Murder and Brandy Boy: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery Series Book 2

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Murder and Brandy Boy: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery Series Book 2 Page 13

by Dianne Harman

  "For those who say that they have no time for sleep and exercise, the simple answer is - focus on 20% of your tasks (the most important ones) and the rest will eventually take care of themselves.

  "It's hard to work on the 20% because you have to use your brain. So people choose to do the remaining 80% which is repetitive and requires almost no cerebral activity.

  "Good food, sound sleep and vigorous exercise will set off a chain reaction that will result in bliss, and this bliss will ensure that you remain in the here and now and live a great life, free from the burden of the past, free from your memories that have haunted and imprisoned you for so long."

  "I've always bought cheap, unhealthy, processed food to lower my grocery bills. I never realized my foolishness until now," said a young man.

  "A lot of us know about sleep and exercise but never really cared about food, and never really understood how intimately it's tied to success and well-being," said another.

  "I really want to get out of this 'walking dead' club as soon as possible. I didn’t even know I was a member until you brought this whole memory stuff up," said a young woman.

  "Well, as we go deeper you'll begin to realize that moving up the ladder is not tough or difficult, it's tricky. A sound foundation and common sense will take you far; there's nothing complicated about it," said the chairman.

  “Ok, so let's move on. Back in the day and to some extent even today, in some parts of the world, couples are matched sexually based on the group they belong to - a dog, horse or elephant,” said the chairman.

  The young were smiling and the old were blushing. What had sex got to do with money, everyone wondered? And the chairman went on to explain 'resistance' in more detail, once he had obtained assurances from his audience that they would do their best to empty themselves of their memories and their conditioning.


  Resistance Explained

  In some parts of the world men and women are divided into 3 distinct groups, namely – dog, horse and elephant. Now, in the wild elephants don’t ride horses, and dogs are not enamored with horses either. However, when it comes to human beings plenty of examples exist where such mismatches can be observed, if one cares to pay a little attention.

  When the resistance of the source (man) is equal to the resistance of the load (woman) then the maximum amount of energy/power flows, and everyone is happy. When resistances match, then everything is in “harmony” or “in resonance”.

  The source and the load must always be matched, as closely as possible, for maximum energy/power transfer to take place. This law of the universe is a fundamental law (Impedance/ Resistance Matching) that covers all engineering disciplines. Failure to follow this law always ends in a fiasco.

  The universe offers no resistance to the flow of energy. It can transmit infinite amounts of energy, instantaneously. However, most of us have very high amounts of resistance (when it comes to embracing change and accepting new ideas and possibilities).

  If you have built up a lot of resistance (primarily stored as memories, most of which are of no use) you will obstruct the flow of energy. So in this case the universe is the elephant and you are a housefly. The universe wants to and has the resources to give you so much, but you've made yourself so small that the resistance is too much. So you get a little.

  Ultimately, you will be surrounded by people who have more or less the same energy/resistance levels (as yours), hence dogs are with dogs, horses with horses and elephants with elephants.

  Ultimately, the lower the resistance the better your growth prospects!

  "So how do we lower our resistance?" asked a middle-aged man.

  "Great question," replied the chairman.

  “A human baby is born with very poor eyesight, it is almost blind. It relies more on touch and sound during the first few weeks of its life.

  “When it opens its eyes, light streams in. The brain senses this, resulting in a rush of neural activity. New pathways are formed rapidly that result in good eyesight. Here’s the important point,” emphasized the chairman.

  “The only thing a baby does to develop its eyesight is - open its eyes.

  “This act of ‘opening up’ plays a critical role in helping you lower your resistance. The universe does the rest. The universe is just a mirror - whatever vibe you emit is reflected back to you. The openness of your heart and mind will break down your walls of resistance.

  "Every ugly duckling has the ability to turn into a beautiful swan, if you just let go of the resistance; it'll happen sooner rather than later. So how many of you now understand the concept of resistance?” the chairman asked.

  Everyone nodded a yes.

  “Ok, so let’s try something out,” said the chairman.

  “You can be at two places at the same time,” said the chairman, much to everyone’s astonishment. They all looked at each other not knowing what to say.

  "That's bull freaking shit," said one man.

  "Well, that's resistance for you right there. I'm not here to change your beliefs, but wouldn't it better if you investigated the matter further rather than dismissing it so abruptly?" asked the chairman.

  “So this is for real?” asked another.

  “Yes,” said the chairman.

  “Nice. We could all work two jobs at once and no one would know,” said a senior gentleman. “Woooohoooooooo,” all of them screamed out loud.

  “But if that’s the case, then why doesn’t everyone do it?” asked one guy, with a puzzled look on his face.

  “There was a man sitting on the bank of a river who was hypnotized (plugged into the matrix) by the upside-down reflection of a tree, shimmering in the crystal clear water. He took it for reality. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and told him that the tree was right behind him and upright," said the chairman. "He turned around, saw it and then immediately turned his head back towards the reflection, happy that everything was the same once more.”

  “Always remember that the world is upside down. Your external senses will mesmerize you until you wake up. Till then one mirage after the next will be taken for reality.”

  "Is sex bad?" asked a young man.

  “My grandmother used to say - don’t talk about sex at the dinner table or you’ll get a pregnant pause,” the chairman replied. “The world has moved on. No, sex is not bad, but excessive sex will result in a wretched life," replied the chairman.

  "Very interesting," remarked one woman.

  "Yeah, and the old ones are as horny as the young," added a young gal, who was known for her outspokenness, much to the embarrassment of the older folk, most of whom went beet red.

  "That's a good topic for a Ph.D thesis," chuckled the chairman, as he deftly maneuvered the topic in another direction. "So let's move on to the next big topic that sucks the life out of you."


  Sin, a Wretched Invention

  “There is no such thing as ‘sin’," said the chairman. "The whole concept of retribution and heaven and hell is a figment of your imagination. Sin gives birth to guilt, and guilt kills you. It literally snuffs the life out of your being. You do something and someone says you have sinned and you will be punished.

  “This guilt gets buried deep within your bosom and never lets you live freely. You expect to be punished for as long as you live because this guilty memory haunts you forever. Any surprises as to why most humans are like dodos that became extinct because they couldn’t fly?” exclaimed the chairman.

  He waited for an answer. The chairman possessed the limitless patience that teachers and bosses often lack: people need plenty of time to hear a question and answer it.

  “Any clue as to why most humans are like dodos that became extinct because they couldn’t fly?” the chairman repeated.

  “Escuse me, shir,” said a toothless old man. “What does a dodo and flying have to do with the money you promised to talk about?”

  The chairman’s poise was momentarily ruffled by the old man’s question

  After a pause, he reached down and withdrew a large-denomination bill from his pocket, which he slowly folded into a paper airplane. He tossed it gently into the air, and after a respectable flight, the green bill landed on the floor near a young gal’s feet.

  “Money can fly,” said the chairman. “The dodo couldn’t.”

  The crowd chuckled. The toothless man cackled that his money flew, all right, into the hands of the income tax and bill collectors.

  Before all the laughter had subsided the chairman resumed, “If you don’t start living, then you’re headed for dododum. In the Dodo world, one dumb Dodo told the rest that flying was a sin, and anyone who flew would be cursed to a life of hell once they died.

  “Well, when the hunters came the birds were rooted to the ground, not because they couldn’t fly, but because of the guilt that imprisoned them, because some idiot dodo proclaimed that flying was sinful,” said the chairman.

  “That's a good one,” said one gal, giggling.

  "Human dodos abound, the world is full of them, and to make things worse - they love to hear the sound of their own voice. So their mouths are open 24/7," said the chairman.

  Between giggles, the young girl glanced at the paper airplane on the floor.

  “Can you give us an example of imaginary sin?” a young man asked earnestly, and wondered if someone was going to pick up the bill.

  “If you don’t fast during certain times of the year you are labelled a sinner," said the chairman.

  “Even though you refuse to accept the concept of fasting and put up a brave front, internally it's eating you up. You tell yourself you are a sinner. To hell with it you say; you’ve committed so many sins that you might as well embrace hell with all guns blazing. In this way you condemn yourself to a living hell right here and right now. If you do not conform to the dodoisms of society, then you are gifted with the ultimate status symbol – there walks a sinner.

  "The irony of the situation is that when you condemn someone else you are committing a sin - which is nothing but the absence of goodness. At that moment you are spewing venom. No one likes to admit it but that's the truth. We all turn into the devil every now and then.

  "There's nothing right or wrong about fasting. If it suits your spiritual path then embrace it by all means. But coercing, castigating or intimidating someone to do something they cannot 'relate to' nor are 'comfortable with' causes a lot of harm to both parties," said the chairman.

  "So evil is the absence of goodness?" asked a young woman.

  "Yes, in the heat of the moment when you lose your sanity because of a lack of awareness you become a sinner.

  "It's so deceptively simple. When 'goodness' leaves you, however fleetingly, at that moment in time you become a sinner," said the chairman.

  “Are non-vegetarians sinners?” asked an elderly lady, with a worried look on her face.

  “That’s a good question,” said one girl.

  “Hmm… ok here goes,” said the chairman.

  “If there is one sin then here it is – emitting a negative thought. It does the only thing it can - it comes back and bites you,” said the chairman.

  “Billions of vegetarians spew billions of negative thoughts on a daily basis and a few even harbor thoughts of killing, looting and plundering on a global scale (if their interests are harmed),” said the chairman.

  “In many cases, vegetarians wholeheartedly endorse murderous decisions. In this way both vegetarians and non-vegetarians kill hundreds, maybe thousands in conflicts, skirmishes and wars that take place on a daily basis,” said the chairman.

  “So both are on the same level, slightly above that of animals. Animals walk around naked, you have clothes on - internally both are looking to survive not thrive. You think that turning into a vegetarian makes you ‘spiritual’ automatically. How smoothly you delude yourself!”

  “Lottsa things are beginning to take on a whole new meaning,” said one man.

  “Looks like we have much bigger issues to deal with,” said an elderly gentleman.

  “Your thoughts are diametrically opposite to ours,” opined one woman.

  “Since sin doesn’t exist, we can party a lot harder from now on,” said a young guy. Everyone screamed: “Wooohooooooooooooooooo.”

  “So what you're saying is that we can commit a crime and get away with it?” asked an elderly gentleman.

  “Good question. Since there’s no retribution, it’s a free ride, right?” asked one gal.

  “Well, it’s not that simple,” said the chairman. “When you commit a crime your conscience gets jolted. This jolt results in the formation of a negative imprint, which gets added to your memory bank, which is already overflowing with billions of such imprints.

  "This imprint is similar to the one made in molten metal. When you get hot under the collar, these imprints register deep grooves into your psyche. Is it easy to erase them? No. It takes a long time and until it exists you'll project the same reality over and over again. You’re helpless.

  "So prevention is better than cure. Don't lose your bearings. Keep cool. You'll end up paying a heavy karmic price if you don't.

  “These imprints give out a certain type of energy just like a magnet. This magnetic force attracts you to people, places and things vibrating at the same energy level. You can steal a piece of paper, a pen, a book or money from a bank; it’s all the same.

  “So if you lie or steal, no matter how small or how big, it gets registered, and this attracts you to liars and thieves. They might be from the ghetto or they might be wearing skirts and suits, but the undeniable fact is - ‘like attracts like’.

  "Another way of looking at it is - your conscience is the software and your memory is the database. When "an act" involves an emotion then the result of that act gets added to the database. The bigger the database the harder life gets. In other words, keep your emotions in check and travel light. You'll go fast and you'll go far and you'll be happy.

  “So it's back again to the memory and its back again to the most important saying of all time – empty yourself of your memories, for the reason your life is the same as your parents or differs very marginally is because the same memory patterns bring forth the same experiences.”

  “So what you're telling us is that there’s no entity sittin' in heaven doling out bouquets and brickbats?” clarified an old man.

  “That’s right,” said the chairman.

  “I’ve been terrorized into submission by my folks who keep telling me that I’ll end up in hell if I sin,” said a young gal, her cheeks pink with guilt.

  “I’ve had a hard time with this worship stuff,” said one guy. “Every time I’d ask a question they’d frighten me by telling me that bad things happen to those who ask too many questions.”

  “So to recap, you are bleeding precious energy because you daydream, blame, complain and criticize, because of infatuation, because you are weighed down by useless memories, because of sin and guilt (if not a lot then a little). Sin is a figment of your imagination that never had anything to stand on but survived for so long because you energized it with fear that sprouted from your inner being,” said the chairman.

  "Women are good when it comes to all of this. Their bullshit detector is far better than a man's. They've always been the protector whereas man has always been the provider. You put bullshit on a man's plate, he'll eat it and then say - Well, that tasted kinda funny.

  Everyone burst out laughing.

  "Learn from women, you'll prosper tremendously," said the chairman


  Once, three beautiful birds landed on the front lawn of a house. The lady of the house was busy with her daily chores when she nonchalantly looked up and saw these heavenly creatures. She went up to them and almost let out a shriek when the first bird said: “My name is Love.”

  The second bird said: “My name is Success,” and the third bird said: “My name is Wealth.”

  The lady could scarcely believe her good fortu
ne. She invited all of them in, but Love told her, that she could only choose one of them.

  She went running in and called her husband. Soon, there was an animated discussion, about which bird was to be let in. The fight was for Success and Wealth, neither wanted Love.

  A little while later, their eight year old daughter came out and saw the birds. Since her parents were unable to come to a decision, they asked her to choose. The little girl didn’t know what Success or Wealth meant, so she chose Love.

  As soon as Love flew into the house, Success and Wealth too flew into the house. This left the parents perplexed. Love had conveniently forgotten to mention, that if it was chosen, then Success and Wealth had no option but to follow it, wherever it went.



  Nothing can Kill You!

  The chairman looked over at the paper plane made of money that still lay unclaimed on the floor. No one had dared pick it up. Maybe they were afraid of being labelled as greedy. Just when the chairman was going to reach down for it, the young gal retrieved it for him. He thanked her as he pocketed the money.

  “So, how many of you are afraid of death?” asked the chairman.

  All of them raised their hands.

  “Why?” asked the chairman.

  “It's game over once we’re dead, ain’t no fun in that,” said one man.

  “Here’s a scientific fact that science does not know yet: you are immortal, you will never die or in other words - nothing can kill you, because you are the essence,” said the chairman.

  “Howz that possible?” asked an elderly gentleman, who flashed a toothless grin.


  A day is equivalent to a lifetime enveloped in 24 hours. A day and a lifetime are like two gears, made of the same material, have teeth, and rotate in a circular fashion. They differ in size - not in function. Hence, you are born every day.


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