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Cake Page 25

by Nicole Reed

  “I love you too, Dray. Forever and always.”

  This time when he captures my mouth, internal fireworks light my body from tip to toe. Every body part is hyperaware of him touching me. Dray’s beautiful brown eyes stare with so much love that my heart threatens to explode, or perhaps it’s my va-jay-jay ready to combust from neglect. I’m not sure, but all I know is tonight can’t get here fast enough so that we can be alone.

  I didn’t see Dray from the time I left his apartment that day until the day Georgia was born, which was a month earlier than expected. Trent panicked because he wasn’t here and even though my parents and Madison were by my side, he made one additional phone call. So this time, he called Dray to come to be with me at the hospital. A total reversal from the last time. When he arrived, I spent the first hour cursing him and then the next telling him how much I missed him. By the time Georgia was born, we were actually talking, and he swore that he would never leave my side again, and he rarely does. He even had a country song that he picked out, his favorite he says, called “Mine Would Be You,” sung to me at our wedding.

  The encroaching sound of the pitter patter of little feet is a mother’s warning to jump off the jock of her husband. I make it just in time to steal one quick kiss before a blur of pink launches herself at Dray.

  “Daddy,” she calls up to him.

  “G-baby,” he says, picking her up and swinging her around to her delight.

  Trent was aware of every step that Dray and I made. We both kept him updated on our relationship, especially his and Georgia’s. When we decided to get married, Trent was the one that suggested that Georgia also call him “Daddy”, since Dray would be with her more than he would be able to for now. Dray swore to him that he would love her like his own, and that is one pact he never even thought about wavering on.

  Looking over at me, he asks, “I thought Trent is supposed to be here?”

  “He’s on his way. We are all having dinner tonight.”

  “What about Madison, and what’s his name?”

  Mads and Dray still can’t stand each other. She can’t forgive him for hurting me, but hello? Look what I did. Also, after Dray let her significant other jokingly know about a song idea he once had, he is enemy number one. In retribution, she is trying to teach Georgia to call him an ass-pirate, which infuriates Dray and me. Dear Lord, please don’t let her have a mouth like Madison. Brains? Yes. Gangster mouth? No. I have to say though, when she grows up, if she has a true friend just like Mads, she’ll be one lucky girl.

  “He’s her husband now, and no, you lucked out because she is on tour with him.”

  “Yes!” he replies, happily. Laughing, he says, “I heard that rap parody he made about her online. That shi…,” he starts, but seeing Georgia, finishes, “stuff is hilarious. I think it even went viral.”

  I can’t help but laugh myself. “She was so upset when she found out he filmed a video to it. Then, Jimmy Kimmel played it on his show, and she went completely ballistic.”

  “All I have to say is that if he starts getting royalties off of it, I want my cut. I’m the one who told him about “My Bitches Brain is Bigger than her Booty,” he jokes.

  “Leave her alone. You know me. I stay out of her love life.”

  “Except both times you were partied to her kidnapping, right?” he asks, sarcastically.

  “Payback’s a bitch for calling me names,” I joke, sort of.

  We both laugh, and Georgia joins in just because she’s happy to be with us. My life isn’t picture perfect, but my Aunt once told me, “Bad decisions always make a good story.” So that’s what I have, a not so perfect story with a lot of bad decisions that are leading to a happy ending. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  “Andrew Nick?” I step out of the car to see a freakishly tall security attendant speaking to me.

  My assistant arranged for me to enter in a side entrance at the Museum of Natural History, to minimize the media exposure. Smoothing down the lapels of my black suit, I fix my cufflinks and follow him through a doorway. Walking down a flight of stairs, we then pass several doors before he stops to open one.

  Entering the room, I turn back to say, “Thanks, Man. Can you please make sure to get this to the right place?” I ask, handing him a check with a hell-of-a lot of zero’s at the end.

  “My pleasure, Sir. By the way, my daughter loves your music.”

  “Tell her I said thanks.” Placing my hands in my pockets, I nod at him. I never know if someone is expecting anything more: Autograph, concert tickets, my skivvies. That shit happens. Thankfully, he closes the door with a grin.

  Damn Kylie was right, I think to myself. Looking around me is four white walls, no windows, no tables, and one metal folding chair. Add some white padding, a straitjacket, and….hold up! I hope this isn’t some wakeup call on how crazy I’ve gotten over this girl. When my reality includes stalking a chick to the point of enlisting her best-friend to kidnap her, and then trying to woo her up in a pseudo padded room, I must be at rock bottom in my life.

  Walking to stand against the far wall that faces the door, I lean back and prop my foot up on the wall. Madison. The girl’s got my mind spinnin’ twenty-four-seven. Closing my eyes, I see her clearly. Every single flaw and all. Beautiful…yes. Stunner? I’ve dated super-models, but it doesn’t matter because she’s everything and fucking more than I ever could have imagined. Actually, forget the beauty and only consider that brain of hers for a second. She’s so smart and she hides it. You would never guess behind that little frame, a highly intellectual spitfire resides there. Amazing is the only word that comes to mind when I think of her.

  Many nights, I’ve laid in my bed thinking about the first encounter with her, almost wishing it didn’t happen. A year ago I was working on my current album with musical genius Brian Reid, when this gorgeous ball of energy comes busting up in the music studio, giving Brian all kinds of hell. I didn’t know whether to laugh my ass off or take cover in case she turned that fierce temper towards me.

  In all reality, I was mesmerized from that first second. By the time she had ripped Brian another asshole and stormed out, I was left feeling cheated that she never once acknowledged who I am. Okay, so my ego took a bit of a hit, but it wasn’t the first time. It just doesn’t happen that often. I swore to make it my mission to find out who and what she is. The “who” didn’t take but a couple of phone calls; however, the “what” has about drove me fucking nuts.

  Madison doesn’t care who I am or what I do, and therein lies the biggest attraction to her. She’s real and sassy. Definitely has a mind of her own, and I want it. I want her tight lithe body with that smooth honey brown skin, and that flashing intensity in her eyes to shine only for me, and no one else.

  Leaning my head back against the wall, I gently knock it backwards a couple of times. My mom always said that when the right lady came along, that I would instantly know it. Now, I do, and she swears I’m not her type. She actually threatens me on occasion, but like the lost cause I am, I keep coming back. Nothing seems to impress the girl.

  The sound of female voices outside the door, drags me from my reverie. I can hear Kylie and Madison seconds before it opens. A hand reaches in and suddenly I’m blanketed in darkness. I hear the door close and then the sound of Madison screeching. Ah, there is the light of my life, I think and smile to myself.

  “Goddamn it, Kylie. Open this door now,” accompanies the sound of Madison yelling and banging against the door. “You twat-waffle!”

  Squinting my eyes, I try to see through the pitch black to no avail. What was Kylie thinking by turning the lights off?

  “I mean it! I’m so going to kick...,” I interrupt her right there, with a chuckle that I can’t contain.

  “Calm down, girl, and I’ll help you find the light switch.”

  “Oh, no she didn’t,” Madison yells into the darkness and resumes banging on the door. “Where is the light?!”

  Walking straight, I place my hands
out front, sensing Madison standing somewhere close. My fingers find soft curves, minutes before the Kraken is released.

  “You stupid motherfucker!” She screams and then kicks me in my balls.

  Pain like I have never felt, drops me to my knees, and then her bony elbow catches me in the eye, knocking me backwards. I suck in precious air, as my dick dies a painful demise from the deathblow she delivered. Water gathers in my eyes and I moan from the excruciating physical discomfort. The woman is literally bringing me to tears, huddling on the floor in a fetal position. It’s taking everything inside of me to keep the nausea from making me vomit. The only comfort is knowing that she can’t see me.


  White light floods the room as Madison finds the switch. Blinking my eyes, I try to adjust my vision and turn to look up at her.

  “You are such a little bitch. What I got boy, you can’t have.”

  I hear her voice spouting on and on, but my mind is not functioning. Proving to me once and for all, that my dick is directly connected to my brain. Good to know. Once I can take a deep breath without wanting to die, I try to sit up, but cover the family jewels with my hand just in case Madison feels like a repeat performance.

  “Kylie did this didn’t she? Planned every damn bit of it.”

  Knowing that I can’t let her blame Kylie, I start to speak, “You,” my voice comes out in almost a falsetto, so I stop to clear my throat and hear her start to laugh. “You think this is funny?” It’s not what I was going to say, but her laughter pisses me off.

  “Hilarious.” She says in between giggles.

  “You are a stone cold bitch.”

  “When it comes to you, evidently.” She says, propping both hands on her waist and letting the attitude fly. “You can keep on looking, because that’s all your looking ass is going to get from me.”

  Why am I thinking how sexy she looks, instead of what a crazy bitch she is? I’m a glutton for punishment. Maybe I’m having some psychotic break after all these years of masturbating like the old wives tale predicted. I didn’t worry about the hairy palms, but damn, going blind or having a mental illness should have scared me straight up.

  “Madison, why don’t you just calm down.”

  “No.” She states.

  “Can we talk?”


  “For…,” I start.

  “No, no, no, and NO!” She shouts at me.

  “What is your deal?” I yell back.

  “Do you not understand that no means no?” She sarcastically remarks.

  Looking up at her through my shaggy dark hair, I reply, “Girl, I don’t want to rape you. I just want to date you.”

  Raising her eyebrows at me, she asks, “Really? You’re an ass. That is an asshole comment.”

  Letting my chin fall to my chest, I look down and roll my neck to pop the muscles where she is causing me so much stress. Feeling at a disadvantage sitting on the floor, I make my way to stand.

  “Unless you plan on busting a move like Michael Jackson, please remove your hand from your crotch. It’s skeeving me out.”

  Mumbling I say, “I’m cautious about removing my hand, incase, I need to protect my beans and frank.”

  With another burst of laughter, she asks, “Your what?”

  “You know, my frank and beans? Snake and the two amigos? My Twix and Reese’s Pieces?” I keep on just to hear her laugh. It’s not fake and it makes me smile. When she grins, I want to fall back to my knees again, but this time to beg her to like me. I’m pussy whipped without the pussy.

  “Seriously? You need some work.” Her voice is calm and not as harsh as before.

  Walking towards me, she stops when we are inches apart. Those pale green eyes stare intently into mine. This little hellion has my heart and she doesn’t even know it or care. At the feel of her gently touching the side of my face, I have to literally restrain myself from reaching for her because there are a million things I want to do to her.

  Kiss her.

  Touch her.

  Fuck her.

  Well, that goes without saying.

  “You are going to have a wicked black eye,” she whispers, her sweet breath fanning my face.

  My entire body screams for me to do something, anything, but stand here inches from her and do nothing. My dick, having risen from the dead, seems to be in agreement. Before she has time to back away, I wrap my arms around her and lower my mouth to capture hers. Her eyes widen in surprise, because I know she is feeling what I am. Lust. Her soft lips open slightly under mine and our tongues glide against one another. God, between the feel and smell of her, I want to rip her panties off and push her against the wall or down on the floor.

  Her petite body rubs against mine and our clothes seem to become an insurmountable problem. I’ll just tear the goddamn dress off of her, I think minutes before all reasonable thought flees. The touch of her hand, petting my hard-on, blanks my mind. I moan into her mouth and our eyes lock. She is YOURS…my brain hammers at me. Sliding my arms down her back, I grip her ass and pull her tightly to me. Lifting her dress up on one side, I trail my fingers up the smooth skin of her leg until I feel the heat at the junction of her thighs.

  Separating my mouth from hers, I leave tiny kisses down her neck as my finger traces the outline of her panties. Her gasp is the only permission I need to stroke her clit through the soft silk. Slow at first and then moving faster, her rapid little pants set my body ablaze.

  “Stop,” she says, pushing her hands against my chest.

  I instantly bring my hands up to her arms, holding her in place.

  “Why?” I ask, my chest tightens at the thought of letting her go.

  “I’m seeing someone. You’re not my type. Take your pick.” Looking deep into her eyes, I search for the truth. I know she feels whatever this is between us. “Let me go,” she quietly demands.

  I release her arms, because I don’t know what else to do or say. Turning, she walks over to grab the metal chair and pulls it against the wall to sit.

  “How long until our jailer comes back?” she asks, pretending as if the kiss never happened.

  Looking down at my Breitling watch, I realize that almost a half an hour has passed. “No idea. She was only supposed to leave us alone for five minutes.”

  “Great! That Dray cum guzzler better be ready for me when she returns,” she says pointing to herself.

  “She wants you to be happy, Madison. Are you really not going to give me a chance here?”

  She rolls her eyes, landing them to directly stare at me. “I’m too much for you to handle, Nicky-Boy. And like I’ve said repeatedly, you are way not my type.”

  Not knowing how to direct the conversation to where I want it to go, I concede defeat. Walking over to the opposite side, I turn to face her. Slowly, I remove my jacket and I can’t help but notice the interest she takes in watching my every move. Ah-ha! You can mouth off all you want Madison Reid, but I see the look in your eyes as you watch me. I’m not the only one that is feeling that kiss.

  I haven’t cut my shaggy thick black hair at the insistence of my agent, and now I’m so glad I listened to her. Reaching up, I run my fingers through it, watching Madison out of the corner of my eye. She is still staring at me, which is better than her evil glare.

  I’m proud of how well I take care of my body. I’m not obsessed with it, but I know what women like and Madison’s eyes don’t lie. Stretching, I try to show off my chest and abs to my best ability without looking obvious. When I quickly look over at her, she is now looking away. Giving up on my personal body show, I throw my jacket to the ground and sit on top.

  “Madison, I believe if you would only give me a chance, I could be the last type of man that you would ever want.”

  “Dream on. You are too much like my father to ever give you the time of day.”

  “You know, I don’t know why I want you so much,” I tell her honestly. “You put me to shame, but for some damn reason I must love it.�
� Thinking over her last comment, I add, “Is that why you date rappers, because they are musically the exact opposite of your father?”

  “You’ve been talking to Kylie, right?” she asks, gritting her teeth.

  “No, you should know her better than that.”

  “It seems that lately I don’t know her at all. Did you know everyone is saying you two are together? All I’ve heard this last year from you, is how much you want to get to know me. How I’m like this soul-mate for you. The truth is that you’re just like every other pop god that thinks women should bow at your feet, suck your cock with a smile, then thank you for letting them. I don’t want or need that shit.”


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