Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel Page 18

by Red Snapper

  She looked up at me with her arms crossed as she replied, “I just going to ask you one time…were you involved with this murder?”

  By now, I was getting furious as she stared at me waiting for me to give her an answer.

  “Why are you asking me questions like this?” “If I was involved…that’s MY fuckin’ business!” “This is where I draw the line!”

  She turned her back toward me for a brief second then she quickly turned back around as she replied, “It becomes MY fuckin’ business when it involves a member of my family.” “You see that woman…the one who was in that hotel, in the Presidential Suite was my baby sister Carissa!” “NOW SHE’S DEAD!” “WHY IS SHE DEAD ANDREW…WHY IS MY BABY SISTER DEAD?”

  When she told me this news, I was distraught. For the first time in my life, my business touched someone who I cared about. I couldn’t admit to her that I was responsible for the death of her sister, although she had an ideal that I was. I had to come up with a way to calm her down.

  “Sandra…Let me find out who did this…give me a chance to make this right!”

  She glanced at me with an evil expression on her face as she could see the lie all over me. She knew the type of business I was involved in and she knew the way she was murdered, that it was an execution.

  “My sister’s lifestyle was not the kind that I approved of but she was still my baby sister.” “You see Andrew…she told me that she had something to tell me.” “She kept telling me that she had some information about two missing students from my school and that she could help me get them back if I would help her with a few dollars.” “Of course…I didn’t want to give her the money but I wanted to help these young girls to get back to their families.” “Yesterday she called me and said that her boyfriend was missing and that she needed to give me the names of the missing young girls, but before she could give me the names, she suddenly disappeared and finally ended up in that hotel.” “Then something strange happened two days prior.” “I got this letter in the mail from Carissa.” On the back it read, “Do Not Open unless it was An Emergency.” “Yesterday when I received the call from the Coroner’s Office telling me that my sister was the victim in a homicide and if I could identify the body, I knew I had to open the letter.” “So I did and you know what names were revealed in that letter?” “The names of Tangie Laurie and LaVette Reynolds were written there.” “She also stated in the letter that they were involved in a call girl scam with some pimp named “Pimpin’ Jay” and that they were living in the Presidential Suite in the Grand Hotel.”

  After she said all of that…I knew she had me. It was too bad because now I had to do something that I did not want to do…I had to take her out. Immediately I walked up to her and said, “Damn…I don’t know what to say…I guess…I owe you an explanation.”

  I looked down in her watered eyes as she stood in front of me. I knew she loved me and I had to calm her down, get her off guard so I could shut her up. I just didn’t know if she would take this to the police and of course, I couldn’t take that chance. So I did what I had to do.

  I glanced at her perky sweet lips as I took a chance and pressed my lips on hers. She accepted my kiss, which surprised me as we French kissed for what seemed like hours. After our kiss, I knew I had to get her mind focused on me and to keep her from thinking about her sister. She looked up at me and said, “I know you had something to do with it but, you got me twisted.” “I’m in love with you Andrew and I have to choose whether to keep you in my life or turn you in to the authorities.”

  I didn’t say a word as I began to kiss her once again, this time with more intensity. She closed her eyes as our tongues danced together in unison. After our kiss, she pulled me down the hall toward the bedroom. When we went into the bedroom, she closed the door with a soft click. My eyes attempted to adjust to the darkness while she pushed and pulled me onto her king-sized bed. I didn't realize what she was doing until my wrists were already secured above my head. She was working on my left ankle when I began to resist, her head snapped up and she gave me a look that stilled me immediately. I didn't really know what her game was but she made it clear she was in charge and that scared me to no end.

  She finished securing my legs and left enough play for me to move about six inches in either direction. My hands however were held tightly together at the headboard. She looked up at me and again as she smiled with a sinister expression on her face. I knew I was in trouble as she could tell I was still in a bit of shock after all this was way out of character for her.

  She held my gaze as she moved to straddle my waist. Immediately I felt her warmth on me and glanced down to confirm she wasn't wearing panties. I was immediately thrown at the discovery that she was shaved, which was really unusual. I felt a surge in my groin and saw her try to hide a smile. She knew what she was doing and the fact that such simple movements were already making me squirm excited her. She saw no sense in mindlessly undoing each button and instead in one swift motion ripped my shirt open. She heard me mouth an expletive under my breath and laughed as she ran her hands over my chest, hard, warm, with a light covering of dark hair. She gazed at my physique as she saw that I worked out and my physique showed it. Her hands moved down to my pants and deftly worked them down to my calves. She must have loved the feel of my thick muscles under her hands as she continued massaging my body glancing up whenever I uttered appreciation of her skills. When she had me good and relaxed, she moved off me and stood up over me.

  I continued to watch her intently anxious to know what was next, I wasn’t prepared for the show she was about to give and I was concerned that she was going to use my vulnerable state to get her revenge. Suddenly she began to dance, moving her body in an undulating rhythm to the Ohio Players music. She seductively teased her halter top open taking the straps from the back of her neck, loosening then, allowing the cups to fall, and revealing her near perfect breasts. Her swollen mounds of chocolate flesh between her fingers, taunting her nipples until they were hard. I licked my lips wanting them in my mouth as she continued the dance, finally ridding herself of the binding restraint. Turning around she bent over to release her stockings giving me a full view of a perfectly dark pussy begging to be fucked. If I wasn't hard before, I sure as hell was now. I started to pull at the tight holdings, needing to touch her. Left in only her stockings she slowly wound herself down with the music, brushing her Afro to the side she lowered lip-gloss lips onto my hot throbbing dick.

  At her first touch, I nearly came off the bed as her mouth was so warm and soft, moving maliciously slow down the length of my shaft. I could see her swallow every inch as she moved to thrust into that sweet tunnel. She reached up and lightly raked sharp red fingernails down my chest in warning. She was driving me to madness, watching her wet lips and tongue slide up and around and down my throbbing hard dick. I wasn't used to taking the back seat in our sexual sessions although I wasn't going to complain tonight. I must admit, it was like she was giving me my last hoorah as she slid her fingers up between my legs, kneading gently the taut skin below my dick. My eyes rolled back at the new sensation, she watched me reveling in the unexpected pleasures she was demonstrating. I could tell her own fire had begun to build at my excitement.

  I know she had to feel the wetness between her legs growing as she hastened back to her task of driving me crazy. She knew I couldn't stand being restrained but it stimulated her even more. She picked up the pace of her oral assault taking me deep into her throat. She moved her other hand so that it slid up and down with her mouth, leaving no ground uncovered. All I could do was try to move, fighting desperately the urge to fuck her naughty little mouth. She swallowed me several more times before she slowed down not wanting to end the delicious torture too soon. Painstakingly she took her mouth from me and slid her body up the length of me, tearing from me a low groan at the feel of her satin smooth skin against my sweaty torso. Leaning close to my face, she brushed her sweet lips across mine, smiling at my futile effort to
capture her with my tongue. So helpless I was she could see the veins in my arms as I was straining against her love ties. Although this felt good, I still felt like she was going to kill me. She sat up, spreading her legs wide to straddle my waist once again. She leaned back grabbing the tops of my thighs and lowered herself on top of me. As soon as she leaned back I prepared myself for the inevitable, I felt the head of my dick pressing against her most luscious cunt. I could see clearly her moist lips widening to accept my dick and frantically bucked underneath her. I needed to be inside, I just wanted to bury himself deep into her but it was all her. She paced herself rhythmically, taking enough of me to fill her but not as much as I wanted and she knew it.

  After several moments of riding her hog-tied slave, she altered her position and slid one hand between her slippery lips to feel me sliding in and out of her. She guided her fingers around the base of my dick and savored the sensation of her honey coating me. When I felt her hands on me again I pushed upwards and caught her off guard, pushing a little deeper hitting her G-Spot inside her and made her eyes widen. She had been slowly building to her release and the feel of my manhood pressing into her tender flesh sent an electrical lightening coursing through her body. She removed her fingers from me and began to ply her most sensitive area. Circling her clit with her middle finger, using light pressure, she felt the dizzying heat began to bubble beneath her skin. I just watched her in amazement, her tight body glistening with sex, driving down upon me with calculated motions, directing her body toward a blissful finale. I was merely a toy, to be used, played with and I loved every minute of it. My own orgasm was fast approaching and I could be still no longer.

  Her breathing was quickening in tune to her nimble fingers, her pussy tightening around my now straining dick; she was still in control, pumping me repeatedly. I pushed into her as much as I could from my confined position, meeting her writhing body. She began to unravel, tossing her head back, crying out my name, “ANDREW ANDREW!”

  I felt her quickening on top of me as she had to have more. She barely heard the tearing over the sound of her own cries and our rapid breathing but she definitely felt my now free strong hands when I grabbed her ass and then I flipped her onto her back driving into her, filling her completely. Coming all over me, engulfing me in her sweet sex, my name torn from her throat, I pulled out my dick as I poured my seed into her navel. After this, we fell breathless on the bed as we lay for several minutes. After making sure she was asleep, I slowly turned and straddle her as she was now lying on her back. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me with such a sensuous expression on her face. I smiled at her as I slowly put my hands on her shoulders, slowly inching them up to her collarbone and finally to her pretty little neck. I looked at her as I said, “Baby…I love you but this is business…you understand!”

  After I said that, I just began to strangle her pressing as hard as I could preventing air in her larynx. She shook under my body with such a strong force, her arms beating my back and her legs kicking as her beautiful eyes were now bucked out of her head watching the love of her life squeezing all of the life out of her. After a few minutes, I felt her larynx crush as she soon gave in as all of her life was now gone from her sweet body. I sat up as I gazed at her beautiful physique shaking my head as this thought came to me as I got off the bed, “What a fuckin’ waste of a woman…I had to do this shit.” “It was either I go to jail or she die.” “So guest what…she had to DIE!”

  I stood up dressing myself as I grabbed the letter that was on the dresser, went in the bathroom, wiped my shit clean, finish dressing and left the house. My chauffeur immediately opened the door, allowing me to freely enter into the limousine. As the limousine began making its way away from the house, I glanced across to the seats directly in from of me where Roscoe was sitting.

  I immediately spoke to him saying, “So…now I guess it’s time to deal with you.” “What should I do with you…HUH?” “What should I do with a man whose been fuckin’ my daughter?”

  He just looked at me as he replied, “Don Laurie…I’m prepared to give you a considerable amount of my assets if we could just work this out please…can we work together?”

  I stared at him smiling as I replied, “How much money is pussy bringing in these days?”

  Roscoe laughed as he answered, “Well…Don Laurie…the pussy business is extremely prosperous.” “There’s plenty of bread for all of us if you let me handle it for you in this area.” “How does 30 percent sound to you?”

  I laughed as I looked at him and replied, “Thirty percent…what the fuck you think this is?” “You get seventy percent?” “I think you better do the math again because I see me getting one-hundred percent and YOU getting nothing…what the fuck you think?”

  I could tell by the expression on his face that he didn’t like the deal, but considering the dilemma that he was facing and if he wanted to live through this day, he knew he’d better corporate, because he had no choice in the matter. He glanced down at the floor of the car for a brief second, and then he fixed his eyes on me with his answer, “Don Laurie…I accept your gracious offer of you receiving tribute of one-hundred percent and me keeping nothing.”

  I glanced over at my Consigliere as he shook his head in the affirmative as I smiled. The limousine continued to make its way downtown as I thought, “The ONLY reason you ain’t dead yet is because of my Tangie…Keep fuckin’ with me and I’ll get you soon enough sucka!”

  Chapter 13 – Tangie

  August 1988

  The Laurie Mansion

  Olathe, Kansas

  I filled my glass with ice cubes and poured sweet tea over them. As I strolled around the kitchen, I tried to come to grips with my problem. I just kept telling myself, by the time, I finished my tea; I would have made my decision, once and for all. But as I drank the tea, the ice cubes melted and became tepid water, and I continued to sit at the counter with my mind vacillating. After sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, Big Momma came into the kitchen with Sonja. I looked up and smiled at my Grandmother as she made her way over to the refrigerator. Sonja just stood there by the entrance staring at me. I glanced over at her and said, “What’s yo problem?” She just shook her head back and forth as she replied, “I’m not the one with a problem…you need to look at yourself!”

  I quickly stood up as I began to stroll toward her, “What did you say?” “What are YOU talkin’ about?”

  My Grandmother immediately intervened as she said, “What is wrong with you two?” “Every since you've been back here you two have been at each other’s throats!”

  I looked over at my Grandmother and let it all hang out, “I don’t like the way she looks at me and LaVette…like she trying to judge somebody or something!”

  Sonja crossed her arms as she responded, “I’m not judging nobody…I just want you to show me some respect.”

  I laughed as I replied, “RESPECT…just cuz you fuckin’ my Papa don’t mean I’m supposed to treat you like my momma!” “Bitch you is craaazzy….!”

  Before I could finish my words, my Grandmother turned me around to face her and slapped me straight on my right cheek, knocking me down to my knees. The pain from her slap scorched in my face as I glanced up at her feeling totally embarrassed. I got up and immediately ran out of the kitchen as my Grandmother tried to stop me as she called out to me, “TANGIE…Tangie GET BACK HERE GIRL!”

  I totally ignored her as I ran up the winding stairs and down the long hallway toward my bedroom. I ran in the room, slammed the door and jumped on the bed. I thought to myself, “I’m twenty-two years old and they still want to treat me like a damn child.” “I need to get out of here before Papa gets back here.”

  As I finished my thought, I heard my Papa’s limousine pulling into the driveway. I immediately ran to the window to look outside. It was now pulling in under the foyer, as I ran out of my room and down the stairs. As I was running down to greet my Papa, LaVette came out of the guest bedroom and sa
id, “Tangie…is everything alright?”

  I didn’t stop as I continued making my way down the stairs toward the living room. As I finally made to the foyer to greet my Papa, Sonja was already there, hugging my Papa. I stood there watching her in his arms, watching her act like she was the fuckin’ woman of the house. I stood there with my arms crossed as I cleared my throat. As soon as I did that, my dad looked over at me and said, “Hey…there she is…come over here and greet your old man!”

  As I quickly ran over to my Papa, I hugged him tightly as I glanced over his shoulder at Sonja. She looked at me with a rude expression as I gave her a sinister one. She was pissed off and I didn’t care as I kissed my Papa on the cheek. She began to walk away as LaVette came into the foyer. She looked at her with a shitty expression as she strolled toward my now approaching Grandmother. I watched her as she stopped to talk to my Grandmother, it was strange but I noticed her slowly caressing my Grandmother’s left hand as she stood there talking to her. As my Papa ended our embrace to turn around to greet Grandma, Sonja quickly removed her hand from her.

  “Andrew darling…it’s good to have you back!” “I hope you’ll have time to attend your daughter’s homecoming swaray this evening.”


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