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Dragon's MatchMate Agency: A Paranormal Romance Boxset

Page 27

by Maia Star

  “And how old are you?”

  “Twenty-seven. You?”


  “Ha! So we’re pretty close then.”

  I smile. “What about the others?”

  “Reed is twenty-nine, and Sven is thirty-five.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I give him a pointed look. “Does Sven have a...mate, then?”

  Hayden shook his head. “None of us do. But don’t worry, Sven’s a lot more level headed than he acts.” He meets my gaze, his eyes glowing in the dark. His draconic nature is coming through. I’m hypnotized by it. Maxen’s eyes always looked so wild, yet Hayden’s gaze feels grounded, as if it has more authority. “I don’t mean to switch topics, but how did you feel about Street House?”

  Shaking off my fascination, I stare at the ground. “To tell the truth, I felt a bit claustrophobic in there.”

  Hayden grins. “Yeah, I did too when we first moved in. Though that was years ago now. The place really grows on you. It’ll probably grow on you too if you’re around us for too long. You’ll probably begin to think like us too.”

  “Oh? And what, will I suddenly turn into a shifter simply by being in your presence?”

  Hayden chuckles and slaps his knee. “Damn, you're funny. Where have you been all my life?”

  “Oh, you know, just being abused by a bear shifter.”

  This time, Hayden’s lips tighten. “It sickens me when shifters like your ex do those terrible things. It gives us all a bad rap, whether we’re the same type of shifter or not.” He grips my shoulder and we come to a stop at a street crossing. Cars are driving by one after the other. “Look, I want you to know that Maxen is one giant asshole. I don’t know the gritty details, but he doesn’t deserve any respect for what he’s put you through.”

  I tremble at his words. “Thanks, Hayden.”

  “When Maxen finally does come, we’ll make sure he gets what he deserves, whether that means jail, or...well, death.”

  Chills run up my spine at how casually Hayden talks about Maxen’s death. As much as I hate the guy, killing him had never crossed my mind before. Even thinking about it makes my blood run cold, and when I stare into Hayden’s eyes again, I see a new animal intensity there.

  The crosswalk signal blinks until it turns to the white figure, telling us it’s okay to cross. I almost don’t move, unable to tear my eyes away from the anger in Hayden’s eyes. He must realize that I’m suddenly afraid of him, because he lets me go and smiles, walking forward. “Come on, let’s get over before the lights change again.”

  Following him over silently, my paranoia takes over, and I glance up to gaze across at the park I’d been in earlier today. My eyes trace over the entire place, landing on a wide figure standing in the middle of the park. With his hands at his sides, the figure stares at me until I recognize him.

  I stumble back and almost let loose a scream, but Hayden grips my arm, shaking me. “Erika? Erika! What’s wrong?”

  “Maxen...Maxen is there!”

  Hayden looks to where I point, seeing the figure dart off, and then swears, pulling me out of the middle of the street. “Damn, if that’s really him, then he works fast. Hold on, let me call the other guys.” Pulling out his phone, he punches in a number while I begin to hyperventilate, glancing every which way. “Hey, Reed? Yeah, looks like we might already have a problem on our hands. Maxen might be in San Francisco. Shift and watch us from above, okay? Awesome, and hurry up.” Stowing his phone away, Hayden wraps his arms around me.

  His embrace is warm, and I feel at ease pressed to his body.

  “It’ll be okay. I’m here for you. We’re all here for you. Take a deep breath, and we’ll keep going to grab your car, okay?”

  I breathe deep, and when I’m ready, I step away from him. He grabs my hand, which calms me down. “One step at a time, okay?”

  Chapter Twelve


  While I watch Hayden pull Erika smoothly outside to go pick up her car, I can’t keep my jealousy from springing up. Hayden is eight years younger than me, and yet I have to admit he’s smoother. Within seconds, those two were alone together on a mini journey, probably getting to know each other better in a way that isn’t possible in a group.

  Grunting to myself, I pull out a pan and bring out our box of eggs. Half the eggs are gone, so I choose two carefully, and then choose two more, turn on the stove, and crack the eggs over the pan. When I accidentally crush one of the eggs in my hand and get shell bits in the egg yolk, I press my fingers into the scorching hot pan and quickly pick them out. The heat of the pan doesn’t burn my fingers. It isn’t hot enough to hurt a dragon shifter like me.

  “You can stop pouting now, Sven,” Reed says from the couch. He stands and comes around to lean over the kitchen counter, staring up at me. “You look like a kid who just got his favorite toy taken from him.”

  I grin wryly. “Well, you don’t look any different. Jealousy is a hard thing to overcome, huh?”

  “I think it’s simply bad luck,” Reed replies, touching the edge of the pan with his finger. He traces the edge absently. “I mean, hell. One of us is definitely enough to protect that woman.”

  “I agree, it’s bogus. Damn Erika for asking for all three of us, but it’s not as if she knows the Protector Hearts Security Service was meant to help us find mates too. Technically, she would have been only Hayden’s mate...but now there’s a chance any one of us could snap her up.”

  Reed only nods. “I definitely want her for my own.”

  I laugh. “Same here! And I can guarantee you Hayden feels the same way.”

  Scratching his chin, Reed straightens, crossing his arms. “Hayden and I made a bet earlier today. It was about Erika before any of us knew who she was. We were going to compete to see who could win her affections first if we ever found her again.”

  Finishing cooking my eggs, I go to open a cabinet and pull out a plate. I quickly flip the eggs onto the plate and pull out some bacon, placing it in the pan.

  “You’ve got the strangest tastes for a late-night snack, I swear,” Reed says, watching me work.

  I shrug. “Hey man, you don’t see me commenting on how you eat cereal without any milk.”


  “So, how do you see this playing out then?” I say. “I mean, it’s not like the three of us can share her. There’s going to be major problems all around.”

  “I guess it’ll be up to her to choose, then.” Reed grins. “But she’ll choose me, obviously, so we don’t even need to compete.”

  “Talk about being cocky.” Finishing up the bacon, I pop those strips on top of my eggs and grab a fork, turning off the stove. “She’ll clearly go for me. I’m bigger than you, in every way I might add, and she’ll think I’m like a big teddy bear.”

  Laughing hysterically, Reed pounds the counter with his fist. “Yeah, right! She’ll be scared of you the second you even get the tiniest bit angry.”

  I mock his laughter. “And while we bicker, Hayden is out there smooth-talking her right now. You know how he is with women.”

  Moving away from the counter, Reed paces. “I just still can’t believe Audrey allowed all three of us to be a part of this. It’s as if she was intentionally screwing with us.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” I say. Scarfing down my food, my mind strays to Erika. Normally, I’d never be as smitten with a woman as I am now, but I just can’t help it. Erika is damn pretty, with a curvy body to die for. Plus, the fact that she probably feels afraid and alone calls on my protector instincts. I want to be there for her every step of the way, no matter what happens. And boy, do I want her bad.

  As much as I love Reed and Hayden, I need to have my mate. I’m the oldest, and my desire for her is by far the strongest. I need every ounce of her.

  I realize that all the food on my plate is gone, and so I rise to place my dish in the sink.

  Reed’s smartphone rings then. “It’s Hayden,” he says. “What’s up?” He pauses, listeni
ng to whatever Hayden has to say. “Damn, okay, yeah, we’ll scout the area. Be there soon.” And then he hangs up.

  “What’s wrong?” I say.

  “Erika’s ex might already be in the city. Erika and Hayden spotted some guy that looked like him, I guess. Hayden wants us to fly overhead to scout and be around in case something happens.”

  My instinct to protect kicks in again, and I’m nodding. Erika’s life matters before my desire to have her for my own, so I quickly begin to stirp. “Then let’s hurry up.”

  Reed follows my lead, and soon enough, we’re both stark naked, running outside, locking the door, and stuffing our clothes into tiny bags. We nod to each other and then shift in the middle of the street.

  My body lengthens and expands. Pale scales dot my body, and my hands and feet grow claws. My mouth and nose grow, and soon enough, I have a long row of sharp teeth. Suddenly I’m towering over the flower shop above Street House.

  Looking to my left, I see Reed with his black scales, wings extended. He growls at me, and then takes, soaring into the sky. I pick up my tiny bag in my mouth and take off, too, letting my body stretch and get used to being in the air again. It feels good to be flying above the city, and as we fly, Reed and I break off from each other, flying in opposite directions to scan a wider area.

  If Maxen is around and prowling at night, we’ll spot him for sure.

  Just you wait, Erika: I’ll show you why you should pick me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I look up in time to see a pale scaled dragon fly overhead, roaring out and soaring off quickly into the distance. It arcs to the right, its head scanning the world below, and I step away from Hayden to get a better look.

  When I said I hadn’t seen a dragon up close before, I truly meant it. I crane my neck to get a better look, and as I watch it steer around in the night air, I find myself mesmerized by the sight. Maxen is still in my thoughts, but I no longer believe he’s invincible. I’ve seen a bear shifter shift, and now I’ve seen a dragon. The two don’t even come close.

  “Crazy awesome, right?” Hayden says, stepping closer to me. His presence continues to help calm me down. Smiling, he looks at me. “Guess who it is.”

  “Sven?” I say, cocking my head.

  He snaps his fingers in triumph. “Hey, you guessed right! That’s Sven up there. Reed is out here too somewhere, looking somewhere else. If your ex is really around here, they’ll sniff him out sooner or later.” Turning to me, he waves me on and extends his arm for me to hold. “Now, my lady, you can’t be safer than hanging on a dragon’s arm, so how about we take our time and stroll through the city to your car?”

  I stare at him for a moment, my heart beating slow, rhythmically. Time seems to slow down as if it’s waiting for my command to move on. I look over the hard lines of his cheekbones, over his hot lips, and meet my eyes with his piercing blue gaze. It’s like his eyes contain a powerful river. Smiling, I take his arm, my nerves gone.

  “You’re actually pretty charming,” I say absently as we continue to walk.

  “Only ‘pretty’ charming? Not ‘super’ charming, or even ‘amazingly’ charming?”

  I burst into laughter and tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear. “I say what I mean.”

  “Well, good to know you aren’t a pathological liar.”

  My grin widens, nearly from ear to ear, and I gaze up at my escort. He looks back, something wild in his eyes. There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again. “So, your ex aside, what kind of men do you like?”

  “You three are pretty curious guys, aren’t you?”

  “Is that a no-I-don’t-want-to-answer-you, then?”

  Guys like you. Looking forward, I try to think of something else to say. “Well, typically, I want a guy that can make me laugh, first and foremost. I don’t know if you’ve noticed...but I can get pretty worried pretty easily, and that’s not just because of my newfound paranoia.” Pursing my lips, I stare up at the full moon overhead. It’s shining so brilliantly right now.

  “Check!” Hayden says.

  I stifle a giggle.

  “What else?”

  “What else? Hm. Well, I don’t mind having a man cook for me. I’m not the greatest cook myself. It’s, uh, one of the reasons Maxen beat me from time to time. There was one time I messed up a simple BLT; the bacon wasn’t cooked well enough, I guess, and so he hammered on me.”

  Hayden looks at me with creased eyebrows, the concern in his face apparent. “It just makes me angry hearing that.”

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to turn it to Maxen again...he’s just been my whole world for so long now. It’s hard not to think about my experiences with the guy.”

  He shakes his head. “Perfectly fine. I’m not blaming you. But I can make a mean smoothie, though.”

  I laugh again, wondering how it became so easy to talk to him. Overhead, another dragon flits by: a black dragon that barely makes a sound.

  “That would be Reed,” Hayden says as if reading my thoughts.

  “It’s amazing they’re actually doing their jobs,” I say without thinking. But then hot embarrassment rises in my cheeks, and I shake my head fervently. “No! That’s not what I meant. That came off way too harsh.”

  Except Hayden is just chuckling. “Erika, relax. I don’t think it was too harsh. At first glance, all three of us probably look a bit lazy, even like partiers that never moved past college life, am I right?”

  I blush but nod. “Maybe a bit.”

  “Like I said before, that’s how we impress people. We make ourselves look like idiots, only to then shine like the best stars out there.” He winks at me and tugs me closer. Leaning over, he whispers, his warm breath brushing my ear. “And we’re all here for you. You alone.”

  Shivering from his voice so close to my ear, my mind enters the gutter, and I imagine being in bed next to him. What would that be like, to sleep with a dragon? It’s like a fantasy, having a sexy bodyguard protect you with his life, and then fall head over heels for you. I’m sure Hayden’s just teasing me right now, and there’s nothing more going on, but I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to be together with him. I dreamed every night when I was with Maxen what it would be like to be with someone that wasn’t toxic to me. I’ve practically forgotten at this point what it feels like to be genuinely loved.

  But then my mind strays to not just having Hayden, but to having all three of the Street Dragons. Hayden, Reed, and Sven could all be mine in my dream world. They would all love me, and I could sleep with any of them whenever I wanted. All three would protect me and obey my commands. What would life be like being treated like a queen?

  It didn’t hurt a girl to dream. But when I looked at Hayden and saw what I thought was raw desire in his eyes, I forced myself to look away. That dream couldn’t become reality...could it? I mean, they’re dragon shifters. It’s not like I could tame them.

  Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I stare ahead and spy my car in the distance and point it out, trying to ignore the rapid thumping in my chest. “That’s it! That’s my car.”

  Hayden sighs. “Oh good, now I can finally stop being nice to you.” He looks at me and grins. “Just kidding!”

  Chapter Fourteen


  When we reach Erika’s car, I see it’s a Honda Civic. Erika sniffs and rustles around in her purse for the keys. When she pulls them out, she goes to step up to the driver’s side door, but I grab her shoulder.

  “Hey, why don’t you let me drive it back? You’ve probably had a long day, right? You can just relax. I’m a good driver, I promise.”

  Erika gazes up at me skeptically, but ultimately, her features soften, and she gently places the jingling keys in my palm. “You sure? Because I really don’t mind.”

  I nod. “Please. It’s part of my job to make sure you’re always protected, and that means protecting your health too. It’s not good for anyone to drive after being as exhausted as you are. And don’t t
ell me you aren’t. Us dragon shifters notice the small things, like the bags under your eyes.”

  Erika’s eyes widen, and she touches her face just below the eyes. “Wow...fine, I guess you win. Just please don’t crash us into a building.”

  Laughing, I jump around to the other side and open the passenger door for her. “Please, madame, hop in!”

  “So dragons can be gentlemanly too, huh?” She giggles. “You surprise me every other minute.”

  Shutting her door, I jog around back to the driver’s side and slide in. It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to drive any kind of car, so I’m excited to try it out again. Of course, I won’t say that to Erika, because that’ll only scare the living daylights out of her. Jamming the keys into the ignition, I start up the car and revel at the feeling. It’s not like Sven, Reed, or I really need one being so close to downtown San Francisco.

  “What kind of music do you listen to on the radio?” I ask, putting the car into drive and pulling out onto the barren road.

  “I don’t really ever turn it on.”

  “Then what music do you like to listen to? Rock? Pop? Country?”

  “I’m not really a music person...I just kind of listen to whatever is on, I guess.”

  “Huh,” I say. “Have you always been that way, or is that because of your time with Maxen?”

  We pull up to a red light, and I glance at her. Her lips are pursed, and she’s staring straight ahead. “No, I think I’ve always been like this. Music just wasn’t a priority for me.”

  “I gotcha.”

  “What about you?”

  Leaning back in the driver’s seat, I suddenly remember why I don’t drive that often. My inner dragon is already feeling claustrophobic. It doesn’t help that her car is a bit small. “I like rock a lot. Sometimes I’ll listen to pop music too if I’m working out. It just feels right to me, you know?”


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