Fairytale Shifters: The Complete Series

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Fairytale Shifters: The Complete Series Page 36

by Riley, Alexa

  As soon as I hear the door click shut, I’m in motion. It’s taken me all week to set this in place, and I want it to be absolutely perfect. I scurry around the shop, getting it ready, and just as I finish I hear him wiggle the doorknob.

  I dart behind my desk, and I’m thanking my lucky stars I didn’t trip along the way, or it would have sent Bleu running. I try to control my breathing and act calm as he strides in with a tray of snacks for us. I say “us” because there’s enough for ten people, but he thinks this is how much I should eat.

  “Here you go, my mate.” He kisses me on the lips as he places the food in front of me.

  I pull up a blank page on my computer and type random letters and words, trying to look busy as he goes back to work. After just a second he makes a noise and I stop typing. I look out from behind my computer and pretend not to notice anything is wrong.

  “Thanks for the snack. I was starting to feel weak,” I joke, but he doesn’t look up. “Everything okay, Bleu?” Trying to keep my tone even is an effort.

  “Just looking at the requests you left for me. It’s odd, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten asked to do one of these before.”

  I stand up and casually walk over to where he is standing, holding several pieces of paper in his hand. Each week I print out the requests for him, and he picks and chooses what he feels like doing next, and then I schedule it on the calendar.

  “Which one is it? There were so many I didn’t really get a good look at them all.”

  He looks at me and then looks back to the paper. “This one on top.”

  I move beside him and take the paper from his hands. I know this image well. I searched for days to find the perfect one.

  “Oh, how pretty.” I hand him the paper underneath the picture. It’s a printout of the email I just got. He takes it from me, and I make a humming sound as I look at the picture. “Maybe you could do one for practice first.”


  Looking up, I see Bleu’s gaze is glued to the paper in front of him. I give him another moment to let it register, and I stand there with the biggest grin on my face, waiting for it to click.

  “Lola. Is this...does this mean…?” He stammers over his words and then looks to me with big watery eyes.

  I start to cry, immediately moved by his expression, and just nod my head. He drops the email from the shifter doctor I saw two days ago confirming I’m six weeks pregnant with our bear cub, and scoops me up in his arms.

  “A baby? We’re going to have a baby?”

  “Yes,” I say in a thick voice as he buries his face in my neck.

  I can feel the joy rolling over him in waves, because it passes to me as well. Last week when we’d gone into town to drop off some orders, we went next door to see the clan doctor and get a checkup. I’d told Bleu it was to make sure I was okay to have children, but I had suspected I was already pregnant. I slipped the doctor a note when Bleu wasn’t looking and explained I wanted to surprise him. Thankfully, she played along, and as we were leaving she said she would email me with some follow-up questions.

  I feel his lips on my neck and then he’s looking into my eyes. The gold is swimming in tears of joy, and I swear I could almost burst from happiness in this moment. His mouth comes down on mine, and the sweet kiss turns passionate in half a second. Suddenly, I’m being laid out on one of his woodworking tables and he’s slipping off my leggings. He’s hurriedly unbuckling his jeans and getting his cock inside me as fast as he can.

  When he enters me, I’m wet and ready like I always am for him. I moan at his thickness and look up into his eyes. His big hand rests on my lower belly as he eases in and out of me. His face is tender, but there’s still the raw need there, too. His passion shows as we couple and celebrate the next chapter in our lives.

  He makes me cum three times on that table before he finally carries me to the house. But not before he grabs up the picture of the baby crib I had printed out and given to him. I knew this would be the first of many things he would make for our little cub, and I’m sure he’ll start working on it the second he lets me out of bed.



  Three months Later…

  I dance around the kitchen letting my new dress flare out all around me. I’ve never been much of a dress girl, but with my baby belly it’s much easier to wear them, and they’ve grown on me. Not to mention my mate loves them, too. I’ve even developed the small habit of not wearing panties under them when we’re at home. It drives him crazy in the best of ways.

  I pick up one of the cookies I just iced and take a big bite. I moan at the delicious taste. My addiction to icing has gone to all-new levels. I lick my lips thinking about how I could lick this off my mate. My body starts to tingle at the idea. All the different places I could put it on him… It would drive him crazy. I smile thinking about it.

  I bounce toward the door when I hear a car come up the driveaway. He was faster than I thought he’d be. Bleu had to run to town to pick some stuff up from the store and drop off a delivery. I’ve now banned myself from going to the store because I can’t stop myself from trying to buy everything, and Bleu is no help in the matter. He just encourages me, telling me I need to get bigger. Getting bigger right now is not something I need help with. Shifter babies develop faster than human babies, and I already look like I’m full term. Which I pretty much am for a shifter baby.

  I swing the door open, ready to throw myself at my mate, but freeze when I see a man I don’t recognize standing there.

  “Hi,” I say, a little shocked. No one comes around here. Heck, Bleu doesn't even like a delivery people to come here. It’s why we pick all our mail up in town at a PO box. My mate is the jealous, possessive type to the extreme. I don’t know who this man is, but I need to get him out of here and hope the wind blows away any trace of him once he’s gone. My bear will not be happy if when he gets home he smells another man has been here. Though the sex will be crazy hot. Not that it’s not always crazy hot, but when the lick of jealousy grabs him he’s relentless in marking me for the next twenty-four hours.

  “I’m looking for a Lola,” he says.

  A load growl sounds from behind the man, and like always when I hear that sound, my nipples tighten with need, only this time I gasp when I feel wetness. I look down to see that I’ve leaked. A first for me. I stare at the small wet spots in shook. My breast milk is coming in already.

  “No one looks for Lola but me,” Bleu rumbles loudly. I can’t fight the giggle at his ridiculous comment. The man turns slowly to look at Bleu. “Step away from her.” Somehow his voice is even more deadly than before.

  The man raises his hands. “I’m just looking for her, man. There was a missing person’s report filed on her.” The man drops the papers he has in his hands and takes a few steps back from me. He almost falls down the porch steps. I don’t blame him. Bleu is big. Crazy big. Heck, the man is a bear shifter.

  “You want my mate,” Bleu growls. I should not think it’s cute that he thinks everyone in the whole world wants me, but I do.

  “Bleu, come here,” I say in the sweetest voice I can muster. He does as I ask. He’s by my side instantly, but his eyes never leave the man.

  “I’m fine. I’m not missing,” I tell the man. I never thought about someone reporting me missing before now. I’d left a note for my mother. To be honest, I didn’t think she would care that I was gone. If anything, she just misses someone cleaning up after her. Sadly, I don’t miss her at all, and she’s not someone I want in my life anymore. Neither does our baby boy, who will be here very soon. In fact, she is someone who wouldn’t be able to keep the secret of what my baby and mate are.

  I was told it’s hard for baby shifters to control their shifts. Having her around my son will not be an option. I stand firm on this. Besides, Bleu gets irritated when I bring up my shitty parents. He hates that I went through that. Can’t wrap his mind around my mom not cherishing me.

  “Tell anyone where she is
and I’ll hunt you down.” Bleu’s words even make my skin break out in goose bumps.

  “Not a word.” The man turns, runs toward his car and jumps in. Gravel flies up as the man peels down our long driveway as he tries to get away from Bleu as fast as possible.

  “Your jealousy is at an all-time high,” I laugh as I turn to look at him. I place my hands on his chest, knowing my touch will cool him down. It always does. My mate might get hot off the top, but I know I can always bring him back. Tame my beast.

  He licks his lips, his nostrils flaring “What is that smell?” His breathing grows deep. “It’s you.” He takes a step back from me, his eyes going to my breasts and reminding me that I leaked. Before I can respond, he’s pulling me into the house and slamming the door behind his.

  My dress goes flying over my head and is quickly tossed away. Bleu rumbles deep in his chest. “You answered the door with no panties on.” His eyes darken. Or bra, but I don’t say that out loud.

  “I thought it was you.” I stick out my bottom lip in a small pout that always works to get me out of trouble.

  Bleu licks his lips, his eyes trained on my tits. He seems to have forgotten everything else. I look down to see a drop of breast milk escaping my nipple. Before it can drop away and hit my stomach, Bleu’s mouth latches onto me, giving a hard suck.

  I moan and my knees give out. I don’t fall, though. I never fall now that I have Bleu. He would never allow it. He lifts me easily and carries me through the house.

  “Grab the icing!” I yell out, pointing to the container on the counter. Bleu doesn't even ask why. He just does as I ask like always. He can never not give me something I want. If he’s going to lick stuff from my body, I should get to do the same.



  Another 10 months later…

  A low growl rumbles from my chest, making my eyes fly open. My bear is completely alert. The delicious smell of my mate fills my lungs, but this is different. I suck in another deep breath, trying to make sure I’m catching the right scent coming from her little body. Warmth fills me when I realize what it is I’m smelling from her.

  Pregnant. I take another deep breath, catching not just the scent of one baby but two. Twins. I swear my heart skips a beat with excitement. Lola is going to be over the moon.

  I smile, looking down at my mate, who is wrapped in my arms, her blonde hair spread out all around us as she sleeps. Her lips are parted ever so slightly, making me want to kiss her. Sometimes I still can’t believe fate brought her to me, that I went from wanting to be alone to now wanting to fill our home with our children.

  Pride fills me that I once again got my mate pregnant. Even though when she carries my cub inside her, it drives me a little crazy. My protectiveness of her multiplies ten-fold. I try to tell myself I’ll be better this time. I was only that way the first time because, well, it was our first and so new that I didn’t know what to expect, but I know that’s bullshit. I’ll still be like that. I’m already itching to get out of bed and make my mate a giant breakfast to make sure she eats enough not only for her but the cubs inside her belly. Now she’ll be eating for three.

  Slowly I slip out of bed. Lola shifts, rolling a little and kicking her blanket off some as she does. I pause when her legs spread, giving me a view of her bare pussy. Her nightshirt rode up in the night. Or maybe it’s still up from when I pinned her to the bed in the middle of the night.

  I take a step back towards the bed. My mouth waters, knowing right now she is going to taste even sweeter than normal, something I didn’t think was possible until the last time she got pregnant. I lick my lips. Maybe I should make sure she’s pregnant. Before I even finish the thought, I’m on her.

  My broad shoulders spread her thighs wide as I take a long lick of her pussy. She moans and thrusts her hips, wanting more of what I’m giving her. One of her hands slides into my hair, gripping me. I growl against her and she moans my name.

  “Bleu.” I look up to see her eyes are heavy lidded as she watches me suck and lick her. I start to thrust my hips against the bed. My cock is hard and leaking cum from the taste of my sweet mate. It wants to be inside her, but I need to taste her more. Her taste is addictive, and if she’d let me I’d never leave this spot between her thighs. Because I was right. I can taste it. I’ve bred my her. Soon she will be round with my cubs once again.

  I slide my finger into her tightness. We both groan. She locks down around my finger and I know she’s close already. I suck her clit into my mouth as her body jerks and she shouts my name, making us both cum.

  I ride out the wave, sucking and licking her, letting the orgasm wash over her and trying to ignore my own. I want to focus on her, but my cock has no control when she is near.

  When her body is completely lax I sit up. She’s smiling, but her eyes are closed and she looks to have fallen back asleep. I kiss her stomach before pulling her nightshirt down and covering her back up with the blanket before making my way to the bathroom to clean myself up.

  When I return, I smile when I hear my son make a grunting noise from the other room. Slipping from our room, I take the stairs two at a time until I reach his bedroom door.

  I shake my head when I see he’s in cub form and trying to get out of his crib. I walk over and pick him up. I flip him over so I can rub his belly as I make my way back downstairs. He cuddles back into my arms, his eyes already falling closed.

  Getting River out of our bed had taken some time and he still looks like he’s not going to give up without a fight. In cub form he’s more mobile and he’s learning that quickly. He’s going to keep us on our toes.

  I head toward my bedroom knowing when they both finally wake up River will want his mama. When I walk into the room Lola sits up, her arms out for River. I slide him into her arms. She cuddles him close, lying down again.

  I stand there, torn between starting breakfast and crawling back into bed with them. When Lola reaches an arm out for me I’m done for. I slide into the bed behind her and cuddle my whole world closer.

  Life couldn’t be more perfect.



  Eight years later…

  The house is quiet, and I pull Lola closer to me in bed.

  “I swear being around bears all the time, all I want to do is sleep.”

  Smiling against her neck, I kiss my mark and nuzzle against her. “I’ve tried to tell you. Just give in and do what I say.”

  I built a second floor onto the cabin when Lola found out she was pregnant with our first cub. Soon after our first boy, River, was born, she got pregnant again. We had our twin girls, Violet and Marigold, thirteen months after River. Then we decided to slow down. So of course she got pregnant again right away with our youngest son, Forbes. Four kids under four years old has kept us busy. But one thing is for sure, they’ve always slept great. Lola says it’s all the hibernating we like to do, but I just laugh and pull the covers over her.

  It’s Saturday and all the kids are upstairs sleeping in, and I take advantage of our alone time.

  Our businesses have grown over the years, and we have people in town who help us manage them. Luckily for us, we get to keep our privacy a good bit while the kids go to school and we work from home. We’ve established our careers, so we work when we want and we play when we want. But we always have weekends at home with just the family. The time with our young is precious and goes so fast. But I would be lying if I didn’t think they always pick the worst times to try to come talk to us.

  Spooning behind Lola, I reach down and pull her leg over my hip, opening her for me. I slip my hard cock past her wet folds and slide home. She moans softly when I’m fully seated, and I do the same.

  “I locked the door. You can go back to sleep now if you want to, mate. I’m just going to cum and keep my cock in you for a little bit longer.”

  I slide my hand over her hip and between her legs, rubbing her exposed clit. I know exactly how to touch her to get what I want, and
I know for a fact she isn’t going back to sleep. Not without at least two orgasms.

  She looks back at me with a wicked smile and grinds down on my cock. Her smell of desire grows between us, and I give her what she needs. I will always give her anything she desires for as long as we both live.

  “I love you, Bleu,” she whispers as we make love.

  “I love you, too, my sweet Lola.”

  We had a chance encounter that turned into more than either of us expected. But when I first held her in my arms, I knew she was mine. I’ve spent every day since then holding on to her, and I will spend the rest of my life doing the same. She and our cubs are my whole world, and it’s more than I ever dreamed of. She gave me this life, and I will show her just how grateful I am.


  Pulling Her Trigger


  Alexa Riley

  I thought I had all I needed: my gun, my chopper, and my brothers. Most women don't crave a life like mine, but after the things I've done and seen, I never thought I longed for more.

  The Ghost Riders Motorcycle Club is my family and I'll bleed for them. I'll do anything to keep them safe, even if it's from me.

  One look from him and everything I fought to hide was ripped wide open. Being an FBI agent gave him the power to flip my world upside down, and he did it in a way I never saw coming.

  What happens when an FBI agent becomes more obsessed with you than with his case? Do you let down your guard? Or pull the trigger?


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