Dirty Little Secrets: A Stepbrother Romance

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Dirty Little Secrets: A Stepbrother Romance Page 26

by Landish, Lauren

Checking the plane, I immediately saw that the pontoon with one of the cases of food was gone. The other was scraped, and I could see holes in the aluminum walls, but I had a good feeling. I hurried over and pulled open the hatch to see the one case still there, although the crash had split open the cardboard outer box. Still, we had a food supply, and more importantly, I had a way to heat water for Robin. Grabbing two of the meals, I made my way back inside, where Robin lay in her sleeping bag, her lips still a slightly cyanotic blue. “S-so c-c-cold,” she chattered. I hurriedly pulled the door closed behind me.

  “I know, Robin,” I said, rushing over to my bag. In the side pocket I found our canteen of water, one of only two we had. I had packed two filtration straws in our bags, expecting to be able to draw from the lakes. Still, I needed a way to get Robin warm, and this would help. Tearing open the heavy plastic envelope, I quickly pulled out the chemical heaters.

  Normally we used these for heating the food included in the ration kit, but I had an idea. I settled the heater into a cardboard sleeve that supposedly contained chow mein in a metallic envelope before adding just a bit of water. Soon, the packet was warm and bubbling, and I slid it under her head where the sleeping bag was thinnest. The bag was folded pretty tight, and I didn’t think it would leak out and burn her.

  Robin stared at me with her eyes not comprehending anything, and I knew I had to take desperate action. Training took over, and I pulled off my boots and stripped down to my thermal underwear before unzipping her bag.

  “I know this is going to feel weird, but I promise it’s just to help you be warmer,” I said, sliding in next to her while she shivered. “You’re in shock, and you need to stay warm.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I tried everything I could to not be aware of the fact that it was Robin in my arms. While I would’ve loved to do this before and tease her, this wasn’t a time for games. For years I fought my attraction to her, knowing that she would never agree to be mine, even though I could tell she liked me as more than a stepbrother. And while she won’t admit it, Robin has a pretty deep conservative streak in her, and the whole taboo element would probably put her off.

  Still, Robin was my dream girl, and there was no denying it. Tall, smart, with sensuous lips and eyes that bore deep into my soul, she had captivated me from the first time I laid eyes on her, back when our parents were first seeing one another. She was the girl I compared every woman I met with, and it was agonizing knowing that she would never be mine. My fellow soldiers always joked about my thing for tall brunettes, and I tried to ignore the fact that the ones I went after always resembled Robin.

  Holding her in my arms, I could feel Robin start to relax and her body mold itself to mine. She returned my embrace, snuggling until her head was tucked under my chin. “Thank you,” she said after a few minutes, her voice much calmer. “I know you must feel weird in your underwear here with me.”

  “You were in shock,” I replied, deflecting the comment. Yes, it was a little weird, but the truth of the matter was, it was something I’d thought about before, although under different circumstances, of course. “I did what I needed to do to get you warm and stable.”

  I held her for a few more minutes until I realized that, even with my greatest efforts at avoiding it, I was starting to get hard. Letting go, I unzipped the bag and rolled out, making sure to hide my crotch until my pants were safely on again. Between the regular underwear, the long underwear and the thick cotton twill of the pants, I could safely mask my arousal.

  “I want you to stay in the bag a while longer,” I said, trying to sound professionally detached and failing miserably, in my opinion. “I may have passed my combat lifesaver class, but I don’t have the equipment to run an IV on you or anything else. And I need you mobile in order to get out of here.”

  “Where is here?” Robin asked, and I thought I could hear a hint of regret in her voice at my letting go. I shook my head, focusing on the emergency at hand.

  “I’ll need to get a map to be sure, but we’re at least a hundred kilometers from where we were supposed to camp. The cockpit should have a map, although I don’t know if it’s a type I can easily read. But we are above the snow line, so we need to look for some sort of shelter and soon. The sun is going down, so I need to work quickly. I did see that we have one of the cartons of rations left, so food isn’t going to be our immediate problem. I’m more worried about water, honestly. We only have two liters left, and an orange soda from the cooler, if I remember right.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Robin said, sounding a bit worried, and she scooted until she was at least sitting with her back propped against the bulkhead, with the bag wrapped around her. “What can we get done?”

  “First priority is shelter, which we have,” I said, looking around the wrecked cabin of the plane. “It’s not great, but it’s a start. Second, food and water, which we have. Next, I’m going to try and see what I can do in the cockpit, find a map, maybe get the radio working. When I glanced in the first time, things looked pretty smashed up, so I don’t know what I can do.”

  I went to the door of the cockpit, pushing it open only to have it blown back in my face by the wind that had sprung up in the few minutes that I was outside. “You stay warm and calm. I’ll keep checking on you to make sure you’re okay, but I think the danger has passed. If you start feeling cold or dreamy again, yell for me.”

  “I will.”


  Wes shouldered the cockpit door open again, closing it behind him. In the muffled silence, I reflected on our situation. While I knew what Wesley told me was correct, I’m also a woman of action. I don’t like to sit around on my ass waiting for someone else to save the day for me, regardless of what the situation is. Worming my way over to my bag, I worked my arms out, opening the bag to find the skullcap that Wes had insisted I buy.

  At first I hated the idea of a week of ratty, knit hat hair, but now I thanked the gods for it. Reaching inside more, I pulled out the hooded sweatshirt he had allowed me to pack. Taking off my field jacket, I pulled it over my head before pulling the jacket back on. With four layers and my head now covered, I could feel the warmth stay in my limbs. I knew I had a set of gloves in the bag, but I didn’t want to worry about them for now.

  Rooting around more, I found what I was looking for, the multi-function camp knife that Wes had bought for me. Pulling out the four-inch folding blade, I looked at the seats around me. When I was in junior high school, my English class had bored the hell out of me, so I spent a lot of time at my desk surreptitiously reading books. In one of them, there was a short story that came to mind about a boy and his father trapped in a snowstorm on a school bus after a crash, and how he had saved his father’s life by cutting open the foam seats and creating a smaller, easily insulated pocket of warmth instead of trying to heat the whole bus.

  While the plane had only a dozen seats, far too few to fully wall off a section, I thought I might be able to at least create a more insulated ground layer for us to use if we had to stay the night.

  Cutting through the fabric shells, I started stripping out the seats farthest from the door, finding that the foam insulation easily peeled away from the frames once the shell was cut. I had stripped two of the seats when I heard Wesley come back into the cabin. “I told you to stay covered up and warm,” he said, moving next to me. “What are you doing out of the sleeping bag?”

  “Trying to stay warm and be useful at the same time,” I replied. Brushing a wisp of hair out of my eyes, I tucked it behind my ear and under the knit cap. “Unless you want to sleep on a freezing cold floor tonight.”

  Wesley studied me for a few seconds, appearing to be a bit taken aback, then nodded. “Okay. I guess the work will help you stay warm and alert anyway. I found a map, but the radio is smashed to hell—there’s no way I’m getting a signal out with it. That cracking sound right when we stopped was a boulder hitting the nose.”

  “What caused the pilot to crash?” I asked as I w
ent to work on the third seat. I gave Wes credit, he didn’t try to take over for me. He knew I could handle it and that I wanted to do it myself.

  Wesley shook his head in response to my question. “I don’t know, honestly. But I suspect a stroke. The guy didn’t look the part for a heart attack. I’ve got ten minutes of light at best, I think. I’m going to head outside and try to figure out where the hell we are on the map.”

  He gave me a look over and then went back outside, and I went back to work, getting another two seats stripped by the time Wesley came back in, his face grim.

  “I had to recheck it two times, but we’re in a pretty bad spot,” he said, making sure the door was sealed behind him. Going to his pack, he helped me strip the remaining five seats, tossing their cushions toward the pile I had already started next to where my sleeping bag was lying on the ground. “We’re not in a national or provincial park; we’re in unincorporated land, I think. Also, while there is a town only seventy-five kilometers away, it’s to the east of us, and between it and us is the highest part of the mountains. There’s no way we could cross that distance with the gear we have right now.”

  “So what’s the plan?” I asked as I began to arrange the cushions on the floor. I love puzzles, and this was an interesting challenge that kept my mind busy. It wasn’t perfect, but I was eventually able to jigsaw the cushions together into something that resembled, of all things, one of the cushion forts I used to make as a little girl. I kept the three cushions that would make the “roof” of the fort off for now, setting them aside until I had arranged the sleeping bags and mats. “What do you think?”

  Wesley looked over the arrangement, smiling good-naturedly. “I think you did pretty well, considering that this is your first plane crash. I doubt I could have done better myself, all things considered.”

  Laying out the bags, I found myself stumbling. I was worried at first, thinking that perhaps the shock or some other injury had taken away my balance, until I realized the main problem was that I couldn’t really see. The sun had gone down, and the inside of the plane was now very dark. “Uh, Wes? You think we can break out that LED lantern we brought? Assuming it’s here.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Wes replied, pulling my bag over to him and searching it efficiently. “It’s going to be a lot better illumination than my flashlight, that’s for sure. Ah, here we are.” Turning it on, the lantern cast a ghastly pale light around the wrecked cabin, but it was better than nothing. “I suggest we eat, then try to get some rest. We’re going to need it tomorrow.”

  “You still haven’t told me the plan,” I said, grabbing one of the two opened packets Wesley had used earlier to get heaters from. Taking a bite, I winced at the preserved metallic flavor of the rations, chewing as quickly as I could to get it down. The stuff was horrible. No wonder soldiers complained about military food all the time. “Next time, save the heaters and just climb into the bag with me first. This stuff is terrible when it’s cold.”

  Wes nodded and grinned, using the enclosed plastic spoon to scoop up what was supposed to be chicken with rice and mushroom gravy.

  “Sure. It might actually be good if we connected our bags tonight too. We can’t build a fire, and we don’t even have hot water or anything to use like that. Two bodies with those bags, though, will be a lot more comfortable than by ourselves. I promise I won’t bite. Unless you want me to, that is.”

  He was looking at me with that wicked smile of his. I was glad he was acting like his normal self. “Okay,” I said, a trifle too quickly, ignoring his last little comment and hoping that the lantern didn’t show my blush. It was hard to admit to myself, even after the plane crash, but I wanted Wes’s arms around me again. “I mean, if you think it will help. Now, what’s the plan?”

  “We’re going to have to hike out of here,” Wesley replied, pointing to the map. “You see this blue line? This was his flight path. But, I put us right about here,” he said. “Whatever it was that caused him to descend and crash, it hit a lot earlier than we realized. I’d say we’re close to ninety kilometers off of our intended course, in the high mountains and above the snow line. Any search party is going to have difficulty even finding us, and I doubt any search would even start for at least another day. The pilot was good, but he was a two-man operation, and his mechanic doesn’t come in on Sundays.”

  “So you don’t think we could survive until a search party finds us?” I replied, fear making my voice tight and strained. My throat felt like it was closing up, and I had to cough. “Others have done it.”

  “Yes, but we have a better option. Neither of us are badly injured, our gear is in decent shape, and we have food supplies. I spied a lake, which I think is the beginning of a chain. They curve around and lead to a huge lake called Williston Lake. We’re certain to find boaters or campers along that route. And since we’ll be going roughly downhill, we can cover the distance fast enough. I think that’s better than sitting here, hoping someone comes and finds us.”

  “Uh, no offense, Wes, but what about wild animals and stuff like that? I’ve heard some pretty scary stories about what lives up in this area.” I shivered as I thought of the tales I had read, of bears and wolves and even moose attacking and trampling humans. Yes, I am Apache, but even the Apache lived in the desert. Snakes and scorpions don’t frighten me as much as a mountain lion or a bear does.

  “We’ll make it. We have knives, we have means of making fire, and we have our packs. I just hope nothing is broken inside, especially our water filters.” Wes finished his main meal and opened the dessert, a bag of chocolate candies. “I seem to remember you favored the red ones best. You want to share?”

  I grinned and held out my hand. “Sure. And you can have half of this supposed oatmeal cookie they gave me.”

  We shared our desserts, then Wesley turned down the lantern to preserve the batteries. In the total darkness, I could see nothing, but could hear Wesley breathing. “Uh, this might be the time to strip down,” he said, a quaver in his voice. I felt the same quaver in my stomach, and kept my mouth shut. “The heat sharing works a lot better if we’re in just our long underwear. And I’ve slept in a field jacket before, the zippers tend to chafe.”

  I could feel my heart speed up as I heard Wesley do as he said, the rustling and familiar sounds of a belt being undone and clothes being pulled off seemingly loud in the pitch black cabin. I wondered for a second if he was just trying to get me half-naked, but honestly, even if he was, I didn’t care.

  I listened for a minute before following suit, until I was down to the silk long underwear, panties, and light sports bra I had worn for the flight. Feeling around, I found the entrance to my sleeping bag and slid inside, shivering already in the cold of the cabin. Wesley followed the sound, only bumping me once as he worked his way into his own bag and pulled the roof cushions on top of us.

  “Another thing,” Wesley said as he laid down. “I didn’t tell you before, but the pontoon that had the food we lost also had our big tent. We may have to build our own shelter once we move on.”

  “Can you do it?” I said, wrapping my arms around Wes and feeling warmer already. “I mean, I know you can, but will we make it?” I already knew what his answer would be, but I needed to hear him say it.

  “We’ll make it,” Wesley said confidently, words he seemed to be using a lot lately. “We just need to hope for good weather. If it starts raining or snowing, it’s not going to be fun out here.”

  I felt myself drifting, nodding my head sleepily. I was exhausted, emotionally and physically. “Okay. I think I’m going to sleep now. Good night, Wes.”

  “Good night, Robin.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was sleeping or not, but I didn’t really care. I snuggled closer to Wesley and kissed his neck before realizing what I’d just done. It didn’t seem to faze him, though, and he didn’t say a word.

  Even as I lost consciousness and my dreams overtook me, I smiled as I heard Wes shifting, pushing his hips back. Still, despite his
best efforts, I could feel his cock poking into my hip, and for the first time in my life, I welcomed it.

  Chapter 4


  I knew I was dreaming. It was that type of dream where I felt like I was watching an old movie of my past. Wesley and I were about eighteen. It was a Saturday night, and we had stayed up late to watch a movie on HBO.

  “Wes, do we really have to watch a horror movie?” I asked as Wesley munched on caramel popcorn. Wes was already over six feet tall, although his face was still pretty smooth and he hadn’t filled out yet. “I mean, really?”

  “Oh come on, Robin, it’ll be fun,” Wesley replied, passing me the bowl of popcorn. “Besides, I didn’t say a thing when you made me sit through two hours of Sex In The City.”

  “Okay, but you have to get me a Coke before the movie starts,” Robin said in way of compromise. “And a real Coke, none of that Pepsi stuff that you like to drink.”

  “Good for me,” Wes said, bouncing off the couch and out of the family room. I could hear him half-running down the long hallway toward the stairs to the first floor, and I shook my head.

  By the time Wes got back, the first strains of the theme music were playing, and Wes quickly plopped down on the sofa. Within minutes, both of us were caught up in the story, and when the first gory death happened about fifteen minutes into the movie, I jumped, a small shriek coming out unexpectedly.

  Wes chuckled. “Come on, Robin, it’s only a movie. Tell you what, come over here and I’ll keep you safe.”

  “Ass,” I replied, scooting over toward him anyway. We jockeyed around a bit until stretching out on the couch, Wes behind me while I stayed in front. We filled almost the entire couch, but I felt comfortable and warm as the remaining seventy minutes of gore and death rolled by on the screen, before in the end, the monster was vanquished by the smart yet outcast heroine, who was of course remarkably beautiful for a teenage outcast.


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