Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Cara Addison

She arrived at Porta Venezia and stepped inside to escape the cold wind, which had picked up. Stepping through the door at Porta Venezia was like stepping across the ocean and into an authentic Italian bistro. Delicious smells wafted from the kitchen, welcoming her in. She had arrived just as Elisse was being seated, and waving off the hostess, she walked between the tables to meet her. Elisse stood, and quickly hugged Kate before settling at their table.

  “I’m so glad you could join me,” she gushed as they opened their menus.

  “It’s the perfect distraction,” Kate responded, without thinking about what she was implying.

  “Distraction?” she quizzed.

  Kate knew she’d never make a good poker player as she smiled. “Brad is out of town for the next few days,” she quickly explained. “And it’s nice to have something, or someone,” she pointed out, “to keep me from overthinking any potential next steps.”

  Elisse took a sip from her ice water before asking, “What happened after I left?”

  “Well, he wouldn’t let me help tidy up,” she said smiling, “so we played a game of pool.”

  Kate paused as the waiter approached and shared the lunch specials. She closed the menu, and glancing at Elisse, they confirmed that they were ready to order. They asked the waiter to bring them a bottle of San Pellegrino mineral water, and they each ordered the lunch special.

  As the waiter retreated to the kitchen, Elisse inquired, “Pool?”

  Kate nodded, taking a sip of water before answering, “Brad’s a much better player than I am, but I did get in a few good shots.”

  “No, really,” she said matter-of-factly. “You played pool?”

  “We played pool…we talked,” she elaborated, finishing her sentence as the waiter delivered the mineral water.

  “What did you talk about?” she inquired once the waiter had stepped away.

  “He’s quite concerned about Thomas,” Kate replied, sitting back against her chair. “I got the impression that he’s concerned that Thomas might make one of those irrevocable life decisions that he’ll regret for the rest of his life.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I gave him a rather lengthy explanation about Thomas getting tired of marshmallows, and that soon he’d realized that he’d return to enjoying steak.”

  She looked as puzzled as Brad had. Kate elaborated, sharing the complete analogy with Elisse, who laughed at the comparison.

  “I’m not sure I like my life experience being compared to a well-aged steak.” She laughed. “But it certainly seems better than a marshmallow.”

  The waiter delivered their salads, and they enjoyed a few bites before Elisse continued.

  “So…you played pool, and said goodnight?” she prodded.

  Kate inhaled deeply, not sure how much detail to share with Elisse. The lawyer in her decided to turn the question back on her. “What would you have done, in my situation?”

  Elisse set down her fork, and thought for a moment while sipping the effervescent water. “Let’s see,” she began. “You’re alone with an attractive, successful, funny, intelligent man…I’ve mentioned attractive, right?” she joked as she continued. “I don’t know,” she pondered. “I think I’d be curious to see if there was any chemistry.”

  She took a bite of her salad, surveying Kate’s face for a reaction. Kate took a bite of her own salad, making Elisse wait for a response. “There was chemistry,” she replied timidly.

  Elisse set down her fork and stared at her with wide eyes. “How much chemistry?” she interrogated.

  “Oh,” Kate said bashfully as she pushed her food around the plate, “there was quite a bit of chemistry.”

  “Shut the front door.” She gasped, leaning forward. “You didn’t!”

  “I’m not saying that we did or didn’t,” she renounced. “I’m just saying there was a lot…of…chemistry.”

  Elisse looked around the room, somewhat stunned at the revelation. “So what’s next?” she asked.

  “Well, that’s the million-dollar question now, isn’t it,” Kate replied with a sigh.

  “Has he called?” she inquired.

  “We had a brief text conversation on Sunday morning,” Kate added, without elaborating. “He’s out of town all week.”

  “He’ll call,” she said, emphatically. “He’d be crazy not to.”

  Her feedback was encouraging. Over the next half hour, they finished their salads, and over espresso, brainstormed solutions for a challenge Elisse was facing at the office.

  As they left the bistro, Elisse reached out to Kate, “Let me know if he calls, will you?”

  Kate could tell that she was genuinely concerned for her wellbeing, and she quickly hugged her friend before heading toward city hall.

  On the way back to the office, Kate passed by the estheticians, and made a mental note to call and make a personal grooming appointment before the week was out.

  On Thursday, Brad called, just after his plane touched down. It had been a grueling trip, but he was confident that it had ended with a number of successes. “I know it’s short notice, but would you join me for the opening of the new wing at Digital Design Institute tomorrow night?”

  Kate had learned that he had been instrumental in fundraising the twenty million dollars needed for the Institute to add cutting-edge technology and programming. She also knew that the grand opening doubled as a fundraiser, with tickets having been sold out for weeks. At five hundred dollars per person, she was certain that it was to be an elegant affair.

  “I’d be delighted,” she responded.

  “Great. I’ve arranged for a car service so that I don’t have to worry about having a drink or two. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock?”

  “I’ll be ready and waiting.”

  Chapter 7

  Kate spent the afternoon leisurely preparing for her date with Brad. She drew a luxurious bath, and sunk into the warm waters. She soaked, pondering the possibilities that another sensual evening might hold.

  With a goal of driving Brad wild, she searched for the perfect underthings to wear. Kate decided on a very sheer ivory bra and panties before sifting through the rack of evening gowns.

  She selected a vintage floor-length gown for the grand opening. The ’60s-inspired silk beaded sheath dress had a scoop neck that flattered her figure. It was soft and silky against her skin. She slipped into a pair of ivory satin Manolo Blahnik sling-back pumps, and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. Kate deposited a few essentials into an ivory clutch purse and at seven o’clock sharp, made her way downstairs.

  Kate heard the car pull into the drive as she descended the stairs. She glanced into the mirror one final time as Brad stepped to her door. As the bell chimed, she stepped forward to welcome him in. Kate sucked in a deep breath of air into her lungs as she caught a glimpse of his salt-and-pepper hair through the glass lights of the door. She opened the door, stepping back to welcome him in.

  A desirable smile spread across his face as he stepped across the threshold.

  “Well hello, Mr. Taylor,” she purred, smiling lazily as he surveyed her from head to toe.

  He opened his mouth, but no words escaped. Kate laughed lightly as he stepped forward and softly kissed her lips. Warm tingles glided through her body at his touch.

  “You are a vision,” he murmured.

  Kate reflected on a saying that her mother had used during her childhood. Be a vision, not a sight, she would chide as she combed her hair or straightened an outfit. She smiled, and softly kissed him. “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready?” he asked, lightly brushing a wisp of hair back from her face.

  “I am,” she responded, picking up a warm wrap that she had placed by the door.

  Placing his hand on the small of her back, he guided her to the black Lincoln, where the hired driver stood holding the open door. Kate slid in as he closed the door. Brad circled the car and slipped in beside her.

  As they rode to the party, they caught up on the events
of the week. Brad shared, confidentially, that sales of the latest apps that had been released by his company had exceeded expectations. She shared her latest ideas for setting up a crowdsourcing effort to engage and incentivize the community. The skies had darkened as they pulled into the college gates.

  The party was extravagant. The atrium was dimly lit, with thousands of tiny white bulbs combined with candlelight dancing against a series of ice sculptures. A small orchestra, setting the mood, provided background music.

  As Elisse and Kate surveyed the donor wall of the new wing of the Institute, Kathleen approached.

  “It’s lovely to see you again, Kate,” she said as she reached in with a light embrace to greet her.

  “It would seem that you and Brad had a rather enjoyed time after we all left last week,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Elisse shifted her gaze to Kate, “How does she know so much more than I do?” she asked emphatically.

  “Oh, I think Patrick got more than a few details when they met for breakfast this week,” Kathleen explained.

  Kate stared at her in disbelief. “You must be mistaken,” she stammered, trying desperately not to show how shaken she was by her revelation. “Brad has been away all week.”

  “No,” she explained, rather emphatically, “Patrick and Brad had breakfast together early Monday morning before leaving for the airport.” She continued, “It must have been quite the conversation, because when Patrick returned to the clinic, he pulled me into his office, and closed the door.” She paused taking a long sip of wine before continuing. “In the fifteen years I’ve known him, we’ve never had sex at the office…until now.” She paused for dramatic effect. “His schedule ran thirty minutes behind for the rest of the day.”

  As a waiter passed, Elisse flagged him down, and pulling the empty glass from Kate’s hand, seized two more glasses from the tray. She placed a glass in Kate’s hand before taking a long drink from her own.

  “And,” Kathleen continued, as Elisse’s eyes widened, anticipating more titillating details, “Patrick hasn’t kept his hands off me all week.” She smiled wickedly. “Thank you,” she leaned in and whispered.

  Elisse broke the silence by adding, “I totally get the locker room chatter, but I’m trying to envision Brad and Patrick gossiping over lattes.”

  “No, no, no,” Kathleen clarified, “It isn’t gossip, if it’s firsthand knowledge.”

  Kate had drained her drink. “I’m going to need another one of these,” she said, holding up the glass.

  “Maybe you’d like a glass of scotch,” Kathleen said suggestively. The pink in Kate’s cheeks was a clear signal to Elisse that there was much, much more to Kathleen’s comment.

  “I hear it makes a great chaser,” Kathleen revealed.

  Kate groaned, swearing under her breath as her gaze shifted to the floor.

  “Chaser?” Elisse questioned. It took her a moment to put all of the pieces together. “You didn’t,” she exclaimed incredulously.

  Seeing the three ladies chatting from across the room, Brad broke away from his conversation to join them. As he approached, Kathleen excused herself.

  “Keep walking, my friend,” Kathleen said as she met Brad on his way over, “keep walking.”

  Brad looked puzzled as he watched her retreat. Wanting desperately to change the topic of the conversation, Kate stared at Elisse, urging her with her eyes to drop the subject.

  The crowd was gathering for some speeches, and at Brad’s lead, Kate followed him to the edge of the stage that had been setup for the evening. With loud applause, the President of the Digital Design Institute welcomed the crowds, expounding on the extension of progressive programming that would now be available in the community. He thanked numerous people, before welcoming Brad to the podium as the man responsible for rallying so many of the financial contributions for the new Institute. “You’ll join me in breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that with his fundraising task complete, we can walk the streets of Lowden without having Bradley sidle up to us at a parking meter, begging for spare change.”

  Bradley took the podium, pretending to pickpocket the President, garnering more laughter and applause. Drawing attention to the donor wall, he thanked individuals and businesses that had invested in the future of Lowden. “I’m delighted that the mayor, and the most beautiful woman in the room, could join us this evening,” he announced, turning to look at her with his boyish grin, “and I invite you to join me in welcoming Her Worship, Katherine Callahan, to the stage.”

  Kate was caught off guard, not expecting to address the elite gathering. She approached the podium, looking quizzically at him while shaking his extended hand as she stepped to the microphone.

  “It appears that I’ve escaped being frisked for spare change by Mr. Taylor,” Kate began, drawing more laughs.

  “For now,” she heard Patrick heckle from the back of the room.

  Kate quickly formulated some thoughts in her mind as the crowd quieted. “What an exciting opportunity we have before us, tonight,” she opened, with a genuine smile. “On behalf of the members of council and the staff at city hall, I’d like to congratulate the board, faculty, and staff of the institute on the tremendous accomplishment that we have gathered here to celebrate.” She paused, scanning the room, deliberately making eye contact with various members of the audience. “I’ve made it a priority to support innovative growth in Lowden, and the journey you’ve embarked upon today is a significant step in the direction to support new opportunity for students and for their future employers.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “I am so encouraged that we are surrounded by a community of business and educational leaders that have a vision for our future.

  “The mayor’s office can in no way take credit for the months, even years, of work that have been invested in this project, but you can be certain that the mayor’s office will celebrate each and every accomplishment that you make, going forward. Well done, Lowden!”

  Kate stepped back from the microphone, and the crowd cheered and applauded as the president stepped forward, enthusiastically shaking her hand.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” she said to Brad, stepping off the stage.

  “Oh come on, Kate,” he whispered in her ear, “I’ve heard you address countless crowds. You rocked that speech. You always know exactly how to articulate what the audience wants to hear.”

  As the speeches ended, they were each swept into various conversations and invited to pose for numerous photos to document the evening for posterity’s sake. After a time, Brad walked toward her. “Hey pretty girl, is it time to take you home?”

  Kate nodded, bidding farewell to those she had been speaking with and they walked through the dwindling crowds to the doorway, where the Lincoln was waiting.

  As the car pulled in front of Bradley’s house, the driver circled the car and opened the door for them. The exterior of Bradley’s house was stunningly lit, casting warm shadows against the cool grey stone. The car pulled out of the driveway as Brad led her to the door. Kate leaned over and playfully commented, “This is lovely…but this isn’t where you picked me up earlier this evening.”

  He stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to her, “I’m sorry,” he stammered. “I didn’t mean to presume…” he trailed off.

  “It’s okay,” she said, smiling. “I’m sure I’ll eventually find my way home.”

  He opened the door, and ushered her into the foyer. As he dropped his keys onto the console table, Kate inquired, “You didn’t mention that you had breakfast with Patrick this week. How was it?”

  Pivoting on one heel, he slowly turned to face her, “It was fine,” he said cautiously.

  “That’s interesting,” she said, taking a few deliberate steps toward him, “because Kathleen indicated that whatever the two of you talked about left a rather profound and…how did she put it…lasting impression on Patrick.”

  “He told her?” he asked. Although Kate was certain he was speaking to himse
lf, rather than to her.

  “I’m not entirely sure that he told her, so much as he…showed her,” Kate responded, her voice growing irritated.

  Like a cornered animal, he stepped back, bumping against the console.

  “Ohhhh, I’m so sorry,” he stammered. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “You should be sorry,” Kate admonished, as she stepped toward him, looking him straight in the eye. “This isn’t high school, Brad. I don’t know how much you told Patrick, but it was more than enough. He has obviously told Kathleen, and I don’t know Kathleen well enough to know if she’ll keep it to herself. She’s already told Elisse,” she said, with more than a little exasperation in her voice.

  “She told Elisse?”

  “Yes! That’s what the three of us were talking about in front of the donor wall.” She paused. “Well, actually, they were talking. I was speechless.” She paused before she continued, pacing the floor in front of him as she talked. “Kathleen knew more than a few details, Brad. I mean…I had lunch with Elisse this week, and I didn’t tell her anything.”

  “You didn’t say anything?” he asked incredulously.

  “I didn’t say anything specific. Just that I thought there was some chemistry between us. I certainly didn’t give her a play-by-play of the evening.”

  He wiped his hands across his face and through his hair.

  “I am so sorry. I just…I just wanted to tell him that I’d had a great time with you, and then I let it slip about…” He hung his head. “There is no excuse. I shouldn’t have said anything.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek. She didn’t kiss him back.

  “Brad, I’m the mayor. It shouldn’t change things, but it does. When I step out those doors, I’m held to a higher standard than every other citizen of Lowden. It isn’t fair, but it’s the way it is.”

  “I get it,” he sighed. “What happens between us stays between us. I promise.”

  She reached forward, softening her expression, and loosened his tie.

  “You’re not angry anymore?”

  “Oh, I’m a little perturbed, and more than a little embarrassed,” she responded, sliding his tie out from under his collar, “but…I’ll get over it.”


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