Do What You Want

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Do What You Want Page 1

by Vicktor Alexander



  Text Message from Mr. Perfect.

  Preston Weaver’s life runs on a set schedule. From Friday night at 6:00 p.m. to Monday morning at approximately 7:45 a.m. he is Preston Weaver. One-third of a modern-day parenting unit of three children. Responsible. Fun-loving. He takes care of his three children: Cassandra, Rachel, and Solomon alone on the weekends to give his other two parenting partners, Zora and Demetri, a break. During the weekend, Preston wears “Daddy” clothes. He sleeps in “Daddy” clothes. At least on the outside.

  But at 7:45 a.m. on Monday, Preston stops being “Daddy” and becomes “boy,” and all it takes is a text message from his Sir, Reginald Van-Moreno.

  Did you miss me this weekend?

  With a flash, Preston becomes the submissive he was always meant to be. The submissive he loves being. And while he knows the people in his life would never understand his need to not only submit, but his yearning, his love, and his craving for wearing lingerie and being restrained, the bite of pain, and the rest of the kink he’s into, they don’t need to understand or accept it. Preston is really great at keeping the two parts of his life completely separate.

  Until he’s not.

  When a faulty elevator leads to Preston and Reginald, Mr. Perfect, taking advantage of a situation, and that leads to both parts of Preston’s life colliding, he’ll have to come to terms with mixing the personal with the even more personal.

  Table of Contents


  Love is an Open Road

  Do What You Want – Information

  Thank You

  Author’s Note

  Do What You Want

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Author Bio

  Love is an Open Road

  An M/M Romance series


  By Vicktor Alexander


  The story you are about to read celebrates love, sex and romance between men. It is a product of the Love is an Open Road promotion sponsored by the Goodreads M/M Romance Group and is published as a gift to you.

  What Is Love is an Open Road?

  The Goodreads M/M Romance Group invited members to choose a photo and pen a letter asking for a short M/M romance story inspired by the image; authors from the group were encouraged to select a letter and write an original tale. The result was an outpouring of creativity that shone a spotlight on the special bond between M/M romance writers and the people who love what these authors do.

  A written description of the image that inspired this story is provided along with the original request letter. If you’d like to view the photo, please feel free to join the Goodreads M/M Romance Group and visit the discussion section: Love is an Open Road.

  No matter if you are a long-time devotee to M/M Romance, just new to the genre or fall somewhere in between, you are in for a delicious treat.

  Words of Caution

  This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

  Each year, a dedicated group of Volunteers from the M/M Romance Group work hard behind the scenes to bring these stories to you. Our Editors, Formatters, Proofreaders, and those working on Quality Assurance, spend many long hours over a course of several months so that each Event is a success. As each and every author also gives freely of their time and talent, it was decided that all edits suggested may be accepted or rejected by the author at any given time. For this reason, some stories will appear to be more tightly edited than others, depending on the choice of the author.

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved worldwide.

  This eBook may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the Goodreads M/M Romance Group. This eBook may not be sold, manipulated or reproduced in any format without the express written permission of the author.

  Do What You Want, Copyright © 2015 Vicktor Alexander

  Cover Art by Broadwhey.

  This ebook is published by the M/M Romance Group and is not directly endorsed by or affiliated with Goodreads Inc.

  M/M Romance Group Publication


  By Vicktor Alexander

  Photo Description

  Two men lying naked on the bed facing the ceiling, in the midst of having sex. One lying on top of the other, but the picture is only of their lower halves. The man on top has his legs straight up, wearing a pair of pantyhose, black garters with red ribbons, and black patent stilettoes which are crossed at the ankles, being thoroughly fucked by the man on the bottom whose legs are spread-eagled.

  Story Letter

  Dear Author,

  I would like a story that heavily involves MANTIES (men who wear women’s lingerie, particularly lacy panties) with D/s or M/s relationship thrown in. I really want the MANTIES wearer to be comfortable wearing the MANTIES rather than being all angst-y and self-loathing about it, please, even to the point of being ok/turned on by some heat of the moment femininization. Also, it can be either the top, bottom or both that wear the MANTIES. Otherwise, kink it up. The only thing that’s a hard limit is scat. Bonus points for chastity, though.

  Setting? That’s up to you, dear author. Kink it up in space. Kink it up in the future. Kink it up with some vampires in future dystopia. Kink it up Regency style with a bunch of corsets thrown in. Kink it up in a fantasy world with dragons if you like.

  I would like either an HFN or HEA.

  Thank you in advance, dear author,


  Story Info

  Genre: contemporary

  Tags: BDSM, businessman, cross-dressing, established couples, manties, men with children, secret relationship, spanking, toys, workplace sex

  Word Count: 15,726

  Thank You

  Thank You to Optimist King’s Wench for the AWESOME prompt. I had an amazing time with these two guys and knew that I had to do one of two things with them, either write the 50k words they were demanding and make everyone wait, or give everyone just a taste of their story. So I hope you’re okay with this taste. There is so much more of Reginald and Preston, and don’t worry, I’m going to make the story free when I’m done. LOL.

  Thank you to my awesome assistant, Melissa, who laughed and said, “Of course you got that prompt,” when I told her. And to my bestie, Adara, who described the picture to me in very graphic, steamy detail. I still have it in my email— fans self.

  To my amazing cover artist and friend, and to all of the readers who encouraged me on the thread and got excited when I chose the prompt: You guys ROCK!!

  And as always: To the Vicksters and my other author friends who wrote, messaged, called, Facebooked, etc. when they didn’t hear from me for a while. I feel extremely loved. You have no idea what that means to me. None at all. Thank you. <3

  Author’s Note

  If you are going to engage in any BDSM practices, make sure you know what you are doing. BDSM is not to be taken lightly. Make sure you have a safeword in place. Make sure you have established hard and soft limits. And please be sure you have a trained professional on hand. No matter how successful it was, Fifty Shades of Grey is not an accurate depiction of BDSM. If you are curious or interested in the Li
festyle, there are plenty of resources out there to help you. Please do not use romantic fiction as your guide. For more info:,, or [email protected].


  By Vicktor Alexander

  Chapter One


  It was another fucking Monday morning. Preston Weaver could tell it was Monday even though his eyes hadn’t officially opened, and the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. No sooner had that thought entered his mind than the annoying tone of Ariana Grande’s song came blaring through his phone. A small, too thin arm came flying across the bed and Preston’s hand tried to catch it, but it was a moment too late. Whack! Right across his face… again. The same thing. Every Monday.

  He groaned and rolled his daughter’s arm off his face.

  “Rachel,” he murmured, shaking the seven-year-old who had once again found her way into his bed in the middle of the night. “Time to get up. Your mother will be here any minute.”

  “Donwanna,” the little girl muttered.

  “Yeah, well,” Preston chuckled. “I don’t want to go to work, but such is life. Up and at ’em, Rachel Cottontail.”


  Preston rolled his eyes and reached over to shut off the incessant screeching of the pop singer coming from his iPhone. He wasn’t sure why he had allowed his eldest daughter, Cassie— oh wait, she was Cassandra now— to program the alarm to play such a racket, but he had, and now he had no idea how to change it back. Where had the days gone when alarms were just blaring noises or cuckoo clocks?

  Oh my God… I’m old. I’m only 34, how is that possible?

  He laughed when he heard the grumbling coming from the other side of the bed before the bed finally shifted and moved. Preston could hear her small feet shuffling towards the bedroom door, and he twisted his head to smile at her just as she opened it to step through. He had exactly three minutes of blissful silence before…


  It’s Monday.

  Shoving himself up in bed fully, Preston ran his fingers through his blond-streaked brown hair, which he was sure was sleep mussed, before letting his hands straighten his cotton pajama top. He shivered slightly, biting his bottom lip against the moan that threatened when the fabric of the shirt rubbed against his black, silk chemise top.

  “Daddy! Solomon threw up!” Cassandra’s voice was frantic, and Preston’s eyes popped open with a groan.

  Monday. School week.

  Getting to his feet, Preston strode quickly to his son Solomon’s bedroom, expecting to find the four-year-old covered in vomit. Instead, there was a small patch of what appeared to be drool on the little boy’s shoulder that had his oldest sister freaking out. Preston rolled his eyes as he picked up his only son and kissed the little boy’s forehead.

  All three of his children were the product of a calm, rational discussion between Preston and his two best friends, Demetri and Zora, a heterosexual couple who were unable to conceive naturally since Demetri was a transgender male and born biologically female. Preston hadn’t hesitated to offer to be the donor for the children, and in their “modern day family” dynamic there was Demetri, the father; Zora, the mother; and Preston, the dad, or daddy in some cases.

  Preston got the children on the weekends, giving Demetri and Zora the opportunity for some “naughty adult” time, though he often shuddered when he thought of what heterosexual couples did with each other, but come Monday… Monday at 7:30 a.m., the beautiful blue van would pull up in front of his two-story home and park. Much as it was doing right at that very moment…

  Preston finished tying Solomon’s shoes and picked up his bag, ruffling the little boy’s sandy-brown hair. He smiled when he heard the small giggle that emanated from the tiny chest, his heart squeezing as he glanced down into the loving face of his son. Solomon kissed the back of Preston’s hand, and Preston chuckled.

  “Lub you, Daddy,” Solomon said, his nose still slightly congested from the cold that was going around.

  “I love you too, Captain Solomon,” Preston said, saluting.

  Solomon giggled, covering his face with his chubby fingers, and Preston’s heart turned over again. The moment was shattered by the sound of elephants clomping down the stairs, and Preston turned with a tight smile on his face. He wasn’t sure what kind of day they were going to be having yet, and he waited for Cassandra to speak first to let him know if she loved him or hated him today.

  “Daddy? When we come back on Friday, can we go to Six Flags?” Cassandra asked him as she ran her fingers through her straight blonde hair.

  Daddy. So she loves me today. Good.

  “Sure, pumpkin. I’ll tell your mom,” he told her.

  “Great! Amber, Ashley, and Kelsey are all going, and I absolutely have to be there,” she told him, looking up at him with her big, light-green eyes.

  Preston smiled and nodded, understanding his daughter’s desire for popularity, though not her choice in friends. He opened his mouth to talk to her about her vapid friends once again when the front door opened.

  “Hello? I bring breakfast!” Zora’s voice rang out through the halls, and Preston laughed as the children let out screams of delight and took off toward her. He followed slowly, shaking his head. Standing in the entryway were his best friends, Zora and Demetri. Zora, standing beautiful as ever. Tall and statuesque. Her light-brown skin beautifully attired in a red pantsuit. Her long, tight black curls fell to the middle of her back as she leaned down to pick up Solomon who demanded to be picked up, as always.

  “You’re spoiling him,” Demetri’s deep voice echoed through the entryway, and Preston leaned against the doorway to the living room, once again thinking what a shame it was that the gorgeous transman was straight. Demetri was tall and clean shaven, with broad shoulders, a bald head and with dimples in both cheeks of his square jaw. His eyes were a dark green. And though he worked as a lawyer, he spent a considerable amount of time in the gym, giving him a nicely muscled frame.

  “But he’s my baby. I’m supposed to spoil him,” Zora said before she gave Solomon’s face a smattering of kisses.

  Demetri turned to look at Preston with a beseeching look. “Help me out here, man.”

  Preston raised his hands. “Leave me out of this one. It’s Monday. They are officially yours now.”

  “That’s cold, Pres. Icy cold.” Demetri shook his head.

  Preston looked down when he felt a tug on his shirt and found Rachel staring up at him. Crouching down, he ran his hand over the little girl’s head. Out of all of his children, Rachel was the one who was most like him. Quiet, shy, anxious to please… submissive.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “Don’t forget Wednesday, okay, Daddy?” she reminded him softly.

  He made the sign of an X over his chest and raised his hand. “Cross my heart, Rachel Cottontail.”

  She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. He hugged her tightly before releasing her so they could leave. There was a shuffle of bags, shoes, jackets, hugs, and kisses as the kids were ushered out the door, Preston promising to see them all on Wednesday at Rachel’s talent show and then on Friday when he would get them again for another weekend. He waved at Demetri who herded them all out to the car, covering his ears when the man thanked him profusely for taking them, telling him that it was greatly appreciated.

  Preston walked up to Zora, who shoved a bag of donuts and bagels at him. He rolled his eyes as he stared at her.

  “You know I can cook my own breakfast, Zo,” he told her.

  Zora snorted. “I know you can, Pres. I also know that on Mondays you are rushing around after the kids leave to get ready for work, and with you being an assistant for Mr. Perfect, you don’t have time to make breakfast. Not on Mondays anyway. So, just shut up, take the damn bag, and eat them. Got it?”

  Preston grinned and accepted the bag from her, leaning forward to kiss her ch
eek. “Thanks, Zo. I couldn’t have asked for a better baby momma.”

  Zora laughed. “And I couldn’t have asked for a better sperm donor. Now go away.”

  Preston gestured around. “Um… Zo? This is my house.”

  Zora giggled. “Oh yeah. Well, then, bye. Gotta get the kids to school. Call me later.”

  “Will do.” Preston stood at the door and waved until the van disappeared from view, then closed it and headed back upstairs, knowing he only had to wait a few minutes for the text. The person sending it lived right down the street and would have seen the van leave, so it wouldn’t take long.

  Did you miss me?

  Preston grinned, his cock growing hard instantly. He pulled off his “Daddy Pajamas,” thrilling at the sight of the black silk chemise and silk boyshorts beneath. He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling sexier as the seconds ticked by. He wasn’t “Daddy Preston” anymore. He was “Boy Preston.” He was sex. Sensuality. Lust. Passion.

  Not Daddy, but Boy. And it felt so damn good to touch his silk again without having to worry about one of the kids stumbling in on him. Damn good.

  Of course I did, Sir. I always miss you on the weekends, he responded.

  Good. :-) Today is a chastity day, since it’s Monday. So pull out the cage, and I’ll be over to put it on, and then I want to watch you get dressed.

  Preston groaned. He both loved and hated chastity days; it most certainly meant that he was going to be teased all day with no end in sight. He trembled in breathless anticipation.

  Yes, Sir.


  Chapter Two

  Preston stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing his white towel over his hair, and froze at the sight that awaited him in his bedroom. Laying on his bed was a pair of black, patent leather, high-heeled pumps and a delicate pair of sheer black stockings. A lacy, red pair of cotton boyshorts were placed lovingly next to them, displayed wantonly among all of the black fabric on the bed like a beacon, beckoning Preston forward. His gaze continued along the mattress, taking in the black garter belt with the small, blood-red, sheer ribbons— untied— and waiting to be smoothed up along his waist. The black corset with its threaded red design sent a shiver through Preston’s body, but it was the two items on the end of the bed which caused him to softly moan and clutch the ends of his towel tightly.


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