Ladies Night

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Ladies Night Page 6

by Claudia Rose

  “Sit down! Don’t be an asshole.” Brandt grinned, sat, and resumed eating.

  “You didn’t get up from the wrong side of the bed did you, Dr. Jewel?” he inquired casually, savoring a mouthful of bacon.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I didn’t sleep well.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Still, I imagine a job like yours isn’t always conducive to good dreams.”

  “Don’t start in about my job again. You have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “No idea? I’ve been on the receiving end of the Chief Sociologist’s extraordinary powers, so I have some idea. I’d sleep badly myself if I were the only person in New Washington with the unilateral discretion to murder hundreds of thousands of my fellow citizens.”

  Helena tried to remain calm, but she couldn’t prevent the volume of her voice rising.

  “I’d never abuse my powers. My responsibilities don’t stop me from sleeping. Besides, I’d remind you, I’m not the one who has taken the lives of others with their bare hands.”

  “Of course not, you’ve got whole squads of goons to do that for you!”

  “That is enough,” Helena raged, jumping to her feet and spilling her coffee for the second time in as many days. “I will not have you talk to me like this.”

  With a shaking hand she reached for the button on her wrist, intent on teaching him a lesson.

  “Don’t touch that, Helena.” His voice was dangerously quiet.

  “Don’t you tell me what to do!”

  She fully intended to do it, but she wasn’t quick enough. His hand whipped out, quick as a striking cobra, and stopped her with her finger a fraction of an inch away from the button.

  “What are you doing? Take your hands off me.”

  “Not until you promise not to use that button.”

  “I’m not making any promises to you, you thug.”

  “One last chance Helena. Give me your word you won’t stun me, or you’ll only have yourself to blame for what happens.”

  For the first time he seemed truly angry. It was heady stuff, finally getting under his skin. She knew she was on dangerous ground, but she couldn’t help goading him.

  “Get fucked. The only thing I’m promising you is a quick trip to zapsville.”

  In a swift movement he pulled the silk cord from his robe, knotted one end around the wrist with the bracelet, swung her effortlessly around, grabbed her other arm, and fastened both wrists together behind her. A few more loops of the cord and she was helpless and incandescent with rage.

  “What are you doing, you big ape? Untie me immediately. I’m going to make you sorrier than you’ve ever been in your life.”

  Brandt swung her back to face him and pushed her firmly into the seat opposite. He leaned forward until his face was within two feet of hers, and spoke in a conversational tone.

  “This stops now, Helena. I’m not going to let you stun me. If you’d had it done to you, you’d know why. You can either give me your word to leave that button alone, or prepare to spend the next few days immobilized.”

  Helena smiled sweetly back at him.

  “Brandt,” she whispered in honeyed tones. “When you least expect it—expect it.”

  “Fine,” he replied grimly. “Your call.” He pulled the matching cord from her own robe and laid her on the floor before she had time to protest. Without its fastening, her robe fell open, exposing one breast and white panties.

  “Stop it, you fucking thug. You’re going to regret this!”

  He was so quick. In seconds he had her hog-tied with nothing more than the two silk cords. The worst part for Helena was the cord around her ankles. It threaded up through a loop around her waist, then between her legs. Brandt had her knees bent in such a way that the slightest attempt to straighten them caused the length between her legs to cut deeply into the soft flesh of her pussy. Helena groaned through clenched teeth.

  Brandt pretended not to hear her cries. He didn’t really want to do this. His intention in goading her was to maintain the distance between them. Tying her up meant he’d lost the upper hand in their mental and emotional struggle. It was a defeat of sorts.

  On the up side, there couldn’t be many sights more magnificent than Helena Jewel in bondage. Angry and helpless, she looked even sexier than usual. The panty-covered softness of her pussy, bulging around the crotch rope until the thin cord disappeared entirely, was among the most erotic things Brandt had ever seen. His cock hardened appreciatively.

  To distract himself, he crouched beside her.

  “We can stop this any time you want Helena. Simply give me your word not to touch that stunner button and I’ll let you up.”

  “Go fuck yourself, you moronic meathead. No one treats me like this. As soon as I’m free, I’m going to make you crave the executioner’s needles.”

  “Fine,” he sighed with frustration. “Stay there then. Don’t expect me to listen to you though.” He reached up to the table for a cloth napkin, which he wadded into a ball. “Open your mouth.”

  “You’re not gagging me, you prick.”

  “Yes I am. It’s up to you whether I do it the easy way or the hard way.”

  “Get fucked!” Helena clenched her lips shut defiantly and glared at him. He sighed again, then reached inside her robe and took her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Don’t make me do this Helena, open your mouth.”

  “Mmmmph!” she squealed through clenched lips. Her eyes widened and the squeal turned to a moan when Brandt squeezed her nipple. What was initially uncomfortable quickly turned to pain. Helena yelped loudly. Her yelp was cut in half; stifled by a balled-up napkin firmly shoved into her mouth.

  “Sorry,” said Brandt unrepentantly, standing up. “You gave me no choice.”

  He grinned a little as Helena raged at him from behind her gag.

  “You seem a bit put out. You’ll just have to lie there and calm down while I finish my breakfast. I’m not a vindictive man. I know how much you like looking at my cock. Maybe it will take your mind of your predicament.

  You arrogant bastard!

  He shrugged out of his briefs and robe so he was naked, then sat down to finish his breakfast and read the news cube; his legs apart and his semi-erect cock pointing down at her.

  In truth, he was sorry for the torment he was inflicting on his reluctant hostess. From the corner of his eye he could see the tremors in her aching muscles as she struggled to prevent his fiendish rope-work cutting into her any further than it had already. She looked amazingly sexy—exquisitely beautiful and exquisitely helpless. But he didn’t intend to relent. Let her see how serious he was about her not touching that button.

  Eventually Brandt finished his third cup of coffee, and put it down nonchalantly. Helena wasn’t looking at him, she appeared lost in her private misery. Tears of pain, rage and humiliation had left shining tracks down her cheeks. Again he squatted down beside her, his cock swinging like a pendulum only two feet from her face.

  “I’m going to remove your gag in a second Helena. I hope you’ll be able to promise me you have no intention of touching that stun button. If not, it’s going to be a very long few days for you.”

  Delicately he unwedged the wet napkin from between her aching jaws. For a long time she said nothing, just moved her sore mouth to ease it. Then she looked up at him, and whispered softly. “When you least expect it—expect it.”

  Despite his frustration, he had to smile at her tenacity.

  “Somehow I’m not surprised. Ah, well, let’s move things to a more permanent arrangement.”

  Helena gasped as he picked her up effortlessly. Gravity pulled her bent legs downwards, and the cord between her legs cut cruelly into her pussy. It was all she could do not to cry out in pain.

  “Relax,” said Brandt. “It’ll be better in a second.”

  He carried her through to her own bedroom, enjoying the feel of her warm body cradled in his arms. He pulled the quilt o
ff the bed, and laid her down on the sheet. Then he untied the cord that was pinioning her ankles and cutting into her waist and pussy. She cried out as blood flowed with keen agony back into the places where the ropes had clinched tight. Her legs cramped and spasmed as she attempted to straighten them. It would be some minutes before she could move freely.

  She didn’t have that much time. Brandt quickly located two more cords and in a matter of seconds she was tied up again, spread-eagled on her bed. She moaned and writhed as blood flowed back into her extremities, stabbing like needles. Her pussy felt particularly tender. The cord had crushed her clit firmly against her pubic bone. She was in no mood to be conciliatory and began gathering her energy for another round of abusing Brandt.

  Before she could, he turned and walked out of then room, so she saved her strength for later. With an exhausted sigh she closed her eyes and tried to relax as the pain in her limbs began abating. The new bonds were tight, but no longer uncomfortably so. It was funny how everything seemed relative, she thought. Being spread-eagled on the bed was quite pleasant after being hog-tied. Still humiliating however, particularly as her open robe was exposing both breasts, and her panties were firmly wedged between the lips of her pussy.

  She didn’t hear Brandt return. She was just suddenly conscious of his weight on the bed beside her. So she opened her eyes to recommence battle.


  Helena screamed in pure terror. Brandt was holding a lethally sharp kitchen knife only six inches from her eyes. Her scream was cut off as, once again; Brandt thrust the gag into her mouth. Helena sobbed and moaned helplessly, convinced she was about to be murdered. Brandt spoke flatly.

  “Imagine this knife piercing your eyeball Helena, with such force and brutality it pierces your skull from the inside out. But it doesn’t kill you, the knife just sits there, piercing your brain and burning like fire.”

  He paused for a moment. Helena could see her terrified eyes reflected in the blade. He continued speaking.

  “That’s what it feels like when you press that button. It’s as if a knife is being driven through my head. I’m sorry I frightened you, but next time you’re tempted to stun me, remember the terror you felt ten seconds ago. I’m not a coward, and I’ve got a high pain threshold, but that’s how I feel at the thought of being stunned again.”

  She went quiet and still, and looked at him with wide eyes.

  “I’m going to die in a few days, Helena. Dying doesn’t bother me. In fact, I welcome death. However being stunned again does bother me, and I swear I’ll kill you to prevent it. I have nothing to lose. I know I’ll die if I kill you, but it’s a more preferable alternative to that button. Do you understand?”

  Helena nodded.

  “Can you give me your word you’ll leave the button alone?”

  Again she nodded.

  Brandt put the knife down and gently pulled the gag from her mouth.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t understand. I did see you stunned in the cage, but I didn’t realize it was so very painful. When I threatened you with the button on the night of the fight, you simply laughed. I give you my word I won’t touch the button, no matter what happens.”

  He looked into her eyes. Something lurched inside him. Another person understood his pain and his fear. His determination to keep her at a distance began to waver.

  “Please untie me,” Helena pleaded.

  She was so beautiful. Brandt hadn’t expected to feel such desire for another person again. The last time had been in another life. Despite his crimes, he wasn’t a criminal. But passing up this opportunity would be a crime.

  “I’ll untie you in a moment,” he replied softly. “First, let me try and make up for the discomfort you’ve suffered.”

  He rose and walked to the foot of the bed, looking down at her where she lay on the sheet, semi-naked and spread helplessly before him.

  Helena shivered as his eyes wandered over her body. The intensity of his gaze felt like a physical caress. His naked cock captivated her attention, as it grew large and hard. She desperately wanted that cock inside her.

  “I’ll start with a massage.” Carefully he knelt on the bed between her spread legs and began rubbing the red band around her waist where the cord had clinched tight. Helena closed her eyes and gave a small sensuous moan as his big warm hands moved up her ribcage to enclose her breasts. His hands cupped them and rubbed across her nipples, bringing them fully erect. The left nipple, the one he’d squeezed, was very sensitive. Helena opened her eyes to make sure it wasn’t going to be roughly handled. What she saw was the top of Brandt’s head as he lowered his mouth to her breast.

  “Oh my God!” she moaned loudly as his hot tongue made contact with her left nipple. Then his whole mouth, warm and wet, engulfed her sensitive nub. It felt delicious. Wanting more contact with him, she raised her head as far as her bonds would allow and buried her face in his hair. She savored its warmth and the sexy man-smell of him. Her pussy was getting wet, quickly. She strained sensuously against the cords, delighting in the sensation of being fully restrained while wonderful things were being done to her helpless body.

  Helena’s nerves tingled as, inch-by-inch, Brandt’s mouth worked from her left breast to her right breast, then down her torso and waist towards her pussy. Her moans of desire turned to frustration when he broke contact and went to kneel on the bed beside her ankles.

  Once more he lowered his head, and she gasped as his mouth made contact with her feet. She’d never had her toes sucked before. Some fastidious corner of her being balked momentarily at the idea, but his hot tongue, encircling toe after toe, felt much too good to want to stop. She surrendered to the sensation.

  After doing each foot in turn, he worked his way up her legs, getting closer and closer to her pussy, but not nearly quickly enough for Helena’s liking.

  “Oh God, Brandt. That’s so good. Please lick me, don’t stop.”

  He stopped.


  “What are you doing,” she asked as he sat up and leaned back on his haunches. His erect penis pointed defiantly at the ceiling. He smiled wickedly.

  “I thought you’d been tied up long enough, and you’d want to go and get some clothes on.”

  “You sadistic bastard. You said you were going to be nice to me.”

  “What? You don’t want to be untied?”

  “No, not yet.” She couldn’t help the tone of pleading. Her body craved sexual release. “Please don’t stop yet.”

  “You ask so nicely. How can I refuse? You’ll need to give me some physical demonstration of intent as well.” Helena’s resistance was thoroughly broken.

  “Anything you want Brandt. Please don’t stop yet.”

  “Will you suck my cock?”


  “What about my balls. Will you suck and lick my balls?”

  “Yes, that too.”

  He thought for a moment.

  “What if I rubbed my cock between your breasts, or came all over them, or came in your mouth? Would you still want to stay tied up?”

  “Don’t be a bastard!” she squealed. “The answer’s yes! Yes, yes, yes to all of them. You can fuck me, suck me or come all over me. I don’t give a shit, just as long as you let me come too.”

  To emphasize how serious she was, Helena writhed erotically on the bed.

  “Hot damn, things are lookin’ up,” intoned Brandt to the ceiling. He lifted his leg over Helena’s chest and straddled her torso, his balls rubbing her breasts and his big cock poised before her mouth. He reached over for a pillow and propped her head up with it, so her mouth was perfectly placed to take him.

  “Dr. Jewel, I have the pleasure of presenting to you the cock of convict Brandt De Vos, and even greater pleasure in ordering you to suck it! Say ahhh.”

  “Ahhhh—mmmm,” said Helena as Brandt’s penis entered her open mouth. It was a tight fit, and she didn’t expect to get much in. Still, she was determined to do her bes
t in the hope he’d reciprocate and stick his tongue in her pussy.

  “Yee-hah,” breathed Brandt. “That is fan—tastic, Dr. Jewel. I’m sure if more of your staff gave blow jobs to the city’s convicts, New Washington would be a happier place.”

  Helena snorted with laughter and almost choked. Brandt had to remove his cock for a moment.

  “Steady, Dr. Jewel. Steady. Try and stay focused.” Brandt held his cock up against his belly with one hand and thrust his hips forward so Helena’s mouth could reach his balls. She licked and sucked them hungrily while he made appreciative noises. With his free hand he reached behind and began playing with her breasts, kneading and rubbing them.

  He moved back so his cock was again in her mouth. The hand on her breasts moved down to her crotch. She moaned around the mouthful of cock as his fingers found her pussy. He explored gently around the area where her panties were wedged between her labia, running his index finger delicately up the silken furrow created by the cruel crotch rope. One finger found its way inside the leg of her panties and slowly he pulled them away from her pussy. More moans as the fabric slowly unpeeled from between her labia. Her panties were soaking wet. Brandt worked a couple more fingers inside the leg band and gently explored the wet entrance and swollen inner lips of her vagina. Her moans were increasing in intensity, as her desire for sexual release grew ever stronger.

  Brandt removed his fingers from between her legs, and held them up to his nose as if savoring the aroma of a fine wine. His voice was teasing.

  “This may not be a very politically correct thing to say Dr. Jewel, but there are few things I enjoy more than the scent of an aroused woman. Come to think of it, the only thing better than the scent is the taste. You’ve left me no option but to stick my tongue between your legs.”

  “Thank God for that!” sighed Helena with relief. “Do you think you could shut up now and get on with it?”

  Without further ado, Brandt turned the other way and put his face between her legs. It was a perfect sixty-nine, and Helena made the most of it. She took his cock back in her mouth, as his tongue began licking firmly at the wet panties still covering her pussy. Then he pulled them aside and licked and sucked her with serious intent. His tongue repeatedly plowed a hot furrow from top to bottom, probing deeply into her inner depths, and then withdrawing to lap at her swollen clitoris. She writhed and wriggled as much as the bonds would let her, struggling to grind her pubic mound against his face. At the same time, she was careful to keep his thrusting cock in her mouth, swirling its tip with her tongue.


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