Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3) Page 5

by KT Fisher

  “I’ve heard she’s been pretty helpful with Bomber.” Drew folds her arms across her chest, eyeing up Dallas. “Welcoming him with open arms and all.”

  “Oh?” I ask, I haven’t heard about this. Sure, some of the club bunnies do like to get closer to the men around here than Maci does, but I didn’t see this coming. Bomber is a gorgeous guy, that’s obvious to see and I didn’t factor in the women who hang around this club. Especially the bunnies, most of them aren’t only satisfied by being a bunny, they want to be better connected to the club and become an Old Lady. Dallas is a new girl around here and she’s made it known that she’s very interested in latching onto one of the club members.

  Maci looks to me, “Dallas seems to like him, I’ve made it clear to her that he’s not to be touched but she doesn’t listen. Even Throttle can’t seem to control her, and she’s her closest friend around here.”

  “It’s fine.” I assure her, but as I watch Dallas approach Bomber and he gives her his bright smile a twinge of hurt erupts inside. I don’t know what to do, Bomber isn’t my property but at the same time I can’t ignore the annoyance rippling through me.

  “Go over there.” Tasha insists. “We will come with you.”

  “I don’t know.” I think, watching Bomber as Dallas smiles sweetly up at him.

  “Elise, if you want him you have to make it clear.” Lauren adds and I look into her kind eyes. “Remember what you taught me? Make it be known and don’t let them get to you.”

  “We’re with you,” Drew nods, rolling her shoulders back and getting ready for some sort of show down.

  “Dallas needs to know to back off. If you want Bomber, then make it be known.” Maci encourages.

  “But I don’t know what I want to do with Bomber .” I say as I watch Dallas smile towards Bomber and he returns it. His smile hits me and I hate that it’s not directed at me. “I don’t know if I can go there again.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” Lauren adds. “As long as you have some feelings, you should let him and the rest of the Bunnies know.”

  Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself and zero in on Bomber and Dallas. I may not know exactly what’s going on between us both, but I know that I don’t want to see him with anyone, especially Dallas the club bunny. It would break me, I just know it. He’s still Jamie to me, and the feeling’s I long ago put away have been slowly and sneakily coming back.

  I take my first step forward and the girls walk behind, supporting me. They are my family, and I know they have my back. We are a mix of daughters and old ladies to the club, granted Maci is a bunny but she’s our friend. I may have been brought up around these strong characters, but I’m not like that and I tend to shy back from conflict, but this is different. They’re right though, I’ve heard of Dallas and she needs to be shown a thing or two. My rank is above hers through my birth right.

  “Are you sure?” I hear her voice as we approach and it annoys me. My jaw clenches as I watch her touch Bomber’s bicep with her finger tip. Her long red finger nail looking as if she could cut him. Something from the corner of eye catches my attention, Scrappy frowns as he watches me and I give him a shake of my head. He can’t include himself.

  “Elise?” I hear Bomber and turn my attention to him. His forehead slightly creases as he frowns over at me and then behind me to my girls. “Hey girls.” He greets them all.

  “Hey.” I greet, flashing him what I hope is my most attractive smile. “Are you enjoying the party?”

  “I am now.” He grins his signature side hooked smirk aimed right at me, causing my heart to stutter and my own smile to appear. “Your mum looked happy.”

  “She did.” I agree and look to Dallas. She eyes me up in a way I don’t appreciate. “You’re making new friends then?”

  “Oh I’m not a new friend.” Dallas snickers, and a foreign kind of rage takes root in me. I’ve never felt this angry before and I have an immediate dislike to her. I hate this bitch! “We’ve met a few times before haven’t we Bomb?”

  “Bomb?” Asks Drew.

  “This true?” I ask Bomber and a panicked look appears on his handsome face.

  “I’ve seen her before, and we’ve spoken sure.” Bomber replies, looking between us all. My jaw tenses as I see a smug look settle on Dallas. I return it with a glare of my own. “But not like that babe.”

  Bomber snickers towards Dallas and all of a sudden her smug look transforms into a frown. I rejoice in it and I even hear one of the girls behind me laugh. Bomber steps closer to me, his eyes showing me exactly who he prefers out of me and Dallas. “You sure?” I ask him in a whisper.

  “She aint for me babe.” Bomber replies just as quietly. His eyes burning into me.

  “Bomber?” Dallas asks, sounding a little unsure of herself.

  Bomber turns his back to her and gives me his full attention. Without looking back at her, he holds up a finger to silence her. “One sec, I’m talking to my girl.”

  My friends behind me let their approval be known, but I’m stunned into silence.

  “Oh snap!” Natasha laughs.

  “Shit just got real.” Drew mutters, while I can hear Lauren and Maci laughing along.

  “What’s up babe?” He asks, gesturing to my supportive friends behind me with a quick tilt of his chin. “Why do you have your bodyguards with you?”

  “They aren’t my bodyguards.” I laugh, besides one of them is pregnant. “I wanted to talk to you.” I reply simply.

  Bomber takes another step closer, erasing the gap between us and trails his tattooed finger along my shoulder. “Just talk?”

  My body heats to him and I have to remind myself that I can’t just jump into his arms. Not only are we surrounded by club members and my family, but I won’t give into him so easily. Even if I want him badly. I take a quick look around and see we’re holding a lot of people’s attention, including Scrappy and my father.

  I lick my lips and Bomber’s eyes zero in on my tongue, so I quickly snap it back into my mouth. “Yes, just talk.” I tilt my head and look back to Dallas who is still watching us with dislike showing in her scolding eyes. “I saw you talking with her.”

  He raises his eye brows, slightly nodding. “You’re jealous.”

  By now, I realise the girls have left me alone with Bomber. Traitors. Lauren waves at me from across the grass, standing closely to Grim who also observes with interest. When I arranged this party, I didn’t think that I would be the main entertainment.

  “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I’m jumping into bed with you.” I point out.

  Bomber laughs a little, god I love it when he smiles. It does all sorts of yummy things to my insides. “No babe, because I’m going to make you wait for it.”

  His bright, hazel eyes pierce me. “Me?”

  He nods, biting down onto his bottom lip for a second and I can almost see the erotic images flashing through his head. “I want you begging me Elise.” He whispers, leaning in close and planting one single kiss under my ear which causes a shiver to run through my entire body. “And you will.”

  With that he steps back, flashes me another killer smile and walks off towards Sketch and Pocket. Leaving me standing absolutely stunned, but I see Dallas, still standing in the same place and she looks furious. I send her a winner smile, a great feeling spreading throughout me and it gives me confidence I’ve never felt before. With my grin wide and victorious, I walk by her and don’t take my eyes from her until I’ve passed her and joining Drew and Maci who are the closest to me.

  “Well done.” Maci nods approvingly.

  “Yeah, I felt the heat from here.” Drew fans herself. “Everyone knows you two are onto something now, there’s no doubt.” She smiles proudly.

  “Really?” I ask, looking around at everyone who have gone back to the celebrations.

  “Without a single doubt.” Maci answers. “And most importantly, Dallas knows to back off.”

  “If she knows what’s good for her.” Drew glares over her should
er as Dallas looks to be leaving the party. Good, I didn’t even invite her anyway.

  As I continue to drink and eat with Drew and Maci, I glance over to Bomber and see he’s watching me. I’ve felt his eyes on me since we spoke and damn if it’s not affecting me. He’s right, I do want him and if I’m not careful I’ll be begging by the end of the weekend. But I won’t, with what I hope is a seductive smile, I turn away. He will be the one begging me. I will make sure of it.

  Chapter Six


  I walk through the clubhouse, looking for my uncle Franky, the clubs president. He text me this morning, asking me to drop by and talk with him. When I asked what he wanted he wouldn’t say, so here I am. When Uncle Franky wants to talk, you don’t ignore him and I made sure not to tell my parents. They would think I’m in some deep shit and my mother would do nothing but worry.

  “Baby!” I yell out to my cousin who is sat eating a bacon sandwich. The Kings clubhouse is quite a large building. It wasn’t to begin with though, there’s photos hanging up all around this place and shots of the original building are the most famous. Everyone loves to look at the old black and white photos hanging up near the room the guys use for Church. It features my great, great grandparents and an old and tiny, shed looking type of a building with a huge sign hanging above it. It reads, The Kings of Rebellion MC of course, and it’s the proud history of the club. The original members who stand in the photo are family members to a lot of members who are with us today, including mine.

  I have found Baby sat in the room that comes directly from the kitchen and leads out to the back garden. It’s a small room, but when it’s nice the large doors open to the back and it’s helpful when children are here as they love to run around outside. Only, the doors aren’t open today, it seems dark and the sounds of rap music come from the radio on the wall.

  “Mmm?” He mumbles around the food, averting his eyes from his phone.

  “Where’s Franky?” I ask him as I approach his table, the smell of his food making me hungry. I skipped breakfast to come here. I didn’t want to keep Franky waiting and I’m too impatient to wait and see what he wants. I did think that he would be in here, eating his own breakfast but I only see his youngest son.

  “Office.” Baby manages to mumble around his breakfast and I quickly leave him to it, walking in the direction of the President’s office.

  I walk through the bar, noticing there’s only a few of the older members hanging around as I pull open the huge and heavy double doors. Once in the hallway, I pass doors that lead to gyms, games rooms and TV rooms, to name a few as I quickly make my way to uncle Franky’s office. It’s silent here and I’m left with my thoughts as to what Franky could want me for, when a strong hand reaches out of nowhere and pulls me into the gym. My scream is covered by a man’s hand as he holds me against his body.

  “Shhhh.” Bomber whispers from behind. “It’s me.”

  My body relaxes almost immediately, but my heart still beats a million times a minute. As soon as Bomber lets go of my mouth, I turn around with wide eyes and smack him on his chest. “What are you doing? You scared the hell out of me.”

  It’s a little dark here, but some light streams through from the gym so I can see his handsome smile. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “You couldn’t just call out my name? Or send me a text?” I ask, bewildered and still feeling slightly shook up from that scare. “You really did scare me Bomb. I don’t like sneaking around in the dark anymore.”

  Bomber frowns and then grips me tight against his chest. “I wasn’t thinking. Shit I sometimes forget the crap those bastards did to you.”

  Really? Because I go through the same nightmares every night and day.

  “It’s ok.” I try to laugh, but it doesn’t work and I only look as terrified as I feel. It’s true what I said, I don’t like the dark and I hate people sneaking up on me. The days of me laughing away a quick scare are long gone thanks to my stay at the Devils compound.

  He tilts his head to the side, looking at me and bringing his hands to rest on my waist. “I’m sorry.” I accept his apology, but only because the way his heated gaze lights me up. “I just saw you and wanted to talk to you.”

  I look him over, and see he must have been using the gym as his shirt is off and he’s wearing shorts. Showing me the many tattoos he’s added to his body since we have been apart, so colourful and bright in the darkness of the room. My attention diverts from his tattoos when I see his toned stomach, but he’s not built in a slim way, no Bomber is big and wide. His body is designed to make women want him and he’s standing half naked right in front of me, but I have to remember how badly he hurt me running away to America and never writing back to my emails. He’s been gone for five years and now Bomber is back, he’s acting like we’ve never been apart. I have to try and at least stand my ground, I can’t let him think he can click his fingers and have me.

  “Franky wants to talk to me.” I add, trying to get his sweaty and glorious body out of my head. I step back from his touch because I need some distance.

  “You were pretty protective at the party.” Bomber mentions, completely ignoring what I had just said. My cheeks burn, I still can’t believe how I acted because I was jealous of Dallas. I thought long and hard that night about what exactly I had done and why I did it. I wanted Dallas to know Bomber was out of bounds, I think. I’m not ready to commit to him, but because I was so jealous of Dallas getting too close Bomber, I had to intervene. God I hated the sight of her touching him.

  “Yeah.” I slowly nod, trying to look anywhere but at his body. “Maci told me she wasn’t a nice person.”

  Bomber scoffs. “You were making sure I made the right friends?”

  “Well,” I stutter, beginning to feel a little foolish. Shit I need to get out of here.

  “Lissy.” He reaches up to caress my cheek. “I’m not interested in Dallas.”

  I look into his eyes, they’re intense and giving me his full attention. I’m weakening already. “You’re not?”

  Bomber shakes his head, sighing as he slightly frowns down at me. He looks frustrated. “How can you ask me that? I don’t want anyone but you Elise, not since I was sixteen years old. I knew it then as a boy and I know it now as a man.” His voice growls, making my body vibrate in a reaction.

  “I have to go.” I quickly add, trying to step back from him, but Bomber clings onto my jacket.

  “Why are you running away?” He frowns.

  “I can’t do this right now.” I panic. “Please let me go Bomber.”

  His face turns almost angry. “I won’t.”

  We look at each other, knowing what I want to say and what I desperately want to do right here. Alone and with Bomber, but I won’t. With a heavy heart I pull myself together and try to let him know where I stand in all of this.

  “Look, I feel the same, but it’s hard for me.” I admit, my voice coming as so quiet I didn’t expect him to hear me at all.

  Bomber’s hand comes from my cheek and lifts up my chin, angling my lips so they are only centimetres from his. His minty breath mixes with mine and I breathe him in. “Let me kiss you.”

  It’s not a question, but I know he’s waiting for my permission. I don’t know what to do, I know what I want but I don’t think that’s right. “Bomber.” I warn him.

  He steps closer, so now my back is up against a wall. I am trapped, but I don’t fight him. “I know you want this, why are you fighting me so hard?”

  “Because you hurt me.” I honestly answer and I see his eyes widen in response.

  “Because I left?” He asks and I slowly nod.

  “In more ways than one.” I catch the sob that tries to escape me. Not only did Bomber leave the country, but he ended contact with me too. I couldn’t handle that and it seems I am still holding onto my pain.

  “Then let me fix this.” He pleads. “I want you Elise, so let me kiss you and work for your forgiveness.”

  I look into hi
s gorgeous eyes, and nod in answer.

  “You’re sure?” He asks me, looking from my lips and back to my eyes.

  I begin to shake in waiting. Bomber watches me intently as I nod again. “I’m letting you fix us.”

  Bomber groans as he leans in close to me, his mouth softly touching mine and my eyes close. His kiss taking me away from this spot. Bomber’s kiss making me feel as though I am flying. Both of his hands capture my head, supporting me as his mouth demands more. Claiming my lips like the man he is and I only crave more. We shared a few inexperienced kisses when we were younger, but those quick smooches have nothing on this right now. My breath is literally stolen and my heart beats so deeply that I feel as though it’s going to pound out of my body and into Bomber’s. I slowly break away, needing to come back up for air and gather my thoughts. A fog has thickened my mind as Bomber kissed me and I need clearance, just for a few minutes. Bomber searches my face, looking for anything that’s wrong. Seeing if I regret the decision to let him kiss me.

  “I love you Elise.” He delivers, still with his hands cradling my face. “I always have. You don’t need to worry about anyone. You are beautiful, and there’s nobody for me but you.”

  I can’t help the tears that gather and fall down my cheeks. “This is just so hard for me.”


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