The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger Ailes Built Fox News--and Divided a Country

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The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger Ailes Built Fox News--and Divided a Country Page 68

by Sherman, Gabriel

  130. This was especially Brian Stelter, “Fox’s Brit Hume to Stop Anchoring ‘Special Report’ After Election,” “Media Decoder” (blog), New York Times, July 15, 2008,

  131. On Thursday, October 16 “Glenn Beck Joins Fox News” (press release), Business Wire, Oct. 16, 2008.

  132. In late September, McCain had suspended Michael Cooper, “For the Nominees, New Roles and New Risks,” New York Times, Sept. 25, 2008.

  133. “He was so angry” Author interview with a person familiar with the situation.

  134. Ailes told executives Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  135. A few days before Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.


  1. The week after Obama’s 2008 election William K. Alcorn, “Fox News Chairman Ailes Comes Home, Discusses Obama’s Tasks,” Youngstown (Ohio) News, Nov. 11, 2008.

  2. It was unseasonably cold

  3. The Aileses were in town Author interview with Warren attorney Ned Gold. See also Alcorn, “Fox News Chairman Ailes Comes Home, Discusses Obama’s Tasks.”

  4. During one eighteen-day Author interview with Michael O’Brien, former mayor of Warren, Ohio.

  5. The municipal government Author interview with Mayor Michael O’Brien.

  6. They chatted for Alcorn, “Fox News Chairman Ailes Comes Home, Discusses Obama’s Tasks.”

  7. “If you want a helping hand” Larry Ringler, “Fox News Chief Returns to Warren,” Warren (Ohio) Tribune Chronicle, Nov. 11, 2008.

  8. He liked to tell Website of the Ailes Apprentice Program,

  9. “If every company did this” Chris Ariens, “Roger Ailes on His Apprentices and His Legacy,” TVNewser, Nov. 15, 2012.

  10. It was cold and damp

  11. Hundreds of people Author interview with Ned Gold.

  12. “You see that fountain pool” Author interviews with Warren residents who attended the dedication of the veterans memorial.

  13. He told the audience that Alcorn, “Fox News Chairman Ailes Comes Home, Discusses Obama’s Tasks.”

  14. Webster’s life Biography of Douglas Webster on website of A-4 Skyhawk Association,, accessed Nov. 15, 2013.

  15. Ailes went to Alcorn, “Fox News Chairman Ailes Comes Home, Discusses Obama’s Tasks.”

  16. An hour later Author interview with two Warren residents who were present at the country club lunch.

  17. “I grew up” Junod, “Roger Ailes on Roger Ailes: The Interview Transcripts, Part 2.”

  18. Ailes told the Monsmans Author interview with Chris and Danella Monsman.

  19. Three years later Brenda J. Linert, “Tribune Plans Year of Anniversary Events,” Warren (Ohio) Tribune Chronicle, Oct. 16, 2011.

  20. “I left there in 1958” Author conversation with Roger Ailes.

  21. “We are in a storm” Author’s transcript of speech given by Roger Ailes at the Kennedy Center, June 12, 2013.

  22. Rick Santelli “Rick Santelli’s Shout Heard ’Round the World,”, Feb. 22, 2009,

  23. prime-time ratings jumped Daniel Frankel, “CNN: A Fall from Glory, or a Much Better Story?,” Variety, April 13, 2009.

  24. Fox personalities Michael Calderone, “Fox Teas Up a Tempest,” Politico, April 15, 2009.

  25. “There would not have been” Author interview with national Tea Party Express cofounder Sal Russo.

  26. In July 2008 Brian Stelter, “Fox’s Brit Hume to Stop Anchoring ‘Special Report’ After Election,” New York Times, July 15, 2008.

  27. Then, two weeks after Chris Ariens, “David Rhodes Leaves Fox News for Bloomberg,” TVNewser (blog), Nov. 19, 2008,

  28. Rhodes’s brother, Ben Mark Landler, “Worldly at 35, and Shaping Obama’s Voice,” New York Times, March 15, 2013.

  29. David, for his part Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  30. He cringed when David G. Savage, “Legal Challenges Have Slim Chances,” Chicago Tribune, Dec. 8, 2008.

  31. a few months after Rhodes’s departure Michael Liedtke, “New Venture to Introduce Fees for Online News,” Associated Press, April 15, 2009. John Moody would return to Fox News in June 2013 to serve as executive editor and executive VP.

  32. “They used to tell Roger no” Author interview with a senior executive at Fox News.

  33. One Christmas Author interviews with Fox News executives.

  34. Bill Sammon John Eggerton, “Fox News Names New VP and Bureau Manager in Washington,” Broadcasting & Cable, Feb. 26, 2009,

  35. Days after Obama’s inauguration Author interview with a former employee in the Washington, D.C., bureau of Fox News.

  36. Later, Sammon caused problems Ben Dimiero, “Fox’s Bill Sammon Problem,” Media Matters for America, March 29, 2011,

  37. Moody’s replacement Fox News, “Michael Clemente Joins Fox News from ABC News,” Business Wire (press release), Feb. 24, 2009.

  38. Early in his tenure Author interviews with Fox News executives.

  39. The most potent Richard Huff, “He’s Beck Again, with Commentary, Not News,” New York Daily News, Jan. 19, 2009.

  40. Within weeks “Fox News’s Mad, Apocalyptic, Tearful Rising Star,” New York Times, March 29, 2009.

  41. Only Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity Ibid.

  42. “You are probably the most” Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  43. “I see your show” Ibid.

  44. He conceived his program Ibid.

  45. With the Dow plunging;range=20070101,20090918;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined.

  46. He founded his own company

  47. In a break from Fox tradition Glenn Beck hired Matthew Hiltzik, who had worked for Miramax. His firm, Hiltzik Strategies, represented such clients as Couric.

  48. The day after “Fox Host Glenn Beck: Obama Is a Racist” (video), Huffington Post, Aug. 28, 2009.

  49. Ailes told his executives Author interviews with a person familiar with the matter.

  50. “Glenn Beck expressed” Chris Ariens, “FNC Responds to Glenn Beck Calling Pres. Obama a Racist,” Mediabistro, July 28, 2009.

  51. The White House failed Glenn Beck, Fox News Channel (transcript), Aug. 24, 2009.

  52. One day in the summer Author interview with former White House adviser Van Jones. Much of the following information comes from interviews with Jones.

  53. Dan Pfeiffer Author interview with a senior Obama adviser.

  54. Jones asked his chief of staff Author interview with Van Jones.

  55. On September 1 Ibid.

  56. A YouTube video Van Jones speech in Berkeley, video, Feb. 11, 2009, YouTube,, accessed Nov. 12, 2013.

  57. Under pressure Glenn Thrush, “Van Jones: A**hole Remark ‘Inappropriate,’ ” “On Congress” (blog), Politico, Sept. 2, 2009,

  58. The same week Martin Kady II, “Pence Calls on Van Jones to Resign,” “On Congress” (blog), Politico, Sept. 4, 2009,

  59. On September 6 John M. Broder, “White House Official Resigns After Flood of G.O.P
. Criticism,” New York Times, Sept. 7, 2009.

  60. On the morning of September 10 Special Report with Bret Baier, Fox News Channel (transcript), Sept. 10, 2009.

  61. Andrew Breitbart Author interview with Andrew Breitbart before his death in 2012.

  62. Breitbart thought it was a bombshell Darryl Fears and Carol D. Leonnig, “The $1,300 Mission to Fell ACORN,” Washington Post, Sept. 18, 2009.

  63. That summer Patrick Gavin, “Obama Slams Fox News,” Politico, June 16, 2009,

  64. “We had anecdotal reports” Author interview with Anita Dunn, former communications director for President Barack Obama.

  65. In meetings Author interview with a Fox producer.

  66. What most alarmed Howard Kurtz, “Unamplified, Beck’s Voice Still Carries,” Washington Post, Sept. 14, 2009.

  67. In an interview New York Times, “Talk to the Times” (Q&A with Jill Abramson), Sept. 7, 2009.

  68. “The narrative” Author interview with Anita Dunn.

  69. Dunn reached out Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

  70. After conferring with Obama Author interview with current and former administration officials.

  71. In mid-September The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel (transcript), Sept. 18, 2009. See also Jonathan Karl, “Obama, in Media Blitz, Snubs ‘Whining’ Fox,”, Sept. 19, 2009,

  72. In early October Reliable Sources, CNN (transcript), Oct. 11, 2009.

  73. in late October Reliable Sources, CNN (transcript), Oct. 25, 2009.

  74. The move backfired Steve Krakauer, “Tipping Point? White House Press Pool Stands Up for Fox News,” Mediaite, Oct. 23, 2009,

  75. “He’s a fierce competitor” Joan Vennochi, “The Brains of the Bush Offensive; Strategist Roger Ailes Remade the Candidate,” Boston Globe, Oct. 26, 1988.

  76. About a week before Dunn’s Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

  77. “He relished it” Author interview with a senior producer.

  78. Another recalled Author interview with a senior producer.

  79. One told news chief Author interview with a Fox executive.

  80. “The D.C. bureau’s job” Author interview with a senior producer.

  81. On Friday, October 23 Author interview with people familiar with the matter.

  82. Clemente finally called Gibbs Author interview with a Fox executive.

  83. In November David Bauder, “Fox’s Major Garrett Gets Obama Interview,” Associated Press, Nov. 17, 2009.

  84. But Major Garrett had had enough Howard Kurtz, “Major Garrett Leaves Behind Obama-Fox War; White House Correspondent Moves from Fox TV to Print at National Journal,” Washington Post, Aug. 26, 2010.

  85. “Roger’s thinking” Author interview with a senior executive.

  86. “The way the business works” Author interview with a former Fox News executive.

  87. In the months since Frankel, “CNN: A Fall from Glory, or a Much Better Story?”

  88. The attacks were successful Esquire, “Rupert Murdoch Has Potential,” Oct. 1, 2008.

  89. O’Reilly was regularly crowned Howard Kurtz, “Out and a Bout,” Washington Post, Aug. 7, 2009. See also Kurtz, “Feud Fuels Bill O’Reilly’s Blasts at GE,” Washington Post, May 19, 2008; Keith Olbermann, The Worst Person in the World: And 202 Strong Contenders (Hoboken: John Wiley, 2006).

  90. Raising the stakes See Kurtz, “Feud Fuels Bill O’Reilly’s Blasts at GE,” for each of O’Reilly’s comments regarding Immelt, the incident with the GE logo, and O’Reilly’s comments regarding Zucker.

  91. Ailes had warned Zucker At the time it was reported that Roger Ailes threatened to use the New York Post to go after Jeff Zucker, Ailes denied it.

  92. Beth Comstock Author interviews with a person familiar with the matter. See also Kurtz, “Out and About.”

  93. The whole deal got blowtorched Brian Stelter, “Voices from Above Silence a Cable TV Feud,” New York Times, July 31, 2009.

  94. During his “Worst Persons” segment Keith Olbermann, “Worst Persons” (transcript), Countdown with Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, Aug. 3, 2009.

  95. O’Reilly answered Bill O’Reilly, “Talking Points Memo” (transcript), The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, Aug. 5, 2009.

  96. He set up an anonymous Author interview with a person familiar with the matter. Appearing on Fox News Watch the evening of April 26, 2008, Pinkerton mentioned a story he had read about on “a blog called the Cable Game,” which pointed out that Reverend Jeremiah Wright had an enormous stake in Obama losing, given how often he’d said that white people are terrible. Pinkerton did not respond to requests for comment.

  97. “Is CNN on the Side” “Is CNN on the Side of the Killers and Terrorists in Iraq?,” Cable Game (defunct blog), Oct. 24, 2006; archived at

  98. “David Brock Gets Caught!” “David Brock Gets Caught! (Although Secretly, He Probably Loves Being Naughty and Nasty),” Cable Game (defunct blog), Sept. 28, 2007; archived at

  99. He called Ailes Author interview with a person familiar with the matter. When asked to comment, Klein wrote, “I’m not confirming I ever had that convo w Roger,” adding: “I think a good executive quietly does what he or she needs to do to protect the team and the brand. Roger enjoys the game and respects others who can play it.”

  100. Cooper wouldn’t announce Andrew Sullivan, “Anderson Cooper: ‘The Fact Is, I’m Gay,’ ” “The Dish” (blog),, July 2, 2012,

  101. Klein did not last Brian Stelter, “CNN Fires Executive Who Led Makeover,” New York Times, Sept. 24, 2010.

  102. For Sarah Palin Most of the information in the following paragraphs was originally reported in Gabriel Sherman, “The Revolution Will Be Commercialized,” New York, May 3, 2010.

  103. Her sky-high approval ratings Becky Bohrer, “Palin Center Stage in Politics, but What of 2012?,” Associated Press, July 2, 2010.

  104. The worst was Rachel D’Oro, “New Palin Defense Fund Uses Fighting Words,” Associated Press, June 29, 2010.

  105. In November 2008 Matea Gold, “Palin to Talk with Van Susteren,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 8, 2008.

  106. Later, the Fox camera crew Author interview with a person familiar with the situation.

  107. Conservative pundit Scott Martelle, “The Book on Sarah Palin,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 12, 2009. See also author interview with Mary Matalin.

  108. with Alaska’s strict ethics rules Hillel Italie, “Palin Has Book Deal, Memoir to Come Next Year,” Associated Press, May 13, 2009.

  109. On the morning of July 3 Rachel D’Oro, “Palin Resigning as Alaska Governor,” Associated Press, July 3, 2009.

  110. Once she resigned Sherman, “The Revolution Will Be Commercialized.”

  111. in September 2009 Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.” See also Sherman, “The Revolution Will Be Commercialized.”

  112. In January 2010 Jim Rutenberg, “Palin Joins Fox News Team,” New York Times, Jan. 12, 2010. See also Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

  113. A Wall Street analyst “The 35 Most Powerful People in Media,” Hollywood Reporter, April 20, 2012.

  114. In 2009, Ailes earned Carr and Arango, “A Fox Chief at the Pinnacle of Media and Politics.”

  115. Ailes “predicted” Author interview with a senior Fox producer.

  116. In the midterms Quinn Bowman and Chris Amico, “Congress Loses Hundreds of Years of Experience—But Majority of Incumbents Stick Around,” “The Rundown” (blog), PBS NewsHour, Nov. 5, 2010,

  117. “I’ve never seen anyone build” Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  118. Sean Hannity complained Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  119. And it didn’t help matters Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  120. In March Howard Kurtz, “The Beck Factor at Fox,” Washington Post, March 15, 2010.

  121. Palin also ruffled Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

  122. In the control room Author interview with an employee of Fox News.

  123. Ailes began to doubt Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

  124. her website had put the image

  125. “He thinks Palin is an idiot” Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  126. Ailes also got an earful Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  127. Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell Ashley Parker, “O’Donnell Ad Confronts Reports on Her Past,” “The Caucus” (blog), New York Times, Oct. 4, 2010.

  128. “Why are you letting Palin” Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  129. One afternoon Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.


  1. “All I ever wanted” Peter Boyer, “Fox Among the Chickens,” New Yorker, Jan. 31, 2011.

  2. Putnam County even had See Putnam County Board of Elections,, accessed Nov. 15, 2013.

  3. From his mountaintop aerie Chafets, Roger Ailes, 105.

  4. To the west “Obstructed the Hudson: Chains Used for This Purpose During the Revolutionary War,” New York Times, Feb. 17, 1895.

  5. To the north “West Point Foundry Preserve Re-opens Oct. 19,”, Oct. 16, 2013,


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