Rock Stars Don't Like Big Knickers

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Rock Stars Don't Like Big Knickers Page 26

by Nikki Ashton

  “I know,” Luke’s muffled voice replied. “I heard you say you love me.”

  Martha eased him away from her breast and saw the biggest smile she’d ever seen from Luke, as he gazed up at her tear stained face.

  “Don’t cry baby, I’m fine,” he soothed.

  Luke felt as though his whole body was floating and that his heart might burst through his chest, such was the strength of the joy that it throbbed with – she loved him.

  Martha’s bottom lip trembled as she ran her shaking fingers down his face. “Are you sure?” she asked.

  Luke nodded. “I’m sure.” He reached up and took a strand of Martha’s hair and curled it between his fingers. “You love me,” he whispered.

  Martha nodded. “I never stopped. And you’re not hurt?” Luke shook his head. “Well that’s good,” she cried as she twisted Luke’s nipple through his t-shirt. “You tosser, you did that on purpose, pretended that you were dead so that I’d feel sorry for you! And you made me cry.”

  Despite the pain, Luke couldn’t help but laugh at Martha’s indignant expression. “Twist all you like babe; you love me so I don’t really care. Ooowww,” he cried as Martha twisted harder.





  “Oh shut up and just bloody kiss me, you dick.” Martha’s grin was a mile wide.

  “Can I get up first?” Luke asked. “Otherwise I’ll end up with piles lying on this cold pavement.”

  “Tough.” Martha launched herself at Luke, pressing her mouth against his and dragging her hands through his hair. “God I’ve missed you,” she groaned not caring that a man walking his dog was standing nearby and watching.

  Luke and Martha had barely made it back to their room. They were desperate for each other and were ripping at each other’s clothes all the way back to the B&B.

  “Babe, I’ve missed you so fucking much. You don’t know how much I need you,” Luke groaned as he pulled Martha’s t-shirt over her head.

  “Are we doing the right thing?” Martha asked breathlessly as she unbuckled Luke’s belt. “We’ve not talked about what happened.”

  Luke stopped kissing along her neck momentarily. “Don’t babe, later, but I was telling the truth.”

  Martha only hesitated briefly before popping the button on his jeans and then grabbing the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor with his discarded leather jacket.

  “I love you so much it makes my chest hurt.” Luke pulled Martha’s bra straps off her shoulders and kissed down her breast taking one of her pebbled nipples into his mouth through the lace of her bra.

  Martha threw her head back and gasped. “Luke, I need you baby. I need you inside me now,” she cried, her voice full of desperate want.

  Luke lifted his head and with one movement lifted Martha from her feet. In one stride he was by the side of the bed. He gently placed her in the middle of the flowered bedspread and smiled softly.

  “You are so beautiful.” He swallowed back the lump that stuck in his throat. “I can’t believe you’re here with me.” Luke’s heart was thumping rapidly and suddenly he felt nervous. He wanted to prolong this moment for as long as possible, because once it was over she might change her mind and leave him again, and he knew that would kill him. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, more for his own benefit than Martha’s.

  Martha nodded and reached her hand out to him. “Luke, I love you and I’m sure, but we do need to talk…later.”

  “I know baby, I know.” He bent over and kissed Martha lightly. Luke lowered his jeans and kicked them off. “But tonight I’m going to worship you and just show you how much I adore you and always will.”

  Chapter 37

  Martha stretched lazily and groaned as she felt every muscle in her body ache. But it was a lovely, luxurious ache, the sort that indicated that she’d been thoroughly worshipped by Luke the night before.

  As she shifted under the covers, Luke’s arm tightened over her bare stomach.

  “Morning gorgeous,” he whispered. “Sleep well?”

  Martha turned on her side to face him. Their lips were inches apart as they both smiled coyly at each other.

  “Hey you,” Martha said.

  “God you’re beautiful, did I tell you that?” Luke ran a finger down Martha’s nose and then along her slightly parted lips.

  Martha nodded. “Mmm, lots of times.” She gasped as Luke dragged her bottom lip down with his finger. “Luke,” she sighed, “we should talk.”

  Luke leaned forward and bit gently at her lip, while his hand gently gripped her waist. “You want to talk now?” he asked.

  Martha arched her back and shook her head. “Nope, not yet. You?” she whispered as her fingers traced his tattoos.

  “Nah.” Luke rolled Martha onto her back and positioned himself between her thighs. “You want to go down for breakfast?” he whispered pinning her arms to the bed and dropping a string of kisses down her neck.

  “Nope, not yet. You?” She closed her eyes and relished Luke’s soft kisses and magic fingers as they ran up and down her body.

  “Nah. I’ve got better things to do,” Luke said. “I need to show you how much I fucking love you, how much I worship you and how much I’ve missed you. Martha’s body shivered with the anticipation as she lay back and gave herself unconditionally to Luke, even though she knew that he had the power to ruin her.

  As they drove to the hospital, Luke barely let go of Martha’s hand. He needed to feel her, and to make sure that she was still there, because he still couldn’t quite believe that they were back together. Last night, and this morning, had been amazing and just proved that they were meant to be together. They’d not really spoken about Rachel, and Luke was glad. Not that he didn’t want to talk about it, he was merely delaying the subject for now until he’d had chance to tell Rachel the truth of why he’d been seeing her again. Martha wouldn’t want him spending time with her, and he didn’t want to anymore. Spending any time with Medusa just to prove a point simply wasn’t worth it. The problem was he couldn’t bring himself to tell Martha what he’d been doing. He couldn’t risk her not believing him again and leaving him again. So, as soon as he could, Luke decided he was going to see Rachel and end it.

  “You okay?” Martha asked, squeezing his hand. “You look as though you’re somewhere else.”

  Luke briefly took his eyes from the road and smiled. “I’m fine, brilliant in fact. How about you?”

  Martha gave a satisfied sigh and lifted Luke’s hand to kiss his palm.

  “The same. I feel happy and calm for the first time in weeks.”

  “That’s good, because I intend on making you happy every day.” Luke paused and took in a deep breath. “I do have to go to London later though, so project ‘Make Martha Happy’ may have to start tomorrow.”

  “That’s okay. What is it, a record company meeting?” Martha asked.

  “No, I need to go to one of my warehouses for the wine importing business. I’d take you with me, but you’d be bored.” Luke glanced sideways wondering whether Martha had picked up on his lie. She was still smiling, thank God.

  “No worries, I’ve got stuff I need to do anyway. I’ll get the train back.”

  “No way!” Luke cried. “I’ll take you home.”

  Martha pulled at Luke’s hand. “Don’t be silly, you’re halfway there. It won’t kill me to get on a train, Luke.”

  “We’ll talk about it later babe,” Luke replied as they pulled into the hospital car park.

  “Okay, we’ll talk later,” Martha said with a smile on her lips. There was no way she was going to lose that argument.

  “So, you’re back together?” Betty asked. She was perched on the edge of her bed and kicked her legs up and down in excitement. “Oh, I’m so pleased, she’s been miserable without you Luke.”

  Luke dipped his head and grabbed Martha’s hand.

  “Thank God, h
e’s been a real misery too,” Noah added as he fastened Betty’s rucksack.

  “Hey, I am here.” Luke cuffed Noah around the head.

  “Well you have. Anyway enough of your love life, we’d better get going Bet, the guys are getting in on the midday train.”

  “Yeah,” Betty cried, jumping off the bed. “I can’t wait to see them. The bands tonight are going to be amazing.”

  “Well I’ll come with you to the station,” Martha said staring pointedly at Luke. “I’m getting the train home because Luke has to go to London.”


  “No Luke, I’m going on the train so don’t argue.”

  Luke pulled Martha to him and rested his arms on her shoulders and pressed his forehead to hers. “Okay, if you say so.” He dropped a kiss on the end of her nose. As Luke gazed at Martha he felt as though the air had been sucked from his lungs. “God I love you,” he sighed.

  “I love you too.” Martha moved her head to kiss him.

  Luke groaned at the contact and threaded his hands through her hair. Martha let out a whimper and grabbed hold of Luke’s back, pushing herself against him.

  “Um, excuse me,” Noah said “We’ve already had to witness you two making out once before.”

  “Yeah,” Betty added. “Once too much. I’m still having nightmares.”

  “Sorry,” Luke laughed as he pulled away from Martha. “Come on; let’s get you all to the station.”

  Once Luke had seen Martha onto the train, he got back into his car and dialled a number on his phone. After two rings it was answered.

  “Hi baby.”

  “Hi Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that I’m on my way over.” Luke closed his eyes and rested his head back against the headrest, hating himself for what he was risking.

  “Really? Oh goody.”

  Luke groaned as Rachel’s voice grated on his nerves. The sooner he ended this farce the better.

  Chapter 38

  When she arrived home, Martha was sporting a grin that was at least ten miles wide. Once she’d finished reading a magazine on the train, she’d had nothing else left to do but sit back, close her eyes and daydream about Luke. She knew it had been hopeless trying to stay away from him once the ice around her heart had started to thaw. She loved him more than words could describe, and he was wrapped up in her every thought. While she knew it probably wasn’t healthy to feel like that, Martha also knew that she had no choice in the matter. The only doubt now was Rachel. Martha knew beyond doubt that Luke wouldn’t cheat on her ever again - the time they’d spent apart had been too hard for him to risk it - but could she really trust him if he had cheated on her, and would she ever even find out the truth? The only thing Martha knew to do was to move on, and trust his word. He was adamant and she needed to believe him. She needed to believe in them.

  Once she’d showered and changed, Martha gave Graham a call. She’d texted him to tell him about Betty while she was on the way to Oxfordshire, and asked him if he’d mind coming over and taking Ernie back to his house.

  “Hey, Uncle Graham,” Martha said breezily as he answered the phone.

  “Hi sweetheart. How’s Betty?”

  Martha explained what had happened and told him how she and Luke were back together.

  “Well, if it’s what you want, then I’m pleased for you,” Graham answered. “And you believe him now?”

  “I have to believe him. Otherwise, we can’t move on – and I really want to move on.” Martha sighed, thinking about Luke.

  “Okay, then I support you sweetheart. I’ll keep Ernie here for the next couple of days if you like. Sally has some time off work, so we can take him out on a few long walks.” Graham said.

  “Ah thanks, he’ll love that.”

  “It’ll also free you up for some Luke time,” Graham laughed, “because I’m guessing you’ll be seeing plenty of him.”

  Martha gave a giggle, said goodbye to her uncle, and resumed counting the minutes until she’d next see Luke. He’d said that it would be late by the time he got back, so would come around to Martha’s first thing in the morning. She just hoped he set his alarm early because she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible – they’d wasted too much already.

  Martha had just eaten some dinner and watched the early evening news when her phone started ringing. It was Luke, and her face instantly broke into a huge smile.

  “Hey you,” she said unable to contain the giggle that spilled from her mouth.

  “Hi babe, are you okay?” Luke’s voice was quiet. The sound of traffic rumbled in the background.

  “I’m okay, missing you. Where are you, still at the warehouse?”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “We’re not done yet. I’ve just popped outside to call you. God knows what time we’ll finish.”

  “Well, drive carefully won’t you.” Martha paused and took a deep breath. “I could wait up for you?”

  Luke sighed. “You don’t know how much I’d love that, but seriously babe I have no idea what time I’ll be back.”

  Martha’s shoulders fell with disappointment. “Okay, just don’t leave it too late in the morning then.”

  “Don’t you worry, as soon as it’s light I’ll be knocking on your door.” Luke laughed.

  Martha wished she hadn’t asked for her key back now, so that Luke could let himself in when he got back. “Well if my light is on when you get back, then make sure you knock then instead of waiting,” she said.

  Luke laughed. “Believe me, I will. I’d better go, but don’t forget I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  “Sorry Luke, baby, I had to take that call. It was my agent.” Rachel stepped out onto the balcony just as Luke dropped his mobile back into his pocket.

  “No problem. What’s a phone call after I’ve waited all afternoon for you? I just wished you’d told me that you were going to be in a meeting when I called to say I was coming over.” Luke’s face was expressionless as Rachel pouted at him.

  “Sorry baby,” she simpered.

  Luke had arrived at around three, as agreed with Rachel, only to be told by her doorman that she was in a meeting but he was to go up to her apartment and wait. For three hours he’d waited and resisted the desire to call Martha. He hadn’t wanted to call until he knew what time he’d be leaving – he didn’t want to lie any more than he had to. He knew that as soon as Rachel arrived he’d tell her and then leave and go back to the woman he loved.

  “Beer, baby?” Rachel asked as Luke followed her into the kitchen.

  Luke shook his head. “No, but we need to talk and you might want to sit down.”

  “Ooh sounds serious.” Rachel smirked as she poured herself a glass of wine. “Okay, let’s go and sit down in the lounge.”

  “I’m okay standing thanks, but you knock yourself out.”

  A few seconds after ending her call with Luke, Martha’s phone beeped for an incoming text message. She looked at the screen but it was number withheld. Martha opened the message anyway and suddenly a picture of Luke filled her screen. He was standing on what looked like a balcony, on his mobile, and it was taken today – Martha recognised the clothes that he was wearing. Martha’s brow furrowed, wondering what on earth it was supposed to mean and who had sent it to her. Then her phone pinged again. She opened the message and read it.

  Did you get the photo? I told you that he’d always come back to me – he’s here now and has been all day. I hope you understand now we will always end up together. No hard feelings honey – Rachel xx

  Martha stared at the message on the screen. Her heart beat wildly and her hands were shaking, but instead of feeling angry she simply felt disappointed; in herself as much as Luke. She should have realised that this would happen. Martha wondered whether she should speak to Luke and get his side of the story. She considered it for a minute, if that, before deciding. No, he’d lie and tell her a load of bullshit just as he’d done before. This time would be different, no more tea
rs would be shed over that man, and no more time wasted listening to his crap.

  Martha calmly got up and went over to her handbag. She pulled out a letter and dialled the number on it.

  “Can I speak to Mr Barlow please…it’s Martha Bright…yes, I’m ringing up to confirm that I’d like to take the job that he’s offered to me.”

  The next call she made was to Graham.

  “Hi it’s me,” she said with a slight quaver to her voice. “Can I come over and stay with you tonight? I’ll explain when I get there.”

  With a serene calmness, Martha packed a suitcase, locked up the house and left without a backward glance.


  Chapter 39

  Luke sat back in the seat of his car and blew out a long breath. His hands were shaking as he ran them over his face.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He sat for a few minutes, waiting for his hands to stop shaking. Rachel really hadn’t taken his admission well. She’d even thrown her bottle of wine at him, but it had missed him by a couple of feet – thank God she had a rubbish aim. Luke hadn’t told her that he was seeing Martha again, he’d actually stressed the point that Martha refused to even look at him. He just couldn’t risk Rachel doing something stupid and messing things up before he’d had the chance to get home and tell Martha what he’d been doing.

  It had taken him nearly two hours to get out of there. Rachel had begged and pleaded for Luke not to leave her, and that was after the bottle of Chardonnay went flying past his ear. She cried that she loved him and needed him, but Luke wasn’t buying it. His guess was that at twenty-nine the writing was on the modelling wall for her. She was getting fewer and fewer lingerie photo shoots and more and more washing up liquid and frozen food adverts, and so Luke was her ticket out. Before he’d left, Luke had tried again to get her to confess that nothing had happened in the hotel, but she merely gave him a sly smile and said she would never admit such a thing. Deciding to cut his losses, Luke started to leave, only for Rachel to jump on his back and start pulling his hair and slapping at his face. It had taken Luke all his strength to get her off him, without hurting her, leaving her screaming and stamping her feet in the hallway. Knowing how manipulative Rachel could be, Luke had even knocked on her neighbour’s door and asked her to confirm that Rachel was okay and not covered in bruises or hurt in anyway. The neighbour had looked strangely at Luke, but had confirmed everything he said as she stared at Rachel losing it. Rachel then screamed at them both to ‘fuck off’. And so here he was in his car, trying to calm down.


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