Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel Page 71

by Weston Parker

  "I'm not. Yet." She gave me a cute smile. "I do need to talk to you."

  I glanced up at the long line outside of the club and back down at my girl. "You didn't wait in that line, did you?"

  "Yes. I'm a law-abiding citizen. Of course, I did."

  "Jenna. I work here. Just come to the front next time." I brushed my fingers through the side of her hair and let my eyes run across her as my cock woke up. "Fuck, you look good. I want you."

  "Good. You can have me later tonight." She glanced around. "I seriously do want to talk if you get a minute."

  "Can it wait until I get off?" I licked the side of my mouth and went in for another kiss. What the fuck was it with this girl? She owned me completely.

  "No. I'm going to find something tonight, and I need you to know where I am." She glanced around. "In case something happens."

  I slid my hand down to her neck and gripped the side tightly, forcing her to look at me. "What are you talking about? This is New York City, baby. Shit happens all the time. What are you up to?"

  Nervousness tore through me. It had to be related to Darek.

  "Find me when you can." She leaned in and kissed me softly before pulling out of my hold and walking to the bar.

  It took me a few minutes to find someone that could replace me at the front of the club, but the second I did, I walked over to the bar and took the stool beside her.

  "Talk to me. What are you up to?"

  She took a sip of her beer before turning and studying me. "I lost my brother last weekend. A week ago tomorrow." Her eyes filled with tears and my heart almost stopped.

  Fuck. Did I really expect this bullshit to pass over without something becoming of it? I didn't have siblings, but if someone messed with Mikey, I sure as hell wouldn't let it go.

  "What? Why didn't you tell me that?" I reached out and ran my hand over the top of her shoulders. "What happened?"

  I was such a fucker.

  "He was murdered." She lifted the bottle to her lips and drank deeply.

  "Then we need to go to the cops, Jenna. What are you waiting on?"

  "My father is the district attorney for the state of New York. The cops know. I promise. They're looking, but whoever killed him made it look like a suicide."

  "Tell me what happened." I brushed my hand down the back of her head as sickness swelled deep inside of me.

  "He took something and his heart stopped. He pissed and shit himself before he seized out on the floor. Whatever he took was toxic."

  "I'm not trying to be a dick here, but that sounds like a suicide."

  "Yeah, I know." She finished the beer and turned to face me. "I'm going over to his place tonight. My sister told me that his widow is out on a date, so there's no one there. If I’m being honest, I’m appalled that she’s on a date already. Sick whore. He just died. We just buried him.”

  “I don’t like it, Jenna.”

  “Sorry.” She shrugged, which pissed me off. “If you get off and I don't answer my phone, can you please send my father a note and tell him that I'm at Darek's place and that I'm not answering my phone?"

  "No. I can't." I stood up and moved to hover over the top of her. "You're not going over there. If someone killed your brother, then what the fuck would stop them from killing you?"

  "You?" She smiled up at me and stood up, pressing herself to the front of me. "I'm not asking your permission, Nate. I'm going over there."

  "No, you're not." I grabbed her arm and held her in place. "And maybe you're overreacting. What evidence do you have that someone shoved a pill down your brother's throat."

  She flinched. "He wouldn't take drugs."

  "All grown men take drugs, baby. Don't be naive."

  "Not Darek." She pulled away and took a few steps back. "He didn't kill himself. Period."

  I lifted my hands, knowing I was going to lose the fight, but there was no way in hell I was letting her go near Ashley. She wouldn't survive it. Period.

  "What was the drug?" I had to know if she knew.

  She shrugged and glanced down toward her feet. "My father and I spoke just before I came up here. His call is what woke me up."


  She glanced up as if assessing whether to trust me. "Zandra. The same drug you gave me the other night."

  Her words stung me, but I deserved that shit tenfold. "We both took half a pill. It's not dangerous in small doses."

  "But three of them in your system will stop your heart." She pressed her hand to my chest as her expression grew tight. "Did you know that?"

  "Yes, but I would never-"

  "And do you guys sell that shit here?" She glanced around.

  "Yes, Jenna, but I'm trusting you by telling you that. I'm the nicest guy in this place."

  "Are you threatening me?" Her voice broke a little, but she stood her ground. I was close to throwing up, but her being so brave caused my spirits to lift a little.

  "Never. Not in a million years. I know you're upset, but you're pushing up against the wrong chest. I'm on your side, baby." I used her hold on my shirt to pull her close. "You're not going over there."

  "Why?" She glanced up and stole my breath with her sweet face.

  "Because. Your brother took a drug and OD'd. There's no reason to relive that shit."

  "The bitch who married him killed him."

  "And you're sure of that?"

  "Yes. I just need proof."

  "There is no way the girl drugged your brother. You just said he took the pills."

  "She forced him to."

  "You're sure of that?" I needed to back up. By the look on her face, I was saying too fucking much. I could get Ashley out of the apartment for the evening and keep her with me to ensure Jenna's safety. There was no way the pretty girl pressed to my chest would find anything.

  Darek killed himself. No matter how anyone looked at it. The fucker took all three pills. Period. It was the only murder we were clear of. I should have felt like shit for being involved, but I didn't pick the bastard, didn't marry him, and I didn't drug him. I was clean on this one.

  Sort of.

  "Fuck you." Her expression hardened. "I need someone to believe me. To help me, and I thought it would be you." She reached up and slapped me in the face as I growled low in my chest.

  "Don't hit me."

  "Don't worry. I won't be within hitting distance. Thanks for the support." She turned and walked toward the door, wiping at her face from what I could tell.

  "Fuck. Jenna. Wait." I walked after her, only to be stopped by one of the guys from the first level.

  "Dude. We need you. Someone is freaking out on Zandra and I can't fucking find Fredrick."

  "Shit. Not this mess again." I turned and jogged behind the guy, pulling out my phone and texting Ashley to get to the club. We needed to talk.

  I let out a sigh of relief as I jogged down the stairs to the bottom floor and my phone dinged.

  Ashley: Talk? Fuck? Fight? I need all of it.

  Whatever. As long as she was headed to the club, Jenna would be safe.



  Fuck him. He wasn't at all the guy I thought he was, or maybe he was exactly who I thought he was.

  I pulled my phone from my purse and called Grace. She picked up on the first ring. Thank God.

  "Hey. Where are you? I haven't heard from you in a few days."

  "I'm leaving Kadia. I just got in a fight with Nate, and I need you. I hate to drag you in the middle of this bullshit, but I'm going over to Darek's. Can you come with me?"

  "Yeah. Sure." She sounded unsure.

  "Unless I'm interrupting something. Where are you?"

  "I'm still at the library." She yawned loudly.

  I got in the car and started it before buckling up. "What? I thought your shift ended at three on Thursdays."

  "It does, but I took a shift for one of the guys because Erik was holed up on the top floor, and I wanted to stare at him a little bit longer."

/>   "The bad guy?" She snorted and laughed.

  "Oh, shit." I pursed my lips and headed toward the public library. "Can I just pick you up there? You off soon?"

  "Oh yeah. The place has been closed for an hour, but I told him he could stay until he was done."

  "Keep him there. Please."

  "What?" Grace's voice pinched tight.

  "Keep him there. I need his help. Maybe." I turned down one of the busier streets in downtown and cursed as Grace fumbled with her response.

  "How do I keep him here?" Her voice shook.

  "I don't know. Talk to him. Act like the fucking doors are locked. I need ten minutes to get there, Grace. I need to talk to him."

  "All right. Fine. I'll try. Hurry."

  I dropped the call and pounded on my horn as if the sound alone could clear the road. My heart ached in my chest over Nathaniel not wanting to help me. Or believe me.

  I was on my own. "What else is new?"

  The roads cleared a few minutes later and I breathed a sigh of relief and sped toward the library. The beautiful structure was lit up, looking like something majestic as I parked beside it and got out.

  I locked the car with my arm extended behind me as I jogged toward the door and used my free hand to pull my phone out. I texted Grace that I was there, and waited outside, pacing the floor in front of the main door.

  "Hey. Over here. The main doors are locked." She motioned for me to join her.

  "Hey. I'm sorry about this. I need to fill you in on everything." I jogged toward her and slipped into the warmth of the library. I hadn't realized how cold it was outside until we were walking through the halls toward the elevator.

  "All right, so, spill." She put her hands on her hips. "Have you been crying?"

  "Yes, but never mind that. I got a letter from Darek in the mail."

  Her eyes widened. "Explain."

  "He sent it to me the day he died. He knew something was up and gave me the password to his personal files so I could review the conversations he had leading up to that day."

  "Holy shit, Jenna. Did you tell your father?"

  "No." I reached up and tugged at my hair. "I don't want my father involved. If someone killed Darek, and he's as high up in the city as he is, why would they spare my father? No. I'm taking care of this myself."

  "Wait. Taking care of this?" The door opened and she grabbed me as I tried to move through it.

  "I'm going over there tonight. I have to get his laptop so I can review the files. I know Denise was involved in his death, Grace. My brother wouldn't kill himself."

  She released me and we turned and yelped as a dark figure moved out of the shadows. Erik.

  "Sorry. I didn't realize how late it was." He glanced from me to Grace and smiled. "You have to tell me if I break the rules. It's in my nature to do so."

  "It's okay, no worries at-"

  I cut her off. "Erik. I need your help." I moved toward him as he stiffened.

  "How do you know my name?" His eyebrow lifted.

  "My father is the DA of New York City. I know a lot about you." I stopped in front of him and glanced up into his beautiful face with what I prayed was a pleading expression. "Please. I need your help."

  "I love helping a pretty woman, miss, but you being the daughter of the DA doesn't exactly score you any points with me. Your prick of a father has been trying to take down my family for ages. Why in the world would I help you?"

  "What if I could delete a few files from the system? My father's computer is completely accessible from his library. He wouldn't suspect me."

  He watched me closely as Grace moved up beside me and grabbed my arm.

  "What are you doing right now? You can't delete files from your father's library. There should be backups and stuff."

  "She's right." Erik glanced toward Grace. "But a well-planted virus would help out a lot."

  "Can you get me the virus?" I kept my eyes on my target. I didn't have to figure this out alone. Erik would help me. I had something he wanted. Too bad Nate hadn't felt the same.

  "I can." He licked his lips and tilted his head a little, looking like sin incarnate. "What do you want help with, Jenna Webb?"

  I stiffened, though I should have known that he knew who I was. Everyone did.

  "My brother was murdered last weekend. I want-"

  "Your brother committed suicide. I've seen the files." He crossed his arms over his massive chest and Grace sighed and walked away.

  "I'm closing everything down. Don't leave without me."

  "I won't," I mumbled, grateful that she gave me and Erik a minute alone. "He wouldn't do that. If you know anything about my family, you know that Darek was my father’s pride and joy. He wouldn’t kill himself."

  "Agreed. So who fed him the sex drug, little girl? Three of those bitches and your heart will stop." He watched me with an intensity that rivaled Nate's.

  "I don't know, but I would bet it's his fucking widow. Something is off about her."

  He nodded. "Very off. Her last husband died too. Not four years ago. Seems very suspicious."

  "What?" Shock raced through me. "She's not been married before."

  He clicked his tongue against his teeth. "Don't challenge my facts, Jenna. Tell me what you want from me for this quid pro quo. Take care of my needs, and I'll take care of yours."

  His line was far too sexual, but maybe it was just me. He was overwhelming that close up.

  "My brother left a laptop at his place. He gave me the password."

  "Don't need it."

  "What? We do need it. It should have evidence that-"

  "Don't need it. She killed him. Plain and simple. She's a black widow."

  I pressed my hands to my face and breathed in slowly. "How do you know this?"

  "I know everything, Miss Webb. You want her dead? Is that the payoff? Or you want the evidence delivered on your doorstep?"

  "I want two things." I dragged my fingers down my face. "Please."

  "Sure. Seems doable if you're really willing to fry your daddy's files for me and mine."

  "For you. Not the rest of your family." I shook my head.

  "Easy enough." He shrugged. "Two things. What are they?"

  "Get the evidence that she forced those drugs on him somehow and go with me when I kill her."

  He snorted. "You're going to take out the girl?"

  "Yes." I nodded, fully aware that my life would change forever, but I couldn't let someone else clean up the mess. She killed my brother and destroyed my father. I needed closure. Even if it changed me forever.

  "I'm getting hard just thinking about it." He licked his lips again and smiled. "Deal, Jenna Webb. Set me up with your pretty friend when this is all over."

  "Fuck no. Set yourself up." I turned as he walked past me and chuckled low in his chest. Grace would never survive him.

  "Expect to hear from me by this weekend."

  "Wait. You need the password to Darek's computer."

  "No, I don't."

  I stood there in the dark, watching him go until Grace jogged back toward me.

  "What did I miss?"

  "Nothing. Everything." I turned my attention to my best friend. "Would you still love me if I killed someone?"

  "Was it an accident?"


  "Did they deserve it?"

  "Does anyone deserve to die?" I reached out and ran my hand down her arm.

  "Yeah, some people do." She glanced over her shoulder. "Awww... did I miss him leaving?"

  "Yeah, but stay away from him Grace. He's a really bad guy."

  "I realize that. It's his name I scream when I masturbate."

  "Really?" I glanced over at her and shook my head at the silly pink dress she wore. "You're killing me here."

  "Speaking of killing... who are we offing?"

  "We? No one." I stopped and glanced around. "I'm not letting you get involved."

  "You don't have a choice. Where you go - I go."

  I nodded as emotion choke
d me. Of course, my best friend was willing to have my back. Nate wasn't. My sister wouldn't. But Grace... I could always count on Grace.

  No matter the request.



  Two Days Later

  I poked my head around to the living room to see which of the two people with a key to my place was coming in - uninvited.


  "You can't just fucking knock?" I gave him a look. It had been a long two days trying to get Jenna to talk to me and getting the cold shoulder from her. It would seem she never did go over to Ashley’s Thursday night seeing that I headed over there when Ash wouldn't come to heel.

  We spent the evening on the couch, bullshitting until she tried to get in my lap. She was less than happy when I denied her a long ride on my cock, but as far as I was concerned, my body belonged to one woman.

  Too bad she wasn't interested in servicing it for the time being.

  "Since when do I knock? I'm not the cops." Mikey closed the door and followed me into the kitchen. "Where you been? Working and shit?"

  "That and sleeping." I walked to the fridge and pulled out a beer.

  "You know most people drink coffee or hot tea in the morning."

  "Right. Well, I ain't a hipster or an old lady, so try again." I turned to face him and chugged the beer.

  "What's going on with Jenna and Ashley? You made up your mind yet what you're going to do?"

  "I'm not killing Jenna. I know that much." I shrugged and burped loudly. "I can't off Ash either, man. She's stood beside me through every shitty thing in my life. I need to just disappear."

  "And let them kill each other?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "That sounds like the manly thing to do."

  "Fuck you too, Mikey." I walked past him and picked up my phone as it buzzed on the table. Ashley. "Damn. This bitch is calling already this morning? What now?"

  "Ashley?" Mikey dropped down on the chair beside the couch.

  "Yes." I pressed the talk button and put the phone to my ear. "It's Nate. What's up?"

  "Someone stole Darek's computer last night, Nate. Do you know anything about that?" Ashley's voice was stone-cold. I'd only heard her sound that way a few times, and none of them turned out really well for anyone involved.


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