The Silent Soldiers

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The Silent Soldiers Page 1

by Travis Stinnett


  Text copyright © 2013 by Travis Stinnett

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieved system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Travis Stinnett

  Visit my website @

  First Paperback Edition February 2013 by Travis Stinnett.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Stinnett, Travis, 1978-

  The Silent Soldiers / by Travis Stinnett.__2nd ed.

  Summary: Luke is an ordinary young boy, or so he thinks, living with his uncle and cousin after the death of his parents shortly after his birth. Little does Luke know, he is about to embark on a life changing journey to his grandfathers’ house for the summer.

  Filled with demons, faeries, vampires, werewolves and more, this novel will put Luke through a gauntlet of trouble and turmoil, leading up to a final climatic battle.

  ISBN 978-1482389371

  [1. Vampires—Fiction. 2. Young Adult—Fiction. 3. Supernatural—Fiction. ]

  I. Title. II. Series: Stinnett, Travis. The Silent Soldiers ; bk. 1.


  ISBN-10: 1482389371

  ISBN-13: 978-1482389371

  For my family. Thank you to my beautiful wife and three amazing kids for sticking by me through this daunting process. I love you guys!!


  I would like to thank my writing coach Timothy Stavetieg. Also, my wife Crystal for encouraging me through this entire writing and publishing process. Cliff Pennington with Pennington Graphics Solutions for all the amazing graphics work especially the spectacular book covers for the entire novel series.

  Don’t miss Book Two in




  “It is almost time Master. The child will come of age in less than two weeks. How soon will you be able to return to the earth realm?” asked a woman’s voice.

  “It has been nearly fourteen years since the child was born, and I was banished. I am waiting for the precise moment in which I can make my return,” said a man wearing a long black cloak.

  A hood completely covered the figures head. The only part of the man’s body, that was visible beneath the dark colored garment he was wearing, was his glowing red eyes. The man was standing in the middle of a cave barely lit by the fire of a single torch hanging on one wall. Suddenly the man’s image started to fade and I realized he wasn’t in the cave at all. The man had projected his image from some unknown location.

  “I have completed the final arrangements for your arrival. We are ready to assist you in capturing the child, Master. The woman’s voice came from the shadows of the cave just out of reach of the light from the torch. The outline of her body was visible, but it was impossible to see any of her features.

  “Have you located the child? My plans can be carried out much more smoothly if we can take him before he learns about our world.

  “No, Master, I have not. We have done everything in our power to locate and capture him. His parents went to great lengths to ensure that no one would find him. We have a lead that he could possibly be hiding in the Dallas area. We are searching the area day and night I assure you.

  “You have done well my child. According to the prophetess the child will be returning to the mansion soon,” the man said looking toward the old lady crouched against one wall of the cave.

  The old lady against the wall was bound with small silver chains wrapped around her body. She whimpered softly. Suddenly a long silver whip flashed out from the woman in the shadows. It struck the old lady in the back causing her to scream out in pain.

  “You will keep quiet in the presence of our Master,” says the woman fiercely. The chained old lady became instantly silent before the man began to speak again.

  “We must obtain the child. He is a key element in my plans to rule this horrid planet the humans call earth. If he unites with good he will forever be my enemy.”

  “That will not happen, Master. Your plans will not fail. I have worked very hard in your absence to guarantee your success.” the woman says proudly.

  “We shall see, my child.” The woman bowed to the cloaked figure. He nodded slightly before he completely faded from the dark cave. The woman walked out into the light of the torch and it became apparent that she too was completely concealed by a dark colored cloak. She walked gracefully over to the chained woman. She kneeled down on one knee next to the old lady.

  “Master will be returning soon. I know you have been withholding information about the visions you are having you old hag. When Nhados is in our realm once again you will have no choice but to tell him what you know. He has ways you could never even imagine to force you into telling him what he needs to know,” she spat the words out at the chained lady.

  The old lady began to cry softly again. She knew the cloaked woman was telling the truth. She had indeed been under Nhados’ power in the past. When Nhados captured her many years ago she suffered his wrath for a short time. She began to sob loudly dreading the coming torture from the terrifying dark wizard. An evil laugh came softly from the cloaked woman. Her laugh became louder and more evil as she stood to her feet. The woman kicked the old lady in the ribs swiftly causing her to scream out in pain once again.


  Each morning for the past week, I awake from the same dream. I’m walking in a beautiful valley somewhere, not sure where exactly. The breeze is blowing the back of my neck making the hair stand up a little. Suddenly, it turns to night with the moon full over my head, and unusually large. I look around the valley at the wood line and see pairs of glowing yellow eyes surrounding me. I freeze with fear as I try to search through the darkness to find out what is surrounding me. Slowly the pairs of eyes start moving closer to me and my fear grows more intense paralyzing me. I desperately search every direction trying to find a way to escape, but I am completely surrounded. I am sweating, yet my flesh is chilled and my muscles clenched as I begin to hear a very low rumbling growl coming from every direction. The growls slowly get louder and more threatening, and I can feel fear growing stronger. All of a sudden I hear a single wolf howl. I wake up screaming, and drenched in sweat.

  I have thought day and night about what this dream might mean but I’m too embarrassed to ask my uncle what he thinks. It is embarrassing having to tell your uncle you’re dreaming of the big bad wolf.

  Luke had grown up living with his Uncle Charles and his cousin Matt since birth. They were about the same age, Matt having been born only five days before Luke. In many ways, being so close in age made them like twins. They had always been very close. They were practically inseparable.

  I have asked about my parents many times but I can never get any information from my Uncle. When I ask him what happened to them all he can tell me is there was an accident, and I had to come live with them. I feel like there is more to it than just an accident. I only want to know what happened to them, and what they were like. I guess it’s too hard for him to talk about losing his only sister. Maybe someday I will meet other family members that might be able to tell me about my parents.

  I do know my grandfather, my mom’s dad, is still around. Samuel Carrington, my grandfather, is apparently a very wealthy man and does some kind of real estate business in every part of the world. This is what Uncle Charles has told me about him. I have only seen him a couple times in my
life, usually around holidays. He never stays more than an hour or two at the most so I never have time to get him alone to talk about my parents.

  I have never met any of my dad’s family. I feel like there are lots of secrets regarding me and my family. Uncle Charles seems to be hiding things from me but I can’t find any proof. Maybe when I get older I can do some searching and see what I can come up with.

  “Luke, we’re going to be late!” yelled Matt from the hallway outside Luke’s bedroom.

  “What time is it?” Luke mumbled.

  “It’s seven o’clock, man. Get your butt out of the bed or we are going to miss our last day of school.”

  “Why are you so excited about getting to school? You haven’t cared whether you went to school or not all year, and now you’re ready to go all of a sudden?”

  “Yeah man, the quicker we get there, the quicker we will be out for summer and the quicker we can go on vacation.”

  Luke was kind of excited about going on vacation. They were planning to spend a couple weeks at his grandfather’s house in Arkansas. He wasn’t sure if his Grandpa would actually be there very much since he is away on business a lot. He hoped his grandfather would find time to talk to him a little about his parents. Samuel lived in Eerie, a

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