Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel Page 59

by Weston Parker

  "Your size." He tugged my shorts over my hips and moved to a squatting position as he pressed kisses around the curve of my panties on my ass.

  "I'm not going to dinner if you keep it up." He tugged at my hips to force me to turn toward him as I lifted my arms and let the dress fall down to cover me up. It barely hit the tops of my knees and left me feeling beautiful. "I love it."

  He slid his hands up my thighs, taking the dress with him, and leaned in to press his mouth to my center in a long string of kisses that made my knees weak.

  "And I love you." He kissed me once more and stood up. "Don't even think for a minute that you’re going to your mother’s without me. I'm spending the night in your arms. Period."

  "She hates you." I tugged the dress back down and gave him a sympathetic smile.

  "I love a good challenge." He kissed me and brushed his hand down my hair. "Let me change my shirt and let's go. I can't wait to see Jake, and I know he can't wait to see you."

  "He doesn't hate me?" I asked and followed him out into the living room.

  "Hell no. He's always been on your side, like a fucking cheerleader in my ear for the last six years." He laughed and warmth engulfed me. We belonged together. I had no doubt.

  "Then I owe him a debt of gratitude."

  "Just a smile will work. No one gets anything from you but me from here on out." He winked and turned to walk back into his bedroom.

  "So bossy." I dropped down on the couch and let out a content sigh.

  "You like it."

  "That I do."



  "Well, look at what the cat dragged in!" Jake walked toward us as we entered the old Catfish Barn at the edge of the city. His dark hair and Italian looks had half the room turning to look his way. He was the only man I knew that had a heart of gold. I couldn't have had a better mentor in life.

  "Hey, buddy." I shook his hand and moved over to pull Kari into a side hug. "I'm Caden. It's nice to finally meet you. This guy hasn't shut up about you in the last year."

  "It's not been that long, has it?" Kari moved over to talk with Olivia after Jake stopped hugging the poor girl.

  "How are you, buddy?" He pulled me into a brotherly hug and patted my back. "You doing better?"

  "Yeah, lots better. I went over to mom’s today and picked this old thing up." I pulled the little black box from my jeans pocket. "Remember this shit?"

  He smirked and took it before turning his back on the girls as if to block our secret. "Are you giving her this?"

  "Yeah, as a promise ring or something. I know she's not ready for much more than that." I shrugged. I would've asked her to marry me in a heartbeat, but she needed time to heal from Luke.

  "I think that's a great idea." He handed me the ring back and shook his head. "Who would have thought this would be the ending?"

  "Ending? Fuck that. This is only the beginning." I glanced around him to find Kari and Olivia laughing together. "I wanna enjoy each day with her."

  "You got a lot of clean up to do thanks to Luke, my man." He patted me on the back and nodded toward the bar. "Let's get some beers and catch up. Dinner is on me."

  "Naw, it's on me. I make ten times what you do, but one day - one day, you'll be buying because I'll be a poor ranch boy with ten kids and a simple life."

  "If that's what you want, then go get it." He walked with me to the bar, filling me in on his parents and the talk of the town as of late, which was nothing new.

  Football, drama, and scandal. Sounded like life to me.

  "Where are we going?" Olivia glanced over at me as I turned down a long dirt road and smiled. She must not have been home in the last year or so. They'd built up a new back road system from the city to the country, and at the end of it was our old football stadium where we played all our games.

  "You'll see. Stop being so inquisitive. What are you, an investment advisor?" I smirked and reached for her hand as her face fell.

  "I was." She shrugged. "I broke up with Luke this morning."

  "Good. You don't need him." I squeezed her hand as elation ran through me. Step one in having her forever was over. "Now we need to either find you a new job or get your old job back at Tangling. You tell me what you want to do and I'll pull every string I can. I have lots of connections."

  "I'm not sure what I want to do just yet. I told Luke I was quitting, but I might stick around at your firm just to put the emotional pressure on him." She shrugged and I couldn't help but laugh.

  "Why do I find that incredibly sexy?"

  "Because you're a horny guy with a cute cheerleader on your arm? A blonde cheerleader that’s just trying to play with the big boys..."

  "Hush. You bad thing. You knew I was just baiting you that night at Kadia. I needed to reel you in, and I knew slapping your pride would win me at least another round of fighting if nothing else." I smiled and lifted her fingers to my mouth to suck on the tip of one.

  She moaned softly and reached over to brush her fingers down my leg. "Maybe we will break into the old locker room? Make love on one of those weight benches."

  "I thought you didn't know where-" I glanced over at her and grumbled. "You're such a cheeky thing."

  "That I am." She moved back to her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't believe how badly I let all that shit from our senior year get so blown out of proportion. It ruined everything inside of me over the last six years."

  "I did too, but maybe we needed this time to grow into two people that could really appreciate each other. Maybe it wouldn't have worked any other way." I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the lights. "Let's just talk about the really great times we had back then. Not the one moment in all of it that fucked us over."

  "Deal." She got out of the car and walked around to the front before reaching up and pulling her hair into some type of ponytail.

  I wrapped my arm around her back and moved her with me to the edge of the field.

  "You know what one of my favorite memories of high school was?" I pulled her closer and slipped off my shoes as she did the same.

  "What, baby?" She wrapped her arm around my back and glanced up at me.

  "That cheer competition you guys had and Danny hurt his back." I started to laugh. I couldn't help myself. "So you needed someone to fill in."

  "And you said you would, but only if I didn't wear my bloomers?" She popped me in the chest and walked out on the field ahead of me.

  I laughed a little more and jogged to catch up with her. "But you were a good girl."

  "Was, past tense." She turned toward me and slid her hands up my chest. "I wanted to tease the hell out of you that day, but I figured I would end up in the air above someone else, and no one deserved to see the goods."

  "No one but me?" I brushed my fingers down the side of her cheek, memorizing how incredibly beautiful she was. My heart was sealed as hers no matter what happened from that moment on. I couldn't pull it back again if I had to.

  "No one but you." She lifted to her toes and kissed me a few times. "Not much has changed."

  "I like it." I pulled the box out of my pocket and took a step back as her hands slid down my chest. "This is what I was talking about. It wasn't much back then, and it certainly isn't now, but maybe it could be a promise between us."

  She nodded and reached for the box as I popped it open and extended it to her. "I love it."

  "Maybe it can be that we promise each other that we'll see where this thing between us can lead. That while we're together we'll be one hundred percent true to each other." I ran my hand up her arm, over her shoulder to hold the base of her head softly in my hand.

  She slipped the ring on and smiled up at me. "I like this a lot. Let's just take things slow and see what happens. No promises other than the ones you've mentioned and this one... that even if we don't end up together that I'll love you forever."

  I nodded, wanting to correct her and knowing that there was no point. I didn't need a solid commitment just ye
t. Love would bind us together. It had for the last six years while we were apart and the entirety of my childhood. It would persevere and hold on tight when we weren't capable of doing it ourselves.

  "I'll love you forever too, baby." I pulled her close to me and smiled. "Even if it is risky business to do it."

  She pulled me down for a long slow kiss before we dropped down into the wet grass beneath us and laughed until our sides hurt from old stories.

  She was mine for the moment, and honestly... that's all that mattered.



  One Year Later

  It had been a whirlwind of a year. Between dropping Luke on his ass, attending Jake and Kari's wedding and planning our own, I was beat. Caden had worked things out with Luke so that the partnership still ran as it was intended to. I went back to Tangling, which felt much more like home than working at Caden's firm. It was a good thing to not be in each other's faces all the time.

  He'd booked a private yacht for us for a week-long vacation, and the day couldn't get here fast enough. I woke the morning of the trip and rolled over to shake him violently.

  "It's here!"

  "Fuck." He sat up and jumped out of the bed like his ass was on fire. He looked impossibly cute turning around the room naked, looking for a threat that didn't exist. "What baby? What's here?"

  "Our trip." I crawled across the bed and laid down on my stomach before grabbing his arousal and tugging him back to the bed carefully by it. "I'm so excited."

  He pressed his hand to his blue star tat that rested on his left pectoral muscle. "Shit. You scared me half-" He groaned as I licked the tip of his cock and sucked it deep into my mouth. "Nothing. I didn't say anything at all. Just do whatever you feel like doing."

  I gripped him hard and forced more of him inside of me as one of his strong hands slipped into my messy hair and tightened. His other hand slid over my back, down to fondle my ass.

  "Fuck baby," he groaned and thrust in a slow motion as I gripped his thighs and dug my nails in a little. "Olivia. Just a minute, lover."

  "Mmmhmmm," I mumbled against his shaft and reached up to wrap my fingers around his thickness before pumping in tandem with rolling my tongue along his head. "So delicious."

  "Shit." He released my hair and slid his other hand down to my ass, squeezing hard. "Don't stop. Please. Don't stop."

  "Never." I picked up my speed and arched my back to lift my ass a little as he gripped it and used it to thrust deep into my mouth. The groan that left him when he came rolled over my skin and left goosebumps in its wake.

  "God, I love you." He moved back and dropped down on the bed beside me as I shifted over to my side, licking my lips and brushing my hair from my face. "My turn. Get up here." He reached for me and growled as I positioned myself to sit on his lap. "No. I wanna taste you. You know how I like it."

  "Caden. You know that makes me uncomfortable." I pressed my hands into his chest and fought against him trying to pull me up higher to sit on his chest and let him eat me out.

  The little diamond ring he'd gotten me seven years ago fit my hand perfect. It was about love and goodness, not things or success or even the future. It was simplicity. It was us.

  "Get up here. You're soon to be my wife. You have nothing to feel uncomfortable about." He gripped my hips harder and pulled me up, forcing me to move where he wanted me.

  I pressed my hands to the wall above our bed and glanced down at him, hating how much I enjoyed when he was right. "I hate you."

  "Open your legs. Let me remind you why that's a big fucking lie."

  I rolled my eyes and groaned as he opened them for me.

  How I lived without him for so long was beyond me. It was a problem I no longer had to be concerned with.

  He was mine.


  The End


  My First Bad Boy Crime Novel

  Till Death Do Us Part

  Nathaniel Hayes is the type of man who takes what he wants without asking. Life hasn’t ever been a willing servant to his desires, but that’s soon to shift. When his latest scheme turns deadly, he is more than willing to push to the edge of his limits for wealth. Finally, the two things he has always wanted are within his grasp, but which will he choose? Love or Loyalty?

  Jenna Webb is wedged into a life of pretentious f*cks, who are more concerned with the appearance of being somebody rather than doing it… She’s exhausted from over-the-top dinner parties, materialistic suitors and hypocrisy at its finest. The last thing she wants in her life is another pompous alpha male pretending to be someone he isn’t. When offered a chance to live fully alive, will she take it? Will it be worth the cost?

  True freedom isn’t always what it’s chalked up to be. Especially not when vows are involved…

  This is a full-length, standalone bad boy crime novel. Buyer beware for naughty language, naughty sexual acts and very, very naughty boys. No Cheating, HEA.



  "All I'm saying is that this is getting old." Ashley dropped down on the couch adjacent to the one I was lounging on. "Don't tell me you don't understand. It's always me going out on a limb."

  I lifted my eyebrow and tried to hold back the tongue lashing the wayward bitch deserved. "It's always you because that is the way we planned this shit from the beginning. I should have recorded our original conversation. You didn't want me marrying some random rich bitch and leaving you here to sleep alone at night."

  Mikey poked his head into the living room from the kitchen. "Are you guys seriously fighting over who's doing what again?"

  "Always." I got up and walked toward the scent of red meat frying. "You almost done with lunch? I'm fucking starving."

  "Nate. We're not done." Ash got up and followed me into the tiny kitchen. The apartment was nothing to write home about, but it was part of the cover. We didn't need anything fancy. We were hood-rats from the poor side of New York. We hadn't done anything to legally earn the money we had tucked away between the old mattresses in the bedroom. We had to be careful.

  I jerked around and gripped her arm, tugging her against me and narrowing my eyes. "Yes, the fuck we are. You wanted to be the bait, so shut the fuck up with this noise. Understood?"

  Her blue eyes widened a little, but that was the extent of her reaction. She was too tough to cry. She'd been through too much already. Crying was a weakness neither of us could afford, nor one I would put up with.

  "I don't get it," Mikey started as he glanced over from the stove, his big belly almost touching the dials. Sorry bastard was going to die of a heart attack just like his daddy did a few years back.

  "Surprise, surprise." Ash jerked from my grasp and walked to the fridge, her long blond hair dancing behind her.

  My eyes moved over the curve of her ass, and I couldn't remember the last time I had her on her knees, but something told me if she kept up with her bitching, it wouldn't be long. Someone needed to shut her up, and I had the proper tools for making it happen.

  "Fuck you, Barbie." Mikey shook his head and turned to face me. "I don't get why you guys keep having this fight, man."

  "Because Ash is a girl, buddy." I patted his chest and moved around him to grab a beer before Ash could close the fridge. "She's got estrogen and shit."

  "Fuck you both." She walked out of the kitchen after giving us both a 'go-to-hell' look.

  "You couldn't handle us both." Mikey snorted and I rolled my eyes. The girl could handle both of us and a couple more thick dicks. She was a whore on her best day.

  "What are you confused about?" I popped the top on the beer and leaned against the counter. "I mean, right now... in this moment? What's fucking with that empty skull of yours?"

  "There are two jobs in yours and Ashley's scheme. One of you had to find a rich fucker and marry them, and the other one kills the spouse off when it's time."

  "I already know this." I tilted my head to the side again as he wiped his hands on his t-shirt.

  "I know, but Ashley isn't a killer. She's being stupid wanting to trade spots with you, or is she wanting you to do both, because that's-"

  "I'm right fucking here." Ash appeared back in the opening of the kitchen, her hands on her hips, her eyes filled with the same torrent of emotions I'd seen far too often on her pretty face - anger, disappointment, disgust.

  "And he's right," I barked. "You make no goddamn sense right now. Is your current cock not keeping up? You've been a little too bitchy lately. Wanna share the reason?"

  "Yes. I. Do." She walked across the kitchen and slapped me before I realized what she was up to. Never in the twenty-something years of knowing her had she ever hit me.

  I reached up and gripped the base of her throat as I walked toward her, moving her out of the kitchen.

  "Don't ever hit me again." I pressed her against the wall as her eyes fluttered closed. Bingo. She wasn't getting fucked the way a slut like Ashley liked to be fucked. That's what all the fuss was about. Funny enough, I couldn't just leave it at that. Her thinking she had the right to hit me needed to be nipped in the bud.

  "I'm angry," she whispered and slid her hands over my hips. "And I miss you. Stop pushing me away. I know something is up with you."

  "Nothing is up." I ground against her as my cock grew thick and hard in my jeans. I hadn't felt the warm wetness of a woman's lips in a few weeks thanks to Ashley's newest hubs wanting to wine and dine her day and night.

  "You're lying." She glanced up at me, and a million memories moved behind my eyes. She was my childhood, my first lover, my best friend.

  "Hey, if you guys are gonna start fucking, please, for the love of all things holy, just do it in-"

  "Shut it, Mikey." I glanced over at him, my fingers still wrapped around Ashley's neck. I turned back to her. "You wanna play wife to these rich guys, or you wanna pick up a gun and snuff out some innocent young girl who reminds you of your sister, Ash? Which is it?"


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