Escape from Dolphin Street

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Escape from Dolphin Street Page 16

by David Sharp

  The chaos swirled in Jason’s head. He walked the seemingly many steps to the closet. From the outside, he could hear the rain. The storm was in full effect. Its damp drafts flowed up from the crawlspace. Thoughts of Knappy waiting for him underneath, by the edge, crept into his mind. If I lower into that hole he is going to shock me. Jason tilted his head to look. He saw John’s body on its side, mouth open to a writhing mass. The smell was strong and he retched. Taking shallow breaths, Jason lowered quickly into the hole before fear overpowered him. I can’t see. The dark was thick below. Afraid of backing up into Knappy, he did a full circle in the cramped space. The dirt under the house was soft with moisture. Jason held the knife tighter trying not panic. His eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom. Lightning flashed, but the light was diminished by lattice work and chicken wire meant to keep animals out.

  The animals are inside. Jason almost laughed at his absurd thought. None of it felt real. If only this were a dream.

  Jason strained to see. There was movement somewhere ahead of him. The sound of the rain was deafening. Cautiously, he crawled forward, one muddy hand over the other. The knife was like a sixth finger on his right hand. Jason looked over his shoulder and the light had gone dark from the hole. Turning back around, his hand slipped into the mud and he slid into a small pit. Water poured in from another hole that had been dug under the mesh.

  One of the animals got out.

  The outdoors was tempting. Jason felt around the perimeter and the ground was a mire. It would not take much to dig the rest of the way out. If only I could squeeze out without getting stuck. He clawed at the mud refusing to let go of the knife. A noise over the downpour caught his attention. It sounded like something breaking and tearing with a soft grunt underneath. Jason left the hope of the outside behind and crawled back into the dark.

  Dammit, Kelly is still down here. The sounds of her attempted escape were drowned out by thunder and did not pick back up immediately. Jason tried to slow his own heavy breathing to hear. Aside from the storm, there was something else... other breathing. He stopped dead still wishing he could see. The dark was cloying and claustrophobic. He held his breath and the other breath stopped a beat later. Jason slashed the knife in front in case someone was there. Opposite, he saw the blue flicker of the Taser gun as it lit up Knappy’s malicious face. Jason swung his arm around that way and missed. The blue light blinded him. The shock painful against his jaw, his body arched. The crackling was in his head. The dark engulfed his vision and the void came rushing in.


  None of it makes sense. Jason was back in the alley with the fog thicker than before, its dampness clung to his bare skin. The animal sounds were gone and the knife was missing. Tenderly, he walked barefoot over the gravel back towards the building, the one with the shower. What am I doing here? Jason opened the side door and felt the relief of the smooth concrete on his soles. Light from an otherworldly source lit the fog. A silhouette took form as it stepped forward.

  “Are you looking for this?” The nude form held up a skateboard.

  “Adam, what’s happening?” Jason abandoned caution and moved closer.

  “I told you to go home.” Adam turned a wheel with the palm of his hand.

  Jason took the skateboard. “I want to be with you.”

  Adam came into the weird light. “That’s a bad choice.”

  “It’s my choice and I choose you.” Jason set down the board and pushed it with his foot to roll away into the fog.

  “Touch me then.” Adam rubbed a palm down his side, slicking the sweat.

  Jason tentatively reached and paused. The temptation was strong, everything he wanted within grasp. “What about them? I don’t want to be like them.”

  “Come on, Jason. You can trust me.”

  “I am not a shark.”

  “We can be something else then. Just touch me.”

  A tear fell from Jason’s eye. “Okay, I trust you.”

  Jason touched Adam. Memories flashed of Adam in suburbia acting tough; the tight jeans in the car, the power of the knife, the real shower (best cold shower he ever had), and of the dangerous body before him. The images swirled in a kaleidoscope of muscle and hate.

  This is a dream. – Is it all a dream?


  Kelly. A scream woke Jason up from his stupor. The lack of light took him unawares. The sounds of the storm returned. Hearing the rain, he rolled over towards its source. His body was wedged between the wire mesh and the mud. High grass mostly blocked his view of the stormy night on the other side. Where is the knife? The loss of it scared him. He felt powerless without it. It has to be close. Jason blindly felt along the soft ground methodically. I can’t lose it, not now. His heart stuck in his chest, until he felt cool metal and a sharp edge that nicked his finger in the mud. I found it. Jason picked up the blade wiping the filth away with his raggedy shirt. The scream came again and he almost dropped the knife. With a tighter grip, he set his nerves and went towards the direction of the last scream. As he crawled, he white knuckled his fear. Closer, the sound of ripping wire rang out, and beyond that the voices.

  Knappy mumbled, “…who do you think I am? Shock, shock, shock… no escape.

  “Get away from me!” Kelly screamed.

  Jason could see shapes in the blue light of the stun gun. Ahead of them, a row of mesh was visible, backlit from the muted street lights in the storm. It was hard going, but he crawled closer with purpose, until he could see clearly.

  Kelly was ripping at the chicken wire. Digging her hands into it, she had a good sized hole torn into the mesh. The stun gun crackled again. The wire mesh tore open wider. Bathed in fleeting blue light, Kelly pushed forward scraping her skin.

  “I will show you the way to eternity.” Knappy’s delirium was almost upon her.

  “You freak!” Kelly kicked back at his advancing arms.

  The blue lightning sizzled above Kelly’s back when Jason stabbed. Knappy turned grimacing from the pain of his stuck leg and whipped the Taser at Jason’s face. Jason reacted quickly and caught it with the blade. All that existed from the darkness were their faces alit in a blue glow. In the intensity, Knappy kept his trigger finger depressed, while Jason held firm with the knife. Neither blade nor bolt was touching flesh. The blue electricity arced around the metal.

  “You can see it first, look into the light,” Knappy said and pushed hard.

  “Enough!” Jason pushed back harder.

  Jason fought and found a reserve of strength within himself. Knappy tried to hold his own, but his Taser hand was forced. The shock moved the punk back a couple of feet. Wrapped in a layer of trench coat, the stun gun was held tightly in place by Knappy’s own hand. The trigger was involuntarily squeezed and released, over and over as the electricity ran a circuit through the punk’s neck with each clack.

  Jason looked on for a brief moment at the oddity then heard Kelly’s voice.

  “Please, God.” Kelly pulled apart the metal tasting freedom.

  Lightning and thunder crashed and roared.

  Jason tried to be heard over it. “Kelly, wait. It’s me.”

  Not hearing, Kelly pushed out a little farther.

  Jason crawled over Knappy and got a shock when he accidentally touched him. Closer, he could see how far out Kelly had made it out. Hope soared. We’re free. He could see the rain splashing across her face. And through the wire mesh, he could see combat boot clad feet stomp in the mud blocking her way. No!

  Kelly shook her head side to side and said, “Don’t…”

  A large hand palming a hunting knife slid deftly across her throat. Kelly’s eyes rolled back revealing only the whites. The skin folded and blood sprayed. The splatter struck Jason in face and he backed away in shock as she limply fell forward. Hound bent down to look under the house. Thinking fast, Jason rolled farther back into the dark. He closed his eyes and prayed not to be found. Everything about Hound freaked him out from his muteness and long hair to his size and menacing physicali
ty. All of it disturbed him, had gotten in his nightmares even. And worse of all, Hound had almost had him earlier in the house.

  In the dark, the moment grew long, until Jason could not take it anymore and opened his eyes. At first there was little difference, then his vision adjusted, and he could see a faint light through the chicken wire. He had no idea how much time had passed. It feels like a lot, but probably seconds. Jason turned in the cramped space, came upon a sight, and looked on in fascination.

  The stun gun was still symbiotic with Knappy in a formed circuit. Each twitch caused the voltage to surge completing the cycle again. Spit foamed out of the punk’s mouth coating his lip rings. The power faded, until there was not enough of a current to continue the cycle. Knappy fell back, his eyes staring directly ahead.

  I don’t know how I should feel, or if I should feel anything.

  Jason crawled on. The earth sloped down and he could see the familiar hole that led out. He slid into the mud pushing his way up with his arms. The exit was tight. He feared getting stuck, but managed to dig out into the rain. His torn jeans snagged on a wire and split the rest of the way off his body. The picture of Trevor is still in my jeans. It did not matter to him, only getting out of that hellish place did.

  Another animal is getting out.

  The rain washed away the blood and mud as he rose. Jason stood still and let the downpour cleanse him as best it could. He looked himself over. All he had left were his boxers, a badly torn t-shirt, and his skater shoes. He knew he had some cuts and slashes, but none seemed serious. The rain soaked him through. The boxers clung tight and he felt naked, yet only a little afraid. I can be a different. I am not like any of them.

  Jason backed away into a small grove of trees. Under the wet leaves, he watched the horror in the rain. Hound’s long wet hair hung down in his face. The near giant carried Kelly’s limp, wet body across the overgrown yard to the front of the dilapidated house. The image reminded Jason of an old Gothic black and white horror movie. He was alone in the yard. The rain had washed his mostly bare body clean. He absently tore the rest of the ripped shirt off. His boxers showed off his privates, but the shame had washed away with the mud and blood. The moment was surreal, yet it was a moment of profound change. Nothing would be the same. Jason tasted the rain on his lips and knew it was time.

  Trevor is long gone, either under the house (where John is) or far away on the road. Only Adam knows for sure. I have to find him, no matter what may come.



  The house on Dolphin Street was foreboding, but Jason was resolute. He gripped the knife tighter and found comfort. I can do this. Lightning flashed behind him as he entered the front door. The downstairs was empty and dark, although he could make out Hound’s wet footsteps. He followed the watery marks to the hallway and paused at another door. The door was to the room he had escaped. What am I doing here? Jason swallowed and looked about. The tracks went farther down the hall into the dark. Cautiously, he held his breath and became aware of the soft squishy sounds his skate shoes made on the wooden floor. At the end of the darkened hall he found a final door ajar.

  Surrounded in shadow, Jason crept to the corner and peered into the room. He had avoided the hallway earlier sensing something wrong on his first exploration. That seems so long ago. Inside, he could see a room set up like a parlor of sorts. A few candles here and there illuminated the sparse furniture. Hound had set Kelly’s limp body down on a couch and was fussing with her hair as if she were a life-size doll. This is my fault. I never should have told them to stay.

  Noises from the other room, one of a moan and the other of settling sheetrock, startled both Jason and Hound. Jason had nowhere to run, so he backed as far into the corner as possible. Please, don’t let Hound see me. Jason closed his eyes as the giant approached. He felt the rush of air as he was passed. Waiting an excruciatingly long moment, he finally dared to open his eyes. He had been left alone, nearly naked in the corner, while Hound had gone to investigate the noise.

  Silently, Jason slid through the half opened door. Kelly looked alive in the half light from the candles. Jason approached leaving shadows behind. Kelly’s head lolled over to the side causing her wet, red hair to fall covering part of her face. The movement startled Jason, but he stepped closer to see. Jason used his left hand to lift her head, her skin was pale white. “I am sorry, Kelly. Please forgive me. I wish I could take you home,” Jason whispered.

  Kelly’s eyes were stationary, but they seemed to find his. A gasp of air escaped from her throat in reply.

  Jason backed off as her head lolled back to the side, eyes still staring at him in imagined judgment. A floor board creaked. Jason turned to be met with a backhand to the face from Hound. The blow sent him crashing into a wall. The breath knocked out of him, Jason stayed on the floor and saw the parlor from a new vantage point. Behind the couch, Tanya was posed with a teddy bear that was missing one ear. A scarf had been tied back in her hair and pulled down enough to cover the bad eye. Candles flickered around casting strange light on her repose. On the other side, Kelly seemed to blankly look on into nothingness. Jason felt real fear as he slowly picked his head up and pulled his legs close to hunch against the wall.

  If I stay still like them, maybe he will leave me alone.

  Jason felt defenseless being mostly naked on the floor. He dared not move, even though he had managed to hang on to the knife. In dreadful fascination, he watched Hound drag in Syd and Hex by each of their hands.

  Syd was still and as pale white as Kelly, while Hex moaned and shuddered. Hound picked up lifeless Syd and placed her on the couch next to Kelly arranging her to the side as if they were conversing.

  Hex moaned and said, “What the fuck? Hound, what are you doing?”

  Hound positioned his new doll, Syd, using the armrest of the sofa and facing her head towards Kelly. With two fingers he pried open Syd’s eyes. Satisfied, he spun around, and shook his head. The long hair covered his face. All that could be seen were his cold animal eyes.

  Hex backed off. “No, what are you doing?” Turning, she saw Jason and inexplicable focused on him. “You did this.”

  Jason shook his head the tiniest bit. He did not want to move, not even a muscle.

  “Syd, there he is.” Hex rose and stumbled on a twisted ankle. “Let’s get him. Let’s play.”

  Jason stayed quiet and held the low ground. In statuesque defense, he gripped the knife and held it with both hands. I should do something.

  “Come on, Syd.” Hex scrunched her face and balled her hands into fists as she realized what was going on. “Oh Syd, we have to finish.”

  Wordlessly, Hound broke Hex’s neck with a loud crack. She dropped as if she had been unplugged and fell into a heap. Hound placed Hex’s body on the floor by the coffee table. The pose he crafted was of her on her knees leaning to the tabletop with an empty convenience cup in her taut hand. The scene of dolls at a tea party was bizarre and disturbing. Hound rose into view blocking the way out.

  Jason looked into those animal eyes and felt frozen as he held the inadequate knife.

  Hound raised a hand.

  Not like this. Jason flinched.

  Hound leaned forward. Tilting his head to the side, his eyes loomed large.

  What does he want from me?

  “Go upstairs, Jason,” Hound said.

  “Okay.” Jason was dumbfounded.

  “Leave me to my dolls.” Hound returned to his tableaux.

  Jason quietly rose trying not to make any noise. The skate shoes squished as he stepped away. In the doorway of the parlor, he briefly glanced back. The lifeless dolls seemed to be in conversation except for the one with the teddy bear to the side. Hound took a seat across from the dolls and seemed to be listening to them. Was there a story being told?

  Alarmingly, Jason saw smoke coming out of the air vent. Adam is up there. Leaving the surreal candlelit parlor, he followed the smell down the hall and could hear crackling from above. Jaso
n took to the stairs two at a time. The smell of burning grew stronger with each step up.

  Rockin' Bones


  The room was on fire. Flames engulfed an entire wall creating an orange curtain backdrop. A few fire tendrils moved about the floor amongst the glass wreckage of the makeshift meth lab. In the center, Liev held a chunk of a two-by-four over Adam’s head. Adam lay unconscious on the floor. He looked peaceful as if he were asleep.

  “You should have never have turned on me.” Liev steadied his hand, gripping the board tight.

  Jason said, “Stop!” And he walked past the flames.

  Liev faltered and turned to face Jason. “What have we here?”

  “You leave him alone.”

  Liev laughed. “Look at you, come to fight me in your underwear. That reminds me… we haven’t finished.”

  “Right, let’s finish then.”

  Jason boldly stepped closer knife in hand. I can take him.

  Liev watched Jason’s eyes seek out Adam then return to him. He dropped the wood and it clattered on the floor. “Put down the knife and face me like a man.” Liev was at home in the burning chaos.

  The knife is my strength. What do I have without it? “I don’t trust you. You probably have another weapon.”

  Liev smiled and took off his shirt. His muscles rippled in the flickering firelight. He patted his pockets, turned around, grabbed his crotch, and his cold blue eyes never wavered. “No weapons, only me. Take me if you can.”

  A glass container cracked leaking fire across the floor. Behind Jason, it effectively created a half-circle of flame, a pit to fight in. The world changed, stray thoughts fled, and only the moment remained. I don’t need a knife. I can do this. Jason took a deep breath and let the knife drop from his hand. It bounced and slid into the flames. Jason balled his hands into fists. The adrenaline pumped through his body. The injustice of it all overwhelmed him. Memories of bullies, of all the fights he could not win because he never truly tried, filled his head.

  “That’s it. Fight me with your fists. If you win… you win. If I do, you are taking Adam’s place.”


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