Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel Page 75

by Weston Parker

  "No. It was all her. Don’t tell me any different. I don’t want to hear it. Just get me out of these fucking ropes. Now. Nate, look at me. This is ridiculous. I love you. I want to fuck all night long."

  I wasn't even sure where the pill was. Panic raced through me and I closed my eyes and concentrated on how good it felt to thrust as hard as I could. Ashley was a conniving bitch. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  Sadly enough... she'd won. I'd be dead soon, or Jenna would.



  He was going to take the third Zandra pill. I could see it in his eyes. I had no question over whether he loved me or not. I knew without a doubt that he did. Whatever happened with Ashley was in the past. Some cruel, fucked up design of fate had us twisted together, and I had to decide. Dig deep into the truth and figure out what was going on, or let it go and be loved deeply, unconditionally by the type of man who would leave me breathless and bent over by him until the day we died. I chose the latter.

  "Nate. Get the fuck over here." I ignored the tears streaming down my face and continued to yank at the bindings I had on my wrists. I'd come out of the bathroom to get him help, and someone smacked me on the back of the head, knocking me out temporarily.

  To wake up with him being dragged to the living room by Denise, or Ashley as he called her, and not have my hands or feet free was devastating.

  He wasn't coherent anymore as he pumped his hips, fucking himself far too hard and fast. His cock was going to be raw if he survived what we'd gotten ourselves into.

  "This is my fault. I threatened her with Darek’s death." I glanced up as another wave of tears burned my eyes.

  “And you should have. I-”

  The door to the apartment burst open and Erik walked in, gun raised. "What the fuck?"

  "Help me. Get me out of these bindings."

  His eyes widened as he watched Nate, but walked over to me. "What the hell is Nathaniel doing?"

  "Jacking off. He's got too much Zandra in him. Get me free. Hurry." I bounced, pounding the floor.

  Nate cried out again and rolled onto his back, his t-shirt and jeans soaked with come.

  "We gotta get him to a hospital, Jenna."

  "I know. Call them and I'll take care of him."

  "What? No. Look at him. He's outta his goddamn mind. He could hurt you."

  "He won't." I glanced up at Erik. "I promise that he won't. Get me free. Please."

  "If he starts to, I'll put a fucking bullet in his head. I don't deal well with women being abused."

  "Deal. Help me get him into the bedroom. He's scraping up his face and probably his knees on the hardwood floor. Please."

  He released me and I scrambled across the floor toward Nate and reached for him. A scream ripped from my throat as he grabbed me and tucked me beneath him, thrusting hard against my stomach.

  "Forgive me, baby," he groaned against the side of my neck before someone yanked him backward.

  "Sick fucker." Erik dragged him by his shirt back down to the bedroom, and I scrambled to my feet, running after them. I had on a little white bra and panties for some sick reason, but I didn't care if I was butt-ass naked. Nothing was going to happen to Nate.

  "He's got another pill, Erik." I moved into the bedroom behind them as Erik picked him up and tossed him onto the bed. I was slightly frightened by the other guy's strength.

  "Where's the pill, dude?" Erik barked at Nate, who wasn't responding at all. He rolled from side to side, groaning as he continued to jerk himself off.

  I got up on the bed and glanced back at Erik. “Find me something to tie him up. Please. Something soft."

  "How do I get myself into shit like this?" He moved to the closet as Nate opened his eyes and growled low in his chest.

  "Mine," he barked and gripped the front of my bra, tearing at it as I moved closer to him. Where I should have been scared that he would hurt me, I couldn't be. He needed me too fucking bad and all of this was my fault.

  What in the world was I thinking taunting and threatening a woman like Denise? A black widow? I was a simple good girl who wanted more adventure in life and a strong man to hold me at night. Nothing more.

  Erik walked back as Nate moved down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. "That would be hot if I wasn't so goddamn disturbed. I've known this asshole my whole life and never once have I seen him lose control." He glanced up at me as I petted Nate's head. "Not once."

  "Grab his left hand and tie it to the bedpost. I'll keep the other hand busy." I ignored how incredibly uncomfortable the situation was. Erik would never see me the same again, and I wasn't sure I wanted to ever see him again in general.

  "How long does this shit last?" I moved back as Nate cried out and reached for me again. His nails dug into my arm, breaking the skin.

  "Couple of hours from what I've heard. I would never take this shit. I don't need an enhanced fuck. I already fuck good enough as it is." He chuckled and moved to the other side of the bed, making quick work of Nate's other hand and then his feet.

  "Jenna, please. For shit's sake, help me." Nate groaned and undulated his hips. "My body burns. It hurts so fucking bad. Please."

  It was nice to hear him talking again at least. I glanced over toward Erik. "Get out. Let me know when the ambulance is here."

  "No. I'm not leaving you with him."

  "You don't know me, Erik. Get out. You don't owe me anything." I moved toward Nate and unbuckled his pants, yanking them down. His cock was thick and engorged, bouncing around as he bucked his hips.

  "Fuck me. God, please, fuck me." I'd never seen anything more disturbing and sexy in my life. The strong man who'd captured my heart was coming unglued at the seams, and more than willing to end his life before hurting me at all.

  There was nothing I wouldn't do for him.

  "Shit. Fine." Erik turned and walked out of the room, closing the door.

  I pulled my panties down my legs and moved up to position myself above Nate. "Make love to me," I whispered softly and pushed his shirt up his chest. I needed a condom, but come hell or high water, I planned on being his forever. Somehow. If we made it through this shit.

  "I want to." He lifted his hips and moaned loudly as he shook beneath me. His cock dipped inside of me and his voice broke. "More. Fuck, Jenna. More. Sit down, goddamnit. Ride me like a whore. Fuck me hard. Fast. Turn around and squeeze my sack. Bite me. Do something!"

  I pressed back and impaled myself on his shaft, not sure if the tension building up in my body was nerves or fear.

  He lifted his hips and bucked beneath me. "Give me my goddamn hands. I want to touch you." He growled and lifted his head, his eyes almost completely black thanks to his pupils being dilated. "Fuck me, bitch."

  I leaned down and slapped him hard before digging my nails into his chest and bouncing in his lap. He wanted to be fucked? Fine. I'd fuck him like the whore he acted like.

  "That's it," he cooed. "So good. So wet and hot. Fuck. I can feel your ass dragging on my balls. Pull on them, Jenna. Pull them hard."

  I reached back and pinched the skin at the bottom of his sack, pulling hard as I tried to keep a rhythm. He was so much bigger than all my toys, and yet somehow I was able to wedge him inside of me.

  "Come. Wet me. Come, angel."

  "Make love to me." I released my hold on him and leaned down, pressing my lips to his and slowing my speed to a steady, long stroke. "I love you with all of me. You're all I think about, Nate. Every day that you walked into that coffee shop and you drank that shitty coffee. It was for me, wasn't it?"

  He opened his eyes and pulled against the restraints as a bit of blue bled back into his irises. "Yeah. It was all for you. I hate that fucking shit."

  "Shhh..." I licked his lips and rolled my hips, massaging his full length. "You feel so good buried inside of me. Tell my you'll be mine forever, baby."

  "If you still want me. I’m not a good man, Jenna. I’ve done horrible things."

  “Hush. Everyone des
erves a second chance.”

  “I don’t.” He lifted his chin as a tear dripped down the side of his face and he barreled out a string of cuss words. "I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch for doing this to you."

  "No, thank her." I licked his throat and sat back up before dismounting him.

  "No. Jenna. Please. Don't stop. Fuck." He dropped his head back to the bed. "It’s still raping my system. So unbelievably horrible."

  "I'm not stopping until you want me to." I turned my back to him and pressed down on him reverse cowgirl. Rolling my hips, I concentrated on petting his sack, scraping his legs, playing with his ass until he came off the bed, spewing like a fountain.

  The sound of him lost in ecstasy shot me over the edge as well. I cried out and pressed my free hand to my clit as I let myself enjoy the moment.

  "Wow. That's fucking hot." Erik leaned against the door and sucked his lip into his mouth. "They're here. You want me to give you another minute?"

  "Is there anything they can do? I don't want him to suffer."

  "He won't. They'll clean him up and he'll be asleep in minutes." Erik's eyes moved down my body and he shook his head and smirked. "You sure you like Nate that much? I'd be more your style. I promise."

  "Fuck you, Bertinelli," Nate bellowed from behind me.

  "Well, you would certainly try today, old friend." Erik opened the door and motioned for me to cover up. "Everything is going to be all right, Nate. We're both here with you and we're not going anywhere."

  I rolled onto the floor and reached for an extra blanket, covering myself up and standing on wobbly legs. Erik walked over and picked me up, toting me like a princess.

  "Put me down."

  "Hush. Let me play the good guy for just a second."

  "Be careful. It's rather becoming."

  "You think?" He winked and walked me to the bathroom near the guest room. "I put a t-shirt and sweats in there. Get dressed and we'll ride behind the ambulance."

  "Will he remember any of this?"

  "No. Not from what I know of this nasty drug." He set me down and moved back. "I'm going to help them load him up. Wait for me here."

  I nodded and closed the door, waiting a second before pressing my back to the door and cupping my face in my hands. I slid to the floor as a silent scream shook me to the core of who I was.

  Killing Ashley wasn't the moment that would change me forever.

  Thinking she'd killed Nate was.



  Two Days Later

  "Sir. There are several people here to see you." The nurse moved up beside my bed and touched my arm.

  "I don't care. I'm not seeing anyone." I kept my face toward the window. "They're not my blood relatives, and I’m not married."

  "All right, but I still think-"

  "I didn't ask what you think," I barked and jerked my face toward her as I narrowed my eyes.

  She moved back and lifted her hands as if surrendering. "Okay. I'm sorry."

  "Fuck off." I turned back toward the window and closed my eyes as pain laced the center of my chest.

  Guilt. Embarrassment. Fury.

  I couldn't look at Jenna again after what happened. There was no way. Ashley didn't want me to die, or Jenna to end up a bloody stump from being fucked across the kitchen floor.

  She wanted my dignity. And she got it.

  The door opened and I sat up and started to throw my pillow.

  "I'm not here to fluff any of your shit. Lay down and shut up." Erik walked in and dropped down in the chair next to the bed.

  "Fuck you, Bertinelli. Get outta here." I closed my eyes and rested my arm on my face. "I don't owe you shit."

  "Naw, but you sure as fuck owe that beautiful woman close to tears in the lobby. She fucked you in front of a crowd to help you out a couple of days ago. I stood by like a bastard and watched." He pressed his fingers to his mouth as I turned my face toward him.

  "You're sick."

  "No, you are." He got a faraway look in his eyes. "Did you fall in love with her when you first started going to De Luca or was it more recent?"

  "Have you been watching me?" I growled and sat up.

  "I've always been watching you, Nate. You're my best friend. I'd never let a fucking leaf fall on your side of the street." He turned his steely eyes back onto me. "You think just because you flipped me and my family off that I could walk away? You saved my goddamn life a million times when we were kids. Took a bullet in the chest for me, what? Five times?"

  "Four. You dick." I reached up and rubbed my chest.

  "You're not choosing to live right now. You're choosing to die."

  "No clue what you're whining about. I'm not in the mood though." I let the smirk slide off my face as pain wrapped tightly around my chest, suffocating my desire to take another breath. "I can't see her again. She's in danger for one, and she has to hate me. I violated her trust, killed her brother, fucked her like a two-bit whore."

  "Yeah. And?" He stood up and moved over to the bed, putting his hand on my chest. "You're a good man. You're just living in a fucked up world. Fix it, or I'm going to fix it for you."

  I turned and swallowed the burn in my chest as my eyes filled with tears. "Ash stole my pride, Erik. How the fuck do I ever get that back? Jenna deserves a man, not an abuser."

  He nodded. "Ash only stole what you let her steal. Nothing more. You have a woman who loves you waiting in the lobby. Don't turn her away." He smiled just before I closed my eyes. "I promise you that I'll pick her up and make her mine."

  "No, you won't." I reached up and grabbed for his throat as he chuckled.

  "Good. She's a little too tainted for me anyway. I swear, she enjoyed fucking you and tugging on your shit as much as you cried for more." He moved back as I reached for him again. "She loves you, man. That shit is priceless."

  "I know." I turned back toward the window. "Take her home for me. I'll see her when I get out. I promise."

  He left without another word, and I was grateful. He knew me well enough to understand that when I said my peace... I meant it.

  I drifted off somewhere in the middle of the afternoon and woke to the nurse shaking my shoulder.

  "Mr. Hayes. There's a cop here that wants to talk with you." She rubbed my shoulder softly.

  "What?" I jerked up, only to have her push me back. My dreams left me sweating like a whore in church. Jenna strapped to a bed while I violated every part of her. I let out a long sigh and turned to watch a tough-ass-looking guy walk in the room.

  "I won't take up much of your time, Mr. Hayes."

  "It's Nate, man." I ran my hand over my hair. "Can you hand me that jug of water over there? This shit they're using to clean my system is leaving me so dry it feels like my fucking eyeballs are going to crack."

  He chuckled and turned. "I'm Cole Matthenson. I'm new to the area."

  "Oh yeah. You're the cop that was up at Kadia. Someone mentioned you'd stopped by." I reached for the jug and shook my head as he tried to hand me a glass. "I don't need that." I chugged most of the water, not giving two shits that the guy might be grossed out by me. Fuck him if he was.

  "That place is... interesting."

  "You can say that." I wiped the back of my mouth and handed him the jug. "Thanks."

  "Sure. Can I ask you a few questions about what happened with you and your girlfriend?"

  "Jenna's not my girlfriend." I leaned back as sickness rolled in the pit of my stomach.

  "Oh. All right. She said she was." He smirked. "Women."

  "What do you need to know?"

  "Can you give me the details on where I could find a Miss Denise Webb? Jenna mentioned the girl's name might actually be Ashley. I'm not sure which it is, but it would seem that she was involved in all of this stuff."

  "I have no clue where she is. You guys should check my apartment and probably Darek Webb's place. She was his wife."

  "The late Darek Webb, correct?"

  "Yeah." I leaned back and let the weariness
I was holding back roll over me in thick waves. "Make sure you guys keep an eye on Jenna. She's not safe."

  "Who should we be concerned about coming after her?" He lifted his pad of paper. "A Mister Erik Bertinelli?"

  "Naw. Erik's a good guy."

  The cop chuckled. "Really? That's not the information I'm able to pull up."

  "We all got shit on our record around here. Something you good guys wouldn't understand."

  "You'd be surprised," he mumbled and glanced down at his notepad as he took a few more notes.

  "Where is Jenna?"

  "She left with Mr. Bertinelli earlier from what I understand." He shrugged. "Do you guys sell Zandra out of Kadia?"

  "Nope. You need to talk with Fredrick-"

  "Carrington. I know. I have. Several times. The guy is hoping to get me to join his staff, but he's not hearing me.”

  “Seems a little odd that the boss man would be recruiting from the local police force.” I lifted an eyebrow. Was this guy for real?

  “He’s a powerful man. He knows that my uniform doesn’t fit right. My past won’t let it. Besides, my day of clubs and crime are long behind me."

  I smiled. "You say that until you start to miss it. There is freedom in the darkness that will never be found anywhere else."

  "Yeah, and sanity in the light." He tapped the pen to the paper. "Anything else you might want to let me in on? I've heard the main details about what happened. You didn't take the third pill, did you?"

  "No. I would have to save Jenna from the horror of what that shit did to me, but I couldn't find the goddamn thing." I let out a short sigh. "I'm tired if you're done with your questions."

  "Sure. We'll send a patrolman to watch over Miss Webb. Her father might have already requested one. It wouldn't surprise me much."

  "I like her father. He's a good guy."

  "Yeah, but he's been through hell lately. I'm pretty sure the whole damn state is about to get in an uproar about this drug you suffered from."


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