Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel Page 7

by Red Snapper

  “Girl…I know that was real scary…but you know…we need to find somewhere to stay for tonight.” “I’m getting tired and hungry.”

  I shook my head in the affirmative as I began to observe the surrounding area for several affordable restaurants and motels. As I began to scope out the area, I was intrigued by the large building with these bright neon signs on the building that read: ROSCOE’S HOUSE OF PLEASURES.

  As I observed the building and realized what type of establishment it was I thought, “I always wondered what really goes on in one of those places.”

  I looked to the left and saw that there was a small motel with a sign that said Rooms for $10.99 a night. I looked at LaVette who was now getting very tired and wanted nothing more than to eat something and then get some sleep as I said, “Hey girl…let’s go to that motel over there and see if we can get a room.”

  “Girl…I don’t care where we go as long as we get something to eat…I’m starving!”

  I smiled as we began our journey toward the motel, but before we could get two steps from the curb, a tall light-skinned man was standing on the corner across the street, observing us. He was a very distinguish looking gentleman who was wearing a large blue brim hat and a long blue cashmere coat. He was wearing a blue three-piece suit that looked like it cost him at least $500.00, with matching blue leather shoes to complete the package. His hands looked like he had never worked a day in his life and every finger, including his thumbs had gold bands or nugget rings on them. Of course, he had a Rolex watch, imported from Europe and it was gold and diamond laced. He was a total packet, suave and debonair, with his cold black wavy hair flowing down to his shoulders as he was gazing at LaVette and me through the top of his black shades. He watched us closely as we prepared to cross the street, keeping his eyes on us as he probably thought to himself, “Hmmm…what do we have coming here?” “Could this be some new talent for the stable?” “Shit…you know I got to approach this pussy before it gets out of my lane.”

  I could feel him watching us as we walked toward his space. I looked at LaVette and said, “There’s a strange man watching us over there…just be calm and we’ll go pass him…okay!”

  LaVette sighed as she replied, “You haven’t let me down yet so I trust you!”

  We started to walk across the street, walking slowly at first, than as we got closer we began to speed up the pace. As we got closer to this man, he stepped in front of us, halting us in our tracks. He stared down at us as he began talking jive.

  “Hey…sexy mommas…where ya’ll headed so fast?” “Going to put out a fire or sumtin?”

  I just stared up at him as I noticed his gold front tooth with a diamond in the center and his extremely clean white teeth. I quickly noticed that this brother was polished with his game and his swagger was stalwart.

  I looked at his hand that was now pressed on my left breast as I replied, “We’re just trying to get to that motel before they run out of rooms…can you kindly let us pass sir?”

  He stared down at me with a shit-eating grin on his face as he replied, “Well…you don’t have to be goin’ so fast by me.” “Besides…I happen to know that particular motel don’t have no more rooms.”

  I frowned as I looked up at him with disbelief and said, “how’d you know that…you own that place or sumtin’?”

  He laughed as if he would enjoy the answer to my question as he replied, “As a matter of fact…I DO!”

  LaVette smiled as she responded, “You do what…own that motel?”

  He turned and pointed at the motel and said, “I own this here club and that there motel…now if you really need a place to stay, I’d be awfully happy to accommodate ya’ll.”

  We both just looked at each other then back at him as we replied in unison, “HOW?”

  He stood in front of us as he replied, “Well…I happen to know that you two are not from around here and I happen to know that you probably don’t have little or no money.” “I know ya’ll hungry and ya’ll look like you could use some sleep so whatcha say if I offer ya’ll both a place together in my establishment and some food for ya’ll stomachs for tonight.”

  LaVette smiled as she replied, “That’d be really nice of you sir but…” Tangie immediately interrupted her, “So…what’s the catch…what we gotta do to get this great jester of yours, sell some pussy or sumtin?”

  He looked at us laughing as he replied, “Well…I was just trying to help ya’ll out…but since you brought up pussy…why not!” “I could use a couple of nice young tender ass bitches around here!” “Damn baby…you do have a nice round ass that’s good enough to pimp!”

  Man, I was now furious as I grabbed LaVette’s hand and tried to walk around his trifling ass.

  As we began to move forward, he stopped us again.

  I looked at him and said, “Let us go!” “You can’t do this to us!”

  He pushed me back hard as he was now extremely upset, “Let you go…let you go or what?”

  He said through gritted teeth, “Who ya’ll gonna tell…the fuckin’ pigs?” “Trust me…ya’ll ain’t gonna tell no fuckin’ pigs because ya’ll running from the law!” “I’ve seen plenty of ya’ll tender asses…runnin’ away from that fuckin’ college.” “They always end up here with Roscoe, so Roscoe can take care of their asses.” “So bitches… ya’ll better think about my fine ass offer before I take it off the fuckin’ table!” “Whatcha gonna do bitch…I don’t have all fuckin’ night!”

  I looked at him for a minute, then at LaVette as I said, “Let just see what’s up…I don’t wanna go back to that damn school!”

  LaVette gazed into my eyes as she replied, “You know…I’m really tired and I trust you…I’ll go if you go.”

  I looked up at him, “Okay…it looks like we don’t have much of a choice…we’ll take the deal, but it’s just for tonight!”

  He looked at me and smiled, as he knew he had us where he wanted us, “No problem…that’s fair, by the way, my name is Roscoe…Roscoe Jefferson, but people who know me…call me “Pimpin’ Jay.”

  I sighed as I replied, “The pleasure is ALL yours!”

  He smiled as he signaled for one of his hoes to come and escort us to the motel. I watched the woman as she sensuously sauntered over toward us from the motel. She was an extremely sexy bronze skin woman, with a very sensuous physique. All of her curves were in the right places and her clothes were extremely erotic. I was intrigued with her as I observed this woman’s exotic garb and her curves turned me on. This woman was wearing a lavender strapless stretch Jacquard Corset with an embroidered appliqué trim, with hook-n-eye front closures, and a lace up back with matching G-String. On her ears, she was wearing long three strand rhinestone chandelier earrings and her shoes were lavender Glamour Girl Marabou slippers with black fishnet stockings. Her hair was in an Afro-puffs hairstyle and she looked fabulous.

  When she finally made it over to us, all you could smell was her gorgeous perfume as he introduced her, “This here is Fancie Fresh…she’ll see that you get settled in…remember…I’m offering my hospitality to ya’ll…so don’t try to fuckin’ run off in the middle of the fuckin’ night…If ya’ll do…I’ll find you…I have eyes everywhere!”

  I looked at LaVette placing my hands on my mouth as I tried to keep from laughing out in his face. Fancie quickly began to escort us down to the motel, trying to keep me from getting into further trouble with Pimpin’ Jay.

  “Girl what’s wrong with you?” “You trying to get us all killed?”

  LaVette and I looked at her as she grabbed our hands, walking with us toward the motel.

  Chapter 4 -Andrew

  November 1982

  Frederick Douglass College of Arts and Sciences

  Columbia, Missouri

  My limousine was now pulling up in front of the boarding school and the vehicle halted directly in front of the foyer area. Standing outside waiting was Dr. Sandra Robinson, Dean of the Frederick Douglass College of Arts and Sciences al
ong with two of the den mothers who were responsible for over watch of the girls. She stood there staring at the black limo tinted windows as she waited on the chauffeur to get out the car and to open the door for me. As I waited for the chauffeur to come around, I couldn’t help but to observe her exquisiteness. She was an average woman, about 5’4” weighting around 135 lbs. She was extremely well dressed; wearing a green check and plaid flared skirt, with pleats, with an elegant yellow pastel blouse that outlined the mass of her breasts faultlessly. Her skin was caramel, smooth as silk and her hair was styled in a marvelous Afro. I gazed at her from within the vehicle with lust in my eyes as I watched her smiling. Suddenly the chauffeur opened the door, which brought me back to reality as I slowly stepped out of the car. When she saw my 6’3” frame getting out of the vehicle, the first thing she observed was my shoes, checking to see if I would be wearing the ever popular Flagg Brothers platform shoes that all the men were wearing at that time, but I wasn’t. I was wearing a pair of leather burgundy Stacy Adams Merrick style plain toe dress shoes, complimented with a burgundy and white Stacy Adams three-piece suit. To top it off, I was sporting a Dobbs Eldorado Panama Hat that matched perfectly with my white button up shirt and matching burgundy and white Windsor knot style tie. She was quite taken by my swagger as she observed my approach to greet her. I bet she was feeling herself getting a little warm as she watched me strolling up the stairs. She had always in the past had feelings for me and of course, she was very attractive to me and I knew it. As I was now standing in front of her, she quickly began to explain the situation to me.

  “Mr. Laurie…we’re doing everything we can to find your daughter.” “I’ve spoken with the police chief and he assured me that he was doing everything he could to find them.”

  I looked down at her as I replied, “And what is that…do the police have any leads?”

  She began to stare down to the ground as we commence walking toward the building.

  “That’s what I thought…so nobody knows where my daughter is?” “How much time does it take to find two little girls in this small ass town?” “Has this school been checked thoroughly?” “They could be here under our noses!”

  “Sir…I am certain that the girls are not here on these premises…now please give us a chance to find them.” “You have to trust us!”

  I stopped in my tracks as I looked at her face. She was lovely and I began to think how I was going overboard with my reactions. I slowly grabbed her hand as I replied, “Look…I am sorry that I have been so rude…I know that you and your staff are doing the best you can here at this school.” “If I didn’t think so…I would not put some much of my money into it.” “Please accept my apology.”

  She stared back at me and for a moment, she was lost in my present until she realized what was taking place. She quickly pulled her hand back from me as she replied, “Yes, I accept your apology Mr. Laurie.”

  “Please…call me Andrew...Sandra is your name right?”

  She tried to hold back but she couldn’t help but to let out a gorgeous smile. At that point, I knew I had her interest as she replied, “Yes…Sandra is my name and you can certainly call me by my first name.”

  We began to stroll toward her office as I asked, “So…Sandra…what do you know about this young girl my daughter ran away with?”

  “Well her name is LaVette…LaVette Reynolds. She comes from a fairly wealthy background.”

  “Her father was a real estate tycoon who used his business as a front for his brothel establishments.” “He had several of these houses of love around the state with his main business in Independence, which I heard is about twenty minutes from downtown Kansas City.” “He’s now deceased and her mother…she’s another story.” “She spends most of her time spending LaVette’s inheritance and travelling abroad.” “I just looked at her with a foolish expression as I explained, “I think I knew her Papa…yeah…Jeremiah “Smokey” Reynolds.” “He had one of the largest whore houses in the nation.”

  Suddenly realizing what I had said, I quickly apologized, “Oh…I’m sorry for using such choice words…I hope you can accept my apology once again.”

  She looked at me and responded, “Andrew…no apologies necessary…I’ve heard such choice words before, but thank you for your courtesy.”

  All I could do was smile as we finally made it to her office. As soon as she opened the office door, the phone suddenly began to ring. She quickly moved around the desk, sitting down on the desktop and answering the phone.

  “This is Dr. Robinson…how can I help you?”

  As she continued her conversation on the phone, I just could not keep his eyes off her. Her exquisiteness was captivating to me as I stood there gazing at her crossed legs while she sat on the desk. Man, I tried to shake this intense feeling but her gorgeousness was intoxicating. I tried to keep my mind on my missing daughter, trying not to stare at her soft chocolate skin, but it was so damn hard to do. After a few minutes, she hung up the phone, turning toward where I was standing. When she did this, I got a decent glance at her. At that moment, I knew I had to have her.

  I thought, “Damn…she’s gorgeous, but now is not the time…I’ve got to find my daughter, then I’ll concentrate on her fine ass.”

  As she glanced back at me, I knew she could feel my lust wandering all over her body. She smiled slightly as she welcomed my attention. I remember in a recent conversation that she had not had anyone interest in her for months and I believe that although she knew that this situation was not the ideal time to be thinking about her needs, she still wanted it. All she could do was to stand up and stroll over to me, stopping in front of me, looking up at my face as she said, “I know what you’re thinking and I agree with you, but let’s find your baby first, than we can discuss where this can go.”

  I couldn’t believe it as I smiled realizing that she was thinking on my same wave link as I put my hands on her shoulders and replied, “That’s fair…you know I’m gonna hold you to that!”

  She smiled as she replied, “Naw…but I’ll hold YOU to that!”

  Several days passed since the girls ran away from the boarding school. While the police was out searching the area, I had my own investigation team out looking around, and checking the different establishments in the surrounding areas. Soon, the word was circulating around expeditiously about the daughter of an influential business tycoon and her friend who was missing. I received several calls from possible tipsters about the whereabouts of my daughter, but they all turned out to be just rumors or someone trying to get paid. Roscoe “Pimpin’ Jay” Jefferson had them concealed mysterious in his brothel, not letting anyone know that they had been in the city of Columbia and my daughter wanted it that way. None of my business associates in the area could find any trace of the girls in the city, which was extremely odd for a man of my strength and power. It seemed like to me that the people in this town were just not interested in aiding the Creole Mafia in finding one of its lost princesses. As the search was well into three weeks, I had to personally give up the search to get back to my business interests. I dispatched two of my best trackers to stay in the area to continue the search for my daughter and her friend as I traveled back to Kansas City. Before I left the area, I made sure to make a special visit to see Dr. Robinson.

  As my limousine turned into the driveway of Sandra’s house, I thought, “I hope she doesn’t mine me just stopping by unannounced.” “I’ll just come up with some type of excuse to get in!” I instructed my driver to stay in the car as I opened the door and stepped out the car. As I was about to stroll up to the front of her house, I noticed someone standing in the yard. The sight was marvelous as I witnessed Sandra bending over, wearing a pair of blue denim hot pants and a red tube top. She was barefooted with her feet pedicure and looking enormously sexy. She stood up and slowly turned around as she continued watering her plants. Man…I slowly walked up to her and then stood there gazing at her bootylicious ass. When she finally noticed me, she just
began to smile as she motioned for me to come on the porch. “Wow,” I thought as I just licked my lips as I immediately walked up the steps to the porch to greet her. I remember I was drooling at her as she put down the water can, staring at her large mammaries trapped in her tight tube top.

  “One slight movement and those titties will bust out of that damn top,” I thought as her breast just jiggled at the slightest movement.

  She looked up at me as she began to speak, “Mr. Laurie…I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting to see you today…I look a mess…please let me go inside and get presentable.”

  As she tried to open the screen door to go into the house, I quickly stepped in front of her, looking down at her straight in her eyes as I replied, “What are you talking about sexy momma, you don’t need to change nothing…maybe we should just go in and make ourselves more comfortable.”

  She looked up at me with a surprise expression on her face as she responded, “What do you mean…more comfortable?” “I’m sorry Mr. Laurie…I don’t quite understand.”

  I looked at her as I slowly reached down, putting my hands on the sides of her face, pulling her up to kiss me. At first, she tried to resist as our lips made a luscious connection, but when I stuck my tongue into her mouth, she did not hesitate to receive it as she immediate allowed hers to enter into mine. I could tell the kiss felt so good to her as she found herself now embracing me and pulling me closer to her. We continued to kiss for what seemed like an hour as I slowly moved her closer to the screen door. As I pushed her backward, I simultaneously opened the door, than I quickly picked her up and carried her into the house, closing the door behind us. Although she may have felt that I should have been concentrating on my missing daughter, she could not resist my persistent approach. Every time she tried to speak on the issue I’d kiss her or touch her in such a manner that she just succumbed to my luscious passion. I broke the kiss and stepped back, slowly removing my cloths as she stood there, watching me. She began to smile as I was now sitting in the chair in the living room, wearing only my briefs. She strolled over to where I was sitting and stood in front of me, than she turn her back facing me, with her arms to her sides. I just laughed as I quickly stood up, sliding my hands over her shoulders and then down to her tube top. As my hands moved down to her breast, I couldn’t help but notice her tensing.


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