The Truth is even Stranger

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The Truth is even Stranger Page 3

by Charlie Richards

  The creature groaned softly as he eased onto it. He settled on the crack of the pair of cushions, positioning himself far closer than Tian would have liked. Seeing how he rubbed his hip, an odd pang of concern filled Tian.

  Where’d that come from?

  Tian was a foster kid, then he went through the police academy. While he’d made a few work friends on the force, due to his undercover work, he’d never grown too close to any of them. If they’d gotten a cramp in a muscle while working out, he’d offer advice on how to ease it. That had been about it.

  To feel concern, an actual desire to ask what was wrong? The picture of someone’s hands exploding on either side of their head in the new silent euphemism for mind blown... that popped into his head.

  What the hell?

  Tian couldn’t seem to come up with anything else.

  Okay. Start at the beginning.

  “My name is Tian,” he mumbled. After swallowing, he licked his lips and peered over at the creature. “Do you have a name?”

  “I do,” the beast rumbled. “My name is Roman.” He rested his left forearm on his thigh as he turned at the waist to sweep his gaze over him more fully. “In case you’re wondering, I’m a gargoyle.” The man’s nostrils flared once more as he openly inhaled Tian’s scent. “I should also let you know that we are physically attracted to another by scent...”

  Roman narrowed his gaze and swept his focus up and down Tian’s torso. “And I find your smell damn fantastic. At first, I thought someone had been spraying some nice cologne around the area, but then I spotted you slinking about.” He cocked his head. “Why are you here? What are you doing sneaking around here?” Then his lips curved upward and his expression turned feral. “I haven’t been attracted to anyone in a couple of centuries. Want to fuck?”

  It took Tian’s brain a few seconds to process everything the creature—gargoyle—Roman—had told him. They were attracted to another by scent. Did that last thing he said mean he hadn’t had sex in a couple hundred years? How was that possible? How could someone live that long?

  “Holy shit, did you just proposition me?”

  Chuckling deeply, Roman nodded. “Indeed, Tian. I assure you that our species are very compatible.” He slowly reached his near hand toward Tian, settling it lightly on his thigh. “A gargoyle can be very adept at pleasing his mate.”

  Tian blamed it on shock. That had to be the only reason he didn’t jump up and run away. It certainly had nothing to do with the way his thigh tingled beneath the male’s touch. He also had no intention of admitting that Roman’s hand in such close proximity to his prick caused his blood to pool in his groin.

  Oh yeah. Been way too long.

  Clearing his throat, Tian tried to latch onto something, anything that would make sense. Zip. Zilch. Nada. He had a no-drug policy, and there was no way he was dreaming. He just wasn’t this imaginative.

  That meant it was real.

  Tian’s brain seized at that for a moment, before his favorite Arthur Conan Doyle quote popped into his head.

  Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

  “Okay, gargoyles are real.” Tian whispered the words, just to hear them out loud. He glanced from Roman’s clawed hand where it rested on his leg to the gargoyle’s face. Spotting the creature’s lifted brow, he cleared his throat. “So, while you run around in loincloths, not a nudist colony.”

  Tian couldn’t help glancing toward the male’s heavily muscled form again—holy hell, he has a ripped torso. While Roman’s shoulders were covered with a weird black vest-type garment, it was mostly open at the chest giving him a spectacular view. He could just make out impressive pectorals complete with orange nipples.

  His mouth actually watered as he thought about sucking the oddly-colored buds. His prick thickened behind the fly of his jeans as he took in the well-defined six-pack the gargoyle sported. Lifting a hand, Tian turned toward the male and reached for him before he caught himself.

  Shit! What am I doing?

  The smell of the gargoyle’s cologne was definitely doing funny things to his libido... and his self-control.

  “You said, um, that you’re attracted by the way someone smells,” Tian commented, trying to gather his thoughts. After seeing Roman nod and feeling his hand squeeze his thigh—super distracting and why haven’t I moved away yet—Tian cleared his throat. “So, could that also affect me? Uh, the way I respond to you?” Another thought hit him. “The guys on the team. Uh, Andre, Mitch, and Aziel. Do they know about you?”

  Get your thoughts in order, man. You’re not making much sense.

  His mental admonishment didn’t do much, since right about then Roman began massaging his inner thigh, ever-so-lightly, with his claw tips.

  “Yes, your fellow team members know about us,” Roman responded. Evidently, he wasn’t having as much difficulty concentrating. “And you are what is called my mate, the other half of my soul, so yes. My scent will definitely affect you. It’s why you’re so turned on, just as I am.” The big orangish-colored male waggled his black brow ridges. “If we fuck, it’ll take the edge off, and you’ll be able to think a little more clearly.”

  Unable to help himself, Tian glanced down at Roman’s loincloth-clad crotch. His ass clenched. The gargoyle’s ridge was clearly outlined behind the fabric, filling out the bit of fabric in the best—and worst—way.

  Tian wanted some of that... okay, a lot of that.

  Damn! I should not be thinking with my dick.

  Just then Roman’s hand slid a bit further up his thigh, causing said dick to twitch behind his fly. He felt a bead of pre-cum ooze from his crown, dampening his underwear and creating the slightest bit of friction. The desire for more burned through him, hitting him hard.

  Groaning, Tian shifted in his seat. Fighting for control, he rose from his seat and put a couple of steps between them. He pointed his finger at Roman, but his mind suddenly blanked.

  “That’s not a vest,” Tian commented, his brows lifting. “Those are wings.”

  Roman nodded. “They are indeed.”

  “Can you fly?”

  “Of course,” Roman responded. He grinned, showing off a mouthful of very sharp teeth. “Would you like me to fly you around sometime?”

  “Uuhhhh.” Tian didn’t know how he felt about that idea.

  Roman chuckled. “Another time.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Come here. I can smell your arousal, the pre-cum in your jeans. I, too, am hard.” Growling softly, he wiggled his fingers as he demanded again, “Come here. Let’s start bonding. The rest can wait.”

  His mind reeling, his body screaming for relief, a shudder worked through Tian. Swallowing hard, he whispered, “I don’t understand what’s happening to me.”

  A niggle of fear worked through him. He knew he was absolutely out of his depth. Something that hadn’t happened in a long time. Never would he have believed something like these guys existed.

  “The others are allowed to come and go,” Tian mused, trying to bolster his courage. He slowly reached out and slid his hand into Roman’s. “You’re not going to keep me here, are you?”

  Shaking his head, Roman’s dark eyes narrowed. “Not a prisoner. A mate. My mate.” He closed his fingers around Tian’s own and pulled him forward. “We will learn to share our lives, please each other, and build a future together.”

  Gaping, Tian attempted to pull away. Roman wouldn’t release him. Arousal or not, he needed that statement explained.

  “Wait. Wait just a minute.” Tian held up his other hand. “What the hell do you mean, share our lives? Build a future together?” Shock flooded him as he realized exactly how it sounded to him. “Is a mate a partner? A life partner?”

  Roman hummed softly, easing to the edge of the sofa. The closer position allowed him to slide his free arm around Tian’s waist. Tian realized just how strong the guy was as he was pulled forward.

bsp; “Yes, eventually,” Roman confirmed. Cradling Tian close, his clawed hands remaining surprisingly gentle, the gargoyle’s huge frame allowed him to nuzzle his nose along his shoulder, even while sitting. “Just relax. You’ll be okay. This is a shock to your system. I will help you adjust.”

  Tian actually felt a tremble go through him... one not caused by the lust flooding his body. He felt out of control, which he hated. When he’d been in the system, he hadn’t had any control over where he lived or most any aspect of his life... all except how he responded to it. He’d studied hard and gotten into the police academy as soon as he’d turned twenty-one.

  Was the gargoyle trying to take all he’d accomplished away from him?

  He sure got a funny feeling that Roman wouldn’t want him going into dangerous undercover situations. Hell, how was he even supposed to finish his assignment if he was stuck there in the estate? No matter what Roman claimed, Tian figured he couldn’t just leave.

  Roman suddenly made an odd noise, a vibrating hum. The slight buzzing sensation soothed Tian. He found himself relaxing in the huge creature’s hold.

  “That’s better,” Roman crooned, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Just relax. You’re in no danger here.”

  “Wh-What is that noise?” Tian managed to ask, even as he found his body sagging against the other male’s. He felt so damn comfortable and relaxed, he never wanted to leave. “What are you doing to me?”

  “This is called trilling,” Roman told him, rubbing his claws up and down his back lightly. “It’s a noise every gargoyle has the ability to make. It helps soothe another, gargoyle or human, and is especially handy for panicking mates.” The big male sighed softly, nuzzling Tian’s temple once more. “I apologize. Something I said upset you. I don’t know what unless you tell me.” He eased away just enough so he could slide one hand up to cradle Tian’s jaw, encouraging him to meet his gaze. “Will you tell me what I said to upset you? You were handling everything so well until now.”

  Tian scoffed. “You call me your mate and offered me a life partnership,” he responded incredulously. “Why the hell would you do that? I just found out that your kind exist! We don’t even know each other! I have a life outside of here, and I can’t really see how a gargoyle would fit into it... no offense.”

  “Yes,” a deep male voice rumbled from behind Tian.

  He tensed, recognizing Maelgwn’s voice. Roman peered over Tian’s shoulder, but he didn’t release him. Instead, he continued to pet his spine in a soothing manner. Tian found he actually kind of liked it.

  “Why don’t we talk about your life, Tian,” Maelgwn continued. “Why don’t we talk about how everything you told Perseus was a lie?”

  Well shit! How could they know that?

  Realizing it didn’t matter, Tian knew it was time to pay the piper, as the saying went.

  Chapter Four

  Roman didn’t appreciate the interruption. Well, he sort of did. He hadn’t been doing a very good job explaining anything. His mate had started to accept a great screw, then he’d panicked when Roman had mentioned the wrong thing.

  While his hard-as-nails cock would rather Maelgwn, Tobias, Grigoris, and Perseus exited the room just as silently as they’d entered, Roman’s big head knew it was for the best. He needed help.

  Plus, Perseus held the tray of food Roman had left on a hallway table. Oops. Forgot about that. Perseus placed the tray on the coffee table, then picked up the massive bucket of wings and the bottle of blue cheese.

  “I’m going to take these to Cornelius,” Perseus commented. He winked at Roman. “Seeing as it’s obvious Tian doesn’t actually need his leg checked out.”

  Concern flooded Roman. “Are you injured?” he asked, focusing once more on Tian. He threaded his fingers through the olive-skinned human’s brown hair, enjoying its softness. “Do you need medical attention?”

  “Uh, n-no,” Tian admitted. His cheeks took on a pinkish hue. “I’m not injured.”

  Tian offered Roman a rueful smile, then turned in his arms—because there was no way in hell that Roman was going to allow the handsome male away from him. Roman continued to pet his side as he kept one arm loosely around the human he hoped to soon make his lover. He encouraged Tian to rest his back against his chest. To Roman’s pleasure, his mate didn’t resist and relaxed against him.

  “Now that you know what we are and what we’re hiding, it shouldn’t come as a shock to you that we can tell when a human is lying to us,” Maelgwn stated. He settled on the love seat to the right. He accepted a plate containing a large helping of biscuits doused with sausage gravy and several strips of bacon on top. “Hungry?” he asked, pointing at the trays of food. “There’s plenty.”

  To Roman’s pleasure, Tian shook his head. “Not right now.” He heaved a sigh as he glanced around the room. “So, uh, gargoyles. Are you guys like their security or something? Doing your best to keep people out, so these guy’s presence isn’t known?” He used a thumb to point over his shoulder at Roman.

  “No, actually,” Maelgwn responded. “I am also a gargoyle.” He lifted a hand to keep Tian from asking more questions. “I might be willing to explain everything if you’re going to start being truthful with us.”

  Tian heaved a sigh, then jerked a nod. “Okay, my name is actually Tian Chavez. I’m a cop. I’m working undercover at the college,” he revealed. Roman noted Maelgwn’s eyes narrow, but Tian continued his explanation without much pause. “There’s a new drug on the street. My cover is that I’m here trying to get away from my brother and his gang.” Shrugging, he continued, “To gangs, that means I’ll be easy to recruit into another gang. I’m supposed to be used to having my brothers in arms’ support and shit, and I already know what will be expected of me.”

  “What is this new drug on the street?” Tobias asked. While the gargoyle second’s tone seemed curious, Roman could scent the tension in the room.

  “I actually have no idea,” Tian admitted, shrugged. He pressed back into Roman just a little more. Roman doubted he even knew he did it. “All I know is that it seems to enhance a person’s strength. There have been a few reports of people doing things that, with their body type, they shouldn’t be able to do. My guess is that it could be some kind of adrenaline based substance.” Tian scoffed, muttering, “I was actually hoping that your estate was a secret lab and you were doing illegal drug trials.” He shrugged. “That’s why I came here... especially hearing about Aaden being checked out by Doc Perseus.”

  Maelgwn growled softly. After resting his fork on his plate, he ran a hand through his hair. “Can you tell me the source of the rumors and what they were?”

  Tian cocked his head. He glanced over his shoulder at Roman, then his eyes narrowed as he refocused on Maelgwn. “Are you guys the cause of this?”

  “Could be, but not in the way you think,” Maelgwn replied honestly. “I need you to answer my questions.”

  “Not until you answer one of mine,” Tian demanded. He crossed his arms over his chest, displaying a stubborn streak. “How could you be the cause?”

  “I overheard Roman call him his mate,” Tobias stated softly. He lifted a brow at him, so Roman nodded in confirmation. Tobias returned his focus to Maelgwn. “He’s going to need to know anyway.”

  Maelgwn rubbed his jaw, his expression assessing, then he jerked a nod. “Okay.” He pointed at Tobias. “Explain to him.”

  Tobias smirked. “Me, huh?”

  Peering at Roman, Maelgwn offered, “Unless you want to explain?”

  Roman shook his head. “I wasn’t doing a very good job of it earlier,” he admitted, grimacing. “Too many damn hormones.”

  “That can happen,” Tobias assured. He grabbed a piece of bacon, then relaxed in the single recliner in the room. “Well, Tian, you asked, so I’m going to give you the rip off the band-aid version.” He grinned widely as he waved his bacon toward his wide torso. “That’s what I do, so you ready to fall even deeper down the
rabbit hole?”

  “Another Alice in Wonderland reference,” Tian mumbled. He glanced at Roman again, his gaze sweeping over his face. Tian pointed at the seat next to Roman. “I want to sit. I kinda think I’m going to need it.”

  While Roman hated releasing his mate, he did as the man requested. He moved his arm to the back of the sofa, which allowed him to continue to touch his shoulder and the back of his neck. Watching goose bumps break out on the skin of Tian’s shoulder, he barely resisted the urge to lean over and lick along the bumps.

  Tian cleared his throat and peered up at him. “Touchy-feely, aren’t you?”

  Roman shrugged. “Not normally, but you are my mate. Touching you is hard to resist.”

  Nodding once, Tian smiled at him, although it appeared a little forced. “I, uh—” He paused and turned his attention to Tobias. “You’re going to explain that?”

  “Sure,” Tobias responded, smiling widely. “As a gargoyle, we live for a long damn time. Sometimes even up to two thousand years.” Tian gasped, his jaw sagged open, but Tobias continued. “To alleviate a long life of loneliness, Fate grants us a mate, someone who is the other half of our soul. That person becomes our everything. They complete us, and we do everything in our considerable power to convince them to bond with us, so we can spend the rest of our years making them happy and keeping them safe.”

  Tobias paused, lifting his brows, probably gauging Tian’s acceptance of what he’d just told him.

  “Holy shit,” Tian whispered. “I don’t even know where to start with that.” He turned his attention to Roman. “That’s, uh, that’s what you believe a-about us?”

  “Oh, I’m not done,” Tobias cut in, saving Roman from having to come up with an answer that would probably just freak Tian out even more. “You haven’t heard the answer to your drug problem, yet.”

  Tian nodded. “Right, right,” he mumbled, his brows furrowing. “So, uh, what else?”

  “Well, a gargoyle bonds through sex.” Tobias pointed between them. “You fuck each other, exchanging fluids and biting to exchange blood.” He waggled his brows. “It’s extremely pleasurable, I assure you.”


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