Billionaire Bad Boys: The Company Ink Series

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Billionaire Bad Boys: The Company Ink Series Page 18

by Kira Blakely

  He moved toward her. “Do you mean it?”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “I do. I mean it with all my heart. I love you, and I want to be with you. I want us. I want us to be a couple – a real one. I want us to have a whole life together, but you have to want all of that. I am willing to wait for kids. I am. I am not willing to wait for you to decide that you love me.’

  His smile was bright. “You don’t have to wait to know if I love you. I do. Holy shit. I have no idea what happened. I tried so hard not to fall in love with you because I was so sure that you would never want us, not in the way it seems we want us to be. But I fell so hard for you, and I got scared and I ran, because I was afraid I would get hurt and I have had so much of that already in my life. I was a first-class dick. Can you forgive me?”

  “Only if you can forgive me for not talking to you and for not telling you how I felt. I wanted to, but I was just so afraid you would say no to it all.”

  They began walking toward each other. His arms went around her again. Their bodies collided and met. His head lowered, and his eyes burned into hers. “I guess we were both guilty of being stupid and not talking. I wasn’t honest with you about how I felt, and I wasn’t honest about something else either.”

  Her heart stood still. Terror caught her up in a cold grip. What? What could he have been dishonest with her about? “Ashton…”

  “I’m rich. I created, with a friend of mine named Jackson, that app Fly by Night. It was ours first, and we sold it for a massive amount of money after we had already made a giant fortune off it. I made that site and app and…I’m rich.”

  Laura’s mouth fell open. Confusion struck. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  The look on his face said it all. “Because I thought you’d leave anyway, and I didn’t want to keep you by buying you.”

  “I see.” Her heart loosened and a laugh came bubbling up. “I guess lightning does strike twice then.”

  He frowned, “What do you mean?”

  Her smile filled her entire face and lifted her cheekbones. “I mean, our app is a huge success. It’s made nearly a million bucks already! So, you don’t have to worry that I want you for your money now, because it seems I have plenty of my own.”

  His laughter was long and booming. He grabbed her and swung her in the air, spinning her until she was dizzy. Her feet touched the ground finally, and he kissed her, making her feel like she was still in his arms, flying in circles.

  He loved her! He loved her and she loved him, and they were going to have a life together and be together.

  His hands stroked across her hair, then slid down to her shoulders. His fingers, long and strong, curled up there, digging into her skin just slightly as he brought her closer so that he could kiss her again. That kiss was far more serious and passion awakened. Laura had always wanted him, and now that she knew why he had been avoiding sleeping with her, and knew that he wanted her as much as she wanted him, she felt no fear or shame at all.

  They undressed each other slowly in his bedroom, letting the sexual tension coil and rise between them. Her legs shook as she stepped back to stare at the utter magnificence of his body. Everything about him was gorgeous, even the small scar on his abs that she knew had come from a knife fight.

  He was tough and gorgeous. He was wounded just like her. Their mouths met and held, his tongue going deep into hers to taste and tease hers into meeting his. His body followed hers down into the bed, and she let out a low cry of satisfaction as his hands found her breasts and then his tongue followed. He bathed her nipples with his tongue. His teeth tugged gently at the erect peaks, and then his lips closed over them while his hands squeezed the soft flesh of her breasts in a slow and maddening way. Laura’s body was on fire. She needed his touch so much that when he ran his hand down the curve of her waist and then fluffed her pubic hair in a careless gesture, she sucked in a long breath.

  Her fingers explored his body. She found his member, already stiff and thick. His head was swollen and purple, and the vein around it throbbed as she whipped one leg over him and flipped him neatly onto his back.

  She wanted to please him. She wanted to see him going as crazy with passion and need as she was. She needed him so much, but first she wanted to please him, to drive him crazy and to give him pleasure.

  She scooted lower and took him into her throat, her tongue swirling along his flesh as she sucked in her cheeks and tightened her lips around his flesh.

  His hips thrust forward, and her hands captured the heavy sack below his organ. She let her fingers cup it and then she moved her mouth to it, sucking gently as he gasped and moaned out her name.

  Her mouth tightened around then eased away from his flesh. Her fingers caressed him, and she tickled his balls, stroking the sensitive skin between his nuts and asshole, relishing the way his breath sucked in and out as she did so. His balls tightened as she took them into her mouth and sucked on them gently along the shaft, stroking the belly with her tongue.

  Her tongue swirled across the tight helmet and then rubbed the indented spot right below it. She nipped gently at the head, and he hissed in a breath. She kept it up, giving him as much pleasure as she could. She took her mouth off his cock and began to lick and suck at his testicles, putting them both in her mouth and sucking hard while her tongue swirled and dipped across the smooth surface of that flesh.

  “Oh, God,” Ashton panted. “Laura, I can’t hold out very long. I’ve been going crazy trying to stay away from you. Get up here.”

  His fingers tangled into her hair, tugging hard. She went and he grinned at her. Then he crawled down her body, licking and caressing her trembling flesh with real fervor. His breath tickled her and her pubic hair grew even wetter, more tangled as his tongue slid between her inner and outer labia to find her hood and the nub of sensitive flesh nestled below.

  His fingers continued to move in and out of her. His breath blew against the warm fluids coming from her and caused even more sensation to spike through her being.

  Her hips arched, and her heels dug into the mattress as he moved faster, his tongue stroking and circling her clitoris. Her ass jerked up and down, and she groaned as the first spasms of a climax began deep within her.

  Ashton came up slowly. His mouth was wet with her fluids, and he kissed her again, bringing the taste of her body to her mouth. Laura drank it in eagerly. His tongue slid out of her mouth as he spread her legs with his knee while his fingers and tongue went to her breasts.

  Ashton moved swiftly, driving within her just as she began to come. Her walls closed around his rigid flesh, and her fingers gripped his bottom as he withdrew and thrust again, impaling her on his hard and throbbing flesh.

  Their cries rose higher. The bed squeaked loudly, but Laura didn’t care. All she cared about was the orgasm bursting form her body, the feel of him inside her tight and oily tunnel, and the feel of his muscles clenching and releasing as he worked faster and harder.

  They finally lay still. Ashton buried his face in her shoulders and her fingers traced his shoulders, his back, finding the knobs of his spine and then the smooth flesh of his buttocks.


  They lay in his bed, breathing hard. Ashton said, “I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  “I can’t believe how lucky we are,” Laura returned. She was completed by his love, and felt completely whole from his lovemaking, and her voice was hushed and throaty as a result.

  Ashton placed a hand on her sternum and rubbed downward gently, his thumb leaving a slim band of sensation in its wake. Laura shivered all over and wondered if he would think she was a nympho if she said she wanted more of him, and right then. “I agree. I mean, two people who never wanted to settle down or fall in love, did.”

  “I know. That’s crazy.” She closed her eyes, just enjoying the feel of his finger stroking the flesh between her breasts.

  “I think we are crazy, but the best kind of crazy. I’m never letting you go either, woman.”

“You better not,” Laura cracked an eye open and peered at him. “With all the trouble you get into, you never know when you might need me and my can of mace to come charging up to the rescue.”

  “Oh, I agree with you, but I do think that you’re about the biggest, and best, trouble I ever got into, and I have a feeling you’re going to keep me on my toes enough that I don’t have to go looking for trouble anywhere else.”

  “That’s funny. I was just about to say the same thing about you.”

  He put his hands on either side of her face and leaned in for another long kiss. When it ended, he whispered, “So, here we are.”

  Her smile was huge. “Here we are.”

  He said, “You know, I have a feeling that app we made is going to work. I mean, it brought us together, didn’t it?”

  “It did.” Her smile was huge and wide. “But I think it’s us that will keep us together.”

  They held each other tight. Laura whispered, “I never thought I would ever be loved by anyone. I am not even sure I ever thought I deserved to be loved before.”

  “I know that feeling so well. But it looks like we both can be in love and loved by other people, or at least each other. As to what we deserve,” his hands traveled down her body and his dick, already stiffening again, pressed into her thigh, “I think we deserve this. After everything we have been through, after all we suffered, we deserve happiness and love, and don’t you ever forget that.”

  Laura managed to speak past the lump in her throat. His words touched her so deep and washed away the residual fear and certainty that she was never going to matter to anyone; that if she had been so unloved by her parents, then surely nobody else would love her either. Looking at Ashton, she knew he understood the same thing. That their pasts – painful as they had been – were over and done and all that lay before them was a glorious and passionate future. A future they would see together, forever.

  The End

  Billionaire Created


  JACKSON TOOK A GLASS of champagne and stood near the door, surveying the room. The glittering crowd parted and then slid back together in a wide pattern that reminded him of a kaleidoscope.

  He hated these kinds of things and would have refused to go if the party had not been for one of his best friends, Ashton, and Ashton’s girlfriend, Laura.

  The crowd was made up of most of the city’s wealthy young professionals, all brought together by Dawson, Ashton’s former foster brother and self-made billionaire. The apartment was Dawson’s as well, and Jackson gave the place a quick once over. Coming in at a stunning seven or eight-thousand square feet, the penthouse apartment sat at the top of the most exclusive building in the city, and the long floor-to-ceiling windows gave off views of the night and the city, the long skyline accentuated by the twinkle and glow of a million bulbs.

  He shifted on his feet, trying not to look out of place even though he felt that way. Nobody took much notice of him, and he was glad for that even as he was irritated by it.

  He was richer than many gathered there thanks to an app he had worked on with Ashton and the video game platform he had created recently, a platform he had sold for so much money that the number still staggered his brain every time he thought about it.

  He regretted selling the platform, in truth, but he had been unable to resist the idea of all that money – or the idea that the buyer had been able to take it into a global market in a way he, himself, could never have done. The truth was he would have made a great deal less if he had not sold it, but now that it was gone and the frenetic joy of creating something was too, he was bored and restless, and not even the large amount of money he had could make him feel any more content.

  Or at ease with the people in that room.

  Jackson had grown up in a rough neighborhood. He had been the kid who wore used clothes and ate free lunch. It had never occurred to him that one day he would be standing in a luxury high-rise, watching people with more money than they knew what to do with scarfing down expensive wine and snacks and congratulating other rich people for being smart enough to get rich.

  “Hey, bro.” Ashton appeared at his side, and Jackson grinned at him. He and Ashton went way back. They had gotten arrested together, been each other’s wingmen in every bar in the city, and they had made millions together. Through it all they had managed to stay friends – and not just friends, but friends who respected each other.

  “Hey, yourself. It’s quite the shindig, isn’t it?”

  Ashton grimaced. “It’s Dawson, so first class all the way. I keep wondering when they are going to figure out I don’t really belong here and chuck me out of the nearest window or something.”

  “Probably right after they hurl me through it. But be grateful for that. You will have less flying glass to worry about.”

  Ashton laughed and dug an elbow into the taut span of Jackson’s waist. “Yeah. I hate to sound ungrateful. I was just hoping that, for once, Dawson would just do a barbecue or something, you know?”

  Jackson did know. Dawson had never had to leave the nitty gritty behind, because he had never really had it in him. Oh, he was tough and he was a fighter, too, but Dawson had always had one eye out on the horizon, looking for any break that would get him off the streets that they had all grown up on like he knew somehow that they were never meant for him.

  “Before you and Laura head out of town you should stop by my place. We’ll throw some pig on the smoker and crack open some beers.”

  Ashton nodded, “Cool. I will. How’s the new house?”

  “Great.” It was great. It was also way too big and way too empty. “I even managed to not throw that crazy decorator Dawson had sent over out on his ass.”

  Ashton’s eyebrows nearly hit his hairline. “Say what?”

  Jackson rolled his eyes. “I needed furniture. I had no idea that would entail having to look at swatches and paint samples.”

  Ashton burst into laughter. “You hired a decorator?’

  Jackson gave him a withering glare. “No, I told Dawson I needed furniture, and he sent that guy over. I said thank you and refused to sign on the dotted line to have the guy do whatever it was he was talking about. I went to the store and bought some furniture myself, thank you very much.”

  Ashton sucked in air, and said, “Wow.”

  “That’s what I said, too.”

  Ashton said, “Well at least you can afford a house, right? I remember when we could barely afford rent at that crappy little pay by the week place we lived in.”

  “Those were good times.” They had been. They had both been so young and stupid – barely eighteen – and working for a pittance at a lawn care company. The days had been hot and long, and they’d often had to sweat out the beer and liquor they had drank the night before, or work through a blistering hangover that would not let them go from its vicious grip.

  “The best, man.” Ashton spotted Laura and added, “But I think these are good times, too.”

  “Yeah, they are.”

  Ashton wandered off to speak to Laura. People drifted around but Jackson didn’t want to talk to any of them. He had just spotted Laura’s friend, Hope, and he stood watching her for a moment.

  Hope was gorgeous. She was also cold enough to freeze a man’s balls off from a hundred paces away. He sipped the dry champagne, wishing it were whiskey, then set the glass aside.

  He’d met Hope a few times, and he had always felt a serious interest in her. She never seemed to notice he was flirting though, or if she did she was not at all interested in him.

  She was by herself now, standing near a small potted plant on a tall and graceful table. Well then. They were both alone, so why not go start up a conversation with her?

  He strolled over and said, “Hey there, Hope.”


  GOD, NO. NOT HIM. Hope’s lip curled as she watched Ashton’s best friend, Jackson, saunter across the floor. The man was so arrogant, and so…

  So hot.

ed by that thought, Hope deliberately turned her back and stared at the far wall, sipping her glass of wine.

  “Hey there, Hope.”

  She looked at him, hoping that her withering stare would knock him back about ten feet. He just curled up those full lips of his into a smile that revealed his perfect, white teeth. His thick, chestnut-brown hair had been neatly combed when he had arrived half an hour before, but it was already becoming mussed thanks to his habit of running his fingers through it when he was deep in thought.

  That she knew that irritated her even more.

  “Hello.” She kept her tone icy. It didn’t matter. That chill bounced right off of him.

  “Nice party, huh?”

  “Hm.” She sipped her wine again, hoping he would lose interest and wander off. Jackson just planted his feet and spread his long and trim legs in a stance that said he was not going anywhere.

  Hope sighed inwardly. The party was nice. It was being thrown by Dawson, who was the guy that Lexie was dating. Lexie was Laura’s best friend’s – and one of Hope’s good friends as well. Ashton, Laura’s boyfriend, was one of Jackson’s best friends. At one time, Ashton and Jackson had created a megabuck dating app that had made them both multimillionaires. Then, Ashton and Laura had created an app that had made Ashton even richer and Laura a newly minted millionaire.

  That party was a celebration of Ashton and Laura’s success. They had just sold the app and were planning on doing some travelling – going on a sort of semi-permanent vacation that would take them to the different corners of the globe.

  Jackson grinned at her, and she gave him a filthy glare. He let his eyes sweep over her in a slow way that made her nipples stiffen and her temper – and temperature – rise. “How’s the research going?”

  “It’s going.” She sighed. “It’s always the same struggle. I have to get as many grants as I can, and the boards are always screaming for results.”


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