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Psychic Moon (The Shifter Chronicles 1)

Page 8

by M. D. Grimm

Derek slowly smiled, knowing it wasn’t with humor. He took a step closer to Brian. Derek caught the quick flash of glee in his green eyes before they went blank. Brian frowned and took a step back.

  Two could play at this game.

  Derek placed his hands on Brian’s hips and backed him into a tree. “Why do you make empty threats on such a good day?”

  “Who says it’s an empty threat?”

  Derek leaned his head down, his mouth inches from Brian’s lips. “I do. I’m calling your bluff.”

  Brian grinned, and Derek knew Brian had riled him up on purpose. By the heavens, Brian stirred his blood and caused his mind to turn to instinctual need. He had the intense urge to cherish Brian, to prove to him every day, every minute, that Brian hadn’t made the wrong choice. He took a deep breath of Brian’s scent before his lover leaned up and caught his mouth in a kiss. Everything else was forgotten as their mouths mated with each other, their tongues battling for dominance. Brian gripped Derek’s hair, and Derek kneaded his butt.

  Only the whining of six dogs broke them apart. Derek sighed, grabbed the stick that Joan had dropped, and flung it hard. All the dogs, except Fenrir, chased after it. The mushy pug sat down by Brian’s legs and snorted. Derek raised an eyebrow. Brian shrugged his shoulders.

  “He thinks he’s too good for fetch. At least when it comes to challenging bigger dogs.”

  Derek listened to the sounds of the woods as he stared at Brian. He knew Brian hadn’t noticed his dogs’ reticence at their meeting. He was glad they had come to an understanding by the time Brian returned downstairs. Derek swallowed hard. He wanted Brian and his dogs in his pack. His life. His mate. He wanted Brian to be his mate.

  When could he tell Brian about what he really was?

  The dogs ran back with Goliath chomping on a stick that was far bigger than the one Derek had thrown initially. He took Brian’s hand again, and they continued walking.

  Their weekend was spent between each other’s houses, romping with their pets or in each other’s arms. It was the most perfect weekend of Brian’s life. He never imagined that such bliss existed. He was seeing the real Derek, the playful, cuddly, and considerate person he really was.

  Derek even met Kris and the old lady was quite taken with him.

  She’d moved her gaze from the top of Derek’s head to his feet and back again.

  “You must be the boyfriend.”

  Brian had swallowed a chuckle.

  Derek had raised an eyebrow. “I’m hardly a boy.”

  Creases on that old face deepened when Kris had smiled at him. “Lad, when you’re my age, everyone is a boy or a girl.”

  When Monday morning rolled around, Brian woke up with a blissful smile on his face and a spring in his step. He let his dogs outside before giving them their breakfast and making his own. He went about his usual routine and looked forward to the day ahead. Work now took on a whole new dimension because of his relationship with Derek.

  Brian hummed as he snapped on the leashes and Fenrir’s harness and left the house on their usual morning walk. Fenrir pranced as Joan and Gable took the lead. It wasn’t long before Brian’s bliss began to fade as the strange sensation of being watched put him on edge.

  He got goose bumps and looked around. He didn’t see anything, and yet it was still early enough to need a flashlight. He shone it around but still saw nothing. The feeling didn’t go away. Instead of taking his usual route down a gravel road, he decided to stay in the neighborhood and walked the circle, making sure he stayed in residential areas. He knew his dogs were sensing something because Joan and Gable became more alert, and Fenrir was whining.

  Just as he came in sight of his house, a black shape ran across the street ahead of him and dove between two houses. Brian’s flashlight just barely caught the flanks of the animal. A stray dog?

  Joan and Gable barked and tugged on the leash. Fenrir barked also and stayed close to Brian’s legs. Brian stopped walking and jerked his dogs back. His heart was pounding hard.

  “Stop. Shut up, you guys. Hey—” He was unable to project calm thoughts when his own mind was chaotic.

  Why were they so spooked? It was just a stray dog… wasn’t it?

  The black shape appeared again. It moved closer and stood not too far ahead of him. And it certainly was not a dog. It was a wolf. A big, black wolf with shaggy hair and narrow eyes. Brian’s own eyes widened, and his dogs went berserk. The wolf simple stared.

  Then it charged.

  Brian let the leashes drop from his hand and dodged, but the wolf was swifter. It turned with him, and its large jaws clamped down on his arm. Brian screamed and fell. Blood gushed from the wound as the wolf’s teeth dug deeper, scrapping bone.

  He struggled, even knowing it would do him no good. He looked into the wolf’s eyes. There was off about them. Something… human. And deranged. Then something shoved the wolf off him. Brian rolled over, pain shuddering through him as he trembled. Joan and Gable were fighting the wolf, snarling and barking, teaming up against him.

  “Fire!” Brian managed to scream, knowing people didn’t come if you cried “Help.”

  He kept screaming, and the wolf finally ran away. With his arm throbbing in pain, Brian managed to get rise to his knees. Joan and Gable returned to him. There was blood around their muzzles and matted in their fur. Despite his own wound, Brian was more concerned about them.

  “Where’s Fenrir?” He looked around dully as he heard feet pounding the pavement. A wet tongue slobbered over his hand, and Brian looked over to big, brown eyes.

  “There you are,” he murmured.

  “Brian!” an old voice called.

  “Kris,” he whispered before he passed out on the sidewalk.

  Chapter Nine

  Derek was heading into work when he got a call from Kris.

  He was livid.

  He nearly caused a few collisions as he recklessly changed course and sped to the hospital. He didn’t give a damn about anyone or anything other than knowing and seeing for himself Brian’s condition. He had to see him. He trusted no one.

  Derek stomped down the hospital hallway and oozed hostility as he approached the reception desk. No one would keep him from his mate. He’d rip to shreds anyone who tried.

  The unfortunate nurse at the desk could not get him to see reason.

  “Either get me in to see Brian O’Donogue or I will search this entire hospital bottom to top.”

  Derek leaned over the desk, and his eyes bore into the nurse’s wide ones.

  “S-sir, please understand. He is still in the emergency room, and only family can—”

  “I am his partner. How much more family do you want?”

  She bit her lip. “W-wait a moment.”

  She left and walked into the back. He received angry looks from the other nurses, and yet when he turned his attention to them, they looked away. He released a growl from his throat, and they exchanged worried glances.

  “Mr…?” a deep voice said.

  Derek turned around as a doctor, one as tall as he was, though broader in the shoulders, approach him. The little nurse he had scared came out of the back and gave him a shaky smile. Derek ignored her and faced the doctor squarely.

  “Derek Williams,” he said. “My partner is Brian O’Donogue. I demand to know what the fuck happened.”

  The doctor scanned him quickly before answering. “I’m Dr. Davis. Mr. O’Donogue should be fine. He claims that a wolf attacked him and bit his arm. It was most likely a big dog. I heard that his own dogs had blood around their muzzles. There will be an investigation.”

  “His dogs would never attack him,” Derek said flatly. “They adore him. No dog would attack their owner unless provoked. Brian is a vet. One of the best. He would never abuse his dogs. Joan and Gable must have been protecting him from the wolf.”

  Dr. Davis raised an eyebrow. “You believe his claim that it was wolf?”

  Derek stared the doctor down. “He’s a vet. That may seem like a joke t
o someone like you, but what he does is important. He knows the difference between a domesticated pet dog and a wild wolf.”

  Dr. Davis narrowed his eyes and appeared offended by Derek’s tone. Derek couldn’t give a rat’s ass.

  “I want to see him.”

  “He should be out of surgery in a few minutes. Please take a seat. Someone will return and take you to him.”

  “That better happen or more people will need medical care.” He knew he was pushing and struggled to throttle back.

  Dr. Davis glared. “Do I need to call security?”

  Derek forced himself to sit. “No. I’m sitting. I’ll wait.”

  With sniff, Dr. Davis left and the nurses ignored him just as he ignored them. Derek wanted to pace but he stayed sitting. Be a good wolf, he told himself. His wolf snarled. The wait felt like an eternity but it truly was only a few minutes. Then one of the male nurses guided him down a hallway.

  “In there.”

  Derek opened the indicated door, stepped inside, and shut it firmly in his face. Derek turned around and his heart lightened. Brian was awake and looking out the window. When he heard the door close, he looked over and smiled.

  “Hey, there. Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  Derek walked to the bed and looked at the arm covered in bandages.

  “A wolf?” he asked softly.

  Brian nodded. “The doctor doesn’t believe me. Do you?”

  “Yes.” Derek sat on the edge of the bed and gripped Brian’s good hand. Only then did he take an easy breath.

  “Holy shit, Brian. That asshole thinks your dogs did it.”

  There was misery in Brian’s eyes, and Derek wished to banish it.

  “I know he does. The cops almost called animal control, ironic right? But Joan and Gable followed Kris’s commands and the cops let it be for now. I was somewhat awake for that but I think I was in shock. Nothing made sense at the time. I don’t know their condition.”

  Derek heard the plea. He pulled out his cell and called Kris. He put her on speaker and they were both reassured when she said the dogs only had a few scrapes. She also called the Animal Services Center and apprised them of the situation. Eva ended up heading out to check on the shepherds.

  “She patched them up,” Kris said. “All is well here. You focus on getting better, Brian. No straining yourself. Derek, make sure your boyfriend cooperates.”

  “I certainly will,” Derek said.

  They hung up. Brian was smiling now, though he was still too pale. Just how much blood had he lost?

  “I’ll take care of this, Brian. I swear.”

  Brian frowned. “How?”

  Instead of answering, Derek leaned down and kissed him gently. Brian moaned and Derek wanted to take him right there. Instead he leaned back and stroked his hand.

  “What exactly happened?”

  Brian told him in detail. Derek’s muscles started to shift when Brian described how the wolf charged and attacked him. He managed to keep his anger under control and simply listened. Brian wavered at the end and met Derek’s eyes, a look of urgency in his own.

  “Listen to me, Derek. I know this will sound crazy and perhaps it’s the result of fear, but….”

  “But what?”

  Brian took a deep breath. “But that was no ordinary wolf.”

  Derek stilled. All his muscles froze.

  Brian didn’t seem to notice. “There was something… in those eyes. The wolf was on top of me and….” He shivered. “There was something in the eyes. Some… intelligence that no wolf should possess. And the wolf ran away when I cried ‘fire,’ as if he knew that would bring others. The wolf didn’t hurt my dogs as bad as I know it could have.” Brian shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m crazy.”

  “No,” Derek said softly. “You’re not.”

  “I wish I was.”

  Derek lifted Brian’s hand and kissed it. “I love you,” he whispered.

  It was Brian’s turn to freeze. He stared at Derek with large eyes. “Derek—”

  “I love you,” he said louder. He liked the sound of those words. Derek leaned down and kissed Brian again, deeper this time. Derek pulled back, and Brian’s smile was dreamy.

  “I love you too.”

  “I know.”

  Brian chuckled. “Oh, do you? That confident in your appeal, are you?”

  “Absolutely. I got my man, don’t I?”

  Brian grinned. “Yeah, you got me. And we both know what you want to do to me.”

  Derek snorted and nuzzled his face, knowing Brian was keeping things light on purpose. He was still shaken, and Derek tightened his hold.

  “I’m right here. You’re safe now.”

  Brian nodded. “And you love me.”

  “And I love you.”

  They only broke apart when a nurse entered.

  “Go to work, Derek. I’m well taken care of.”

  Derek wanted to instantly reject that idea, but with three mouths to feed plus himself, he couldn’t afford to take a day off.

  “Make sure I’m called if anything happens.” He flicked his gaze over to the nurse.

  Brian nodded. “If everything keeps looking good, the doctor said I can go home this afternoon.”

  “I’ll give you a ride.”

  Derek stood to leave and Brian grabbed his hand.

  “Um… can I ask something of you?”

  “Anything.” Derek meant it.

  “Could you… stay with me? You know, tonight.” He smiled. “And maybe a few more nights….”

  Derek slowly smiled. There was embarrassment in Brian’s green eyes but also fear of being alone. If Brian hadn’t asked for Derek to stay with him, Derek had planned to ask when he drove Brian home. This saved him time.

  “If you insist. I’m sure we can find something to do.” He grinned wickedly.

  Brian rolled his eyes but Derek knew he was pleased. Derek left several minutes later, and his heart raced. He had his mate. And damn it all to hell if he lost him.

  Everyone at the center demanded details but Derek kept them sparce. He appreciated the ferocious protection everyone exuded and was reassured when Phil and Andy, two of his fellow officers, cursed to the high heavens that no way in hell would Brian’s dogs attack him.

  Eva confirmed that the blood around Joan and Gable’s mouths wasn’t human and sent the results to the cops. He gave her a hug for that, and Eva accepted it after a moment of shock.

  Derek had kept his distance from everyone at the center, preferring to have friends of the shifter variety since it made things easier. But at that moment he realized he’d made friends regardless, and he appreciated their loyalty, even if most of it was toward Brian. His mate deserved the support.

  Derek got off work early and drove home to pack. He loaded up his dogs and a couple of bags, locked up his house, and drove to the hospital. He had no doubt the wolf that attacked Brian was no ordinary wolf. He must be a wolf shifter. Which meant that Derek might know him. Why would a wolf shifter attack Brian? Was it because of him?

  Muscles rippling, Derek gripped the steering wheel. Brian would not be hurt because of him. The next time that bastard decided to show his ugly face, Derek would be ready. Any thought he had about telling Brian about his shifter ability was hindered by this attack. He wasn’t sure what to tell Brian anymore. He wanted to be honest with him. He wanted to share a life with him, and that included sharing that other part of him that he indulged in nearly every night.

  Derek took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He couldn’t tell Brian until that bastard was eliminated. Focusing on that, Derek pulled up in the hospital parking lot and told his dogs to hush. They let out whimpers before settling down. Derek locked up his car and strode into the hospital. He walked to the reception desk where Brian was filling out something on a clipboard.

  “You ready?” Derek asked as he reached him.

  Brian nodded, signing the bottom of the paper. His wounded arm was wrapped and set in a sling. Derek r
eached him, and the same nurse he had harassed on his previous visit didn’t meet his eyes. She left and went into the back.

  Derek snorted.

  Brian raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask why he was amused until they left the hospital.

  “I was rude to that nurse when I was here this morning. She was giving me the cold shoulder.”

  “You do have a way with people.”

  Derek grinned and put his arm around Brian’s shoulders. Brian leaned into him and set his head on Derek’s shoulder. The dogs wagged their tails in greeting as Brian got into the Jeep.

  “Hey, guys. You ready for a sleepover?”

  Goliath licked his face. Brian laughed. After stopping by Brian’s pharmacy to get his prescriptions, they drove in comfortable silence. That was until Derek felt like he was being watched again. He looked around as he approached Brian’s house.

  Even when Brian unlocked his front door, Derek scanned the neighborhood. It was quiet and lights shone out of opened windows. Children’s toys and bicycles lay scattered in front lawns, and there was actually a small kite stuck in a tree.


  Derek turned around and nodded. He was the last to enter the house and set his luggage aside. Before he shut the door, he stared out into the quiet neighborhood, still feeling eyes on him. He narrowed his own and let out a low growl that any wolf shifter would understand.


  Derek shut the door.

  Chapter Ten

  Brian was happy to be home. More than that, he was happy to have the company of a person. He’d taken the prescribed painkillers and was a bit sluggish. He knew he needed to be watched. His dogs were with Kris, and he was about to call her when someone knocked on his door. Before he could take one step toward it, Derek beat him.

  Brian snorted. “I doubt a wolf can knock on a door.”

  He said it jokingly but Derek’s look made his smile disappear. He frowned.

  “What do you know that I don’t?” he asked.

  Derek met his eyes, his gaze blank, and Brian didn’t know what he was thinking. Then Derek turned away and cautiously opened the door. Brian didn’t see who was on the other side because Derek only opened the door a crack and blocked the opening with his body.


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