Hot CEO: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

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Hot CEO: An Enemies to Lovers Romance Page 44

by Charlize Starr

  “Fuck,” she says, her head rolling around the pillow. I speed my fingers back up, and she crashes, coming hard around my fingers, shouting. I rub her all the way through it and then pause just long enough for her to catch her breath before I start to move the fingers I still have inside her again.

  “Doing good?” I ask her. She nods and gasps.

  “Jacob,” she says like she can’t get out anymore. She’s still so wet, crying out every time I thrust my fingers into her. “Please don’t stop,” she says.

  I don’t. I kiss her once, my fingers still moving in her the whole time. I spread her legs even wider and position myself inside them, desperate to test her. I move my tongue slowly, kissing and licking her inner thighs on my way. I open her wide with my fingers and lean in to lick her. She jumps under me the minute my tongue touches her, and her walls clench around the fingers I have inside her.

  “Yes,” she says on a slow exhale, sliding her hand down to my shoulder as I start to lick her. She tastes even better than I thought she would, all wet and warm and perfect. She lets out whimper after whimper as I lick her and fuck her with my fingers. She feels amazing around my fingers, driving me crazy. I need to be inside her. I’m so hard in my pants that I’m straining against my zipper. I want to rock myself against the bed a little to relieve the pressure, but I want even more to wait, to save it for her. I want to lick her until she comes again and then slide inside her. I’ve been thinking about doing this to her for days.

  I lick her over and over, hitting every spot I can find, using pressure on her clit and light licks all over the rest of her when I travel away. She cries out over and over, so fucking beautiful like this, and rocks her hips. I shift a little, putting a bit more weight on her and holding her hips down some with the hand that’s not inside her. She gasps at that, a sound that’s closer to a whimper.

  She makes me feel like I could do this all night. Like I could lick her for hours until she was completely spent. Like I could make her come until she couldn’t count how many times it had been and all those sounds she made were burned into my memory. I can’t get over how beautiful she is, how good she tastes. When she comes again – biting out my name against her pleasure over and over again as she does – I’m almost disappointed, even though I want to be inside her so badly my erection is getting painful. I lick her through and then pull back, kissing her thigh before pulling my soaked fingers out of her.

  She whimpers and groans, when I do, like she misses my fingers fucking her like that. Like she wants more of me.

  I can very much do that, I think, crawling up her to kiss her.

  Chapter Fifteen - Mia

  I’m melting. I don’t even have bones anymore. I’m floating. I’m hot liquid, but it’s not enough. Jacob has given me two incredible orgasms, and all I can think when he pulls his fingers out of me is, No. I want more. I want Jacob so badly. I’m still so turned on, so fucking soaked. He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back, tasting myself on his lips and finding it a lot sexier than I normally do.

  “How was that, beautiful?” Jacob asks, grinning at me. I draw in a breath and reach for his pants again. This time, he doesn’t stop me.

  “Incredible,” I say. I’m so warm and loose from coming twice, my body feels so good, that I fumble a little with his zipper, but get it eventually, pulling it down and pulling Jacob’s hard cock out of his pants. I shudder to look at it, even more turned on. It’s so huge like I thought it would be, given Jacob’s muscular frame. I want to feel it inside me. Now. Jacob hasn’t touched me for a few minutes, but it’s somehow long enough to leave me desperate and needy. I pull his pants off him all the way and slide a hand to stroke his cock a few times, making him groan.

  I want to put him in my throat and feel my mouth stretched around him – want him to fuck my mouth before he fucks me. He’s so hard from making me feel so good. I slow my strokes with my hand and lean my head up a little, licking my lips.

  “Not tonight,” Jacob says, putting a hand on my thigh, so close but so far from where I need him to be. “I want – fuck, Mia – I want that pretty mouth of yours on my cock. I want that so badly. But tonight, I want to fuck you. I need to be inside you. I need to feel you come around my cock.”

  “Fuck my mouth first,” I say. It sounds like begging to my own ears, but I don’t care. “Just for a few strokes before you fuck me.”

  Jacob stares at me like he wasn’t expecting that, but also maybe like it’s the hottest thing he’s ever heard. I’ve never been this desperate for a man before, never felt like I needed to touch him or suck his cock, not like this. Not like Jacob.

  “If you insist,” Jacob says darkly, shuddering as I run my fingers over the head of his cock. He nods and I move my hand away so he can move his hips up. His cock is inches from my mouth.

  “Please,” I say before opening my mouth wide and using my hand to guide him into my mouth. He fills my whole mouth until it’s watering and I’m nearly gagging. I want this so badly. I need him to touch me again before I explode. I need this first. I lick up and down his shaft and move my head, trying to set up a rhythm. He groans over me, staring down at me, eyes locked on me like he’s never seen a better sight. I don’t get the angle quite right, and I’m already feeling so spent from coming twice even if all I want is more, so Jacob puts a hand in my hair to hold me still and rocks into me a few times. Slow, like he wants to be gentle, and then a little faster when I catch his eye and nod my head. He fucks into my mouth for a few minutes, and then drops my head and pulls out. My head hits the pillow and I breathe out.

  “Ready?” he asks, lowering himself again. I’m so ready I think I could cry from it.

  “Fuck me, please,” I say. I don’t have to ask twice. Jacob moves my hips a little and then slides inside me. I cry out at his first thrust, and then over and over, clawing my fists at the sheets. I’m so sensitive and it feels so good. He feels so good inside me. I feel like I could pass out from how good it feels. I can feel him in every part of me when he rocks into me, sending waves of pleasure through my whole body.

  “Holy shit,” I say. “God.”

  “Fuck,” Jacob says, groaning himself as he starts to go faster, to thrust into me hard and fast, but deep so that I feel every stroke. When I can think much beyond oh god and fuck, I think, Well, he’s definitely not a virgin.

  I feel like I get higher with every rock of his hips, every thrust of his cock. It’s all I can feel, all I can think about: this deliciously good feeling of him inside me.

  When I come again, I feel like I’m floating away from my body. Jacob finishes inside me about a dozen thrusts later, just as I’m starting to get too sensitive. He bites out my name as he comes, and then pulls out and pulls me on top of him so we can both come down together.

  Jacob’s arms are even warmer now that his skin is bare, and it makes them seem even stronger. I want to bury myself in them and never leave. He’s holding me tightly, like maybe he has the same plan, too. I can hear his heart beating in his chest under my head, a steady rhythm I can imagine myself falling asleep to. He’s running his fingers through my hair, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been this comfortable or warm in my life.

  I’ve certainly never been this comfortable with a man right after sex. Even with past boyfriends I’d thought I loved at the time, I’d felt afterward that the silence was too much. I needed to fill it with words. I was never good at just cuddling and laying still, enjoying the other person.

  It’s something that’s been an issue in past relationships, actually. My most recent ex, Richard, who I dated for a few months last year, had said I talked too much. Of course, by then I think I was trying to fill not just the silence but the space I could feel growing between us. I think Richard had thought all of me was too much.

  But with Jacob, I feel like I could just drift off right here, so content, feeling so good in every way. I also feel like if I did start talking, Jacob wouldn’t mind at all. It’s strange, but I really like it. I do
break the silence a few minutes later, but not to fill it. I’m just worried I’ll actually fall asleep if I stay in this position much longer.

  “You know,” I murmur, turning my head up slightly to smile at him, keeping my tone a whisper, “I’ve never done that on a first date before.”

  “Glad I’m the exception,” Jacob says, laughing and playing along. This isn’t actually the first date by any stretch of the imagination, but our circumstances have been unusual. Maybe the very best kind of unusual.

  “Maybe it’s all this mountain air,” I say, smiling, “getting to my head and making me do crazy things.”

  “I would have guessed it was the chocolate,” Jacob says, kissing the top of my head and wrapping me up even tighter.

  “I guess it could be,” I say. I laugh and then remember I should offer him some of the chocolate I bought just for him. “I have some if you want to find out.”

  “Did you make it?” Jacob asks, smiling at me.

  “Well. Me, Martin, and several machines. But yes,” I say.

  “I don’t want to move just yet, but when we do, I’d love some,” Jacob says.

  I don’t want to move yet either, so I just burrow into him closer. I still have questions. I still don’t know so many things about Jacob, and I still don’t know why we haven’t gone out in public. But I think maybe tonight has been the start of all that changing. I think maybe, while this wasn’t at all a first date, it was the first step down a path for us. A path I very much want to walk with Jacob.

  Chapter Sixteen - Jacob

  My cabin feels lonely now that I’ve spent the night with Mia, laughing, kissing, and touching her. I’ve never thought of this place as lonely before, but now I think it feels empty and hollow and stark. It’s like Mia is a vibrant light, a bolt of electricity, and without her, everything feels dull. It feels like I’m craving her even though it’s only been a few hours.

  I keep thinking about the way we’d joked and laughed, and not just because Fiona was always so serious, which I thought I’d liked in a woman, at the time. I think it’s because it keeps striking me how quick Mia is, how quick and clever but also bold and fiery. Mia always tells me what she’s feeling – she rarely holds back, in general – and she’s quick to tease and banter. I’m certain she can hold her own in a fight.

  It reminds me, in a strange way, of Calvin. It reminds me of Calvin because it’s actually nothing like Calvin at all. Mia isn’t. I’d thought for years now, for three decades at this point, that Calvin and I had balanced each other out somehow. That we were opposites, brothers with very little in common and radically different temperaments, but that it was a good thing, because one day, we’d learn to bring our strengths together and make our family and business all the stronger for it.

  I had hoped, I think now, that Calvin would grow up to be a person a little more like Mia is. That he could turn all that partying and drinking into a thirst for life, his quick temper into a faster wit, his over-the-top attempts at charm into real leadership. But instead of growing into that, I think now that he’s gotten worse with age, not better.

  As children, we’d been closer. Or, rather, he had depended on me too much to resent me. After our mother died, we’d been alone a lot. We were too old to warrant a nanny, and most of the staff we did have at the time were part-timers, contracted from agencies to cook and clean a few days a week. Calvin didn’t have the publicists and the business advisors and the hangers-on to depend on back then. Dad was already traveling a lot, so, often, I was the only thing Calvin had had to rely on.

  I’d been fourteen, Calvin eleven, and he’d follow me around the house, desperate for attention. He would sit in my room while I did homework, playing his video games loudly as I worked. He’d pull me into his playground fights, pulling me across the wide campus of our private school so I could face down some boy he’d told, my brother is going to kick your ass. He’d been angry when I’d been hesitant to hit someone a foot shorter and fifty pounds lighter than me, not understanding why I wasn’t coming to his rescue.

  Everyone had said he was just angry all the time. That he was angry about mom, and that it would change. He’d heal, he’d grow out of it, he’d learn to process in other ways. Dad tried to send him to a child therapist, but he refused to get out of the car at the first appointment, and ran away from the parking lot to get away from the second. They still all said he was just angry at the world, just in mourning. Looking back, I think even then I knew that wasn’t quite right because Calvin had been acting out since long before Mom died. Almost as soon as he was old enough to walk and talk.

  I’ve always wanted to be able to help him. For years, I’ve wanted to find a way to get him to turn his life around. But apparently all I’ve done is convince him he should end my life. Maybe what I should have done years ago was talk to Dad about it more seriously. Maybe Calvin has always needed help that I couldn’t be up to the task to give him if I tried.

  It shouldn’t have taken Mia to make me see that, but something about Mia makes me see a lot of things more clearly. Makes me feel like I’ve got a new perspective on life. I’m already trying to figure out the best, safest way to see her again. Maybe I can bring food this time – or at least pay for the delivery.

  I take a long gulp of water, considering leaving Mia a message while she works, but I figure that after last night, I won’t be able to keep my conversation business-appropriate. I don’t want to get her in trouble with her boss by making our phone sex on the clock a repeated pattern. I frown around a strange taste in my mouth. There is something a little off about the water. There has been for days, and it’s getting stronger. It’s probably a sign I need to do some work on my well. I decide to go investigate to give myself something to do before Mia gets off work and I hear from her.

  Chapter Seventeen - Mia

  I haven’t heard from Jacob for over two days now.

  I haven’t heard from Jacob since we slept together since he came to my house. I call him and get no response, just the generic recording on his phone. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know why he wouldn’t call or answer when I call him. He always answers. He always calls. I’m so worried, so confused, that I can hardly think of anything else.

  I barely get any sleep that night, tossing and turning, imagining all sorts of disaster scenarios. Though really, I think the disaster scenarios are a cover, a ruse to hide the truth. I don’t really think his cabin caught on fire, or that he really was a conman who the law has caught up with. I think the most likely answer is just that he’s blowing me off.

  Which would make him exactly that jerk I’d thought he was that first day I’d met him. I was right about him all along. I should’ve trusted my instincts after that first run-in. No, this would make him worse. He’d be worse than I’d initially thought. Playing nice and leading me on for sex and then ditching me right after he got what he wanted. I can’t believe it’s true. I don’t want to believe it. I can’t bear the thought of it.

  I’m a mess during my shift. I manage to work just fine: I have several lovely conversations with customers, teach a part-timer how to check the hot chocolate temperature, and go over the numbers from our last promotion with Martin. But the whole time, my mind is on Jacob, and I keep hoping that I’ll feel my phone buzz.

  It never does, and every time I check it, there are no alerts at all. I just don’t understand. As the afternoon drags on, I start to fear the worst. I can’t help it. I allow myself a distraction, a small fantasy, to make it through the day. In my mind, I imagine Jacob showing up at my job. Showing up and kissing me in front of everyone. Maybe with flowers. Maybe choosing a time when the shop was busy, and when we kissed, people would clap for us, like in a movie. Maybe telling me he can’t stop thinking about me. Maybe grabbing my hand and pulling me in before he kisses me, pulling me into a hug so tight it lifts me off the ground. Maybe telling me I’m beautiful, the most beautiful woman he knows. Maybe announcing in front of everyone that he’s never fa
llen for a woman before, but I’ve opened his eyes to love. Maybe –

  My shift ends. We close the shop. My phone doesn’t ring. Jacob doesn’t show up.

  The night air is crisp and cold, and somehow, the whole world feels colder, too. I call Jacob as soon as I’m home.

  And I get that same recording I’ve gotten four times now.

  “Jacob. It’s Mia. I’m really concerned that I haven’t heard from you. Call me as soon as you get this.”

  I eat dinner, take a long bath, and call a friend from the city, Amber, and talk to her for an hour, not mentioning Jacob once. I’m not sure what I’d say about him. She’s getting married and she wants me to be at her wedding next year. I talk about chocolate and tell her I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  It’s ten-thirty by the time I get off the phone with her. I still haven’t heard from Jacob. I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to believe that he would do this to me, that he’s actually been an ass this whole time. But I don’t know what else to believe. I’m so hurt I can feel it in my chest. I’m so furious I feel like my blood is boiling with it.

  I call him again. This time, when the heartbreakingly familiar tone beeps, I don’t hold back.

  “You know, Jacob, if you were going to sleep with me and run off, you could at least have the decency to tell me all you were ever after was sex,” I tell his voicemail, letting my voice rise and pulse with anger as it wants to. “I could have lost my job over whatever game it was you were playing, talking to you like that on the clock. Even if you really are just an ass, you owe me a damn explanation. Just call me back, because I think I deserve at least that much.”


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