Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel Page 65

by Weston Parker

  Make love to her.

  Fuck that. Not in a million years. I didn't even know how. And if I did, my piece of shit heart wouldn't survive it.

  I broke the kiss and breathed in deeply again as she turned and pressed her ass against me.

  "You can't trust me, or anyone else." I gripped her hips and danced with her for a few more seconds, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

  "Who are you, Nate?" She glanced back and gripped my thighs with her fingers, digging her nails into me.

  I groaned and pursed my lips, trying to keep myself from coming in my pants. A year of sitting across the room and yearning for her hands on me, and here she was, ready to do whatever I told her to. It was too much.

  "I'm your savior, baby." I slid my hand up to her breast and stopped short of squeezing it. I'd take my time and tug on her tight little nipples once I got her naked. No need to put on a show. Every inch of my body screamed that I throw her over my shoulder and find a closet, but I kept myself in check. I needed to be on the floor should Ashley need me. It was almost eleven thirty. She'd be leaving soon, and so would I.

  She moved away from me and turned. "And what are you saving me from?"

  "From sleeping alone tonight." I turned and walked off the dance floor, her hand in mine. We stopped by the bar and I tugged at her hand. "Go tell your friend that you're going upstairs with me for a little while, but not to leave you."

  "Upstairs?" She glanced up at me, her eyes glossy. The drug was working.

  I patted her ass and smiled. "Yes. Go tell them. Now or no spanking for you."

  "Okay." She walked toward the bar and I spun around in time to watch Ashley walk out of the club. The group of girls with her didn't seem too happy about having to leave before the bar shut down, but hopefully, Ash stuck to the script. Stomach ache from something earlier and they would all take her home and find her husband with foam at the edges of his mouth and cold to the touch.

  "You all right?" I turned as Jenna stopped beside me, but didn't say anything.

  "Yeah. I'm starving."

  "We can grab a burger at the bar after I'm done with you."

  "No, I'm not hungry for food." She turned and lifted her chin. The look in her eyes left me lightheaded, my pulse racing faster than it should have.

  She didn't want food. She wanted dick. My dick. Deep inside of her. Naughty little whore. I loved it.



  It was beyond stupid to take the drug, but I wanted to impress him. No, not impress. I didn't want to deny him. He felt so fucking good pressed to the back of me, his thick erection spreading my ass open as he found a place to tuck himself away while we danced.

  "You're so dirty." I slid my hand into his as we walked toward the door.

  "Dirty? What's dirty about talking truth? Feels pretty clean to me."

  We headed toward a staircase beside the front door, surprising me a little. "Where are we going?"

  "Upstairs, sweetheart. Remember?" He held the door, and I walked through into a large cloud of smoke. Marijuana. I coughed and waved at the air as he moved in front of me.

  "Breathe it in. Feels good. I promise." He reached for my hand. "Stay close. It gets nutty up here. I'd hate to stab some mother fucker for touching my girl."

  "Your girl?" I coughed again and followed him up the stairs as I continued to swat at the air. Feeling good was one thing, but dying from smoke inhalation was another.

  He didn't respond, but I didn't figure a man like him needed to explain himself. I wasn't his girl, but I'd play as if I were for at least a night.

  I couldn't help but turn my head in an effort to allow my eyes a few more seconds to linger on a threesome in the corner. The two girls were moving over a skinny guy with a huge cock, like snakes, licking and nipping at his flesh as he lay there and groaned.

  "Damn," I mumbled and moved into an office with Nate. "What is this place?"

  "The third floor of Kadia is a sex shop, basically. Not many people know or live to tell about it, but it is what it is." He dropped down into a large leather chair and licked at his bottom lip. The outline of his cock in his jeans had my body ticking, the deep pulse between my thighs echoing the one on the side of my neck.

  I glanced behind me at the door. "Nate. I don't know if-"

  "It's locked. Come get your spanking." He ran his hands down his thighs and motioned for me to come to him.

  Something about the moment left me fully aware that if I crossed the room that I would be lost to him for a long fucking time. He wasn't the type of dream you woke up from refreshed, but rather yearning to OD on sleeping pills so you could find him again.

  "You weren't serious, were you?" I took the first step and both of us knew he had me.

  "I don't play around very often, Jenna. Come here. If I have to come get you, you're gonna do a lot more than lie still over my legs and whimper."


  Lubrication pooled in my panties as I paused and pressed my legs together, scared it might run down the side of my thigh and give me away.

  He breathed in deeply and growled before patting his legs. "Right here."

  "Panties on or off?" I couldn't find enough air to breathe.

  "Would it make you feel better if I let you leave them on?" His cock twitched as I closed the space between us, and I wanted so badly to see it. To touch it, press my lips and face against it. Every hard-core fantasy I'd had over the last year had him in it. This shit couldn't seriously be happening.

  "Yes." I stopped in front of him and tried not to shake. It was no use. My knees were weak, my thighs twitching.

  "Then take them off, or better yet, I'll do it for you." He moved to the edge of his seat and glanced up at me as he slid his hands up my thighs and gripped my panties. The quick yank surprised me, and I yelped and reached out, grabbing his thick shoulders.

  "Do you spank every woman you call your own?" I tried to find my balance, but it was useless.

  "You don't get to ask questions, princess." He gripped my hand and pulled me around to the side of the chair before forcing me to lie across his lap. It was surprisingly comfortable outside of his cock digging into my right side.

  "I should deny you something too." I closed my eyes and pressed my mouth to the side of his thigh as I let my head hang toward the ground.

  He tugged my dress over my bare ass and ran his hand down the back of my thigh before squeezing softly. "You're not gonna deny me anything, Jenna. Not ever."

  I cried out as his hand smacked into my flesh, the sting so good, so wrong. "No," I whispered, embarrassed that I let him hit me in the first place. What was wrong with me?

  "Someone is sloppy wet." His fingers spread my ass open before sliding down to my pussy. "You've been anticipating this."

  "No, I haven't," I whispered roughly as he rimmed my opening. I needed him to fuck me so badly, but I wouldn't dare ask. It was too much, too soon.

  "Liar." He popped me hard again, this time with his other hand.

  I groaned and lifted my ass before pressing my teeth into his thigh. I wanted to cry out 'more' but no. No fucking way. Never.

  "When is the last time you were fucked? Tell me, baby girl." He pressed his fingers into me, and I pressed back and moaned loudly, giving myself away. "So fucking tight. It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

  "Yes." Too long. So damn long I don't remember it. More. Push more of your fingers into me. Spank me again. Touch my ass. Open me up.

  "Shame. This beautiful body goes untouched all the time? We gotta change that." He pulled his fingers from me as I groaned loudly in disappointment.

  "Someone wants something but she's afraid to ask for it." He popped my ass again.

  I cried out and writhed in his lap. "I don't want anything from you."

  "Not this?" He brushed the pad of his thumb by my asshole and dragged it down to my entrance, pressing it deep inside of me as I rolled my hips subtly. I needed him to stop talking and violate me.

  "No," I whispered and
pressed back, forcing his finger into the hilt. I moaned and lifted up before pressing myself back down onto him.

  He leaned over and pressed his mouth to my shoulder as he ran his thumb back up to my ass, his fingers sinking inside of me as he pressed his thumb into my tightness. The very idea of him holding me like a six-pack was horrifying, and yet I couldn't begin to deny how good it felt.

  "It's the drug, baby. Stop fighting it and just let yourself go. No one is in here but me, and I'm a whore for you." He licked my shoulder. "Come for me and I'll let you get on the desk and watch me lap at your pussy, all right?"

  I moaned and closed my eyes, nodding in agreement. It was the drug. There's no way in hell I would let someone touch me like-


  Another hard hit.

  "Fuck," I cried out and wrapped my arms around his thigh as I lifted up and rocked back onto his fingers. Bliss wrapped around me at the sound of him fucking my wet holes mixed with the smell of dirty sex in the air. My mouth watered at the idea of sliding down between his legs and taking him deep in my mouth. I wanted him to teach me to do all the things he wanted to be done to him, but I wasn't asking.

  In time.

  "Hit me again," I whispered before I could lock the request behind my teeth.

  "Absolutely, princess." He popped my ass again and rolled his fingers in and out of me, jamming them deep inside of me and massaging my ass with his free hand between the delicious spankings.

  "I'm so close." I turned my face away from him and he stopped moving. "No. Don't stop. Please. Nate. Please."

  "Then you look at me. Don't turn away or we're done."

  I jerked my head around and glanced back at him, locking eyes with him as lust burned across his expression. "I'm looking."

  "Good girl." Deep thrusts resumed as my eyes fluttered. So much pleasure.

  "Oh God," I moaned as the orgasm hit. I opened my eyes wide and forced myself to focus on him as my body exploded. I jerked in his lap, but he held on tightly, fucking me like a whore while I made a mess all over him. "Oh God."

  "Call me anything you like, Jenna. Just don't stop." He reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling it back and bowing my body as he continued to work my pussy and ass. "Come again. One more time, sweet girl. One more time. Scream for me."

  Tears blurred my vision as another orgasm rode me hard. Was I really bent over someone's lap, getting fucked like the school slut? Was it really Nate? It was the drug, right?

  No. The drug might have helped, but I'd imagined this scene a thousand times over the last year.

  "Come. NOW," he yelled before pressing his teeth to the curve of my ass and pulling back harder on my hair.

  That did it.

  I cried out his name so loudly it burned my throat.

  He didn't stop fucking me until I let out a cry and relaxed against his hold. Within minutes he had me curled up on his chest, his hand in my hair, petting me, his mouth pressed to my neck as he whispered soft words of love against my wet flesh.

  "So beautiful, baby. You're so goddamn hot. Everything I imagined you to be." He kissed his way up to the side of my face and forced me to look up at him. "I didn't hurt you, did I? You gotta tell me if I hurt you, okay?"

  "Yeah. I'm fine. Just too much to handle all at once." I shivered and curled up on his lap, feeling somewhere between sated and starving.

  "You did well. It's the first time. Next time will be easier." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me in a way that forced away the fear in my belly that I was going to be owned by a man like him. That wasn't going to be the case unless I consented to it.

  "Let me go and I'll repay you." I licked my lips, hoping that he would understand my offer.

  "No need, princess. I came like a fountain when you came the second time. Best fuck I've had in years." He touched the side of my face and pulled me close to him. "Let's go back to my place and-”

  Someone banged on the door to the office, and I yelped and scrambled out of his lap.

  He grumbled a few obscenities as I tried to get my skirt back down and make sure the rest of my dress was in place.

  "This better be fucking good." Nate pulled the door open and stepped back. "Oh, Grace. Sorry. I thought you were-"

  She pushed past him, her eyes wild. "Dude. You left your fucking phone downstairs. Your dad's been blowing it up. Something is wrong."

  "What?" I walked toward her, sobering up quickly. "Where is the phone?"

  "Thomas has it. He finally took it outside to see what's going on." She moved back and I paused to look back at Nate.

  "Thanks for tonight. See you around?" I smiled.

  "Those are my lines, princess, but yeah, take it easy. I'll see you soon."



  I dropped down in the chair by the desk and let my head drop back as the last forty minutes played in front of my eyes. Every moment, every sound and smell, teasing me to the edge of orgasm again. Jenna had a way of turning me on far more than I thought possible. Sex with her would be heaven. My heaven.

  "Nathaniel. It's time to close down the basement and Tamren was out running an errand for me. I’m not quite sure he’s back. Can you handle it please?" Fredrick stood beside the open door to the office.

  "Of course, boss." I got up and walked toward him as I sucked air between my teeth. "Thanks for tonight. I needed it."

  "Anything for you." He patted me on the back as I walked past him.

  "The feeling is mutual." I made my way down the stairs and tried not to put too much weight on Fredrick's comments. He'd half raised me seeing that no one else would, but he was a money-hungry bastard like the rest of us. The lesson was clear. Protect yourself and no one else, cause only the cunning survived on the streets.

  Bet Ashley's new hubby never saw the knife hit his back.

  "Hey, handsome." A pretty brunette walked up to me as I stepped off the last stair into the main part of the club.

  "Hey, girl. How are you?" I reached out and pinched her chin. I'd seen her before. Most likely fucked her. The faces ran together after a while. Fucking was a means of feeling alive. Nothing more.

  Not until Jenna.

  "Hey. Where you headed?" she called after me, but I ignored her and jogged toward the basement door. Something must have gone down for Fredrick to want to close down the black lights room early on a Friday night. The party was usually just getting started down there.

  I pushed the door open and walked down the stairs as the smell of shit filled my nose. "Ugh. Damn."

  "It's being cleaned up. Just go tell everyone to fuck off." Tamren lifted his hand and pointed to the back door entrance.

  "What the hell happened? And I thought you were off running and errand."

  "I’m back, and dude got toked up on Zandra and seized. That shit is toxic if you take more than two. Everyone is warned about that, but Superman here decided to give it a try." Tamren shook his head and glanced back over toward me. "He died right here on the fucking dance floor."

  "The body?"

  "Being burned on the west side of town." He shrugged and pushed a thick handful of dreadlocks over his broad shoulder. "Not my problem. Nor is it yours. Stay out of it."

  "Hell yeah. I'm not at all interested." I turned and walked toward the door as I lifted my wrist to my nose and tried not to breathe in the tainted air. Nothing smelled worse.

  The chilly fall night air felt good on my skin. I hadn't realized how overheated I'd gotten. Must have been because of Jenna. Pretty little thing trying to behave in front of me. I could almost feel her back on my lap, shaking like a leaf while she fucked herself good on my fingers. Came like a fountain. I wanted to taste her, to drink her down.

  "Stop it," I barked at myself as I lifted my hands and yelled across the long line of people bitching about the wait. "Basement is closed. Mr. Carrington is fine with you guys getting in line on the main floor and treating yourself to one drink on him. Just move up here and I'll mark your wrist. If you're not in
terested, then have a nice night."

  "What happened?" A big guy with tats all over his face moved right in front of me.

  "None of your business." I pulled the sharpie from my pocket and tugged the top loose. "You want the symbol for tonight or you headed home, man?"

  "Yeah, shit. Give it to me. I was looking forward to this."

  "I get it." I scribbled a quick symbol on his wrist. "It'll be open again tomorrow night. Just come back and keep that thing on your arm. They'll let you in without a wait."

  "Awesome. Thanks, man."

  "Yep." I stifled a sigh and took care of the rest of the crowd, which seemed to grow by the second. Worry crept up deep inside of me over Ashley having to handle her husband's death by herself. Would she turn me in? Pin it on me?

  I wouldn't put it past the bitch. She was out to take care of herself and that was it. Or was it?

  How many times had she told me she loved me over the years? Too many to count. And I'd never said it once. Not to her. Not to anybody.

  And I wouldn't for a long fucking time. It meant too much to me to use the term so casually. I finished up and walked back into the club, closing and locking the door behind me.

  "Nate," Tamren walked up to me and put his mitt of a hand on my shoulder, "you know who that woman was tonight?"

  "What woman? I thought you said a dude died down here."

  "Naw, man. The woman you took up to the top of the club."


  "Yeah, man. I've seen her before."

  "Around this dump?" I ran my fingers through my hair as he released his hold on me.

  "I don't know." He brushed his fingers against his lips and glanced past me. "I can't place her to be honest, but I know one thing."

  "What's that?" It wouldn't go unnoticed that she was the most beautiful thing in the whole fucking building that night. I didn't expect it to.

  "She's powerful, Nate." He turned his attention back to me. "I can't remember where her power is wielded, but she's important to the city."


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