The Billionaire's Marriage: A Romance Novel

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The Billionaire's Marriage: A Romance Novel Page 6

by Marshall, Marnie

"Tell me what's in your heart, darling," she encourages me.

  I scrub my nose against my sleeve. It's juvenile, but I don't give a damn. "Krissy and Ryan. They need each other, you're right."

  "Good," she places her right palm over my heart, and I find myself reaching up to anchor it there. "I'll go say good night to my grandson, and then I'll see you and Krissy tomorrow."



  ~ KRISSY ~

  "Good morning." Edward is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, carrying the insulated bag containing my breakfast. He smiles shyly, and it has to be the most heartbreaking smile I've ever seen.

  "Hmm... jury's still out on the "good" part, but it's only seven thirty." I will my arm to lift toward the rolling table, hoping to prove I can do more than push buttons on the television remote. I make it about half way, but he's already pushing it toward me; this angelic-looking man who, in some alternate universe, just happens to be mine. How the heck that happened is still beyond me, and no one has been altogether forthcoming.

  He sets the yogurt cup down and peels back the foil. I'm just barely able to get my arm onto the low surface and clumsily grasp the spoon.

  "Here, let me..." he starts to take the spoon from me.

  "Wait, I need to try," I tell him.

  He sighs, indulgent. "All right." He pushes the cup toward me. It takes a while, but I get the hang of this... at least the yogurt is thick, whereas the cheaper stuff would be dripping from my spoon, this stuff has enough substance that I can avoid making a toddler's mess. He watches me intently for a while before speaking again.

  "Krissy, I'd like to talk to you about something this afternoon, if it's all right. Nothing is wrong, don't worry. There's just something... you need to know." He's brushing lint from his gray dress pants. They incidentally look quite dashing on him.

  "Like what?" I say between haphazard spoonfuls.

  "I'll... uh, tell you this afternoon. You're going to want backup for this one."

  I drop the spoon. It splats to the table. "It's bad, isn't it..."

  "No! No... not at all. Just... rather big. You deserve familiar support. Just let me know who you'd like to be here and I'll call them." He wipes up the yogurt mess and helps the spoon back into my hand. I just hold it, dazed.

  "Kate," I finally say.

  "Just Kate?" He looks bewildered.

  "I've put Mom and Dad through plenty in the last month, and I haven't even seen Kate yet. How is she? She married your... brother?"

  "That's right. Elliot. Two years ago in May, actually. And she's fine. I saw her briefly on Monday."

  "You saw her? What did she say?" Oh God, I sound like such a gossip. Except this time, the gossip is about me.

  "She wanted to know how you were, and that she'd come by soon."

  "Oh." My next question has me a little afraid. "Are we still... friends?"

  "She's your best friend, Krissy." He sighs. "If you must know, we all thought it would be best to wait until you asked for specific people. The last thing we want is to overwhelm you, you're overwhelmed enough."

  "Well thanks for making those decisions for me." I'm almost livid, but I don't quite have that level of energy, so I settle for pissed off.

  "Hey, it's not like that, Krissy please..." He pulls the spoon out of my hand, drops it into the nearly-empty yogurt cup and folds my hand between both of his. "I'm used to making sure everything runs smoothly, that everyone's taken care of. I used to be a lot worse, but you've tamed me quite a bit. I want to take care of you. Sometimes I do things in a way you don't always like, but you've come to appreciate the intentions behind them and we work things out, together." He pulls my hand to his lips and softly kisses my fingers. "I'm sorry."

  I don't really know how to argue with him. First, he makes sweeping decisions on my behalf, and then he so sweetly justifies himself. I smell a vicious cycle... are things always this way? God I hope not.

  I sigh. "I'm sorry, too."

  He looks surprised. "What do you have to be sorry about?"

  "Everything. My behavior. The fact that you had to make all these decision for me. The fact that you know all about me and I've never even met you before a few days ago, and I don't know what you expect from me." I can feel the hot tears start to well up, and they're making me madder. "I'm just so... angry. At what happened, at the state I'm in, that I don't remember a damn thing, that I can't do anything about it, that I have to learn to be a wife when quite frankly, I don't even have the slightest idea how to even be a girlfriend, seeing as I've never even been that before. My head is throbbing and spinning from the daily deluge of 'oh Krissy, by the way...' that I don't know what to think anymore, and I doubt anything would surprise me at this point."

  His eyebrows are up. Way up. "Wow."

  We're quiet for a moment.

  "Can I have some water?" I ask.

  "Of course." He practically stumbles out of his seat, and on the way out I see just how those gray pants hang from his hips and... oh wow. Stop it Krissy, I chide myself. I can't be attracted like that to someone I just barely know, even if he supposedly is my husband. It's just wrong... on so many levels. He strides back in, a bottle of some designer water in one hand. He plunks a straw in it, and holds it out so I can drink from it.

  What the hype is over specialty bottled water is so far beyond me... water is water. It all tastes the same, even from the tap.

  "Good?" he asks, and I nod, releasing the straw. He leaves the bottle on the table, within easy reach, just for me. "I need to be getting to the office, I have a few meetings to sort through but I'll be back this afternoon. Can I have anything sent over?"

  "Have I written an autobiography in the last few months?" Dry humor never suited me, but somehow, I just made it work.

  He laughs. It's a beautiful sound. "I'm afraid not. But if reading is your pleasure, I'll have Taylor bring you your iPad. There's a whole library at your disposal."

  An iPad?

  "That would... be great," I offer an appreciative smile, but I must my expression must betray me, because he frowns.

  "Is there something else?" he asks gently.

  I open and close my mouth twice. Is there something else? I don't know. I just don't have anyone to talk to, and he's in and out of here like the wind. I suppose I could talk to my security detail... what was his name, Lucas? No... Luke. Sawyer, I think. But he's so serious. It seems inappropriate.

  "What is it?" Edward looks nervous.

  "Nothing... I just..." I sigh. Out with it, Krissy. "It's going to sound immature, but I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm... bored." I look down at my hands.

  "Oh. I can stay for a few more minutes, if you'd like," he offers. "And I can call someone to keep you company... you haven't seen Mia yet, have you?"

  "Mia?" I search my limited mental Rolodex. Nada.

  "My sister. She's your age and you've become quite good friends." He leans in closer. "The two of you can do some conspiring together, she's quite the talker." His grin is back, and it stuns me, a fact not lost on him. "What?"

  A weak giggle escapes me. "A healthy dose of overwhelmed might do me some good. And to think I was worried about midterms," I ooze sarcasm.

  Edward's expression goes dark for a fraction, but he quickly recovers. He's so practiced at his outward expression; I almost didn't notice the mercurial shift. "That reminds me..." he fishes in his pocket for his Blackberry, presses a few buttons and turns the screen toward me. "Proof of your graduation."

  And proof of... us. I recognize Kate's gray halter dress hanging off my frame, and I'm clutching a leather-bound folder with my purse... a diploma cover? And there he stands, tall and proud, garbed in a fine suit, arm circled about my waist. He looks flawless, and I... less so. The student center provides a cheery backdrop.

  I admire it until the screen darkens, then raise my eyes back to his. "Thank you."

  Suddenly, he bends and places a kiss on the top of my head. He doesn't linger, but where he's lightly placed his
hand against my cheek, I get the feeling he wants to. He leaves me stunned.

  "Laters, baby." And then he's gone.


  "Oh Krissy!" A gorgeous, raven-haired young woman practically launches herself at me.

  "Mia!" a familiar voice chides.

  Oh, so this is Mia. I smile politely when she recoils, and Dr. Treveylan... Grace, strides in behind her. Grace minimizes her exasperation. "Good morning, Krissy, feeling better today?"

  "Yes, thank you." I plaster on a brave expression.

  "We're here to rescue you!" Mia is bouncing. "I hoped Edward would let me come see you, I love my brother but he just doesn't understand that girls need each other! We have so much to talk about. Want to get some lunch?"

  Edward wasn't kidding. "Um, sure?" I default to Grace.

  "Let's wait for Kate, then we'll all go to the cafeteria for a bite. Krissy, I scheduled your physical therapy in an hour, okay?"

  Oh, more therapy. Immobilized, I can hardly argue. "All right."

  "Oh my God..."

  Kate has appeared in the doorway, and her hand is over her mouth. Her eyes are brimming. I feel a lump form in my throat, and tears rush to my eyes as well. And for the second time in as many minutes, a friend launches herself at me. No, a sister.

  "Oh Krissy, I've missed you so much," She cries onto my shoulder. "I was so afraid."

  "I'm here, Kate. I'm fine, I promise," I try to console her, but I sound about as choked up as she does. It doesn't help that I can't really hug her back. She releases me and looks me over. "So, you really don't remember?"

  I shake my head. At least my neck seems to be obeying commands. I wish my good arm would; I think I used it up manipulating the spoon earlier. "I hope you can help me fill in the blanks; all of you, of course." Kate looks a little cheered by this. She wipes her cheeks with her fingers. She looks a teensy bit older, more sophisticated, her hair is cut and colored differently, but she's the same Kate. Still, the difference chills me a little... just one more shred of evidence that this sickly-sweet nightmare is reality, and that my reality is a dream from long ago.

  "I'm really glad you're here, Kate," I tell her.

  "Me too, sweetie."

  Lunch conversation isn't as uncomfortable as I'd initially anticipated. Mia is bubbly, warm, and tremendously caring, a lot like Grace, and proof that nurture can win over nature, as Grace mentioned quite proudly that all three siblings were adopted at a young age. Holy cow, Edward was adopted? I should have guessed; he looks nothing like Grace, and neither does Mia. I have yet to see Mr. King; Grace says he's working on an important case this week and sends his best. I wonder about the different last name thing between them; I guess I have to chalk that up to the century we're in. I picked at my tuna salad, just the tuna part anyway, as I'm not dexterous enough for spearing greens, and the fiery inferno below would have to freeze over before I'll let anyone feed me again. My arm is getting really sore, and I haven't even been to therapy yet.

  Grace wheels me down to the gym, which incidentally looks like a place kindergarteners go to play. "Come along Mia, let's let Krissy and Kate have some time."

  Mia looks reluctant, but promises to see me soon and gives me a genuine hug. "Love you, Krissy. See you soon."

  "See you, and thanks for coming, Mia," I tell her.

  "Nice to see you again, Krissy." Neil Rhames takes over my chair. "Who's your friend?"

  "Dr. Rhames, this is Kate, my best friend. Can she stay?"

  "Of course she can," he offers charitably. "It's always helpful to have support in recovery, and it seems you have that in abundance. Shall we get started?"

  I'm on the bench again, but this time, he's stuck small, round patches with wires attached all over my good arm and both legs. "Your core is regaining strength appropriately, but your extremeties are still confused, wouldn't you say? Your broken arm will have to play catch-up, but that's all right. This won't hurt, but you'll feel a tingling sensation." Rhames pushes a button on the control box, and boy is he right.

  I'm definitely sore and even more limp when it's over. Where I couldn't will my muscles to move properly to lift eating utensils, that machine had them practically doing cartwheels. And now, I'm exhausted.

  "You okay, Krissy?" Kate fluffs my pillows. She looks concerned.

  "Yeah. I hope you never go through anything like this. It sucks."

  She laughs sympathetically. "I bet. Let me do your hair."

  Kate's nimble fingers pull my unruly locks into a French braid down one side of my head, and when she's done, she insists on applying some lip gloss. I just let her; I'm too tired and sore to fight anything she does. She could do a makeover for all I really care, so long as she's happy. She's so good at taking care of people. I told her once that she should join the Peace Corps, but she looked at me like I'd had three heads. She tells me a bit about what she's been doing with her career; the internship after school had opened doors for quite a lot of independent journalism, and she took that and ran with it.

  Then she told me about Ava, her daughter, and I'm floored. I can't picture her as a mother, and now she really is one. She whips out her iPhone and starts scrolling through pictures of a happy, blond and blue-eyed little girl. She's just darling. Sitting up, crawling after a toy, smiling up at a man who I can only guess is Elliot, and playing with a slightly older boy with copper curls.

  "She's precious, Kate," I say, holding back tears. I've missed so much, it's so unfair. "I can't wait to meet her."

  "Oh, she loves her Auntie Krissy! She's saving her raspberries just for you, as usual."

  "What are you ladies talking about in here?"

  It's almost electric, this change in atmosphere. Edward has his suit jacket draped over one arm, the top of his shirt unbuttoned, and his hair looks a little more unruly than it did this morning. Something behind my belly button stirs, and I'm immediately anxious. Moment-of-truth anxious.

  "Just showing Krissy some Ava pictures. I was just about to remind Krissy that we named Ava after her, but then you so charismatically interrupted, Edward." Kate's smile says she's just teasing, but I sense a slight, well-covered edge of hostility. I wonder if I should be worried about it.

  I must look distracted by this latest of musings, because they're both staring at me. "Sorry... after me?"

  "Well, you wouldn't let us use 'Krissy', so we got creative and went with 'Ava'. The intent was the same. You are her godparents, after all." Kate looks awfully proud, but then, she usually does.

  "Yes, well... we'd reluctantly take on the little monster if you were found unfit... remind me to call Social Services in the morning, Krissy," he says with a touch of disdain, throwing a counter to the earlier jab.

  There's a brief silence. "So, Kate's here... you wanted to tell me something?" I nudge.

  Edward's eyes widen, his lips part and he looks suddenly strained. Whatever it is, it must be bad. Or frightening. He quickly composes himself, however, and comes to the opposite side of the bed and settles there. He picks up my hand, and I wince a bit.

  "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?"

  "No... it was shock therapy day downstairs. They were giving out free samples," I joke, hoping to lighten the mood, but Edward looks even more apprehensive. "I'm a little sore, that's all."

  "Do you need something for the pain?"

  "The nurse gave me some ibuprofen. I'll be fine." I give his hand a testing squeeze. "Go on."

  ~ EDWARD ~

  I don't know why this is so fucking hard, or why I'm so fucking angry. I practiced what I'd say all morning. Between mergers and acquisitions, we have a son. Liquidating this company and that company, and we have a son named Ryan. Organizing relief shipments to central Africa and mobilizing relief workers, and oh, by the way, we have a beautiful son named Theodore, and he misses you terribly. Oh, I'm so fucking angry. Not at Krissy, no, but at this God-awful situation. If the waste of flesh that took my unborn daughter's life and left my wife so badly broken were still alive, I'd brutall
y murder him.

  Get a fucking grip, King. You can't let her see you like this. I suck in a breath.

  "I spent all day trying to think of the right way to tell you." I blow the remaining breath out and draw in another. "I'm feeling very nervous, but you shouldn't be. I don't want you to be, because this is a good thing. It's big, but good, all right? Will you trust me?"

  Krissy looks from me, to Kate, to me, and back again a few more times. Kate nods reassuringly.

  She sighs. "Okay."

  Another breath. "I apologize for not telling you earlier. I didn't want to overwhelm you, or make you feel obligated in any way. This is the biggest hill I'll ask you to climb with me for a while, because it concerns another member of the family, a most important member, in fact." I pull out my Blackberry again, thumb a few buttons until I reach the picture Kate forwarded to me earlier. I hope Krissy doesn't hate me or Kate for testing her, but we had to see if it would trigger her memory, and sadly, it didn't. It's one of Krissy's favorite pictures. I turn the screen to face her.

  "That's Ava," she recognizes immediately. "Kate just showed me this picture." She looks confused.

  "Yes, that's Ava... but the other child, the boy..." I swallow, looking down. "That's Ava's cousin, Ryan. He's two, and he's... ours."

  I raise my eyes to meet hers, but she's still staring intently at the picture. In it, Ryan is smiling brightly, his blue eyes sparkling, and he's holding out a wooden block toward Ava, who's returning his smile with brilliant affection.

  Krissy's breathing has quickened, and she looks dazed. In the thirty seconds it takes for the screen to go dark, she hasn't blinked once.

  "Darling?" I whisper, afraid to startle her.

  She continues to stare into space where the picture was. "W- what?" she mutters, mindlessly.

  "We have a son, Krissy."

  "A son?"


  "I have a son?"


  Her eyes finally rise and meet mine. "I'm a mother?"

  "Yes," I breathe.

  "He's... two?" I see her gears spinning... clunking is a more apt description. Of course, we we're coming up on our third anniversary later this summer, and it's obvious she's doing some back-calculating.


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