drag queens, 235, 325, 326–27, 330
drag shows, 279–80
Drake, Guy, 335
Dreamland Park, 228
drinking, 30–33, 37, 95–96, 102, 118, 188, 214, 297
Franklin’s attempts to regulate, 25
given up by American elites, 33
see also alcohol; alcoholism
drugs, 230–31 Drunkard’s Emblem, The (Rush), 33
Duberman, Martin, 235
DuBois, Silvia, 62
DuBois, W. E. B., 56–57, 99–100, 304, 311
Dumont, Eleanora, 106, 114–15
Dunning, William, 78n
Durante, Jimmy, 192
Dwight, Theodore, 62
East Berlin, 287, 288–89
East Coast Homophile Organizations, 325–26
Eastern State Penitentiary, 60
East Germany, 286–88, 293
hairstyles of, 286–87
juvenile delinquency in, 290
rock-and-roll in, 288–91
East India Company, British, 27
Eaton, John, 87–88
Ebony, 172, 296, 297, 299, 300, 307
economic depression, 30, 197, 232, 243, 249, 251, 260, 265
Edison, Thomas, 237–39
education, 54, 97
see also schools
Eisenhower, Dwight, 324
Ellington, George, 109
Emancipation Proclamation, 78
Emanuel, Gabe, 52
Emergency Quota Act (1921), 164–65, 196
Emery, James, 246
Emmett, Abraham, 47
Emmett, Dan, 39, 40–41, 42–44, 46–47, 50, 53, 55, 58, 70, 75–76, 147, 311
Emmett, Sarah, 47, 48
Empire of Their Own, An (Gabler), 265
Enemy Act (1917), 245
Engerman, Stanley, 66, 67
Enstad, Nan, 227
Erenberg, Lewis A., 112, 114
Erens, Patricia, 266
Escott, Paul D., 53
eugenics, 266–68
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask (Reuben), 329
“Exhortation to Diligence,” 92–93
see freedmen
Famous Musicians of a Wandering Race (Saleski), 174
fascism, 199, 240–69
Feather, Leonard, 193
Federal Communications Commission, 256
Federalist Papers, 31
Federalist Party, 36
Federal Trade Commission, 214
Fein, Art, 202–3
feminism, feminists, 105, 108, 115, 123, 221, 222
Ferguson, Roderick, 305
fertility rates, 66
Fields, W. C., 250
films, see movies
First Continental Congress, U.S., 27
First Ladies Red Dress Collection, 119
Fishberg, Maurice, 161
Fisher, Margaret, 34–35
Fisk, Clinton B., 81–82
Fiske, John, 181
Flamingo hotel and casino, 236–37
Flanagan, Elizabeth, 34
flappers, 118
Fleischer, Nat, 174
Fleischer, Robert, 278
Fleischmann, Joan, 326
flogging, 59
Foerster, Robert F., 185, 189
Fogel, Robert, 57n 66, 67
Foner, Eric, 78
Fontaine, Letitia Lulu Agatha “Mama Lou,” 107
Footlight Parade, 259, 262
Ford, Betty, 119
Ford, Henry, 165
42nd Street, 262
Forward, 173, 176
Foster, George G., 109, 115, 145, 146
Foster, Stephen, 42, 44–45, 147
Foster, Thomas, Jr., 68
Fox, William, 239
Foxx, Redd, 307
Frame of Government, A (Penn), 130
Frank, Leo, 163–64, 266
Franke, Katherine, 91
Franklin, Aretha, 300
Franklin, Benjamin, 7, 9, 25, 49, 71
Franklin, C. L., 300
Free Beaches, 329
freedmen, 20, 96, 123
citizenship and, 98–99
dancing and, 114
demands for higher pay by, 85
evaluation of slavery by, 51–53
land for, 84–85, 97
marriage of, 87–91
organized strikes of, 84
sexuality and, 86–92
work ethic and, 79-84
see also African Americans
Freedmen, Estelle B., 64
Freedmen’s Bureau, 79, 80–81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 95, 97, 98, 123
abolitionists as opponents of, 62–70
restrictiveness of, 47
as self-control, 22
as self-denial, 27–28
in slave culture, 50-57, 62-64, 65-66, 70-75
slavery of, 77–100
as spawned by monarchy, 23
freedom schools, 303–4
Freedom Summer Project, 302–4
French immigrants, 129
Friedman, Benny, 174
Friedman, Marty, 166
From Moses to Einstein: They Are All Jews, 174
Froude, James Anthony, 141
fugitive slaves, 61, 70
Gabler, Neal, 265
Gaelic League, 156
Gallico, Paul, 167
Gambino, Carlo, 234–35
gambling, 102, 217, 236, 297
Gangs of New York (Asbury), 145
gangsters, 229–39
celebrity status of, 232
homosexuality and, 234–35
movies about, 232–33
Garbo, Greta, 233
Garraty, John A., 243, 253
Garrison, William Lloyd, 63
Gaye, Marvin, 308
Gay Liberation Front (GLF), 328, 330
gay rights movement, 18–19, 324–31
gays, homosexuality, 4, 18–19, 234–35, 258, 264, 277, 278–79, 299, 300, 324–31
banned from federal jobs, 324
bars, 234–35, 236, 280, 308, 328
bathhouses, 328
gangsters and, 234–35
marriage of, 330
as mental illness, 329–30
in military, 277–80, 325, 331
sexuality of, 326
theater, 279–80
General Electric, 247
General Motors, 340–41
“General Rules to Govern Time of an Overseer” (Nutt), 67–68
Genius of Universal Emancipation, 63
Genovese, Eugene, 66
Genovese, Vito, 234–35, 234
George III, King of England, 25
George Washington, Jr., 158
Georgia, 27, 35–36
German settlers, 133
Gershwin, George, 169, 170
Gerstle, Gary, 177, 265
Gertzman, Jay A., 166
Giambastiani, Luigi, 197–98
Gienger, Nonie, 339
Gilfoyle, Timothy J., 96, 104, 110
Gill, Gerald, 305
Gillem, Alvan, 90, 91
Gillespie, John “Dizzy,” 272–73
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 105
Gilmore, Patrick, 153
Ginsberg, Allen, 309, 327–28
Giovanni, Nikki, 302
Gladden, Washington, 93
Gladow, Werner, 287
Goebbels, Joseph, 242–43
Gold, Michael, 171
Goldberg, Isaac, 169
Goldbergs, The, 178
Gold Diggers of 1933, 262
Goldstein, Eric L., 160, 177
Goldwater, Barry, 291
Gompers, Samuel, 211
Goodman, Benny, 193, 230
Gordon, Vera, 264
“Gospel of Wealth, The” (Carnegie), 209–10
Grace, Charles Manuel “Sweet Daddy,” 298, 299–301
Graham, Lou, 106–7
Grand Circus Theater, 307
Grant, Henry, 50
Grant, Madison, 157, 184
Grant, Ulysses S., 97
Grasso, Francis, 203
Graydon, Alexander, 8
“Great Awakening,” 130
Great Britain, 24, 29
boycotts of goods from, 24, 26, 27
Great Depression, 249, 251, 260, 265
“Great Migration,” 121
Green, Donald Philip, 200
Greenbaum, Gus, 236, 237
Griffith, D. W., 264
Griffiths, John, 137
Grotewohl, Otto, 288
Grovis, Rosanna, 35
Grund, Francis, 49
Guglielmo, Thomas, 186, 187, 189, 197, 199
Gurock, Jeffrey, 171
Guttadaro, Bobby “DJ,” 203
Hager, Kurt, 286
Haggard, Merle, 334, 335, 336, 337
hairstyles, 118, 286–87
Halbstarke, 287, 288
Hale, Alan, 280
Hamilton, Alexander, 3, 31, 32
Hamilton, Mary, 18
Hamilton Company, 93–94
Hanby, Benjamin, 44
Hancock, John, 27, 28
Haney commune, 338
“Hard Times,” 43
Harlem, N.Y., 169–70, 173, 188, 192, 193, 248, 305, 306, 307, 312
Harlem Globetrotters, 178
Harlow, Jean, 233
Harper, Dave, 52
Harper’s, 141, 224, 243
Harrigan, Edward, 153–54
Harris, Oren, 291–92
Hartman, Saidiya, 305
Hawaii, 275, 276
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 115
Hayes, Rutherford B., 98
Hayman, Jessie, 105, 114
Hays, Will, 257, 261
Hays Code, 257–58
Hays Office, 257, 260–61, 266
Hayward, Zab, 135
Hazards of Helen, 227
Helena, Mont., 106, 107–8
Heller, Max, 162
Hemings, Sally, 134
hemp, see marijuana
Hemp for Victory, 281
Henderson, Fletcher, 170, 230
Henry, Patrick, 27
Henry Street Settlement, 221
Hessler, Julia, 288
Hi, Yank!, 279
Hines, Earl, 230
Hines, Thomas S., 264
hip-hop, 47, 179–80, 204, 309
hippies, 332, 334, 337–40
Hirsch, Edwin, 329
Hitler, Adolf, 240, 241, 242, 243–44, 245, 252, 254, 263, 267
Hoboken, N.J., 201
Hodges, Graham, 146
Holiday, Billie, 193
Holman, Nat, 166, 174
Hoover, J. Edgar, 292–93
Hoover, Lou Henry, 118
Hopkins, Gary, 319
Horony, “Big Nose Kate,” 114
Horovitz, Adam, 179
Horowitz, Daniel, 212, 214
Horton, James, 144
Horton, Lois, 144
House of Representatives, U.S., 97
Committee on Immigration and Naturalization of, 164, 183, 196
“House Rent Party Day” (Prima), 195
Howard Theatre, 195
Howe, William, 4, 28
Howells, William Dean, 154
How the Irish Invented Slang (Cassidy), 149n
Hughes, Archbishop “Dagger John,” 151, 152
Hughes, Langston, 230, 304
Hughson, John, 9–10, 11
Hunter, Lina, 53
Hunter, Tera, 306
Ialacci, Scott (“DJ Skribble”), 204
Ickes, Harold, 263
Ignatiev, Noel, 142, 147, 149
illegitimate children, 13–14, 36, 65, 92
immigrants, immigration, 10
intelligence tests given to, 184
quotas on, 160, 164–65, 196, 197
see also specific ethnic groups
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 176
Immigration Commission, U.S., 183
Imperial Comradeship Society, 274
“Index of Negrescence” (Beddoe), 141
Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts, The (Tugwell), 249–50
industrial revolution, 141, 222
Inheriting Shame (Selden), 266
Inouye, Daniel, 275–76
Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors, An (Rush), 30
integration, 4, 6, 119–22, 296, 301, 304–9, 311, 316, 322
in American popular music, 192
of concert saloons, 113
vs. desegregation, 316, 321-23
Internal Revenue Service, 306
“International Jew, The: The World’s Problem” (Ford), 165
In the Days of the Comet (Wells), 248
Intimate Matters (Freedman & D’Emilio), 64
“Ireland and Virginia,” 147
Irish Americans, 4, 140–59, 168, 199
antiblack racism by, 149–50
assimilation of, 151–53, 155–59
blackface minstrels of, 147, 149–50, 153
cohabitation with blacks by, 144–45
compared to blacks, 142-49
compared to Italian Americans, 181
dancing of, 147–48, 156
fire companies of, 143–44, 150
gangs of, 150 “malingering” by, 142
music of, 147, 153–55
as police, 149–53
political organizing of, 150–51
pop culture depictions of, 156–57
temperance movement and, 143–44, 152
vocabulary contributed by, 148–49
“Irish Emigrant’s Lament, The,” 147
Irish Emigrant Society, 152
Italian Americans, 177, 181–204, 229
antiblack rioting by, 198
assimilation of, 195–96, 199
cohabitation with blacks by, 186, 197
compared to blacks, 181–82, 184, 186, 195
compared to Irish Americans, 181
compared to slaves, 183, 185
as gangsters, 189, 230
lynching of, 182
Prohibition and, 188–89
sexuality of, 181, 185
stereotypes of, 181, 183, 185
wages of, 183
whiteness denied to, 186
work ethic of, 183, 185
Ivy, Lorenzo L., 55
Jackson, Jesse, 308
“Jack Tinsel,” 18
Janus Society, 324, 325
Japan, Japanese, 273–74, 276, 280
Japanese Americans:
internment of, 274, 276
in Japanese military, 276
loyalties of, 274–75
schools of, 275–76
Japanese Military Servicemen’s League, 274
Japanese National Defense and Soldier’s Relief Fund, 275
Jay, John, 3
jazz, 46–47, 107, 159, 165, 170, 172, 175, 190–95, 203, 229–30, 236, 287, 288, 289, 291, 293
sexuality of, 201
in Soviet Union, 285–86
Jazz Singer, The, 170, 176
Jefferson, Randolph, 134
Jefferson, Thomas, 30, 31–32, 33, 36–38, 134
Jerome, Judson, 340
Jerome, Marty, 340
Jew a Negro, The (Abernethy), 160–61
Jew in American Cinema, The (Erens), 266
Jews, 160–80, 237, 238, 264
as “abnormally twisted,” 163–65
African Americans and, 168
alleged African origin of, 160–63
assimilation of, 172–80
as athletes, 166–68, 174–78
as blackface performers, 168
as bootleggers, 166
in films, 264–65
as gangsters, 230, 232, 236
identification with African Americans of, 171
in music industry, 168–72
in popular culture, 162–63
as prostitutes, 166
sexuality of, 163–65
Jews, The: A Study of Race and Environment (Fishberg), 161
Jews Without Money (Gold), 171
“Jim Crow” (Rice), 42, 46
Joe Segretta’s, 191
John Freeman and His Family, 80–81
“Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye,” 153
Johnson, Albert, 164, 196
Johnson, Andrew, 86, 97
Johnson, Hugh, 250–52
Johnson, James, 56
Johnson, Lady Bird, 119
Johnson, Mollie, 120
Johnson, Richard, 68
Jolson, Al, 168, 169, 170, 264
Jones, Betty, 75
Jones, James Francis “Prophet,” 298–300
Joplin, Scott, 192
Jordan, David Starr, 196
Jordan Marsh, 207
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 312
Joy in Work, The (LaSelle), 219
Joy of Sex, The, 328
J. P. Morgan, 246–47
Julius Schmid Inc., 111
Junge Welt, 287–88, 289
Jungle Book, The, 203
Juvenile Protective Association, 155
J. Walter Thompson, 226
Karenga, Ron, 302
Kasson, John, 227
Kaufman, Murray, 292
Kaye, Anthony, 65
“Keep America ‘White’!,” 196
Kefauver, Estes, 292–93
Kelley, Robin D. G., 304–5, 306
Kennedy, John F., 291
Keppard, Freddie, 230
Kern, Jerome, 169, 170
Kerouac, Jack, 309
Kevles, Daniel, 268
Keyserling, Leon, 247
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 121, 295–97, 301, 306, 308–9, 312, 316, 321, 322, 323, 325
King’s College, 13
Kingsley, Charles, 140
Klotz, Red, 178
Knights of Labor, 211
Koll, Alo, 289–90
Korean War, 305
Kross, Jessica, 9
Ku Klux Klan, 164, 264, 310
Ku Klux Klan Act (1871), 97
Kurella, Alfred, 289
La Belle Paree, 169
Labor Department, U.S., 103, 306
labor unions, 211, 221, 232
see also specific unions
Ladies’ Home Journal, 118
Laemmle, Carl, 226–27, 239
LaGumina, Salvatore J., 187
Lakshmi, 339–40
Lambda Legal, 331
Lamont, Thomas W., 246–47
land, private ownership of, 48
Lane, Horace, 58
Lane Seminary, 63
Lansky, Meyer, 236
LaRocca, Dominic James “Nick,” 191, 192
Larsen, Nella, 115
LaSelle, Mary Augusta, 219
Lasky, Jesse, 113
Lassley, Matthew, 61
Last Poets, 302
Las Vegas, Nev., 236–37
Latrobe, Benjamin, 136
Laurens, Henry, 29
Lauria, “Fat Tony,” 235
Lawes Resolutions of Women’s Rights (1632), 69
Lay, Harold, 318
Lay, Vinia, 318
Lebrowitz, Barney “Battling Levinsky,” 167–68
Lectures to Young Men (Beecher), 208–9
Lee, Richard Henry, 24
Lee, Robert E., 58
Lee, Tony, 235
Lee Baxandall’s World Guide to Nude Recreation, 329
A Renegade History of the United States Page 46