl, you promised me Chinese takeout tonight.”

  “Liam and I agreed our news is too special for takeout.”

  Brie shrugged. “Well, I hope you don’t mind, but I brought fries as an appetizer.”

  She unbuckled Hope and picked her up, feeling disconcerted by the unexpected change of plans but trying to adjust. “Well…alrighty then. I guess we’ll munch on my fries while Auntie Lea cooks.”

  Lea put down her spoon and walked over to them. “Oh, wow! She is getting so dang big, Brie.” She rubbed noses with Hope. “Look how gorgeous this baby is, Liam.”

  Liam looked at her, nodding. “A stunning child.”

  Lea bumped Brie’s hip. “Didn’t I tell you on your wedding day that you and Sir Davis would make beautiful children? Have you thought of entering her in one of those baby pageants?”

  “Are you kidding me? I want Hope to have a normal childhood.”

  “Well, I bet she’d win,” Lea declared, heading back into the kitchen.

  When Hope suddenly got fussy, Brie looked around for her diaper bag and realized she’d left it in the car. “Dang it, I gotta get Hope’s bag out of the car.”

  “I can hold her for you,” Liam offered.

  “You sure? Most young guys don’t want to get anywhere near a baby.”

  “Not an issue, I assure you. I come from a large family. I know my way around kids.”

  “See? Just another reason to love the guy,” Lea gushed as she stirred her sauce.

  Brie handed Hope over and ran out of the apartment. She came back
a few minutes later and found Liam standing in place, rocking her.

  “You look like a natural, Liam,” Brie admitted.

  He looked at her with those intense sea green eyes and smiled. “I must say she looks like her mother.”

  “Thanks for the compliment, but I love that she has her daddy’s eyes and beautiful Italian skin.”

  “Where is Sir Davis tonight?”

  “He stayed home to hang.”

  Brie suddenly remembered Rytsar’s request and walked into the kitchen, smacking Lea hard on the ass.

  Lea squealed in pain. “Hey, what was that for?”

  “It’s a hello from our mutual Russian friend.”

  Lea giggled as she went back to stirring her sauce. “Hey, I have a joke for Rytsar. Will you pass it on?”


  “On what?”

  “If it’s funny. I don’t want to get punished.”

  “You know it’ll be great.”

  Although Lea’s jokes were generally groan worthy, Lea had surprised her on occasion, so she waited, hoping for the best—ever the optimist.

  “What do you call a bossy potato?”

  Brie chuckled. Rytsar had complained about being a potato when he was forced to rest after the surgery. She had a feeling this was going to be good and asked, “I don’t know, Lea. What do you call a bossy potato?”

  Lea snickered. “A dic-tater.”

  Brie giggled. “Yeah, I think he will like that.”

  She grinned. “See, Stinky Cheese? I’ve still got it.”

  “You sure do,” Brie said, slapping her ass again.

  Brie looked over and noticed that Liam hadn’t even noticed the exchange, because he was so focused on entertaining the baby. Brie walked over, taking her back so he could join them.

  Giving Liam a wink, she asked Lea, “So tell me your big news already, Lea. You’ve been so tight-lipped about it.”

  “Well…you probably guessed it has to do with Liam and me,” Lea said, stepping out of the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that,” Brie teased.

  “Well…” Lea wiggled her fingers, showing off the ring on her left hand. “We’re getting married!”

  Brie grabbed her hand and stared at the stone. It was a much simpler ring than she had expected, but she pretended to be surprised. “No way! I can’t believe you’re getting married, girl!”

  Lea looked at Liam. “He just asked me out of the blue. I didn’t even see it coming.”

  Brie gave her a one-armed hug. “I’m really happy for you, girlfriend.”

  Lea squeezed her back and then walked over into Liam’s open arms. “When it’s right, it’s right. You just know it.”

  Brie nodded, smiling at them both.

  “I have another surprise for you,” Lea announced, beaming with excitement. “I want—” The sound of a pot boiling over caught Lea’s attention and she ran back to the kitchen. Brie glanced at Liam. “I love seeing Lea so happy.”

  Liam stared at Lea, smiling with satisfaction. “She’s a special girl.”

  “Oh, dang!” Lea cried from the kitchen. “I forgot the sherry.”

  “Are you sure?” Liam asked, going into the kitchen to help her look.

  “I really thought I bought it…”

  “I’m sure the dish will taste fine without it,” Brie assured her. “Remember, I was coming for takeout. No need to impress me.”

  “No,” Lea insisted. “It won’t be worth eating without it.” She turned off the burner and took the pan off the heat. “It won’t take me long to get it.”

  “Don’t worry about it, pussy cat,” Liam told her. “It’ll be fine.”

  But Lea already had her purse in her hand and was heading out the door. “Nope, everything needs to be perfect. Just give me fifteen minutes, or so. I’ll be right back.”

  The apartment was uncomfortably quiet the instant Lea’s bubbly energy left the room. Brie looked at Liam and smiled, laughing nervously.

  Liam sat down in the couch and indicated she should take a seat beside him. “So, have you heard any good jokes lately?”

  She laughed, shaking her head as she bounced Hope on her lap. “Lea sure is full of them, isn’t she?”

  Brie was surprised to hear a noise coming from the back of the apartment and glanced up to see another man who looked exactly like Liam. He was dressed the same, down to the clothes and shoes. The only difference were the pair of black leather gloves he wore.

  Shaking her head as if she were seeing things, she stammered, “Wait…you…have a twin?”

  “I do.”

  Brie was stunned and just sat there, struggling to process what she was seeing. “Is Lea dating both of you? Was that what she was about to tell me?” She shook her head, laughing. “That’s such a Lea thing to do.”

  “Actually, Lea has no idea I have a twin,” Liam told her with a charming smile.

  Icy chills ran down her spine as the other man produced a bottle of Sherry from behind his back and smiled at her. Brie instinctively pressed Hope against her, glancing at the door.


  “What’s going on, Liam?”

  He just smiled.

  Brie immediately stood up, clutching Hope as she started toward the door, muttering, “I think I left the formula in the car…”

  Liam moved to block her way. “There’s no reason to be frightened. Everything’s been arranged for your travel.”

  Brie backed away from him. “What are you talking about?”

  “We’ve come to unite you with your rightful Master.”

  Brie felt her mouth suddenly go dry as fear gripped her heart. “I’m collared to Thane Davis. I have no other master.”

  “I beg to differ,” Liam stated. “My employer paid a hefty price for you and has been patient. It’s time for that debt to be paid now.”

  Brie shook her head. “Lilly had no right to make that deal. I will not go with you.”

  Liam’s twin laughed. “Do you really think you have a say in this?”

  Brie glanced down at Hope, who was staring up at her innocently. “You can’t have my child. She was never a part of Lilly’s deal.”

  “Your child is the only reason our employer agreed to wait.”

  “You cannot have her!” Brie screamed, edging slowly toward the door even though she knew she would never make it in time.

  Hope began to cry in her arms.

  Trying to reason with them, she warned, “Lea will be back any second.”

  Liam glanced at his watch. “Actually, she won’t be coming back. Not anytime soon, at least.”

  “Why? What did you do to her?” Brie cried.

  Liam chuckled. “I’m simply going to meet her at the store and let her know that your husband had to call you back home. I’ll put the bottle of Sherry back on the grocery shelf and take her out for a fancy dinner instead. I know she will be disappointed that her best friend left so abruptly, so it’s the least I can do.”

  Brie looked around the room, trying to formulate her plan of escape. But there were two of them, and the apartment was small. She watched helplessly as the twin picked up her purse from the coffee table and took out her phone. Turning it off, he stuffed it in his pocket and smiled at her while Liam explained, “I’ll take my fiancé out for the evening, while my brother transports the merchandise to our employer.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with either of you!” Brie spat savagely.

  “It’s not as if you have a choice,” his twin informed her. “By the time they discover you’re missing, you will be safely on your way.”

  Brie glanced around the room wildly, looking for a weapon—anything to protect her while clutching Hope against her chest. “I would rather die than go with you.”

  “There’s no reason for the dramatics,” Liam said. “You are being offered a life of luxury, being pampered and coddled. I’ve heard he spoils his property.”

  Brie clutched the collar around her neck.

  He look
ed at her possessive hold on Sir’s collar and laughed. “You have a new Master now. Nothing’s really changed except the location.”

  It frightened Brie how calm they both seemed, as if they were discussing a simple trip instead of a kidnapping.

  Brie tried to defuse the situation by engaging Liam. “You know how much I love my little girl. I’ll do anything to protect her. Hope wasn’t part of this, so leave her here. I’ll go quietly if I know she’s safe.”

  He sucked air in through his teeth, making an irritating sound that grated on her nerves. “Actually, our employer does have plans for the child. There’s a substantial bonus if she’s delivered.” He looked over at his brother. “Naturally, we plan to collect on both.”

  “But,” his twin warned, “I will not hesitate to dispose of the child, should you prove difficult.”

  Liam looked at his watch nonchalantly and then nodded to his brother. The two came at her from both sides, cutting off her escape. Brie picked up a candy dish on a side table and hit Liam with a solid blow to the head before his twin grabbed her arm. Brie screamed bloody murder, hoping someone would hear and call the police.

  His twin covered her mouth, hissing in her ear. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Before she could react, Liam snatched Hope from her. Brie’s muffled cries of anguish filled the room.

  “You’ll have to go in my stead,” Liam said, wiping the blood from his forehead.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” his twin howled. He angrily turned Brie around, binding her arms behind her back. Stuffing cloth into her mouth, he wrapped duct tape around her head to keep it in place. Pushing Brie to the floor, he tied her feet next before binding her so she was curled into a ball.

  Liam set Hope, who was crying hysterically now, in the carrier. He pulled out a large suitcase and unzipped it. Both men lifted Brie up, as she squirmed desperately against her bindings. However, she could do nothing as they set her in the suitcase and zipped it back up.

  Brie was in the dark, hearing Hope’s frantic cries as the two men talked, reformulating their plans. She heard one leave, slamming the door on his way out.

  She lay there helpless, terrified for Hope, praying rescue would come but fearing it would not.


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