Dancing With the Devil in the City of God: Rio De Janeiro on the Brink

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Dancing With the Devil in the City of God: Rio De Janeiro on the Brink Page 34

by Juliana Barbassa

  Linha Vermelha, 22, 43, 246n2

  Littering, 124–25, 259

  Lobão, Mário, 106–7

  Lopes, Tim, 29

  LSE Cities, 224n1

  LSN prisoners, 17–19

  Luiz, David, 270, 275, 277, 279, 281

  Lula. See Silva, Luis Inácio Lula da

  Lutz’s tree iguana, 155

  Luz, Pedro da, 216–17, 218, 221

  Macedo Soares, Lota de, 127n1

  Machismo, 169, 181

  Madonna (singer), 95

  Mãe d’Água, 140

  Maia, César, 29

  Malta, 6

  Maracanã Stadium, 149, 152, 232, 272, 280

  Batista’s interest in, 241

  changes in, 255–56

  construction of, 252–53

  favela removal in surrounding area, 199–201, 206, 210

  official names of, 253

  ticket prices, 257

  Maracanã Village. See Aldeia Maracanã

  Maranhão, 264

  Marapendi lagoon, 154, 163

  Marcelo (soccer player), 270–71, 275

  Marchinhas, 86, 168

  Maria José (“Zezé”), 87–89

  Marighella, Carlos, 18n2

  Marijuana, 23

  Maté, 92

  Mello, Yvonne de, 264–65

  Mensalão, 76–77

  Methane gas, 119

  Metrô, 199–200, 201, 202, 203–5, 206, 211, 214


  immigrants from, 92–94

  World Cup and, 271

  “Microwave” (death device), 29

  Middle class, 257

  growth of, xiv, 78, 215

  protests of, 232–33

  in Santa Marta, 101–3

  Miguel (chef), 92–94

  Military Police, 40

  Military regimes, 7, 195

  favela removal under, 207–9, 214–15

  Rousseff’s resistance to, 75–76

  Minas Gerais, 5, 6, 31

  Minc, Carlos, 143, 158, 159

  Minha Casa, Minha Vida, 80

  Mini-Manual for the Urban Guerilla (Marighella), 18n2

  Minimum wage, 122

  Ministry of Labor, 168–69, 173

  Mold, 72, 126

  Moraes, Vinícius de, 2–3

  Morar Carioca, 202, 215–17, 258

  Morro da Viúva, 127

  Morro do Adeus, 22

  Morro do Alemão, 22

  Mother of the Water, 140

  Movimento, 45

  Mubadala, 241

  Mudslides, 104–15, 117

  deaths from, 106, 108–10, 115

  extent of destruction from, 111

  lack of government aid in, 108, 110–12

  number of people living at risk of, 115

  self-help in, 108–12

  Municipal Housing Department. See Secretaria Municipal de Habitação

  Muniz, Luana, 191–98

  Muniz, Vik, 119–20

  Museum of Image and Sound, 179

  My Home, My Life, 80

  Nascimento, Claudio, 186–90

  National Force, 36

  National Health Counsel, 184n1

  National Justice Council, 89

  National Public Security, 36

  National Security Law, 17

  Netherlands, 280

  Neymar (soccer player), 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 282

  Nigeria, 235

  Niterói, 26, 106

  Nordestinos, 85

  Nova Ipanema, 8, 148, 163

  Nova Friburgo, 112, 114, 115

  Novo Leblon, 8, 148

  Oakland, Calif., 53–54

  Obama, Barack, xiii, xv, xvii, 75

  Obama, Michelle, xvii

  Obesity, increase in, 80

  Ochoa, Guillermo, 271

  OGX, 239, 240, 242

  Oil, xiv, 83, 233, 235–42, 244–45, 246–47

  fuel subsidies and, 257

  Libra auction, 235, 236–39

  mismanagement of wealth from, 236

  new discovery of, xxi-xxii, 82, 240

  turbulent history of, 235–36

  Oliveira, Cláudio de, 261

  Oliveira, Luma de, 240

  Olympic Axis, 158

  Olympic Games, xiv-xx, xxii, 15, 37, 40, 59, 75, 81, 83, 116, 144, 151, 258, 282

  Batista’s contribution to, 239, 241

  construction for, 152, 153–56, 158

  costs of, xvi, 41

  environmental cleanup promised for, 117, 143, 146–47

  favela removal program and, 199–203, 206, 210, 214–15, 217–18

  golf course for, 154–56, 163, 222

  previous failed bids for, xiv

  prostitution crackdown prior to, 170

  protests during feared, 233, 243

  Red Command threat to, 44

  Rio’s challenges as host of, xvi, 10

  Rio selected to host, xviii-xix

  Rio’s submission of bid for, 36

  Vila Autódromo removal plan and, 219–22, 227–29

  west side venues for, 148–49, 219

  Olympic Park, 220, 221–22, 225, 227–28

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, 236

  Organ Range. See Serra dos Orgãos

  Our Lady of Aparecida (patron saint), 30, 32

  Our Lady of Penha (church), 21, 69

  Pacification Police Units. See Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora

  Paes, Eduardo, 154–55, 220, 224–27

  Paineiras Forest, 132n2

  País do futebol, 282

  Pan-American Games, 41, 258

  construction for, 151–53

  security measures for, 34–37

  Vila Autódromo removal plan and, 221

  Pão de queijo, 92

  Para inglês ver, xxii, 117, 172, 179

  Paraná, 34

  Paranaguá, 247

  Paris, Le, 171, 179

  Partido dos Trabalhadores. See Workers’ Party

  Pataxó, 210

  Pavão-Pavãozinho, 23–24

  Pedra Branca peak, 146

  Pedra Branca State Park, 146, 223

  Pedro I, Dom (emperor), 184

  Pedro II, Dom (emperor), 107, 132, 133, 211

  Pelé (soccer player), xviii, 251, 268

  Penha, 55–56, 68

  Penha Macena, Maria da, 226, 227–29

  Pereira, José, 52–53

  Pessoa, Fernando, 190

  Petrobras, 5, 82, 237, 238, 239, 240, 245, 247, 257

  Petrópolis, 107, 115

  Pew Research Center survey, 268

  Pezão (Red Command boss), 57, 63, 64, 68

  Pianinho (Red Command member), 23

  Picanha na chapa, 86

  Picasso, Pablo, 120

  Pimco, 241

  Piranhão, 172

  Plagues, 134

  Plano Popular da Vila Autódromo, 224

  Police, 25–28, 32–41, 258. See also Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora

  Alemão raids and, 34–36, 37, 58–70, 112, 260

  corruption in, 26, 33, 176

  deaths caused by, 27–28, 36, 37, 47, 53–54

  favela removal program and, 210–13

  nepotism in, 33

  protests and, 230–31, 233, 267–68

  shortcomings of, 10

  travestis’ relationship with, 196–97

  two-group division of, 40n3

  Vila Cruzeiro raid and, 45–56

  violence in, 260–62

  weapons of, 27

  Wild West bonus
for, 27–28, 39

  Political prisoners, 17–19


  of Alemão, 58

  of favelas, 201, 207

  of Rio, 2, 149

  Porteiros, 85

  Ports, 5, 130, 241–42, 244–49

  Portuguese monarchy, 87

  Portuguese royal family, 5, 105, 246

  Poverty and the poor

  economic changes and, 95–103

  favela removal program and, 214

  increased income and, 79, 102

  Lula administration and, 77–78

  Praça XV square, 131

  Praça Tiradentes, 195

  Praia do Cajú, 248

  Praia do Pinto, 208, 209

  Pre-salt fields, 82, 236, 240. See also Libra auction

  PricewaterhouseCoopers, 91

  Professor. See Silva Lima, William da

  Programa de Aceleração de Crescimento, 243

  Projeto Grael, 144

  Prostitution, 168–80

  crackdown on, 170–80

  historical attitudes toward, 169

  official recognition of profession, 168–69, 173

  travesti, 191–98

  working conditions in, 178

  Protestantism, 185, 276

  Protests, 230–35, 237, 238, 257, 281–82

  demands of, 232–33

  the economy and, 242–43

  police response to, 230–31, 233, 267–68

  on stadium expenditures, 266

  Providência, 207, 216n2

  PUC, 182

  Qatar, 235

  Quatrocentos contra um, 20

  Rabello, Léo, 254–55, 277, 280

  Radial Oeste highway, 199

  Rain forests, 116–17

  Ramos, Graciliano, 15

  Rape, 181–82

  Reais, 72

  Real, 74

  Real estate, 80. See also Apartments; Housing market

  factors influencing price of, 83–84

  in favelas, 95–96, 201, 209, 214

  in Vila Autódromo, 220, 221

  Recreio dos Bandeirantes, 146, 149, 158

  Red Command, 9, 10, 12–24, 25–41, 42–56, 98. See also Alemão, police raids on; Vila Cruzeiro, police raid on

  as “the faction,” 29

  history of, 14–24

  holiday rampage of, 30–32, 34

  identifying call of, 25, 26

  public debut of, 20

  tag of, 24

  vehicle fires set by, 12–14, 44, 47

  weapons of, 23, 27, 34–35, 36

  Reforestation, 117, 133

  Remoção. See Favela removal program

  Résidences de Monaco, Les, 148

  Rimet, Jules, 254

  Rio+20 (UN conference), 176

  Rio Carioca, 128–29, 130–33, 135–44, 158

  aqueduct of, 131–32, 141

  course of, 136

  daylong cleanup of, 136

  historical protection of, 131–32

  length of, 136

  origin of, 140

  source of pollution, 139

  Rio de Janeiro (state), 81, 115, 130

  Rio de Janeiro City Council, 155

  Rio de Janeiro City Improvements Company (“City”), 134

  Rio de Janeiro Federation of Industries (FIRJAN), 259

  Rio-Niterói Bridge, 244, 248

  “Rio’s War” (on gangs), 28–29, 36, 48

  Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, 149

  Riserva Golf, 163

  Riviera dei Fiori, 148

  Robben, Arjen, 271

  Roberto, Andréia, 100

  Rocha Pita, Sebastião da, 141, 142

  Rocinha, 27, 261–62

  Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, 209

  Rodrigues, Diarlei, 106–8, 110, 112, 118

  Rodrigues, Nelson, 250

  Rogge, Jacques, xviii, xix

  Rose, Charlie, 241

  Rousseff, Dilma, 78–79, 82, 101, 169, 187

  background of, 75–76

  Batista and, 241, 242

  bureaucracy under, 243

  decreased approval ratings, 234, 235

  the economy and, 239

  election of, 79

  FIFA officials criticized by, 267

  on oil revenues, 236, 238, 244

  reforms promised by, 234–35

  Royal Dutch Shell, 238

  Rua Farme de Amoedo, 165, 191

  Rua Joaquim de Queiroz, 57, 60, 64

  Rua Marechal Francisco de Moura, 95

  Running water, access to, 133

  Russia, 91

  Saldanha, José Jorge (“Zé Bigode”), 20, 22, 24

  Sales, Dom Eugênio, 184

  Salvador, 266

  Samaranch, Juan Antonio, xviii

  Samba, xiii, 97, 281

  “Samba do Avião” (song), 116

  Sambódromo parade, 168

  Same-sex marriage, 183–84, 185, 189–90

  San Francisco, Calif., 185

  Santa Marta

  economic changes in, 95–103

  UPP program in, 38–40, 83–84, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103

  Santo Domingo, 151

  Santos, Arlete dos, 35

  Santos, José do Carmo dos (Zé do Carmo), 98–100, 102

  Santos, Monica do Carmo dos, 99

  Santos Dumont airport, 127

  São Gonçalo, 261

  São Jorge Street, 169

  São Paulo, 168, 230, 231, 266–67, 269

  Satã, Madame, 191n3

  “Saudosa Maloca” (song), 207–8

  Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha, Ludwig August de (Duque of Saxe), 211

  Schneider, Leonardo, 83–84

  Scolari, Luiz Felipe, 269

  SECOVI, 83–84

  Secretaria Municipal de Habitação (SMH), 200, 204, 205–6, 221

  Seleção (soccer team), 250, 251, 256, 281, 282

  problems in, 279

  in the World Cup game (1950), 253, 255

  in the World Cup game (2014), 269, 270, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279

  Semi-automatic weapons, 27, 35

  Seropédica, 120, 122

  Serra da Carioca, 135

  Serra dos Orgãos, 104–5, 117

  Service for the Protection of Indians, 211

  Sewage treatment plants, 130, 134, 143–44

  Sex, 164–82. See also LGBT population; Prostitution

  Sex tourism, 176

  Silva, Ana Paula da, 171–72, 178, 180

  Silva, Ceso da, 190–91

  Silva, Ivo da, 35

  Silva, Luis Inácio Lula da (“Lula”), xv, 59, 75–78, 81, 181, 187, 242, 282

  background of, xvi-xvii

  bureaucracy under, 243

  the economy and, 72, 74, 75, 77–78

  on oil discovery, xxii, 240

  Olympic Games and, xvi-xx, 40

  scandal in administration of, 76–77

  as a symbol of Brazil’s potential, xix-xx

  World Cup and, 250, 251–52, 256

  Silva, Phellipe Nascimento, 136, 138–41, 142

  Silva, Sueleide da, 121–23

  Silva, Thiago, 270, 274, 275

  Silva Lima, William da (“Professor”), 16–17, 19, 24

  Silvia (AP employee), 49

  Slavery, xix, xxii, 5

  SMH. See Secretaria Municipal de Habitação

  Soares, Delúbio, 77

  Sobrados, 171, 172, 177, 178, 192, 201

  Soccer, 151, 152, 199, 250–51, 257, 281. See also World Cup

  Socioeconomic classification system, 102. See also Middle class; Poverty and the poor
  South Africa, 280

  South side, 83

  Souza, Amarildo de, 261–62

  Souza, Edvan Mariano de, 35

  Souza, Francicleide (“Franci”), 203–5, 206, 215


  Olympic bid of, xiv, xv, xvi, xviii

  World Cup and, 253, 271

  St. Joseph the Worker (church), 225

  Standard & Poor’s, 74, 81, 258

  Stock market, 75

  Strikes, 259, 266, 268

  Suárez, Luiz, 271

  Subprime mortgage debacle (U.S.), 74

  Subway system, 217

  Subway workers’ strike, 266

  Sugarloaf Mountain, 2, 104, 127, 128

  Sunga, 165

  Superstar (apartment building), 85

  Surdos, xiii

  Sustainable Communities award, 202

  Sweden, 253

  Switzerland, 253

  Taxes, 79, 91, 242, 243

  TCU. See Tribunal de Contas da União

  Teachers’ strike, 268

  Telephones, 133

  Television sets, 102

  Teresópolis, 107–12, 115

  Termas, 172, 177, 178

  “They Don’t Care About Us” (video), 38n2

  Tigres, 133n3

  Tijuca (ship), 244

  Tijuca Forest, 132n2

  Tijuca National Park, 132n2, 138

  Tiradentes square, 171

  Titan Seema (tanker), 245, 246–47

  TomTom survey, 125

  Torture, 29, 76, 262

  Tota (Red Command boss), 63–64

  Tourism. See Travel and tourism

  Traffic, 117, 125, 149, 217, 259, 266

  Transcarioca, 149, 217, 223

  Transoeste, 150, 217

  Transolímpica, 150, 217

  Transportation, 149–50, 217, 234, 243, 258–59

  Transsexuals. See Travestis

  Trash collectors’ strike, 259

  Travel and tourism

  gay, 165–68

  increase in, 79–80

  sex, 176

  Travestis, 191–98. See also LGBT population

  Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), 151, 153

  Trindade, Carlos, 66

  Trindade, Ivanildo, 66

  TripOut (travel site), 167

  Tukano, Carlos, 210–13

  Tukano tribe, 210

  Tupi, 142

  Uberaba, 31

  Unemployment. See Employment

  Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs), 13–14, 15, 44, 69–70, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 139, 248

  Batista’s contribution to, 239, 241, 242

  description of program, 13

  distrust of, 261–62

  gang attacks on bases of, 262

  pilot program, 38–40

  real estate prices and, 83–84

  sense of safety from, 260

  tangible results from, 39–40

  United Kingdom, 91, 238

  United Nations, 116, 125, 143

  United Nations Security Council, xxi

  United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions, 36


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