by Laurie Lyle
Help me so I can keep the music playing in your heart
Surround yourself with sweet pleasant melodies
I want you to nod and smile add grace to your sun-filled day
Remember always the good times we had the games we used to play
As the ashes of my dreams slip through my numb fingers
From a distance you cut your enemy down
You do not see their pain or even their frown
As the throes of death afflicts them before dying,
With one phone call you terminated our lovefest
You were here with me just now, why do it this way?
Were you afraid to see the death of a happy heart?
Were you not able to look into my eyes and see the pain?
My misery, as a vibrant heart labors to comprehend
To see my falling world as everything collapses
My body pierced with shrapnel and splinters
Objects of death from my exploding world
Not to witness the darkness after the brilliant sparks of light
From a warm happy heart snuffed out, now gone cold
What do I do when the unexpected is not expected?
Will I ever be able to open my eyes again?
What do I look at if you are not there?
What will I feed the spirits of my soul?
What will I do about my insatiable thirst for you?
How do I appease the hunger of a ravenous appetite for love?
How will I build my world if the cornerstone is removed?
Where will I lay my weary head without the comfort of your bosom?
How do I think if all I think about is you?
What can I do if I am lying here unwilling but wrapped in a shroud of black?
Lord knows I am torn to bits, and there is nothing that I can do.
Give the people power, let them use it the way they choose
Stop dictating to the people, do not dominate their lives
They only need the start and the freedom of their thoughts
Their determination and empowerment, striking contrast of their will
You may be smart, but they are ten times smarter; free them, set them apart
Give them support, let them lead the way, are you too proud to follow?
Stop imposing your will upon the people, stop thinking it is all about you
There are so many things they want to say, so much they want to do
How can you comprehend with the small complexities of your mind?
Which tells you leadership is authority, real power are the people
Because of good thoughts and respect for humanity, they remain naive
Not wanting to unleash their enormous supernatural force
They know too well in their uprising, scores will suffer, too many will die
Why do you hold on? Don’t you know someday it must come to an end?
No one came here to be eternal; when turned into brittle stone
Remove the chains and shackles from your heart, give it room to breathe
Then do the right things, set the people free, give you a chance at living
They may be prisoners, but so are you; you kept yourself captive within yourself
Set your heart free, experience the vestiges of freedom, the exuberance it brings
Does your heart have the capacity to feel or care for your fellow man once prisoners?
How can you enjoy the loneliness of standing in the middle of life?
Surrounded by the many things you destroyed and the remnants of the living dead
Lend yourself to the feeling of love, then fall upon your knees, ask to be forgiven
For all the vile inhumane things you did, to the beauty of God’s world and his people.
The darkness was coming as he walked seemingly empty streets home. Somewhere out there attention was aroused; he was being observed by prying eyes he did not know. His hoodie kept him protected from the murky weather. A can of tea, some skittles for little brother, he felt safe, should be! Just walking along, talking on the phone to his friend. Out of nowhere it came!
Trouble, and it was looking for a home. It zimmered up, stood up, and he was man. Then started a chapter from a book straight from hell. Nine one one told him, “Don’t do that.” Did he listen?
He wanted trouble. Tasted it, liked the smell, and a horrible tragedy unfolded that weathery afternoon, which resulted in the flare-up of tempers, insurmountable buildup of anger, countless parade of hoodies now marching the streets. It resonated with the civil rights movement, and they spoke. From the heart of a parent and the experience of a person of color, we think about our own kid. If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon. This stand-your-ground law is not right; some will use it as a facade for a dangerous hobby. Demand for justice in this case must be treated with the seriousness it deserves. Only then will the tensions cool and the explosive rhetoric subside. When is it right to stand your ground? When should one retreat during a fight? Are we not free to walk the streets? The hearts of Trayvon’s parents are broken; today they lost a son. Let us hope that along with the pain and hurt, Trayvon did not die in vain. From His demise something useful is gained. We must cross this racial divide regardless of ethnicity; let us strive to live together, be tolerable with each other, impartial to tragedy, to accept the diversion of life, reassure those who suffer and are in pain so we do not again have the unpleasant recurrence of living this nightmare, never again. We are large, diverse, influential, and unified, imperative that we uphold the sacred oath: “Together as one.” The colors of the rainbow uphold and complement each other; we bask in its beauty, and together we can do the same. Bring joy to the heart of everyone. Let those who can’t, temporarily remove themselves from the company of those who do. Let us address our great moral fault once and for all. Bring on the unity that ignites the love, which is always there, hidden away in the dormancy of our hearts.
How nice they are, kind, sincere, encouraging words, expressions of sympathy, acts that give solace and comfort, so we trust and believe in the integrity of others, the dearness of a hug, love in all kisses, to have the comfort and security of family and friends. With infectious respect, we experience the feel of vibrant energy emanating from the souls of everyone. Exuberance in love encourages others to be likewise. With gentle helpful examples, freedom of spirit, kindness of heart, security of protection. Be one of those willing to help anyone anywhere at anytime; embrace and celebrate each other with joyous greeting as the pace is set for the eternal future, happy, surrounded by love, amazing wonder of small blessings. Everything needed is here, plus much, much more. This intrigue powered by generosity keeps us focused and inspired. We must be good through the years of life. “Thank you,” “I love you,” constant reminders of the kindness and liberality of people. Lent to live a life of our own, if not wise, then we’ll mourn; be back at that faraway home. Listen to him when he calls back, will you? Won’t you? Take care of them, and then take care of you for me? Let golden memories gladden you with spirited thoughts. Be a teacher; there are lessons to be taught so others learn. He looked the whole world over, and you were found among the many things that litter life’s highway; with sympathy for life, you are chosen. Now give love as you labor, never be vain, never try to find out what it feels like to be repulsed; when they ask, what is it again that keeps you sober headed, sane? Just say “It will be done.” With all the love from a contrite heart, there is no shame, a highly rewarding diversion. For all the pain we bear. For all the joys that good living brings, the risks are great, we will run, shelter where we may; under tenderness, compassion, and love, there to stay. Forever gratefu
l for the generosity of life and the unfathomable blessings of happiness we have known.
Books by Laurie Lyle
Rise from the Diaspora
Xyamaica’s Thorns and Roses
Cupid, the Devil, and an Angel
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Rise from the Diaspora
Xyamaica’s Thorns and Roses
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