by Tom Gallier
"Sounds like either Asha or Killum has found Lord Kathro," he said.
A dragon's roar echoed down next. Fergus grinned.
"Took him long enough," he said. "I guess we better get back up there to help."
"I'd rather they came down here," she said. "I think my legs are made of lead now."
"Yeah. They owe us. Big time," he said. They grinned at each other. "I must be crazy, because I think I'm actually enjoying myself."
Chapter 48
Everything hurt. Killum struggled to all fours and looked around. Asha was to his right, Rand to his left. Lord Kathro was striding towards him with death in his eyes.
"Last time I play with a level 102 anything," Killum muttered.
Asha nodded. She'd never looked in such disarray. Her long black hair was tousled and all over the place, one boob was hanging out, and she'd lost a boot. Her body was bruised and abraded, with way too much blood splatter to be her own. Rand even looked worse.
"Oh crap, he broke all my healing and mana restoring potions," Asha cried. "I'm out of mana."
The small cloth sack in which she carried the potions in was soaked and dripping. Killum quickly checked the pouches on his belt. About half of his potions were shattered, but he found two Mana Restoring. Giving one to Asha, he downed the other.
"Thanks," she said.
"Hey, a day without your magic is like a day without sunshine."
"Yeah, well I owe you."
Rand grinned at Killum. "She might owe me, too."
The battle-mage didn't know what that meant, but it sounded cryptic and her eyes were huge. Asha averted her eyes and stuffed her loose boob back into her top as she climbed to her feet. Killum checked his HUD just long enough to ensure his mana was ticking up. He was surprised he still had 78 of 100 for health. He didn't feel 78 percent.
"Hey, Lord Dark and Brooding," Killum called. "Let's make a deal."
Lord Kathro stopped and gave him a curious look. "What kind of deal? Will you pledge fealty and serve me loyally?"
"I was thinking more of…" He looked back and forth between Asha and Rand, both of whom were looking at him in shock. "You dying and us not."
The battle-mage threw his belt knife straight at him. Lord Kathro threw out a warding hand, which the spinning blade impaled. Killum was trying to hit his heart. The Dark Lord gasped and staggered back as he yanked the blade out.
"Fools," Lord Kathro snarled. His hand glowed a second, and the wound was gone. "I'm going to kill you all into Purgatory for a year. Then I'll find your respawn sites, and kill you five more times next year when you return."
"Now that is a man who holds a grudge," Rand said.
Killum saw the necromancer's hands spread wide, and start back together in a clap. He dropped to his belly with a shouted, "Duck!"
The percussive wave passed above them. Killum jumped to his feet and charged the powerful necromancer. Rand and Asha followed closely. All brandished edged steel with only one thought in mind. Kill or be killed.
Asha hit the Dark Lord with a lightning bolt, followed by Killum's energy shot. They made him stumble back, but he fell into a defensive stance and a shield bubble popped up around him. Rand bounced off it first, followed by Killum and Asha.
"That felt like running into a brick wall," Rand grumbled.
"I could see you doing something like that," Killum said.
"No comment." Rand grinned and turned around. "Killer fart!"
He let loose a long, loud one. Killum and Asha barely gave it a second thought, but Lord Kathro froze in surprise. The battle-mage saw his chance, and thrust his Dragon Knight Sword at their foe. The enchanted blade passed through the defensive bubble and straight into Lord Kathro's shoulder.
"You missed his heart?" Rand cried. "Are you friggin blind?"
The necromancer seized the blade in both hands and held tight. Killum couldn't thrust any deeper.
"He moved."
Asha attacked with flashing swords. Lord Kathro barked a word, and flew straight back. The three friends followed.
Lord Kathro backed away, while casting his healing spell. Killum couldn't help but be a little jealous. That evil bastard healed himself so effortlessly, using up massive amounts of mana. Where did he get all of that mana? And how many amazing spells did he possess?
"Give it up, dude," Killum said. "We outnumber you three-to-one. You can't win."
"I beg to differ. Three-to-one? Not exactly. It's me against one man, a pee wee munchkin, and a bimbo. And I'm level 103. Yep, I just leveled up a minute ago and went two more toward Dark."
"So did I," Asha sneered.
"Great. You and your boyfriend are just Novice Skill levels. I'm a Master."
"These two novices are kicking your master ass," Killum said.
"Are you?"
Lord Kathro closed his eyes, spread his arms up and wide, and chanted. A dark gray and black ball of magical energy formed above him. Killum watched in morbid fascination, knowing something bad was about to happen.
"Aaaiiieeee!" a creature screamed as it flew out of the energy ball.
"It's a portal," Asha cried, leaping to the side.
A flock of winged monkeys flew out of the portal. They were about twenty pounds each, as best Killum could judge. Substantial beings in a fight.
Flying monkey.
No names. No level. Killum was glad to see they weren't sentient. Just mob animals that obeyed commands. Still, a major threat to him and his friends.
"Oh great, the Wicked Necromancer of the West just sicced his winged monkeys on us," Rand said. "Throw some water on him."
Those wicked monkeys had some nasty talons on their hands and feet. They swirled around the three friends, clawing and biting. Then one of them threw monkey dung in Rand's face. And the dwarf lost it.
"I'm going to kill them all and boil their tiny monkey brains!"
Killum backed away from Lord Kathro, while shooting flying monkeys out of the sky with his bracer. That meant his mana was dropping fast. Then he noticed the Dark Lord turn toward Asha, who was concentrating on the flying monkeys.
"Watch out, Asha!" Killum shouted. "Behind you."
She spun around just in time to parry his thrust at her heart. They traded blows while a maelstrom of monkeys spun around them.
"Asha, Bind the monkeys," Killum said.
The sorceress stepped back just long enough to cast the spell. The flying monkeys surrounding her all stopped midflight, and came raining down. Killum charged in, swinging his sword. Lord Kathro's distraction lasted only a second, and then he turned to face the battle-mage's assault. Asha attacked his flank.
"We have to hurry," Asha said. "The monkeys will only be down one minute."
"Wahoo!" Rand cried, eyes bright with battlelust as he charged in on the Dark Lord's other flank. "First one to kill the evil overlord wins everything, including the women."
"Huh?" Killum asked.
"Don't ask," Asha said. "And don't let him kill Lord Kathro!"
Knowing Rand, Killum figured it out. Why did Asha agree to such a thing?
He spotted movement all around them. Killum grimaced and shook his head. Lord Kathro wasn't going down without a fight and a half, and it was taking far too long.
"Hey, hey, here come the monkeys," he said. Rand snorted a laugh, but Asha didn't get the reference. "Beware the monkeys."
"Seize them!" Lord Kathro commanded.
Instead of attacking with their wicked claws, the flying monkeys swarmed the three friends. Grabbing arms, legs, hair, the little hellions held on tight, jerked and twisted, while simultaneously biting and scratching them. Killum felt them dragging him away from Lord Kathro and his friends. It was all he could do to hang onto his sword and not lose his sanity.
"Don't you love it when the tides of battle change?" the Dark Lord taunted. "Now you'll all join my horde. I don't care if you are zombies or subjugated minions, as long as you serve me."
Chapter 49
A flying monkey tried
to sink inch long fangs into Killum's shoulder, but his armor protected him. Another was humping his left leg, while the rest were quickly shredding his clothes. A trio of them was lifting Rand off the ground. Asha screamed in agony. He saw a monkey biting her right thigh, with another about to sink his fangs into her throat.
Lord Kathro will turn her into a zombie, he thought. And she'll be hit with another death.
Killum tried to cast Temporary Blindness. Nothing happened. So he tried Disorientation. Again, neither Lord Kathro nor the monkeys were affected. His HUD appeared, and all of his spells were grayed out. Even simple fire.
Mana at zero? He gawked at that. It ticked up one, so the Mana Restoring potion was still working, but taking its sweet time. I need to find another instant mana potion like Lady Evangeline's.
"Leave him alone," Tiana cried as she smashed into the floating pile of monkeys and dwarf. Rand was knocked loose and fell to the floor.
Arrows zipped by and thudded into screaming monkeys. And boy could they scream. Every one of them screamed at the same time. Some of them right in Killum's ears.
Fergus' first arrow killed the monkey about to bite Asha's throat. Killum was glad to see they could be killed by mundane weapons. His next arrows shot a few out of the sky, and even a few found Lord Kathro. The necromancer yanked the arrows out of his chest and leg, clutching the broken shafts as he shouted at the heavens.
"Tikau! Great God of Chaos! Rid me of these idiots!"
Lord Kathro turned toward the newcomers. Even Rand was loose again. Killum and Asha struggled against the flying monkeys still holding tight, biting, and scratching their flesh. The pain was mind-boggling. Yet, it also cleared Killum's mind. Or was it the fury building within?
Fergus pulled his sword and charged the Dark Lord. Rand cried out next, and charged. Tiana ran around behind him. Killum cried out in frustration and managed to get both hands on a monkey's head, and snap his neck.
That set all the monkeys to screaming again.
They flew all around in a scene of utter chaos. The battle-mage noticed he was up to 3 mana. He just needed two more…
The monkeys all went silent, and then scattered. Everyone atop the keep froze, including Lord Kathro. Killum looked at Asha, who looked back with huge what-the-hell eyes. And then he burst into view from below.
"SNACKS!" Gye's voice thundered, and then he swerved after the flock of flying monkeys.
"No! Come back you crazy dragon!"
Asha hit Lord Kathro with a lightning bolt that staggered him. He countered with a bolt of his own. She wasn't even trying to throw up her shield, so Killum knew she was out of mana. Killum jumped before her with his shield up, but the force of the Dark Lord's blast sent both of them back across the roof.
"Holy shit, he's level 103?" Fergus shouted. "Someone should've warned us about that."
"Bigger they are…" Rand said.
"The harder they are to kill, you stupid runt."
Lord Kathro charged Fergus, a huge two-handed sword appearing in his hand out of thin air. Killum, Asha, Rand, and Tiana raced toward the Dark Lord, while Fergus seemed to dig in his heels and wait for the necromancer.
They met with a great clash of steel on steel. Fergus was greatly outclassed, though. Lord Kathro knocked him around. All Fergus could do was parry. Rand reached them first, swinging his battle-axe at Lord Kathro's Achilles' tendon. The necromancer spun around, parrying that strike easily. He kicked Rand in the chest, sending the dwarf flying across the roof. Killum reached him next. Fergus lunged forward to bloody the tip of his sword in the Dark Lord's ribs.
"Aagh!" he gasped.
The furious necromancer smashed Killum aside with a savage blow. Then he stepped into Asha's attack, punching her in the face, before backhanding Fergus. Tiana skidded to a stop when he spun around to her, sword raised for a killing blow.
"Leave her alone!"
Rand flew in and kicked the Dark Lord in the face. He staggered back, before attacking the dwarf warrior with a savage series of cuts and thrusts. Rand staggered back in shock. Killum's breath caught, sure the dwarf was about to be slaughtered.
"Don't touch my friend," Tiana snarled, suddenly next to Lord Kathro.
She thrust her short sword at his heart, but his steel armor turned it aside. Then he hit her with his percussion spell, sending the redheaded thief flying backwards against the battlements. Tiana went limp, out cold.
"Every bone in my body hurts," Killum grumbled as he struggled to his feet.
Asha stood up beside him. "That's nothing. My hair even hurts."
He couldn't think of anything to top that, so turned his full attention to Lord Kathro. The bastard was covered in blood, but every wound they'd scored was already healed. He was unstoppable.
"He has to have a weakness," Killum said.
"He does. A fetish for zombies," she said. "Don't see how that helps us."
"Well, duh. Who doesn't like zombies," he replied. "What is your fetish?"
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She gave a shrug. "Battle-mages."
With that, the sorceress took off running at the Dark Lord. Killum gawked after her a second, and then followed. They had to end that fight quickly, or Lord Kathro would put an end to them. Maybe forever. Tiana was already down and out, and he doubted she'd return to the fight that day. Rand was racing to put himself between her and the necromancer.
"Fight the evil overlord, they say," Fergus shouted angrily. "Win the battle, they say. Get the girl and have fun, they say. I'm still waiting for the fucking fun to start!"
Asha attacked with her swords. That meant she still didn't have enough mana to fuel a spell. Killum checked, and he only had 2 mana. He didn't see any way to defeat a level 103 necromancer without both of their magic and a whole lot of luck.
"Where's your god-damned dragon?" Fergus demanded. "We need backup."
Killum stopped to look around. Where was Gye? What was the matter with that dragon? He knew they were fighting for their lives.
There was a swoosh, and he felt the dragon return to the helmet.
At the same time, Rand shouted with battlejoy. He and Asha were defending Tiana's unconscious body with all they had. The Dark Lord was slowly pushing them back one painful step after the other. Fergus was shooting arrows, but they were bouncing off a magical shield.
"Gyevikxus," Killum said. The dragon appeared before him atop the keep. Lord Kathro cried out as he spun around. "Kill the Dark Necromancer!"
Gye spewed fire immediately, even as he rose up on his hind legs and turned to face the Dark Lord. Killum ran toward the fight, sword in hand. No mana for his shield, but determined to at least get a shot in on their enemy. Fergus, Rand, and Asha also threw themselves at Lord Kathro.
"Do or die time, baby!" Rand shouted.
Lord Kathro thrust both hands out at Gye. The dragon was hit by an explosive bursts that sent him flying back off the keep. He watched the evil bastard turn with a savage roundhouse that took out Asha and Rand, sending them flying into Fergus.
As he turned toward Killum, the battle-mage knew a second of blind panic. He launched himself at the Dark Lord, and thrust his Dragon Knight sword straight at Lord Kathro's heart. The enchanted blade's tip hit thick steel…
And pierced it.
Killum and Lord Kathro stared at each other a long second, neither moving. When the Dark Lord started to lift his hands, the battle-mage took his sword in both hands and thrust it deeper with all of his might. The tip pounded out the back of the evil necromancer.
"And this is for all the pain you cause me and my friends," Killum growled, before thrusting his dagger under Lord Kathro's chin, and up through his head. "Die, and don't even think about coming back."
He held his foe's eyes as the life bled out. Blood bubbled out of the necromancer's mouth, and he slowly relaxed and died. Killum left the blades in him, holding them until Lord Kathro's corpse faded away.
Chapter 50
; The wind was cold that high. They flew above the clouds, though there were only a few scattered about. The world looked different up there. Warlord's Castle was just a speck, and Killum had to use his Farsee to even find it.
The main features below were the vast forest to the south, and the soaring, white-peaked mountains to the north. At that height, the battle-mage could see the forests of the Kumar on the other side of the mountains. The kingdom that he might be a part of as Duke of Highcliff, Warlord of the Southern Reaches, and Governor of Malvurn Province. At least those were Duke Seth's titles. If nothing else, the castle was definitely his for as long as he could hold it.
"See that haze to the west?" Gye asked. "That is smoke. Lord Kathro has started to build his host of undead by conquest. He is killing everyone and turning their dead bodies into his undead Dread Ones."
"Can we stop him?"
"I don't know, but I think we have to try."
Taking on Lord Kathro again both excited and frightened him. The gamer inside wanted to go on a quest with his friends to fight and defeat their most deadly foe. Maybe there was some magical object hidden deep in some subterranean temple dungeon they could use to permanently defeat and kill the Dark Necromancer.
After a month in the castle, they were all ready to do something. Anything.
Who knew being lord of the land was so damned boring?
"Boring?" Gye cried. "You've been banging that hot little sorceress nonstop for the past month. And you say you're bored?"
"Stop reading my mind."
Thinking about Asha – and her silky smooth skin and amazing body – left him breathless and tingling. She was such a passionate woman, too. The sorceress attacked loveplay like a dungeon, all or nothing.
"I can't, which means every time you jump on top of her I am forced – "
"Stop. Too much information," Killum cried. "From now on, you're going back into the helmet before bedtime."
"Thank you."
"And don't you dare tell Asha anything about this," he said. "Otherwise, she'll never sleep with me again."