by 1864-1898 Indian War Veterans: Memories of Army Life;Campaigns in the West
Rosser, Gen. Thomas
Rovinsky, John
Royall, Maj. William B.
Ruger, Gen. Thomas H.
Rushville, Nebraska
Russell, Capt. Gerald
Russell, James P.
Sale, Cpl. Robert E.
Saline River
Salt River Canyon, Arizona Territory, engagement at
San Angelo, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona Territory
San Marcial, New Mexico
Sand Stone, Cheyenne Indian
Sanford, Lt. Col. George B.
Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico Terr.
Santa Rosa, Mexico
Santee Sioux Indians
Saunders, Minnie
Savage, Capt. Egbert
Sawtelle, California
Sayre, Lt. Farrand
Scheader, G. A., photo
Schickedonze, Pvt. Eugene
Schillinger, Pvt. George J.
Schneider, August, photo
Schneider, Paul, photo
Schnitzer, Pvt. John
Schoeni, Arnold
Schorr, John P.
Schreiber, Phillip
Schroeder, Hans, photo
Schubert, Pvt. William M.
Schwatka, Lt. Frederick
Sconchin, Modoc chief
Scott, Cpl. Edward
Scott, Lt. Hugh L.
Segrow, Cpl. Albion C.
Selander, Ernst A.
Seminole Indians
Seminole War
Sentinel Buttes, Montana Territory
Shane, Emma
Shafter, Col. William R.
Shave Tail, Sioux chief
Shawnee Indians
Sheehan, Timothy J.
Shellabarger, Lt. Jacob H.
Sheridan, Col. Michael V.
Sheridan, Gen. Philip H.
Sherman, Gen. William T.
Short Bull, Sioux Indian
Shoshoni Indians
Sibley, Lt. Frederick W.
Sidney, Nebraska
Sieber, Al
Sierra Madre Campaign
Simmons, Pvt. Frank E.
Simmons, Jack
Sioux City, Iowa
Sioux Indians
Sitting Bull, Sioux chief
Slaughter, William J.
Sloan, Wolsey A.
Smith, Lt. Abiel L.
Smith, Addison T.
Smith, Sgt. John A.
Smith, John M.
Smith, W. R.
Smoky Hill River
Smoot, Senator Reed
Snake Indians
Snepp, James E.
Snider, Edward
Snow, Bugler Elmer A.
Snyder, Capt. James A.
Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba
Society of the Cincinnati
Society of the War of 1812
Society of Veterans of Indian Wars of the United States
Soldiers Home, Washington, D. C.
Solomon River
Sonderegger, Pvt. (-)
Southern Pacific Railroad
Spanish-American War
Spencer, Senator Frank R.
Spencer, Capt. William G.
Spinning, Billy
Spotted Elk, Sioux Indian
Spotted Tail Agency, Nebraska
Spotted Tail, Sioux chief
Springfield, Massachusetts, 45
Springville, Utah
Squires, Lt. Herbert G.
St. George, Utah
St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis Barracks, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Paul, Minnesota
Stafford, Col. (-)
Stafford, Lt. John
Stager, Col. Anson
Staked Plains
Standing Rock Agency, Dakota Territory
Stanley, Col. David S.
Stanton, Maj. Thaddeus H.
Stanton, Lt. William
State Historical Society of Colorado
Steele, Lt. Col. Matthew F.
Steiger, Pvt. Gotlieb
Stevenson, Thomas W.
Stillwell, Johnny
Stokes, John T.
Stone Calf, Cheyenne chief
Stormy Hollow, Kansas
Stortz, 1st Sgt. Frederick
Strike-the-Kettle, Sioux Indian
Stringham, Alonzo
Stuart, Granville
Stuart, James
Stump Horn, Cheyenne Indian
Sturgis, Col. Samuel D.
Sturr, Frank
Sullivan, Pvt. Frank P.
Sullivan, Pvt. John
Sullivan, Pvt. Patrick
Sully, Col. Alfred
Sully’s Campaign
Sumner, Maj. Edwin V.
Sumner, Capt. Samuel S.
Superior, Nebraska
Superstition Mountains, Arizona Terr.
Sutcliffe, Pvt. Frederick
Sutton, Pvt. R. L., photo
Swift Bear, Sioux chief
Swigert, Capt. Samuel M.
Sykes, Lt. Col. George
Table Mountain, Arizona Territory
Taggett, Charles
Taos, New Mexico Territory
Taylor, Lt. John R. M.
Taylor, Muggins
Teahl, August
Terry, Gen. Alfred H.
Terwilliger, Jasper N.
Theller, Lt. Edward R.
Thomas, Lt. Earl D.
Thomas, Rev. Ezekiel
Thomas, George
Thomas, Lt. John W.
Thompson, Capt. William A.
Thompson, Lt. William
Thornburg, Maj. Thomas T.
Tierney, Pvt. Francis
Tilford, Maj. Joseph G.
Tillamook, Oregon
Tilton, Dr. Henry R.
Tinker, Arthur M.
Tinkham, George F.
Tombstone, Arizona Territory
Tongue River
Tongue River Cantonment, Montana Terr.
Topeka, Kansas
Topping, Grant C.
Towell, James H.
Towne, Phineas S.
Trinidad, Colorado Territory
Trinity River
Truscott, Jack
Tucson Rangers
Turner, Adj. Gen. J. H.
Tuttle, Pvt. John H.
Two Moon, Cheyenne chief
Two Roads, Sioux Indian
Two Strikes, Sioux chief
Tyler, Clinton M.
Tyler, Lt. Augustus C.
Tyler, President John
Tyler’s Rangers
Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon
Unfug, J. F. W.
Union Pacific Railroad
United Confederate Veterans
United Indian Wars Veterans Association
Gen. Adna R. Chaffee Camp of Washington, D. C.
Gen. George Crook Camp No. 1, Los Angeles,photo
General Custer Camp No. 4
Los Angeles convention 1929,photo
United Spanish War Veterans
United States Army Military History Institute
United States Congress
United States Military Academy (West Point)
United States Military Units, 1st Art. Batt. E
1st Art. Batt. F
1st Cav.
1st Cav., Troop A
1st Cav., Troop B
1st Cav., Troop F
1st Cav., Troop G
1st Cav., Troop H
1st Cav., Troop K
1st Cav., Troop I
1st Inf.
1st Inf., Co., H
1st Inf., Co., K
2nd Cav.
2nd Cav. Band, photo
2nd Cav., Troop A
2nd Cav., Troop B
2nd Cav., Troop C
2nd Cav., Troop D
2nd Cav., Troop E
2nd Cav., Tr
oop F
2nd Cav., Troop H
2nd Cav., Troop I
2nd Cav., Troop K
2nd Cav., Troop L
2nd Inf.
2nd Inf., Co., A
2nd Inf., Co., B
2nd Inf., Co., C
2nd Inf., Co., D
3rd Cav.
3rd Cav., Troop A
3rd Cav., Troop B
3rd Cav., Troop C
3rd Cav., Troop D
3rd Cav., Troop E
3rd Cav., Troop F
3rd Cav., Troop G
3rd Cav., Troop H
3rd Cav., Troop I
3rd Cav., Troop K
3rd Cav., Troop L
3rd Cav., Troop M
3rd Inf.
3rd Inf., Co., C
3rd Inf., Co., G
3rd Inf., Co., I
4th Art.
4th Art. Batt. I
4th Cav.
4th Cav., Troop A
4th Cav., Troop B
4th Cav., Troop C
4th Cav., Troop D
4th Cav., Troop E
4th Cav., Troop F
4th Cav., Troop G
4th Cav., Troop H
4th Cav., Troop I
4th Cav., Troop K
4th Inf.
4th Inf., Co., C
4th Inf., Co., H
5th Art.
5th Cav.
5th Cav., Troop A
5th Cav., Troop B
5th Cav., Troop C
5th Cav., Troop D
5th Cav., Troop E, photo
5th Cav., Troop F
5th Cav., Troop G
5th Cav., Troop H
5th Cav., Troop I
5th Cav., Troop K
5th Cav., Troop L
5th Cav., Troop M
5th Inf.,
5th Inf., Co., A
5th Inf., Co., B
5th Inf., Co., C
5th Inf., Co., D
5th Inf., Co., E
5th Inf., Co., I
5th Inf., Co., K
6th Artillery,
6th Cav.
6th Cav., Troop A
6th Cav., Troop B
6th Cav., Troop D
6th Cav., Troop E
6th Cav., Troop F
6th Cav., Troop M
6th Inf.
6th Mounted Inf.
7th Cav.
7th Cav., Troop A
7th Cav., Troop B
7th Cav., Troop C
7th Cav., Troop D
7th Cav., Troop E
7th Cav., Troop F
7th Cav., Troop G
7th Cav., Troop H
7th Cav., Troop I
7th Cav., Troop K
7th Cav., Troop L
7th Cav., Troop M
7th Inf.
7th Inf., Co., A
7th Inf., Co., B
7th Inf., Co., D
7th Inf., Co., E
7th Inf., Co., F
7th Inf., Co., G
7th Inf., Co., I
7th Inf., Co., K
8th Cav.
8th Cav., Troop A
8th Cav., Troop B
8th Cav., Troop C
8th Cav., Troop D
8th Cav., Troop E
8th Cav., Troop F
8th Cav., Troop G
8th Cav., Troop H
8th Cav., Troop I
8th Cav., Troop K
8th Cav., Troop L
8th Cav., Troop M
8th Inf.
8th Inf., Co., A
8th Inf., Co., B
8th Inf., Co., D
8th Inf., Co., E
8th Inf., Co., F
8th Inf., Co., G
8th Inf., Co., H
8th Inf., Co., K,
9th Cav.
9th Cav., Troop D
9th Cav., Troop K
9th Inf.
9th Inf., Co., E
9th Inf., Co., K
10th Cav.
10th Cav., Troop C
10th Cav., Troop D
10th Cav., Troop F
10th Cav., Troop G
10th Cav., Troop H
10th Cav., Troop I
10th Cav., Troop K
10th Cav., Troop L
10th Cav., Troop M
10th Inf.
10th Inf., Co., H, photo
11th Inf., Co., G
12th Inf.
12th Inf., Co., C
13th Inf.
13th Inf., Co., A
13th Inf., Co., B
13th Inf., Co., D
13th Inf., Co., F
13th Inf., Co., H
14th Inf.
15th Inf.
15th Inf., Co., I
16th Inf.,
17th Inf.
17th Inf., Co., C
17th Inf., Co., F
18th Inf.
18th Inf., Co., A
18th Inf., Co., B
18th Inf., Co., C
18th Inf., Co., E
18th Inf., Co., G
18th Inf., Co., K
19th Inf.,
19th Inf., Co. F
19th Inf., Co. G
19th Inf., Co. H
20th Inf.
20th Inf., Co. G
20th Inf., Co., H
20th Inf., Co., K, photo
21st Inf.
21st Inf., Co., K
22nd Inf.
22nd Inf., Co., E
22nd Inf., Co., F
23rd Mounted Inf.
24th Inf.
25th Inf.
27th Inf.
30th Inf., Co., A
First U. S. Volunteer Cav.
Updegraff, Dr. (-)
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Utah Indian War Veterans Association
Utah Militia Cav.
Ute Indian Agency, Colorado
Ute Indians
Valentine, Nebraska
Van Voast, Maj. James
Vest, Senator George G.
Veterans Administration
Victoria Nana, Apache chief
Victorio, Apache chief
Von Hermann, Pvt. Charles F.
Wagon Box Fight, Wyoming Terr.
Walker, Minnesota
Walker, Pvt. James M.
Wallace, Arthur S.
Wallace, Capt George D.
Wallace, Capt. (-)
Wallace, Idaho
Wallace, Lt. George D.
Waller, Reuben
Walsh, John
Walton, Sgt. John
War of 1812
Warbonnet Creek, Nebraska, skirmish at
Wardner, Idaho
Washakie, Shoshoni chief
Washita, Indian Territory, engagement at
Wasson, Lines P.
Waterman, Lt. John C.
Watson, Richard F.
Watson, Sgt. William W.
Waud, A. R.
Weaver, Howard H.
Webb, George W.
Webb, Lorena Jane, photo
Weber, 1st Sgt. Martin J.
Weir, Lt. William B.
Weir, Capt. Thomas B.
Wells, Capt. Almond B.
Wessells, Lt. Col. Henry W.
Wessells Jr., Capt. Henry W.
Wheaton, Col. Frank
Whipple Barracks, Arizona Territory
Whitaker, Pvt. George G., photo
White Bird Canyon, Idaho Territory, Battle of
White Bird, Nez Perce chief
White Mountain Apache Indians
White Mountain Apache Reservation, Arizona Territory
White River, Colorado Territory
White, Charles
White, Jonathan
Whitmore, Dr. James M.
Whitney, Capt. Folliot A.
Whitney, William A.
itside, Lt. Col. Samuel M.
Wichita, Kansas
Wiegand, Raymond, photo
Wilbur, Rev. James H.
Wilcox, Arizona Territory
Wilcox, Maj. John A.
Wilder, Lt. Wilbur E.
Wildmeyer, James I.
Wilkinson, Capt. Melville C.
Wilkinson, Major William G.
Willard, Capt. Wells
Willey, Charles
Williams, Lt. Richard A.
Willis, Albert
Willits Point, New York
Willows Island, Nebraska
Wilson, 1st Sgt. Billy
Wilson, Sgt. James E.
Wind River Valley, Wyoming Territory
Wind River
Winfield, Kansas
Winnemucca, Sarah
Winners of the West
Winslow, Hal
Wolf Mountains, Montana Territory, Battle of
Wolf Point, Montana Territory
Wolf Voice, Cheyenne Indian
Wood, Capt. Abram E.
Wood, Dr. Leonard
Woodruff, Lt. Charles A.
Work, Hubert
Works Progress Administration
World War I
World War II
Worth, Capt. William S.
Wounded Knee Creek
Wounded Knee, South Dakota, Massacre at
Wright, Pvt. Charles
Wurdemann, Harry V.
Wyman, G.
Yellow Hand (Yellow Hair), Cheyenne chief
Yellow House Canyon, Texas
Yellowstone Expeditions of 1872 and 1873
Yellowstone River
Young Spotted Tail, scout
Young, Clarke
Young, Lt. Robert H.
Young, Capt. Samuel B. M.
Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses, Sioux Indian
Yuma Indians
About the Author:
Jerome A. Greene is a historian with the National Park Service. He is the author or editor of many books, including Lakota and Cheyenne: Indian Views of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877, Morning Star Dawn: The Powder River Expedition and the Northern Cheyennes, 1876, Washita: The U.S. Army and the Southern Cheyennes, 1867-1869, and The Guns of Independence: The Siege of Yorktown, 1781. Mr. Greene resides in Colorado.
1 E.g., the Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba, the Military Order of the Carabao, the Military Order of the Dragon, and the Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War.
2 For early veteran groups, see Stuart McConnell, Glorious Contentment: The Grand Army of the Republic, 1865-1890 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992); Mary Dearing, Veterans in Politics: The Story of the G.A.R. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1952); J. Worth Carnahan, Manual of the Civil War and Key to the Grand Army of the Republic and Kindred Societies (Washington, D.C.: U. S. Army and Navy Historical Association, 1889); Robert B. Beath, History of the Grand Army of the Republic (New York: Bryan, Taylor and Company, 1889); Harvey S. Eisenberg, “Medals and Badges of the United Spanish War Veterans,” The Medal Collector, 24 (February, 1973), p. 4; and The Army & Navy Union, U. S. A.: A History of the Union and Its Auxiliary (The Army and Navy Union, U. S. A., 1942).
3 Society of Veterans of Indian Wars of the United States, Circular of Information (nd, ca. 1896), pp. 1, 3-4, 8.
4 Army and Navy Journal, September 12, 1896; By-Laws of the Order of Indian Wars of the United States, Amended to February 20, 1936, pp. 5-6; Army and Navy Journal, January 23, 1897; John M. Carroll (comp., ed.), The Papers of the Order of Indian Wars (Fort Collins, Colo.: Old Army Press, 1975), viii (quote); Proceedings of the Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Order of Indian Wars of the United States Held November Eighteenth Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six, p. 18; Rhodes to Brigadier General (ret.) Thomas H. Slavens, June 30, 1944. Don G. Rickey Collection, Evergreen, Colorado; Important Notice to Members of the Order, July 7, 1947. Rickey Collection; “Indian War Veterans,” The Westerners Brand Book (Chicago), 5 (August, 1948), p. 1. Membership tallies, 1924-45, appear in the annual Proceedings. Total membership, 1896-1947, stood at 630. Carroll, Papers of the Order of Indian Wars, pp. 273-81. Each member of the Order of Indian Wars received a 14-karat gold membership badge suspended from a ribbon of multi-colored (red, white, blue, and yellow) stripes manufactured by the Philadelphia firm of Baily, Banks, and Biddle. Military and Naval Insignia and Novelties (Philadelphia: Baily, Banks and Biddle Company, 1918), p. 5. The colors of the Order of Indian Wars repose in the Manuscripts Division of the U. S. Army Military History Institute.