The Lost Boys

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The Lost Boys Page 38

by Lilian Carmine

  “Oh, I do, ghost boy.” Vigil sneered in hatred. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  And then he stepped outside the line.

  A loud thunderclap crackled as soon Vigil’s foot trespassed. A wave of pure intense energy hit us all, pushing us backwards. When we looked up again, Vigil was outside the circle, staring menacingly at Tristan.

  Tristan searched urgently for Miss Violet at the other side of the grassed area, but her body lay crumpled in the grass, motionless.

  “The old witch cannot help you any more, ghost boy.”

  “What did you do to her?” I shouted, running to Miss Violet in panic. Harry and Josh were already there, kneeling by her side. Fear filled my whole mind. He had broken the circle! He had killed Miss Violet!

  “She’s breathing, she seems all right,” Josh consoled me. “The impact must have struck her the most, since she was the spellcaster,” he quickly reasoned, but his voice held panic as well. He was scared too, but fiercely trying not to show it.

  I turned and started walking towards Tristan at the same time as Vigil began walking towards him too. “How did you break the circle, Vigil? Miss Violet said it was ancient and powerful! Even Death cannot break it!” I said, trying to divert Vigil’s attention from Tristan.

  He stopped for a second. “When you gave me a name, you gave me this power, Joe Gray. I told you this once,” he said, turning to look at Tristan again. “Fear is a powerful thing,” he added mockingly.

  “I don’t understand! What your name has anything to do with this? You’re not supposed to cross that line!” I shouted desperately, my mind racing madly. Now that Miss Violet was unconscious and unable to make the emergency break-the-invocation spell, I had to do something myself to stop Vigil.

  “I am not supposed to?” Vigil said, sneering. “What do you know what I am and am not supposed to do? Not even Death can hold me against my will. You humans, so presumptuous to think you could hold me with your feeble magic,” he said, and turned to face Tristan again. “So conceited … such foolish, small, weak little things.”

  I was still walking fast in Tristan’s direction, but when my eyes shifted to him, my heart skipped a beat. His face was contorting in pain. Vigil was doing something to him! “Stop it!” I shouted at Vigil. “Stop hurting him!” I said, running now.

  Vigil took a step forward, and Tristan kneeled down, letting out a loud grunt, one hand grabbing at the grass, the other clutching his chest. His knuckles were white with the pressure of his grasp, his face a mask of pain.

  “Vigil! DON’T!” I shouted madly when I saw blood trickling out of Tristan’s nose. Vigil was killing him! Right in front of my eyes! Everything was happening in slow motion and I felt like I was walking in foam, trying desperately, futilely, to go faster. Vigil was only a few inches away from Tristan now, his face marked by anger and loathing. Tristan held his head up defiantly and looked angrily at Vigil’s eyes, which were now glowing an icy white. Ghastly cold enveloped the air around him.

  “Decided to show your true nature, Vigil?” Tristan mocked, saying Vigil’s name with such venom. I wasn’t going to make it; I wasn’t going to reach Tristan in time! Vigil was right there already, in front of him. ”How does it feel, all this anger, all these emotions?” Tristan said, putting emphasis on the last word. “Aren’t emotions against the rules? Because they sure make you act irrationally, don’t you think? Aren’t you supposed to be logical and cold now, Vigil?” he spat out, and Vigil hesitated.

  And that moment of indecision was all it took for me to get between then. I launched myself in front of Tristan, at the last second stopping Vigil from touching him.

  “I will never let you hurt him!” I growled, breathing heavily and raising an arm protectively. For a fraction of a second, I saw an invisible glassy barrier over my arm. It was wavering and luminescent, and it looked like a ghost of a shield, but somehow it made Vigil step back fast, as if he’d been forcefully pushed by something solid.

  And then, with my other fist, I punched him with all the strength I had.

  The shock of the impact travelled up through my arm and was so violent that when my fist connected to Vigil’s chest, it felt like it would rip my arm from my body. A piercing, blinding light shone from my fists, shooting an energy blast straight to Vigil. It felt as if time were slowing down. All I was focused on was the need to save Tristan! It was the most pure, direct and fierce purpose of my life! I didn’t care about the unbearable pain tearing up my arm; it was as if shards of broken freezing glass were shredding my flesh, bones, all my nerve endings. But I didn’t care about anything.

  I heard Vigil’s voice, a loud, distorted cry of pain, and then he crackled and exploded into a million brilliant pieces, vanishing along with the blinding light. And then time rushed back to its normal pace, and I stumbled forward. I had accumulated so much speed that I was caught off balance and fell, hitting the ground fast and hard. I shut my eyes tight, because that bright light felt like it had burned through my eyelids, and when I tried to move the pain redoubled, ripping through the whole right side of my body.

  What the hell had just happened? I tried opening my eyes a fraction. I saw Tristan still kneeling in the grass a little further away, looking at me with terror-filled eyes, his hand still tightly clutched tight to his chest. He was breathing in short, labored breaths and was trying to say something to me. I couldn’t hear his words, because my ears kept ringing with an annoying buzzing sound. Then Harry was kneeling next to me, cradling me in his arms, checking for damage. Josh, Sam, Seth and a slightly dizzy Miss Violet came over to us too.

  “What happened?” I managed to mumble. “Is Tristan okay? See if he’s okay!” I shouted in panic at Harry.

  And then I heard his voice.

  “I’m okay now, Joey. Don’t worry about me,” Tristan said, and then he was beside me. “Are you okay?” he asked urgently, wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand. The sun had set and the place was getting darker by the second.

  “You’re bleeding! You’re hurt!” I cried out, and tried to reach my hand to touch his face, but I recoiled immediately as a vicious stabbing pain shot through my arm, making me wince as I stumbled back into Harry’s arms. I clenched my teeth and cried out in pain again.

  “Joey? Where does it hurt?” Tristan’s voice reached me, filling with panic. I slowly extended my right arm, the arm I had punched Vigil with. We all watched as a thick, dark liquid ran underneath my skin as if spreading inside my veins, throughout my whole arm. That didn’t look good. Everybody was clustered around me now, watching intently with scared wide eyes.

  “What the hell? What’s happening to my arm?” I grunted, trying to keep my voice level and not sound too frightened. Tristan carefully took my arm, trying not to move it much, and his soft touch made painful stabs pierce through my skin. The dark liquid in my veins was disappearing where Tristan’s hand touched my skin. As soon as he realized this, he started moving his hand up my arm, and I cried out in severe pain. It felt like he was cutting my arm with razors wherever his hand touched my skin. He immediately let go of me, scared of hurting me more. The lines started flowing again, and we heard Miss Violet’s voice for the first time, coming from behind Seth.

  “You have to keep going, Tristan. You have to touch Joey where all the dark lines are in her arm.”

  “But it’s hurting her!” he protested.

  “It’s for her sake. It’ll hurt, but you have to keep going! You saw how they disappeared after you touched them. If they spread any further, God knows what they can do to her.”

  Tristan looked doubtfully at Miss Violet and then back at me. His eyes were questioning; he didn’t like that it was going to hurt me. I looked around at all the scared faces staring back at me. The dark lines were resuming their slow trail up my arm, and it hurt like hell. Soon they would reach my shoulder and chest, and breathing was starting to feel strenuous. I nodded silently and Josh kneeled down by my side, taking my hand in his, to give me sup
port. Harry put both of his hands over my shoulders to hold me still, and Tristan leaned in closer.

  “I’m so sorry, Joey. I’ll try to do this as quickly as I can, okay?” he whispered with sorrowful eyes.

  “I’ll be fine, go ahead,” I said in a brave voice. Inside I was bracing myself for the pain that would come. I couldn’t let him see how much it was hurting.

  Tristan started touching my arm, and the stabbing cuts slashed strongly through my skin again. I squeezed Josh’s hand, but I didn’t cry out this time. I had to be strong and endure this, or Tristan would never keep going. He wouldn’t stand seeing me in so much pain.

  Gradually the dark lines disappeared beneath Tristan’s touch until they were all gone and my arm looked normal again. The pain was subdued now.

  “How are you feeling?” Tristan asked worriedly when he had finished.

  I flexed my arm a little, testing my fingers and wrists to see if there was permanent damage. A little pain still remained, making my muscles sore and tired, but I kept it to myself. It was a feeble ache now, nothing to worry about. The important thing was that I had my arm back, functioning as normally as it could after such an ordeal, and Tristan was still here. For now at least.

  “I’m okay,” I said, giving everyone a weak smile. Tristan sighed in relief and took me carefully in his arms, hugging me softly.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered in my ear.

  “I’m okay, Tris. Are you really okay?” I asked, burying my face in his neck. I’d been so scared for him. I couldn’t believe I had saved him! He was here! He was fine!

  “I’m really okay,” he said, smiling. “Thanks to you.” But he looked unbelievably exhausted.

  Miss Violet looked fairly normal and said she was feeling perfectly fine, like nothing had happened. She didn’t even remember fainting or waking up! Seth told me how they had all watched me throw myself between Tristan and Vigil, and there had been this intense bright light shooting from a spot in the middle, with a loud thundering sound. We had scared them to death! I think the guys had remained somewhat skeptical about this whole magic deal, even after seeing Tristan’s fading away trick, but after tonight they had no more doubts.

  And now we all knew how truly dangerous Vigil was.

  Josh and Sam helped Tristan up and supported his arms over their shoulders, while Harry helped me, and Seth gave a hand to a resisting Miss Violet. Tristan seemed really weak and tired, barely managing to walk. I wasn’t feeling in my best shape either: my legs were wobbly and shaky, and my right arm still throbbed a little, sharp stabbing needles piercing painfully through it. All I wanted now was to get back home and get some rest. Tristan and I left the graveyard with weary hearts and tired footsteps, in the arms of our friends.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Full-Blast Christmas Spirit!

  Mom freaked when she saw the state of me, and all the blood on Tristan’s shirt, but we reassured her everything was fine and nobody was hurt. She had been waiting anxiously since we left the house a couple hours before sunset, holding her breath until she knew the results of Miss Violet’s risky plan. She had wanted to come with us to the cemetery, but I’d pleaded for her to stay behind. I didn’t want her to be at risk, too. It would have only been one more person to worry about and I was stressed out enough as it was. I wasn’t even sure why I had agreed to the boys coming along. Maybe because they were determined to be there for Tristan and weren’t taking no for an answer!

  Eventually, Mom was persuaded to take Miss Violet and the boys to the kitchen to hear what had happened and to have a hot cup of tea to calm her nerves. Tristan took off his coat and dirty shirt, and lay down on the couch. I lay down next to him. We were so tired we could barely talk. I don’t remember anything else after that. Somehow a blanket and pillow were “magically” produced for us, and we fell asleep right there on the couch for the rest of the night.

  The house was dead silent when I blinked awake the next morning. Then I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I knew it was my mom, because she tended to drag her feet way too much over the floor. She shuffled her way to the living room and sat on the couch in front of me. I felt a little uncomfortable lying with Tristan like that while she was watching, so I risked a peek, opening my eyes slowly. Mom was looking at us intently. Okay. Definitely weird, having your mom stare at you while you lay with a boy wrapped around you. Definitely on my Top Ten Awkward Moments list.

  I shifted slightly, trying to dislodge myself from Tristan’s hold without disturbing his sleep. I thanked the gods that my arm didn’t hurt when I moved. Tristan didn’t move an inch after I left the couch; his body just slumped a little forward but remained in almost the same position.

  “Hi, honey.” My mom smiled at me, trying to keep her voice low. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay. We were so tired last night. I don’t even remember falling asleep,” I said, rubbing my eyes.

  “How is he?” she asked, worried.

  “I think he’ll be fine,” I said, watching him sleep.

  “Seth told me everything that happened yesterday. You were really brave, Joe. I’m so proud of you.” She squeezed my hand.

  “Really? Thanks, Mom,” I said, a little surprised. I’d been thinking she was going to bite my head off because of what I did last night! And she was actually congratulating me? I rested my face on my hands and watched Tristan sleeping. He looked so peaceful. So perfect. For a second I lost myself and completely forgot that my mom was by my side, but her voice snapped me back to reality.

  “So, how long have you two been together?” she asked, casually.

  “What?” I said, deciding to go for the act-dumb routine.

  “Joey, I’m not that stupid! You practically have stars coming out of your eyes every time you look at him, and he’s so gaga over you he’s not even bothering to pretend to hide it any more! I know intimacy when I see it,” she finished smugly. Mom and her freaking detective skills! This was definitely in the running for number one on the Awkward Moments list!

  “I hope you’ve been using protection,” she continued, taking my silence for an answer. “I’m too young to be a grandma,” she muttered to herself.

  Okay, I stand corrected. This was definitely number one on the list.

  “Oh my God, Mom!” I mumbled, burying my red face in my hands. It was too early in the morning to be having that conversation. In fact, it would always be too damn early for that conversation!

  My mom smiled at me kindly. “He’s your first love,” she said quietly. After a few minutes of silence she spoke again. “I’m worried about you, Joe.”

  “About me? Why?” I asked in surprise.

  “Listen, munchkin. I know how it is, to be in love. I also know how it is to lose the love of your life. Some people never recover from it. I’m worried about you, because I can see how much you love him … and the end of the year is coming. Honey, please, you must still prepare yourself for the possibility …” She trailed off, unable to continue her sentence.

  I knew what she was going to say next. I tried to look away, but Mom touched my face softly, making me look at her again. “I’m sorry, honey. I know it upsets you. He says he’s tried talking to you a few times, but you always get angry with him for bringing it up. Thinking about it doesn’t mean you’re giving up. But you must start preparing yourself.”

  I remained in silence for a long time, staring at Tristan sleeping peacefully on the couch.

  “Did he talk to you about it?” I asked quietly.

  “Yes, honey. He’s willing to fight with all he’s got to stay with you. But if everything else fails, he said he’s not afraid to die. He’s afraid for you, though. He doesn’t want anything bad happening to you.”

  I sighed deeply and stared at the floor. “Okay, Mom. I understand,” I said, and she patted my hand reassuringly.

  “I’m sure everything will be all right,” she said, and then glanced up because Tristan started waking. He blinked at us with heavy eyelids
and smiled awkwardly, a little freaked out at the two of us staring silently at him.

  “Hey, you’re up.” My mom broke the silence. “How are you feeling, son?”

  “I’m okay.” I raised an eyebrow inquisitively, because I could see clearly in his eyes he was still very tired and not okay at all. “I might need a couple of long naps today, though,” he added, chuckling at my silent, doubtful stare.

  Mom smiled and stood up. “I’ll go make some breakfast for you. The boys should be waking up soon too, and will be hungry, I’ll bet. Might as well get an early start on the food,” she said cheerfully, the weary frown gone from her face “And Joey, stop doing your ‘truth stare’ on the boy. A man needs to have his private thoughts!” She scowled at me. “Especially now, that you two … you know.” She stared intently at me and then at him before heading back to the kitchen.

  “Especially now that we ‘you know’ what?” Tristan inquired curiously.

  I went to sit by his side on the couch. “Yeah, well. The good news is that Mom already knows about us. We don’t need to keep pretending in front of her any more. And apparently she’s cool with it,” I said, smiling.

  “Really? She is?”

  “Yep. She figured it out with her weird Sherlockian skills. But the bad news is that my mom really knows about us. So prepare yourself for her ‘sex talk’,” I said, chuckling at his pale, terrified face.

  “Okay,” he mumbled in a small voice. “How are you feeling?”

  “My arm is still bothering me a little.”

  “Is it still hurting?” he asked, his tone snapping to worried in a beating second.

  “It’s more tender, like I’ve spent the day exercising, you know?” I said, flexing my hands.

  “I’m so sorry, Joe.” He sounded sad. “I shouldn’t have insisted on this idea of meeting Vigil. I thought I was the only one that could get hurt. I never imagined you could end up in pain,” he said, and passed his hand over my arm. Feeble pinpricks floated over my skin, leaving the usual tingling sensation in the wake of his fingertips.


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