by P. L. Snow
However, to understand this extraordinary building in its fullness, we must be ready to be flexible in our reading of its symbolism, in the way of the Ancient Egyptians. The stories here are only one approach. Others will no doubt have other stories about Rosslyn to tell: the book is not finished; only closed for the time being.
The Book closed.
Sources and Further Reading
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln (1982), Jonathan Cape, London.
Rosslyn — A History of the Guilds, the Masons and the Rosy Cross, Robert Brydon (1994), Friends of Rosslyn, Edinburgh.
Rosslyn and the Western Mystery Tradition, Robert Brydon (2003), Ross Publishing, East Kilbride.
Rosslyn Revealed, Alan Butler & John Ritchie (2006), O Books, Winchester UK.
Scottish Architecture 1371–1560, Richard Fawcett (1994), Edinburgh University Press.
The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail, Sylvia Francke (2007), Temple Lodge Press, Forest Row.
The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas (1996), Arrow Books, UK.
Rosslyn Chapel, Angelo Maggi (2008), Birlinn, Edinburgh.
Rosslyn and the Grail, Mark Oxbrow & Ian Robertson (2005), Mainstream, Edinburgh.
The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn, Jackie Queally (2007), privately published.
The Spiritual meaning of Rosslyn’s Carvings, Jackie Queally (2007), privately published.
Rosslyn, Andrew Sinclair (2005), Birlinn, Edinburgh.
The Secret Scroll, Andrew Sinclair (2001), Sinclair-Stevenson, UK.
Deeper Secrets of Human History, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1909 (1995), Anthroposophic Press, New York.
The Origins of Freemasonry, David Stevenson (1988), Cambridge University Press.
The Illustrated Guide to Rosslyn Chapel and Castle, Hawthornden, etc., The Rev John Thomson (2003), Masonic Publishing Co. Glasgow.
Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail, Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins (1999), Thorsons, London.
The Templar Legacy and the Masonic Inheritance within Rosslyn Chapel, Tim Wallace-Murphy (1994), The Friends of Rosslyn, Roslin.
The Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth, Dorothy Wordsworth, Ed. Colette Clark (1978), Penguin, UK.
Chapter 1
Mimekor Yisrael, Micha Joseph bin Gorion (1990), Indiana University Press.
Genesis, Creation and the Patriarchs, Emil Bock (1983), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Genesis, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1910 (1959), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
Chapter 2
The Temple Legend, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1904, 1906 (1985), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail, Sylvia Francke.
The Legend of the Rood, F.E. Halliday (trans.) (1955), Duckworth, London.
Chapter 3
Myths of the World, Padraic Colum (2002), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1918, 1920 (1994), Anthroposophic Press, New York.
Rosslyn and the Grail, Mark Oxbrow & Ian Robertson.
Myths and Legends of Egypt, Lewis Spence (1994), Senate Books, London.
Sun Songs, Raymond van Over (ed.) (1980), New American Library, New York.
Chapter 4
The Great Initiates, Édouard Schuré (1961), Harper & Row, San Francisco.
Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1918, 1920.
Chapter 5
Genesis, Emil Bock.
Genesis, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1910.
Mimekor Yisrael, Micha Joseph bin Gorion.
Chapter 6
Moses, Emil Bock (1986), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
The Great Initiates, Édouard Schuré.
Mimekor Yisrael, Micha Joseph bin Gorion.
The Sign and the Seal, Graham Hancock (1992), William Heinemann, London.
Chapter 7
The Book of Esdras, The Apocrypha Cambridge University Press.
Kings and Prophets, Emil Bock (1989), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas.
The Book of Hiram, Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas (2003), Arrow Books, London.
The Temple Legend, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1904, 1906.
Chapter 8
Kings and Prophets, Emil Bock.
Mimekor Yisrael, Micha Joseph bin Gorion.
Chapter 9
The Childhood of Jesus, Emil Bock (1997), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Christmas Plays from Oberufer, A.C. Harwood (trans.) (1944), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
The Gospel of Saint Matthew, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures from 1910 (1965), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
Chapter 10
Christ Legends, Selma Lagerlöf (1977), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Secrets of the Stations of the Cross, Judith von Halle (2007), Temple Lodge Press, Forest Row.
Chapter 11
Secrets of the Stations of the Cross, Judith von Halle.
The Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft (1973), G.P. Putnam’s, New York.
The Ninth Century, W.J. Stein (1991), Temple Lodge Press, Forest Row.
Chapter 12
The Spiritual Meaning of Rosslyn’s Carvings, Jackie Queally.
Chapter 13
The Religion of the Manichees, Fr Burkitt S.J. (1924), Cambridge University Press.
The Secret Heresy of Hieronymus Bosch, Lynda Harris (1995), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Mani, his life and work, Richard Seddon (1998), Temple Lodge Press, London.
The Genius of Mani, Andrew Welburn (in Journal for Anthroposophy 38).
Manichean Writings, Andrew Welburn(ibid.).
Chapter 14
The History of the Kings of Britain, Geoffrey of Monmouth (trans. Lewis Thorpe) (1966), Penguin, London.
Arthur and the Lost Kingdoms, Alistair Moffat (1999), Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London.
The Mystery of Arthur at Tintagel, Richard Seddon (1990), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
From Round Table to Holy Grail, Isabel Wyatt (1979), Lanthorn Press, East Grinstead.
The Death of Merlin, W.J. Stein (1989), Floris Books, Edinburgh.
Chapter 15
The Arcana of the Holy Grail, John Barnwell (1999), Verticordia Press, USA.
Parzival and Titurel, Wolfram von Eschenbach (trans. Cyril Edwards) (2004), Oxford University Press.
Perceval, Chrétien de Troyes (trans. William W. Kibler) (1991), Penguin, London.
The Ninth Century, W.J. Stein.
Knowledge of Higher Worlds, Rudolf Steiner (1969), Rudolf Steiner Press.
The Speech of the Grail, Linda Sussman (1995), Lindisfarne Press, New York.
Chapter 16
Queen Margaret of Scotland, Eileen Dunlop (2005), NMSE Publishing, Edinburgh.
A History of Scotland, J.D. Mackie (1964), Penguin, London.
Margaret Queen of Scotland, Alan J. Wilson (2001), John Donald, Edinburgh.
Chapter 17
The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas.
The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar, Gordon Napier (2003), Spellmount, Staplehurst.
The Knights Templar, Rudolf Steiner: Lectures compiled and edited by Margaret Jonas (2007), Rudolf Steiner Press, London.
Chapter 18
Robert the Bruce’s Forgotten Victory, Graham Bell (2005), Tempus Publishing, London.
A History of Scotland, J.D. Mackie.
The Origins of Freemasonry, David Stevenson.
Chapter 19
The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, Charles W. Heckethorn (1897), University Books, New York.
Chapter 20
Histoire de la Condamnation d’un Templier, Anonymous, Ed. Christian Lacour-Ollé (2000), Rediviva, Nîmes.
First published in English by Floris Books in 2009
This eBook edition published in 2017
/> Text © 2009 Peter Snow
Illustrations © 2009 Peter Snow and Chris Snow
Illustrations ‘The Apprentice pillar’ and ‘The twin dragons’ © Antonia Reeve
The author has asserted his right under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the Author of this Work
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of Floris Books, Edinburgh
British CIP Data available
ISBN 978-178250-468-9