A Life Less Ordinary

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A Life Less Ordinary Page 20

by Scarlett Cross

  “Okay, Aleksei, administer drug and we will go.” Ivan said and Aleksei passed him the pistol before pulling a second syringe, with a far larger dose of the drug, from his waistband. “Dmitri, you will not move. I do not threaten.”

  “I would much rather stay with them.” Dmitri said, eyeing the needle suspiciously. “Stay alive with them, I mean.”

  “You fucking moron. Russian Army will kill you if they find you, Dmitri.” Aleksei said, pausing as Dmitri pushed away from him, his back against the wall now, his eye still on the needle. “Just…we cannot take you with us if you are conscious. You cannot be trusted.”

  “Why would military kill me? Besides, would that not be end to all of this?” Something in his tone gave even Ivan pause, Dmitri almost sounded defeated. “Just let me stay here. I am tired. I want to rest.”

  “Good. This drug will make you rest.” Aleksei said and finally Ivan came past him in a rush, as one of the soldiers stirred. Before Aleksei could think, Ivan had grabbed the needle, jumped on the bed and stabbed it into Dmitri’s neck.

  “I fucking hate you, Ivan.” Dmitri slurred as he slumped over.

  “I do not exactly love you.” Ivan whispered, then hefted him up onto his shoulder. He glanced up and saw Yuri and Rosa watching, Rosa clutching her belly and growling. This was going to be a road-trip from hell, Aleksei could see it already.

  Chapter 55

  As ‘cluster-fucks’ went, Ivan would later say, the trip north was one of the worst. Rosa rode in the front, constantly tense and throwing angry glances over her shoulder at Dmitri, who was bound tightly but upright and conscious in the backseat. They had him gagged and blindfolded, but his occasional slurred words told them he’d noticed Rosa’s scent. At one point, Ivan reached back and punched him when he made a particularly crude comment, the bone in his nose making a satisfying crunch on impact.

  When they stopped for a bathroom break, on Rosa’s whimpered request, Ivan pulled Aleksei, who was waiting his turn to use the bushes ever so politely, around to the opposite side of the vehicle, a wary blue eye on Dmitri at all times. “Can you not give him another injection? Knock him out? His presence is stressing Rosa, it cannot be good for her in her…condition.” He whispered, cautiously, not wanting Dmitri to know she was pregnant, though from his comments Ivan knew Dmitri already suspected it.

  “No, Ivan, I can’t. He’s had too much of the drug as it is. I know you are different, both of you, but I can’t be sure just how different. Really, it’s not supposed to be used more than once in any forty-eight hour period.” He turned and glared as Dmitri kicked the door of the vehicle and glared at them from the opposite side. Ivan opened the door nearest him.

  “What in fuck do you want? You do not think I am going to untie you to piss do you? Nyet, I was not born yesterday.” Ivan snapped and Dmitri groaned, then said something and finally, annoyed at the muffled speech, Ivan yanked the gag out of his mouth.

  “Fine, then. I will piss in seat, see if fags like sitting in that.” He said and Ivan slammed the door shut so hard the window cracked and he turned his back on Dmitri.

  “We could just…leave him here.” Aleksei said, softly, as Yuri and Rosa joined him, ignoring Dmitri’s half-raging, half-pleading voice from inside the vehicle.

  “You know he will only hunt us down if we do, and then it will all start over again.” Ivan said, crouching and thinking. “But then again, in his condition and with no money and…maybe I will take his shoes, too…maybe he will not make journey to next…” He broke off and stiffened. “Helicopter. They have found us.”

  “Shit…what do we do? Do we leave him?” Yuri asked looking around at the nearly-bare scrub land.

  “Nyet. Get in and put seatbelts on. We are about to go off road.” Ivan said and everyone sprinted to their places, Dmitri still cursing and raging that he had to piss until Yuri slapped him.

  “Shut up asshole, we are trying to save your pathetic hide.” He snapped, then looked proud of his bravery, and why should he not? After all Dmitri had done to him, that had to feel good, Ivan knew, he smiled despite the seriousness of the situation, but said nothing, just winked at Yuri in the rear-view, making him blush furiously.

  Ivan flew through the scrub as fast as the vehicle would go, driving with skill no normal human being could possess. Several times the vehicle went airborne, all of them gasping, except Ivan, who was in perfect control, as they bumped into a rocky, mountainous region. Soon enough, the helicopters fell away and Aleksei noted this development. “Da, is test range out here…not to mention…people who come out here have tendency to die mysterious deaths. Locals and soldiers alike are very superstitious about these deaths. They will not return until they are forced to do so under direct order from whoever has put them on our trail.”

  Another hour, crawling slowly through the rough mountain passes, and it was beginning to get dark and cold. The sun had sunk behind the mountains a good while back and now Ivan and the others could hear the vehicle beginning to sputter. “We are running out of gas.” Dmitri said, flatly. “We are running out of gas and you have us lost in one of most deadly places on planet.”

  “Only deadly if you do not know what you are doing. Now we must walk.” The vehicle died just as he said this and everyone, minus Dmitri, whose hands were still tied, piled out, glad to be rid of the uncomfortable seats after bouncing along. Yuri and Aleksei were wrapped around each other for warmth and the growling Rosa eyed Dmitri with suspicion as he sat quietly in the vehicle, awaiting their decision. “We have choice,” He opened Dmitri’s door so that his half-brother could hear them talking, then continued. “We can leave him here, tied up, and he will be dead before morning. Or, we can take him with us and tolerate his presence.”

  “Third option.” Dmitri said, softly, he really did sound weak, but then the rest of them had eaten and had water all day, he had refused both, foolishly. “You could just shoot me now. Save me horror of…of whatever it is up here that kills people.”

  “It crossed my mind, but I do not like caged hunts. Nyet. I think you will come with us. I cannot take risk that you are just too ugly and they will leave you alone. Then you might tell army which way we went.” Ivan pulled him out and he stood, a little shakily, then stretched, his back popping loudly. “But, you fuck with me and I will shoot you. You even look at Rosa and I will feed you your own balls. Am I clear?”

  “Da,” Dmitri smirked, then added. “Crystal.” Yuri lashed out, hitting him hard across the face before Aleksei could drag him away, scolding him gently.

  Chapter 56

  Dmitri stumbled and went down on one knee with a groan, and Ivan turned and looked at him in disgust. He glared right back at Ivan, “You try walking with hands bound behind your back. Is not easy to balance. My boot is untied and keeps tripping me up.”

  “You make excuses like pussy.” Ivan snorted, then glanced at the other two. “Get him up and tie his boot. I will not have his hands untied around her, not even for tying boot.”

  “Or taking piss, apparently.” Dmitri was still irritated. Ivan had actually forced him to let the fag, the one that was a doctor, he refused to acknowledge the doctor by name, help him relieve himself. To be fair, the doctor hadn’t been any more thrilled than he, as he was fairly ripe from days of having not showered. Then Ivan had told him, in confidence while the fags watched over the whore that if he didn’t look out Yuri was apt to break his ass in. When Dmitri had countered he’d kill Yuri, Ivan laughed and said, how can you kill him if your hands are tied?

  Since then, Dmitri had behaved himself, but he knew it was all an act, just until they let their guard down. Then he’d start slitting throats and take the bitch as his own. He missed her, she was a damn good fuck and it had been nice, having a woman trained to do his bidding. After spending time with her, he wondered why he’d ever bothered hunting bar slags in the first place.

  Dmitri also knew when Ivan said ‘her’ he was referring to the little bundle of Spanish fury asleep on his bac
k in a makeshift sling he’d admirably thrown together without stopping. Her head was resting on his shoulder and, once, when Dmitri had gotten close, he had heard her snoring. A sound he was quite familiar with, though he’d beaten her for it several times, if it bothered him. Now, he burned with jealousy, suspecting she was pregnant, wondering who the lucky man was, believing Ivan was as sterile as he, Dmitri, was.

  When his boot was tied, they continued on, turning up a path that was both steep and dangerous, and here, Dmitri was further reminded of his bondage. He did all he could to stay upright on the loose stone but still fell many more times before they reached a very clearly man-made cave. Or at the very least, he thought as he looked at the ancient paintings near the cave opening, touched by the hands of men. The moon was full and beginning its ascent into the sky and just as they were entering the cave something gave an inhuman screech outside and Ivan stopped.

  Dmitri stood, looking down at the knees of his pants which were wet with blood from his many falls on the sharp and uneven rocky ground. Had they been any color but black, it would have been even more obvious, but from the way he heard his other pet, Yuri, sniffing, he knew at least one of the two bitches had scented him. A thought occurred to him as they stood there, his evil mind turning. Maybe he’d force his male bitch to rape the female, when he took over, ah, and make its fag lover watch. That was such a happy thought he actually chuckled before he could stop himself. Bristling at the sound, Ivan stopped and blocked all forward progress.

  “You are welcome to wait here, Dmitri. They have picked up your scent…you are only one who is bleeding, you know.” The giant blonde said, giving his own evil laugh. How could they think he was any better than them, after what he’d done in Africa? Dmitri longed to howl out this injustice many, many times over the past few hours but now, as a wholly unpleasant feeling washed over him, as if something dangerous was very near, he said nothing of it. Instead he replied very simply.

  “Fuck you,” he snarled, and another screech, closer this time, made him edge closer so that Ivan drew up to his full height and tensed up, putting as much of himself between Dmitri and Rosa as he possibly could. “Can we just…move on?” Dmitri asked, peering over his shoulder and into the moonlit canyon, nervously.

  “I want you to see, Dmitri. I want you to know what is out there in case you decide to get foolish and try to escape. Do not think that running by day is any better. These…things…do not sleep.” Ivan said, and then when Rosa woke at an even closer and almost ear splitting shriek she cowered. “Keep head down, beautiful one. Yuri, Aleksei, get behind me, now.”

  They didn’t waste any time, because now they could hear something moving stealthily along the rocks, coming right up the path behind them. Then it became apparent there was more than one and, when one of them appeared in the mouth of the cave Yuri had to clamp his hand over Aleksei’s mouth to keep him from crying out. Whatever it was, it looked like a demon or devil from a horror story, though it had long-clawed hands and feet. Something like a cross between a werewolf and a lizard, because from what could be seen in the darkness, it didn’t appear to have a hair on it. It did not pass the mouth of the cave, but it did let out a screech that Dmitri swore had damaged his hearing before Ivan blasted it with a bright flash of light from his torch, which he had used sparingly until just then. It recoiled, howling as if in pain, a flash of reddish-orange eyes, and then it disappeared.

  “Now that you have seen what is behind, let us move ahead.” Ivan said, rather calmly, and turned, continuing onward into the cave.

  “Ivan…” Aleksei said, his voice was actually trembling with fear and, to be honest, Dmitri hadn’t said a word because he knew his voice would be shaky too and he wasn’t about to show weakness in front of these pussies. All he could do was wonder what the thing he’d seen standing outside the mouth of the cave was. He kept asking himself this, over and over, along with could the strange creatures be killed and did he dare run?

  Chapter 57

  Ivan turned left into a large antechamber and walked over to the wall, keeping the flashlight turned off, moving as if he knew exactly what he was looking for. “Dmitri, can you help for moment?” he asked as Rosa scurried off to stand with Aleksei and Yuri, who pulled her into their warm huddle. It was freezing in the cave, and they had no blankets or food, nor did they have any way to start a fire. As soon as Dmitri was close enough, Ivan grabbed him and forced something around his neck, locking it in place and then moving away to avoid any kicking.

  “Ivan…you…this…” Dmitri’s rage exploded and he twisted and tugged as Yuri snickered and Aleksei stared in silent horror. Ivan illuminated the situation, displaying a chain attached to a collar now firmly locked around Dmitri’s neck. The chain, rusted with age, was attached to a thick ring set into the very stone of the cave’s wall.

  “I will untie your hands if you will sit down and behave. We will not be here long, but I bet you would like move your arms.” Ivan said, and Dmitri stilled in his struggling. Ivan untied his hands, as promised, and then backed away and left him in the antechamber, moving to another, directly across the hall. As soon as everyone was out, Ivan fiddled around the door a moment and a barred gate dropped with a loud clang. “There. Now even if he gets free, he cannot run.”

  “Ivan…how did…what is this place?” Aleksei asked softly as he dragged a snickering Yuri away from the bars. He was taunting Dmitri by barking at him, and that could do none of them any good. “Ivan?”

  Ivan had already fallen down on the soft, sandy floor of the adjacent chamber, and Rosa was curled up against him, her back to him. “Everyone pile up, it will get cold in here tonight.” He ordered and, after a brief struggle, Aleksei placed himself between Yuri and Rosa. He was acting unusually, and Ivan noted it, wondering why he was suddenly so keen on getting near her. She had been quiet, weepy even, not at all herself. He worried, but he said nothing to the others, or her. This was not the time or place. “This was cave slavers used once to hide their captures until they could be picked up by air lift. I found it when I was…hunting…once.”

  “Hunting,” Yuri yawned. “Right.”

  Chapter 58

  The following morning, Dmitri was the first to stir. The chain attached to his collar jingled as he woke with a start, his feet kicked out in the soft soil. He sat up, his eyes not on the large bearskin cover that had been carefully, and stealthily, laid over him but at the four men seated around a campfire built in between the two rooms, right in the middle of the corridor. “Hey, hey help me.”

  Ivan woke with a grunt, then, and smiled at the feel of the warm furs that had been placed over them, this was a good sign. The rock people were still here, and they were being unofficially accepted. He knew that being officially accepted was not so simple, as he tucked the blanket around Rosa, whose head was on Aleksei’s back, and walked out to the campfire.

  “You have come back.” One of the older men observed. “It was foretold, as was evil you bring with you.” The man motioned towards Dmitri, who was staring at him sullenly, with what looked suspiciously like a human thigh-bone. “You know what has to happen, if you want sanctuary among our people?”

  “Da, I know.” Ivan said, taking a seat among them.

  “That one,” another of the four said, “He bears great evil. It devours his heart, is in his blood. He would kill you and hurt your woman if he could. I do not believe I ever have seen man with so much rage in his heart.”

  “He is very sick…I brought him here hoping….” Ivan said and the third man spoke.

  “Again, if you wish sanctuary, this must be done. You are seeking this, are you not? Men in green with sticks that kill with fire…they have been spotted. Two were taken by Others...now they will come back in force, and more will be taken. But you cannot stay here if they find cave…you are not safe, yes?” This the fourth man said.

  “Yes. I need to protect woman and child…” Ivan said and all four heads turned towards the room where Rosa slept.

>   “There is woman, but no child. She has lost it, did you not know?” The first man said and a shock of pain with through Ivan so great that the second man laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry, I should have let her tell you. Let me take her to village, her soul at least, is clean. Rest of you can use hot springs to clean up, be prepared. We will come for you when ritual chamber is ready. And Ivan…” how this man knew his name, Ivan had no idea. “The evil one…he must agree to this. We cannot cleanse him by force.”

  “Yes, I know.” Ivan said and then closed his eyes. When he opened them both the four men and the fire were gone. As was Rosa. Yuri stirred and then shot to Ivan in a panic. “Is okay, Yuri, I know where she is, and she is safe. Safer than we are about to be.”

  “What in hell…where did they go? There were four…I turned head for moment and….” Dmitri’s face had gone so pale he looked apt to faint. “They gave us blankets and…and water…”

  “Da, they are friendly. Come, Dmitri, they have given us leave to use hot spring to wash up. You are going to go first.” Ivan said, standing and opening the gate. Much to Dmitri’s chagrin, he was led like a dog, which set Yuri to barking at him and Aleksei had to drag him away when Dmitri lunged. This time, Yuri didn’t back down and had Ivan and Aleksei not had a good hold on both, there would have been a messy fight.

  “Where is hot spring?” Dmitri asked as they walked down a narrow passage that sloped slightly and had clearly been worked by human hands into a very unnatural tunnel with an arched ceiling that barely accommodated Ivan’s height. “Ivan what is this….oh…”


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