The Alien and The London Escort

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The Alien and The London Escort Page 4

by A. M. Knightley

  Moffatt stood up and in the corner of my eye I saw him stroking himself, watching me slowly ride his friend. I could still taste Grant’s cum on my tongue, but as Moffatt approached, his cock hardening quickly, I turned my head and opened my mouth to take him in—it would be fun, I thought, comparing the two. Moffatt was thicker but not quite as long as Grant; the pre-cum that started to flow from his cock almost immediately tasted sweeter. Grant thrust deeper and deeper inside of me, and I cried out with Moffatt’s cock between my lips as his fingers found my clit and started rubbing and stroking, sending tingling jolts of pleasure through my body.

  In a matter of moments, my pleasure was mounting again, and I was getting closer and closer to my second orgasm of the night. I had never much liked sex—I’d always been too worried about what a man might think of me, or what might happen next, to ever get into it. But knowing that I’d never see these two men again, made it so easy for me to stay in the moment. Moffatt’s cock began to jerk and twitch between my lips, while Grant started thrusting into me harder and faster, his fingers rubbing my clit steadily until I was moaning over and over again, riding him as hard as I could.

  My second orgasm was even more intense than the first—I was barely aware of the feeling of Grant’s sticky-slick heat shooting into me, or even the taste of Moffatt’s cum filling my mouth and coating my tongue as I swallowed down every last drop. Everything went black and I kept moving until I simply couldn’t anymore; I couldn’t even say when the three of us stopped.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning I made my exit, creeping out of the apartment before either of the men woke up. I had to get to the place where the return capsule would be—I was under a strict deadline. I was sore all over; I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and of course I had never had so much sex in one night in my entire life. I was grinning to myself though, in spite of the early hour and in spite of the ache in my hips and the tenderness between my legs. The rest of my life, I would have the memory of that night to enjoy—and the secret of knowing that Miriam the prude was a little more daring than her friends would ever think.

  I pulled the address out of my purse and checked it; I was at the warehouse where the capsule would be. Past Present Future had set up way stations, as they called them, throughout the popular time periods. Since their business was booming, they were expanding through time—finding the time periods people wanted to go and setting up automated capsules there, hidden away where only those in the know would find them.

  They had bought up properties and kept them for the express purpose of returning travelers back to their proper time; I had heard on the news that they were working on a way to set up stations in time periods before humans had the concept of property—since there was a lot of scholarly interest in those times.

  I got into the warehouse okay, and made a beeline to the closet where I knew the time travel capsule would be. I pulled open the door—for a moment I was afraid that it wouldn’t be there, that I’d be stuck in the past—and saw the familiar features: the chair, the console, the little compartment in case I was sick. I laughed to myself as I got in, remembering The Chronicles of Narnia that I’d read as a child—Narnia had nothing on time travel.

  My hands were a little shaky as I started putting in the information to take me back to the time I had left. I was more tired than I thought—I shook my head to clear it and started over again. If I ended up in the wrong time, it would make a bunch of complications, Natalie had said. I punched in the information to return me back to my proper time and place, and sat back in the chair. In a moment, everything around me seemed to spin, a tingling kind of electricity filling my body.

  Once more I felt the grip of nausea—more intense this time than before. I closed my eyes, breathing slowly to try and keep hold of the contents of my stomach. It seemed to take longer than when I’d come back—for a moment I was scared out of my wits—but I told myself that it probably just felt that way, because the nausea was more intense.

  The feeling of movement stopped, and I opened my eyes. I stood quickly and opened the door—and nearly stumbled as I looked out on a completely foreign place. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked out on a lobby of cowed-looking humans, looking down at their feet, milling around a lobby that looked nothing like Past Present Future.

  What had I done? Had something I’d done in the past made a major change to the present? I staggered back into the capsule and sat down heavily. I couldn’t think of anything I could have possibly done—I had followed the scenario down to the T, and I hadn’t spoken to anyone, revealed anything about the time I’d come from. Had someone else, traveling at the same moment I had, done something?

  The blinking screen grabbed my attention. I looked at it, feeling numb dread, and as I stared, the date filtered through my confused, tired brain. I hadn’t been paying as much attention as I had thought. I had punched a different number at the end of the year—I was ten years ahead of the present. I was in the future!

  For a moment I felt a sick dread. Natalie had explained how much of a problem it could be if I didn’t end up back in my own time. But if it was the future, I thought, it should be okay to correct it—there should be someone there, where I’d arrived, to help me out. I was also a little bit curious; after all, it was the future—I could go back to the present with a little more knowledge of what things would be like.

  I got out of the capsule and looked around. It was so strange to me—there were tons of people, but they looked so grim, so downtrodden. What could have happened since my time, in only ten years, to make people so cowed?

  I couldn’t draw attention to the fact that I was from the past, but I had to know what was going on. I tried to orient myself, find a way to contact one of my friends. After getting lost a half-dozen times in a city that had grown up out of all proportion to what I knew, I finally found a store where I could get a phone, and tried my friend Mary’s number. It occurred to me as I was waiting for the call to connect that I had no way of knowing whether she would even have the same number. How would I get in touch with anyone?

  By some miracle, Mary picked up. “Okay, Mary, this is going to sound crazy,” I said.

  “Miriam? Is that you? Holy crap! Where are you?” I looked around.

  “I’m… I’m not sure. Look, this… this is going to sound crazy but I am actually not… I’m from the past.”

  “Oh god, that must be how it happened. Jesus. Okay, where are you? Describe it.” I looked around and told Mary everything I could see. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. One of the only good things about the last five years has been the public transportation. Stay right where you are.”

  I watched people moving around, all of them looking at the ground. Some of them came out of tubes—or at least they looked like tubes—and continued moving. Mary appeared out of one of the tubes and looked around for a moment. She rushed over to me. “Miriam! Oh my god I’m so glad you’re okay. Come on, we can get some privacy over here.” She led me into a café, and made a gesture; a barista brought what looked like a screen and set it around a table. “This looks mundane, but it will actually keep anyone from hearing us. Electromagnetic field.”

  “Okay—what’s going on? And what did you mean when you said ‘that must be how it happened’?”

  “You’re here from the past, right?” she asked and I nodded. “Okay. About five years ago, humans met aliens for the first time; they showed up in the skies, and announced that they came in peace.”

  “So why is everyone so grim and cowed?” I asked.

  Mary made a face, “Before you came here, you went to the past, right?” I nodded. “You had sex with a couple of college professors?”

  “How do you know about that?” I blushed.

  Mary took a deep breath and sighed. “It seems that… when the aliens came… They were interested in picking a human to clone, but not just any human. They wanted you Miriam.”

  "Me! Why?"

  "Apparently the aliens contact
ed the two professors you slept with to solve a problem the aliens were having on their own planet. The professors became good friends with the Thessalians, that's what we call the aliens, and told them about the threesome they had with you."

  “Those assholes!” My cheeks were burning. I could still feel the slithery, slick feeling of Dr. Moffatt’s and Dr. Grant’s cum inside of me.

  “Well, by some quirk, the Thessalians decided that they wanted to have threesomes too but you were the only one who would do. Only they couldn’t find you. No one could. So they started… genetic experiments. To create a clone that would be like you, to be their… concubine, I think they said?”


  “If it makes you feel better, from time to time they have also referred to you as the sex goddess or the threesome queen.”

  I blushed, “Wait. Wait. Why wouldn’t they just move on to someone else?”

  Mary shrugged, “The Thessalians are stubborn. It had to be you. So now they’re trying to reverse-engineer you—they got a picture of you and they’re snatching up women and men right and left trying to breed a perfect sex slave version of you.”

  I shook my head, “That’s insane! What do they even look like—the aliens I mean?”

  Mary grinned, “Actually, they’re kind of… well, hot. They look like humans, except I’ve heard they have two penises instead of one. Their skin is kind of gray, but they have two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes… all the regular bits and pieces, just a little odd looking.”

  “So… does this mean I never went back to my own time? It must.”

  “Everyone’s dreading what will happen if they can’t find a suitable replacement for you in the next six months. They’re losing patience—apparently it doesn’t normally take this long for them to genetically engineer what they want.”

  “So what will they do if they can’t have me?” I asked.

  Mary shrugged, “No one’s sure, but they haven’t released any of the women or the men they’ve taken up. It seems while you’re the ideal, they’re happy to 'practice' with plenty of other people in the meantime.”

  I shook my head, “So… what do you think I should do?”

  Mary looked at me for a moment in silence, “You have two choices: you can hide out, and hope for the best… but that will be hard. Your likeness has been circulated to all the authorities on the planet. Or… and I only say this because it’s starting to get really tense… you could turn yourself in.”

  “But… they’d… want to…”

  “They’d probably want to take you sexually, yeah. In fact, it's not probable it's why they are looking for you. To have sex with you. Threesomes. That would be four dicks in their case! Once they are sure that you are the Threesome Queen, they’d take your genes and I guess make a few dozen of you.”

  I shuddered, “I can’t imagine… a few dozen clones of me, forced into sex slavery… it’s… that’s horrific.”

  Mary nodded, “But from what I understand, they engineer it so the slaves enjoy it. They have some pretty sophisticated tinkering.”

  “So in order to save the human race… I have to screw a bunch of aliens.” Mary smiled wryly and nodded. “This is… it’s ridiculous.” I added.

  “If you decide to go that route, could you let me turn you in? There’s a big reward,” she said.

  I laughed, “I don’t really have a choice do I? I mean, if they’re going to do something drastic if they can’t get me…”

  “At least they’ll treat you really well,” Mary said with a bright smile, “You’re their dream girl, after all.”

  I shook my head. I just couldn’t imagine it.

  Chapter Four

  Mary led me into a huge building, coated in some kind of material that made it shine green-blue in the light—the whole building itself looked like it was made of glass, but of course, Mary assured me, it wasn’t glass—but some kind of super-strong crystal. As soon as we were inside, every noise from the busy city died out completely. There was eerie-sounding music playing, and I spotted my first Thessalian: a gray-skinned human-looking person standing upright at some kind of console-desk, murmuring in a language I couldn’t even begin to understand. As Mary and I approached, he looked up. His eyes widened. “You’ve found her!” he exclaimed.

  “I have,” Mary said, “She was lost in time, sir. That was why she didn't respond to the summons.” The man stepped out from behind the console and looked me up and down.

  “I must bring you both to the Great One immediately,” he said. There was a weird, almost guttural accent to his English.

  We were whisked up in a tube that resembled what Mary had come out of, to meet me—it propelled us up the crystal structure to the top floor, where there was a hum of the strange language that came to an absolute standstill as soon as we came out of the tube. “Miriam,” I heard several voices say, with a murmur of that strange language again.

  The attendant led us through to a door and went through it without even knocking. He said something—I heard my name—and someone stood. He was a Thessalian—with the gray skin and the odd look to his features. “Miriam,” he said, his gray-green eyes widening as he looked me up and down. “You have arrived.

  My envoy here tells me that you were lost in time?” I looked at Mary in confusion, and she explained how I had gone back in time to have my tryst with the two professors, how I had mistakenly propelled myself into the future and apparently had never gone back to my present which was now 10 years in the past. The Thessalian nodded, understanding, “It’s clear then that you stay in this time; that we are successful with you. You will be given every courtesy, every pleasure and delight.”

  “I’m not sure I understand what you want with me,” I said, my heart pounding. I had conquered some of my prudishness in my tryst with the two professors, but the prospect of having sex with an alien was far from the top of my list of desires.

  “We want to make you the mother of a new race,” the Thessalian Great One said. “You will be a queen. We will give you treatments to extend your life—and youth for over a hundred years. With your help, we will be able to adapt to this planet.”

  I swallowed, “And… if I refuse?” If the idea of alien sex was somewhat horrifying, the idea of rape was even worse. The Great One pressed his lips together.

  “We will be forced to continue our experiments to find the proper archetype for our new race. Many earth women will come into our keeping.”

  “So I can refuse but they can’t?”

  The Great One smiled. “You are not a subject. You would be a queen.”

  “So how will this work?”

  The Great One looked me up and down. “You will have sex with one of our male subjects—and continue to have sex with him on a regular schedule until we have a viable embryo. Once that is produced, we will take it from you and create enough clones—engineering our own DNA into them—to start the new race.”

  “Male subject as in human? So I don’t have to have sex with you?”

  The Great One laughed, “No. But you may if you wish.”

  “Just one guy? So no threesomes?”

  “Well, if that's what you want we can arrange for another male subject.”

  “No, that's not necessary. Show me the guy.” I said gaining a bit of confidence. The Great One made a gesture and another door opened. A man—the most gorgeous man I had ever seen—came through it, escorted by a Thessalian. He was tall, with sun-bronzed skin and rippling muscles, dark hair and bright blue eyes. “So we… go somewhere?”

  The Great One shook his head, “You will have sex under our supervision, so we can make sure you are actually doing the deed.” I took a deep breath. There didn’t seem to be a choice. The gorgeous man came close to me and leaned forward, kissing me lightly on the lips.

  “I know this is weird,” he said slowly. I smiled. “Just pretend they’re not here.”

  I shook my head, “I can’t, not really. But we have to do this.”

e man started stripping my clothes slowly, caressing and teasing me. In spite of how horrified I felt—I had never had an exhibitionist streak in my life—I found myself getting turned on. The stranger started kissing along the column of my throat, his hands kneading and massaging my shoulders, oddly putting me at ease. Once I was naked, he started to touch me more and more, squeezing and cupping my breasts, teasing my nipples into hard little nubs.

  I started to forget the spectators in the room with us, including Mary, touching the stranger everywhere as my body got hotter and hotter. He reached down between my legs and began to stroke my pussy, bringing his fingertips against my clit and rubbing me firmly.

  I was surprised at how turned on I was becoming—I felt myself getting wetter and wetter by the moment. The stranger leaned in and brought one of my breasts up to his mouth, claiming my nipple with his lips, sucking and licking until tingling jolts of pleasure shot through me uncontrollably, making me moan out in pleasure.

  Somehow there was a soft bed; the strange man pressed me down onto it and slipped between my legs, continuing to stroke and rub me while he brought his thick, hard cock, up against me. I cried out in pleasure as he thrust into me all at once—a big change from his subtle, slow build up—filling me up, making me feel almost uncomfortably tight. In a matter of moments, though, I was moving in counterpoint to his thrusts, twisting my hips and pushing down onto him.

  The stranger’s hands danced all over my body, his mouth kissing and nibbling and sucking, sending jolts through me. In a matter of moments, I had reached my orgasm—shocking, intense, wave after wave of pleasure shooting through me. The stranger came at almost the same moment, but I was barely aware of it.


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