Boomer's Fall

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Boomer's Fall Page 4

by Robin Leigh Miller

  A loud explosion shattered the eerie peace. His ears were ringing from the blast. Fiery debris rained down around him. He ducked, trying to cover as many of the hands and faces as he could. When it stopped all the hands touching him were torn and bloody. When he tried to reach for them they fell away, limp and lifeless.

  He sat straight up in bed. Sweat trickled down his heaving chest. His eyes darted around the room, scanning, ever ready for danger. His ears still ached from the ground-shaking explosion. It took several minutes until he was able to hear again. When the last remnants of the terrifying dream faded he took a big, cleansing breath and released it. Off in the corner of the room he swore he saw a light.

  “What the hell was that all about?” he muttered in the darkness.

  He glanced at his clock. Three-eighteen in the morning. He still had time to get some shuteye before his usual wake up time. The problem was he was too wired to fall back to sleep.

  Instead of fighting it he got up and went to his small kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and scanned the contents. “Hmm. Need to get to the store soon,” he said then shut it.

  He never knew when he’d be called on a mission so he didn’t bother stocking up on food. If he was gone for several days it would just spoil and there wasn’t anything worse than coming home to a smelly apartment. He did however need to replenish his supply of juice and cookies, his favorite late night snack.

  Since his sweet tooth wasn’t going to be satisfied, he decided some quick calisthenics would serve just as well. He moved to the living room, dropped to the floor and zipped off one hundred pushups without breaking a sweat. The burn in his arm muscles felt good, the endorphins pumping through his system brought him to life.

  “Now for the legs.” He sat at his home gym, hooked his feet under a bar and proceeded to lift two hundred pounds for fifty repetitions.

  By the time he was done working his whole body it was an hour later. Four-thirty in the morning and his daily workout routine was complete. The only thing left to do was shower and head off to base.

  The dream still clung to his brain, nagging, refusing to relinquish its horrid images. His brother was the only person he knew besides Sam who signed. Could the dream have been a premonition about him?

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” he said stepping under the steamy spray of his shower.

  His brother Mike was a teacher at a school for the deaf and lived a very simple, quiet life. The odds of Mike being in an explosion were slim to none. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to call later today and check on him. It had been a couple of weeks since they talked and Boomer didn’t like going long periods of time without checking in.

  Of course he’d have to come back home to make the call, the base didn’t have a TTY. Maybe he could talk Cannon into getting a Text Telephone Device in case Mike had to contact him. If not, then he’d pull some money from his savings account and buy one himself.

  By the time Boomer reached the W&S Inc. base the dream had become nothing more than a distant memory. Fears that his brother was in danger were reasoned away. The urgency he felt earlier in the morning faded, allowing him to concentrate on restocking his gear bag for the next mission.

  As he cleaned and recharged the Taser cases, he smiled. They worked like a dream and saved the team a shitload of aggravation. Blocking off two doorways without using manpower was a small miracle in his line of work. Ricochet could nag him all he wanted to about his toys but they sure as hell came in handy when they needed them.

  Smiling made his lip throb, recalling last night’s mission. He worried about Sam. Her reaction to the gas was unsettling. The look in her eyes just before she jammed her fist in his mouth was even more unsettling.

  Such rage. He’d never seen her so furious before, especially on a mission. She was always cool, calm and one step ahead of everyone else. Last night she was about three steps behind. Did she know she killed the man? It would tear her up if she did. Cannon was right not to inform her of his death. Even though she wasn’t in her right mind she would carry the man’s death around like a deep scar.

  A flash of gold light caught his eye. He turned to get a better look but nothing was there. A distinct chuckle floated through his head.

  “Can’t stay away from those toys for one day can ya?”

  Ricochet’s voice brought a chuckle and a smile to Boomer. He was like a little mother hen, always on him about something. He’d be lost without him.

  “You’ll grow to like my toys just as much as I do when we need them.”

  Ricochet grunted his agreement. “I bet you sleep with ‘em too don’t ya?” he asked pulling up a chair and sitting next to Boomer.

  Boomer looked up at him with a solemn face, placing his hand over his heart. “They’re my babies. I need to keep them safe.”

  It took a second before Ricochet realized he was kidding. “You need a woman and tonight we’re gonna find ya one.”

  “I told you. I’m not looking, I’m waiting to be found.”

  “You’re gonna find yourself an old man still playin’ with this stuff in your rockin’ chair if ya don’t get your ass out there and meet people.”

  That little comment gave Boomer pause. He didn’t want to grow old alone without anyone to hold or laugh and cry with. He also didn’t like putting himself out there like some bargain on a sales rack for women to look over and decide if he suited them or not.

  “Look man, it ain’t gonna kill ya just to go out and talk with a few women. They don’t bite, unless ya want them to,” he added wiggling his eyebrows.

  Boomer let out a hearty laugh, more because Ricochet looked like a fool than for his comment.

  “No one says ya gotta take ‘em home and set up housekeepin’ right away. Just kick back and enjoy their company. Nothin’ like a soft woman to put things right in your mind.”

  “I know, you’re right Rico. You’re right.”

  “So ya ain’t gonna chicken out on me tonight?”

  Boomer stood placing the cases back in their locker. “No, I won’t leave you hanging.”

  “Good.” Ricochet bounced up out of the chair and slapped his hands together. “So what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Not sure yet. I haven’t seen Cannon.”

  “Well then, let’s take a walk down to his office and see what’s what. I could go for puttin’ some rookies through their paces today. How ‘bout you?”

  Boomer smiled, tearing the rip in his lip. “I could spend my day tormenting some fresh meat.”

  “Hey man, that lip’s bleedin’. She really nailed ya didn’t she? How’s your head from where that guy slugged ya?”

  “My head is fine. This damn lip is a pain in the ass,” he said rubbing away the blood. “You think she’s okay, Rico?”

  “Sam, yeah she’s fine. Even the mysterious Black Smoke has to succumb to somethin’. I’m sure Kong’s got it all under control.”

  “You’re probably right,” Boomer said not completely buying his own words.

  By the time the two men made it to Walt’s office he was unlocking his door.

  “Good morning, gentlemen. Have a good night’s sleep?” he asked shoving his door open and stepping in.

  Boomer and Ricochet followed him in. “Yes, sir, just wondering what you have for us today.”

  “Got any newbies for us to break in?” Ricochet asked with a smile.

  “Are you up for it? I thought maybe you’d like to take it easy today?”

  “We’re up for it, sir.”

  “If ya don’t give us somethin’ to do he’ll go back and play with his bombs again. It’s not healthy I tell ya.”

  Walt grinned from ear to ear when Boomer glared at Ricochet.

  “How’d those cases work for you?” Walt asked.

  “Just like they should, sir. Kept us from worrying about two doors. Even got to see one in action.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that. I have a new device that’s supposed to be coming next week you’ll be interested
in. You know anything about sound waves?”

  Boomer knew exactly what he was referring to. He’d heard about it on TV. A high-pitched sound wave shot at a group of people that disoriented them and made the tactical team’s job easier to subdue.

  “I thought that was still experimental, sir?”

  “It is. You get to try it out.”

  “Oh damn, ya know ya aren’t helpin’ him out by feedin’ his habit.”

  Walt laughed hard and loud. “I’ve got something coming for you too, Underwood.”


  “I’ll have you hunted down as soon as it’s delivered.” The smile was still on Walt’s face. “Go break in the new guys. They should be finished with chow by now.”

  “Yes, sir.” Boomer and Ricochet said together.

  “Oh, sir, can I ask you a favor?” Boomer asked before they made it out the door.

  “What’s that?”

  “Would it be possible to get a TTY for here at the base, ya know, just in case my brother needs to get hold of me?”

  Walt stood with a serious look on his face. “I’m sorry, Campbell. I never thought to do that. I’ll have one by the end of the day.”

  “No hurry, sir, I just want him to be able to reach me is all.”

  “Is everything all right, any problems?” Walt asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

  “No, no problems.”

  “Okay, I’ll have it set up in the reception area, or I can put it in my office if you prefer more privacy.”

  “That’s not necessary. Reception is fine. Thank you, sir.” Boomer turned to leave when Walt stopped him.

  “I apologize, Ben. I’m usually on top of that sort of thing. I like to make sure all my employees have everything they need.”

  “It’s really no problem, sir.”

  The two men walked outside and headed for the mess hall to gather the new recruits.

  “Everythin’ okay?” Ricochet asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “We’ve been here for months and you haven’t said anything about a TTY. What suddenly brought it up?”

  “Just sort of thought about it this morning.”

  “Un-hunh and you’ll take some fine, young thing back to your place tonight. Who you think you’re kiddin’?”

  Boomer chuckled. This man knew him too well. “I just had a weird dream last night and it got me thinking. Mike can’t reach me unless I’m home. I’d like him to be able to contact me here if anything ever happens.”

  “That’s cool, that’s cool,” Ricochet said in his street voice. “But ah, what kinda dream did ya have?”

  “It was just some stupid mixed up dream. Tell me you don’t have them.”

  “Sure, sure I do. Had one last night in fact. All these people comin’ at me, tryin’ to talk to me with their hands. I couldn’t figure out what the hell was happenin’ until they all got swept away and the hottest heat I ever felt washed over me. Some big buildin’ blew up.”

  Boomer’s step faltered. “People were signing in your dream?”

  “Yeah. Ya know you’ll have to teach me some of that. Never know when ya might need it.”

  “A building blew up?” Boomer asked.

  “Big one. I don’t remember what it looked like before it went though but it sure as hell made a big boom.”

  “These people signing, were they kids?”

  Ricochet narrowed his eyes and looked at him. “Why?”

  “No reason. Were they kids?” he asked again.

  “Un-hunh, how’d you know?”

  “It sounds like you and I had the same dream, buddy.”

  “Get the hell out,” Ricochet squealed. “What, you think we’re sharin’ dreams now? You’ve been inhalin’ too much gas from your bombs.”

  “Well, in my dream all these hands were around me signing as fast as they could. I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then I saw faces, young, older and suddenly a huge explosion nearly blasted out my ear drums and all the hands were bloody.”

  Ricochet stopped walking and looked down at his feet. Boomer stood next to him and waited. When he finally lifted his head a curious look filled his eyes.

  “You heard the explosion?”

  “Yeah, it was like it really happened.”

  “I felt the heat, woke up with my skin actually hot. That’s some weird shit.”

  “Sure is,” Boomer agreed.

  “It can’t mean anythin’ though, right? I mean, dreams aren’t real they’re just your subconscious goin’ nuts.”

  Boomer shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know if it means anything but the fact that we had the same dream makes me nervous. I don’t want to have your dreams.”

  Ricochet made a noise and laughed. “You couldn’t handle my dreams man and I sure as hell don’t want yours. You probably dream about blowin’ things up. Oh wait a minute—you did.”

  Boomer gave him a wounded look. “I dream about other things.”

  “Hmmm, shockin’ people, gassin’ em?”

  “No, I have normal dreams, guy dreams,” Boomer told him and then felt heat rise up his neck into his cheeks.

  Ricochet laughed, “That’s good to know ‘cause I was worried. Come on, new guys are waitin’ on us.”

  They started to walk into the mess hall when Boomer heard someone call his name. When he turned around Sam was running toward him. She looked better today with a spring in her legs.

  “Don’t get too close. She might pop ya again,” Ricochet snorted.

  “Keep it up and I’ll tell her you’re making fun of her.”

  “Man, I thought we were buds. You’re cruel.” Ricochet gave him a smile and started through the door. “I’ll meet ya inside.”

  Boomer walked down the steps just as Sam got there.

  “Hey, Boomer.”

  “Sam,” he said smiling at her.

  He saw her gaze at his lip, a hint of pain in her eyes.

  “How’s your lip?” she asked looking away.

  “It’s fine. No big deal.” He noticed the bruises on her face and the cut on her lip.

  “Liar. It’s bleeding.”

  Boomer reached up and swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. Blood streaked his skin. “I keep breaking it open.”

  “Boomer, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” she said reaching out and taking his hand.

  When she pulled out a cloth and wiped the blood from his hand he quickly pulled away. “It’s fine, Sam, no harm done.” The sight of a bloody hand brought his dream flooding back.

  “It’s not fine. You can’t even stand to have me touch you,” she said taking a step back.

  “No, that’s not it. I’m okay with it really. I shouldn’t have surprised you the way I did. With all the gas in there you couldn’t tell who was who.”

  Sam lowered her head, avoiding his eyes.

  “Sam, are you okay? I mean, what happened last night?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked looking off to the side.

  “You know exactly what I mean. I’ve never seen you tear into anyone like that. You’re always so focused and precise.”

  “Yeah, well, I took a pretty hard beating upstairs. Guess it put me in a foul mood.”

  “That explains your split lip.”

  “You should have seen me when I got home. I looked like a balloon.”

  “That’s why you didn’t take the mask off.”

  “Yeah, I’m a woman after all. Can’t have men seeing me all messed up.”

  Boomer smiled. “You’re beautiful no matter what, Sam. Don’t worry about me and Ricochet seeing you a little swollen, we’ve seen you worse.”

  He could still see, hear and smell the explosion that nearly killed her. Her body was ravaged with splinters and the way she looked so small and vulnerable broke his heart.

  “You have, haven’t you? Well, I just wanted you to know how sorry I am.”

  “Don’t be, Sam. Things happen. The gas only gets used if absolutely nec

  “Okay,” she said and then turned to walk away.

  “Hey Sam, can I ask you something?”


  “What does it mean when two people have the same dream at the same time?”

  Sam stepped up closer to him. “Well, I’m not sure. The exact same dream?”

  “Not exactly the same but it had all the same elements in it. Almost like two different perspectives.”

  Sam stood perfectly still and stared at him. “Could be a warning I guess. You want to tell me about it?”

  “Maybe later,” Boomer said when he heard Ricochet inside shouting orders. “I have to go save the new guys before Ricochet scares them into leaving.”

  “Okay but don’t wait too long. It may be something we need to check into. I’ll be around all day.”

  “I’ll catch ya later,” he said as he walked inside.

  * * * * *

  The day passed with Boomer and Ricochet tormenting and drilling the young recruits, putting them through courses they’d never seen in the military. These men were the best the military had to offer and Walt Cannon had drawn them away.

  Sam spent hours giving herself a thorough workout, pushing herself beyond her limit. When she could no longer call forth any more energy to punish herself she looked up Boomer. He was so immersed in training the new guys she didn’t feel right dragging him away.

  Kong was busy with Cannon going over business records reviewing past missions and those in progress that didn’t require the expertise of Kong, Sam, Boomer and Ricochet. There were at least three missions Walt had teams on at the moment and they were anxious to know the outcome.

  As Walt briefed himself on the documents he asked, “What happened with Sam last night?”

  “Nothing really, why?” Kong responded going over a map.

  “I understand she decked Campbell.”

  “Yeah she did.”


  “Damn gas screwed with her head. I think she was so determined to take down the guy who tried to choke her she didn’t realize what she was doing.”

  “That’s not like her,” Walt said leaning back in his chair and looking.


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