Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 24

by Red Phoenix

She let out a long sigh. “It feels good to finally be able to do something for him. You know?”

  Sir smiled. “While I have never felt that way about an animal, I can understand your sentiment. He has been an asset to our family.”


  Brie had to push away the feelings that threatened to ruin this moment. This was about Shadow, and all the focus needed to be on him.

  When they finally reached Master Anderson’s house, Brie didn’t even bother with the carrier, choosing to carry the giant black cat up to the house while Sir brought Hope.

  Shadow glanced around his surroundings with interest until Master Anderson opened the door. As soon as their eyes met, Shadow narrowed his.

  “Looks like someone is happy to see me,” Master Anderson joked.

  Sir patted his friend. “He didn’t care much for me either, at first. However, the animal has an uncanny soul and I’ve grown to respect him over time.”

  Master Anderson frowned slightly. “He may be an extraordinary animal, but he defiled my Cayenne.”

  Brie giggled. “No, he didn’t, Master Anderson. He made sweet, passionate love to her, and there are six beautiful offspring to prove it.”

  Master Anderson crinkled his nose, but Shey came up behind him, wrapping her hands around his muscular arm. “They’re beautiful and adorable. We’ve had so much fun with those little rascals, and we’ve posted their antics all over Instagram.” She looked up at the muscular Dom, adding, “Life wouldn’t be the same without their crazy cuteness, admit it.”

  He gave her a charming grin. “True, they do make me laugh.”

  Brie lifted up the heavy cat. “And Shadow is the one responsible. He totally deserves your love, Master Anderson.”

  He laughed. “As long as Blacky doesn’t get too close to Cayenne, I can tolerate him. But that’s all he’s getting out of me.”

  Brie carried Shadow over to the guest bedroom—now Cayenne’s nursery.

  As soon as she opened the door, Cayenne sniffed the air twice, her tail twitching back and forth as Brie put Shadow down. The two cats met halfway.

  Cayenne sat down in front him. Shadow sniffed her while purring loudly.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s like two long-lost lovers being reuniting,” Brie cooed, holding her hands to her chest.

  The kittens seemed a little intimidated by the giant tomcat and kept their distance. It broke Brie’s heart, but she understood why. They had never met their father, and he was a daunting figure.

  Master Anderson chuckled. “So, seems like the kittens are scared of him. Not a surprise. Sorry, young Brie, but I don’t think this is going to be the family reunion you were hoping for.”

  The little calico that had licked Sir during their visit at the hospital was the first to cautiously approach Shadow.

  “Naturally, she’d be the first to brave contact with the black bastard,” Master Anderson said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  The large cat sniffed the calico for several moments before rubbing his cheek against her.

  “And there he goes…marking his damn territory,” Master Anderson joked, trying to laugh it off, but Brie could tell it was actually making him uncomfortable.

  Cayenne lay down beside Shadow, rolling onto her back and wiggling playfully as if she was a kitten herself. Instantly, the entire brood ran to her, a mass of furballs climbing and tumbling over each other.

  To Brie’s amazement, Shadow stepped around Cayenne and sat down. She rolled next to him and meowed. With his two massive paws, he began kneading her shoulder area as if giving Cayenne a massage. It was the most loving thing Brie had ever seen, and both she and Shey murmured at the same time, “Aww…”

  Master Anderson stared at the cats. “Well, I never.”

  Sir wrapped his arm around Brie as he watched. “A father who looks after his woman is a man to be trusted.”

  “I told you he missed her, Master Anderson,” Brie exclaimed happily.

  He stood watching Shadow intently, as if he were in shock. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree, young Brie. Shadow deserved this visit.” He laughed when he told Sir, “Of course, I’m having Cayenne fixed after this.”

  “That’s wise, Master Anderson. I’ve read that cats can go into heat just weeks after giving birth,” Brie informed him.

  “Oh, hell!” Master Anderson cried. He looked at Shadow with distrust. “No unsupervised visits for you, old man.” He gave Brie a wary look. “Maybe he should go now.”

  Brie giggled, smiling down at the feline couple. “Just look at them, Master Anderson. You can’t deny they have a special bond. I couldn’t bear breaking them up quite yet.”

  Master Anderson looked to Sir for help. “Surely, you agree.”

  “On the contrary, I find this quite unusual and…touching.”

  Master Anderson brushed his hair back, chuckling to himself. “This is not how I saw this visit going.”

  Shaking off his surprise, he asked Sir. “So, I’ve heard rumors that Baron and Captain have asked you to teach demonstration classes with Brie. Is that true?”

  Sir inclined his head. “It is.”

  “I’m extremely interested in hearing what they have planned. Why don’t we give these felines time to bond while you tell me more about Baron and Captain’s idea? The girls can watch over this Shadow character to ensure there are no more ‘surprises’ while we discuss it further over some soup.” Master Anderson winked at Brie as he walked out of the room with Sir.

  Master Anderson knew how to effortlessly take care of his friends. It was a natural talent of his.

  Brie took advantage of the time he’d given her to spend it with Shey while they watched Shadow interact with his little family.

  Marquis had shared with Sir that a Blood Moon was eminent and advised him to make the effort to see it. “It is a remarkable sight. Truly inspiring.”

  Sir talked to Brie afterward, wanting to know her level of interest. “Gray insists it will be worth the early hour to observe the event.”

  Brie shrugged. “To be honest, Sir, I’ve never seen one. If you want to, I’m willing to get Hope ready and join you.”


  Sir woke Brie up several hours before dawn and drove them up to the California hills overlooking the city. This place held history for her. Sir had taken her twice after dealings with his mother, and she’d taken her own mother here after shopping for the wedding dress.

  It had a breathtaking vista that could not be matched.

  Sir helped Brie out of the car and then got Hope from her car seat. The baby was wide awake, looking around with a curious expression. Brie wondered if she was questioning why her parents had insisted on taking her out into the chilly air so early in the morning.

  “Look, Brie…” Sir pointed up at the dark sky.

  She followed his line of sight and a cold chill took over when she saw the full moon. It was the color of blood. While Brie appreciated that it was a spectacular sight, it reminded her of Rytsar. Without warning, she burst into tears.

  “What’s wrong?” Sir asked, surprised by her sudden outburst.

  Brie couldn’t even answer him, the lump in her throat preventing any speech. She just shook her head.

  “Babygirl…” he murmured, wrapping his free arm around her. Brie smashed her face into his coat, embracing Hope with her other arm in a group hug, needing their connection to survive the overwhelming pain she felt.

  Brie had no idea how long she sobbed, pressing her cheek against his cold jacket. However, the tears eventually stopped and numb relief followed. She pulled away from Sir, wiping her face before giving Hope a gentle kiss on the head. Without speaking, she got back into the car and shut the door.

  Sir did not question her silence, buckling Hope into the car seat. He drove them back to the apartment, giving her time to work through her emotions, but he kept glancing at Brie, his concern easy to see.

  Knowing he was worried about her, Brie fought through the painful
lump in her throat and whispered, “Rytsar.” The tears threatened to start up again, so she said nothing more.

  Sir nodded, staring ahead at the road, having no words of comfort to give.

  Although the outing had been an emotional landmine for Brie, she found her heart growing lighter with the passage of time.

  It left her to ponder if Marquis had somehow known it would provide her with a much needed release. Time became a friend to her again as she and Sir began reengaging with the world, their friends, and each other.

  It left her receptive when Sir came to her one evening sounding excited when he told her, “I have something I want to show you, babygirl.”

  Brie responded to his enthusiasm, fighting against the dark cloud that had been hovering over her. “If it pleases you, Sir,” she answered, assuming that the gleam in his eye had something to do with a new scene he wanted to play out together.

  For the first time in a long time, she felt a surge of sexual excitement.

  Expecting Sir to head toward the bedroom, she was surprised when he picked up the car keys. “Where are we going?”

  “My secret,” he answered. “Get Hope ready.”

  His unusual request stirred her curiosity, and Brie bundled Hope up for the night ride, excited about this unexpected jaunt.

  As Sir drove, he kept glancing at her, a secretive smile playing on his lips.

  Brie’s heart started racing when she realized they were headed toward Rytsar’s beach house.


  “Don’t say anything. Just wait.”

  Brie could hardly breathe as they drove up to Rytsar’s place, but it shocked her when he didn’t slow down and passed by the beach house. The place was dark, and only helped to remind her that he wasn’t there anymore.

  The joy she’d felt evaporated.

  Sir pulled into a driveway two houses down. The house was lit up brightly with every light in the house turned on—a drastic contrast to Rytsar’s home.

  The complete opposite.

  Brie tried to contain her disappointment, seeing how animated Sir was as he opened the car door and popped out of his seat, walking over to the passenger side to open hers. Brie got out slowly, forcing herself to smile up at him.

  He got Hope out of the car next and turned to face the house, stating proudly, “This is our new home.”

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat. She stared at the house, wanting to be happy for his sake, appreciating what Sir had done. “This is ours?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “We are next to the ocean so we can take advantage of the calming waves whenever we have the need.”

  “That’s wonderful, Sir,” she said, but her heart wasn’t in it.

  “Come, Brie. You can’t appreciate how perfect this place is until you see inside.”

  Brie took the baby from Sir, kissing her on the head. She took a moment to readjust her mindset. Sir had done this wonderful thing for their family. This place would connect them to Rytsar through the years. Hope would grow up here, soaking up his presence on the beach—his passion and zeal for life still lingering here.

  She started walking toward the entrance, smiling at Sir, sincerely grateful for this gift he’d given them. Bouncing Hope in her arms, she asked, “Are you ready to see our new place, little girl?”

  As Brie stepped up to the door, it swung open. Rytsar stood before her with Titov right behind him. Rytsar wore a mischievous grin with his arms wide open.

  “Radost moya, welcome me home.”

  Thank you so much for reading Brie’s story! I truly hope you enjoyed Bound by Love.

  Coming next in Brie’s world—Safe Haven the 1st part of Captain’s Duet

  Click here to read the next book.

  My dear fans,

  The adventure isn’t over!

  Get ready to delve into the lives of Captain and Candy.

  This is going to be an exciting adventure for us and all of the gang at the Submissive Training Center will be there! ~Red

  (Release Date – June 12, 2018)

  Safe Haven

  My name is Candy Cox.

  People assume my profession based on that name—but they’re wrong. I’m a regular girl working as a waitress, just trying to survive.

  You see, I’ve had a hard life and began exploring my submissive side wanting to escape the pain with kinky pleasure. But I was inexperienced and ended up collared to a boy who was abusive and cruel.

  If it hadn’t been for that fateful day when Brie Bennett handed me a business card with an offer of training, I don’t know if I would have survived.

  At the Submissive Training Center, I found Captain, the man of my dreams—my safe haven.

  But I have a problem.

  Captain won’t collar me.


  Safe Haven (Captain’s Duet) 1st Book of 2 for Captain’s story

  Available for Preorder

  Reviews mean the world to me!

  I truly appreciate you taking the time to review Bound by Love.

  If you could leave a review on both Goodreads and the site where you purchased this eBook from, I would be so grateful. Sincerely, ~Red


  Over Two Million readers have enjoyed Red’s stories

  Red Phoenix – USA Today Bestselling Author

  Winner of 8 Readers’ Choice Awards

  Hey Everyone!

  I’m Red Phoenix, an author who also happens to be a submissive in real life. I wrote the Brie’s Submission series because I wanted people everywhere to know just how much fun BDSM can be.

  There is a huge cast of characters who are part of Brie’s journey. The further you read into the story the more you learn about each one. I hope you grow to love Brie and the gang as much as I do.

  They’ve become like family.

  When I’m not writing, you can find me online with readers.

  I heart my fans! ~Red

  To find out more visit my Website

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  This has been quite a journey! I went from writing a simple short story “Brie’s First Day of Submissive Training” to an entire series of seventeen novels to date within Brie’s world.

  Like Brie, I have been changed since joining her on those adventures at the Submissive Training Center in March of 2012.

  I have made life-long friends, experimented with tools and scenes in BDSM I never thought I would have the courage to try, and I have fallen even more in love with my husband—the inspiration behind Brie’s Submission.

  To all of you who have been with me since the beginning, and to all those who are just joining now, I hope you continue to find inspiration and life truths within the pages of Brie’s story.

  Like you, I have fallen for all the characters in Brie’s world. I am eternally grateful that I met a humble genius, Anthony, who advised me to continue in this world, exploring the different characters in more depth.

  I want to thank my two kids, Jon and Jessica. They joined me last year and have since spent hours behind the scene getting Brie out to as many people as they can. Both of them are smarter than their mom, and I couldn’t be prouder to have them on my team.

  I also have fans who work tirelessly for me and have been doing so for years.

  While I can’t name them all, here are some that have made a huge difference:

  Brenda H, Brandi RS, Marilyn C, Becki W, Missy V, Felicia A, Emily E, Mary W, Jennifer RH, Marianna S, Jacque B, Christina G, & Autumn D.

  I also want to acknowledge my editors through the years:

  Amy Parker, RJ Lockes
ly, Jennifer Blackwell, K.H. Koehler

  My book designers:

  CopperLynn, Viola Estrella, and Shanoff Designs,

  as well as Paul Salvette, of BB Books, my awesome formatter

  A quick shout-out to two of my teachers!

  Miss Fushimi and Mr. Glenn:

  Your enthusiasm for my writing sparked something beautiful in that shy little redhead you had in class. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  Naturally, I must thank my husband, whom I affectionately call MrRed.

  He has been my inspiration from the beginning.

  All these many years, he has supported and encouraged my writing. I would not have begun this journey if it hadn’t been for his support.

  He continues to inspire by creating scenes for me to experience and write about, but more than that, his love has made me a better woman.

  I can’t wait to find out what the future holds as we all continue on this journey together!

  Much love,

  Red Phoenix

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Brie’s Submission Series:

  Teach Me #1

  Love Me #2

  Catch Me #3

  Try Me #4

  Protect Me #5

  Hold Me #6

  Surprise Me #7

  Trust Me #8

  Claim Me #9

  Enchant Me #10

  A Cowboy’s Heart #11

  Breathe with Me #12

  Her Russian Knight #13

  Under His Protection #14

  Her Russian Returns #15

  In Sir’s Arms #16

  Bound by Love #17

  *You can also purchase the AUDIO BOOK Versions

  Blissfully Undone

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish, taking one couple on a sensual journey into ménage à trois)

  His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  * Available in eBook and paperback


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