Loyal Lawyer: A Standalone Novel

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Loyal Lawyer: A Standalone Novel Page 15

by Jeannine Colette

  “Again, not painting a bad picture here. A man who wants to take you to nice restaurants, cares for your safety, and actually tells you the truth is not a bad thing.”

  “I know, but I’m trying to find bad things for you because he’s kind of perfect.” I gnaw on my thumbnail and smile. “We hang out for a few hours after work. Have dinner and whatever else feels right at the time—”


  I laugh. “Yes, but then we chill for a little while before he grabs his laptop and gets some work done while I curl up next to him and read.”

  “You’re like the cute, old married couple. I know I sound bitter, but I’m not. I’m truly happy for you.”

  “I know you are.” I hear my phone ding with a text message from Sebastian that fills me with absolute joy. I turn back to Charity. “And I’m glad because he should be here any minute to join us. I told him where we’d be and to stop by if he had time. Looks like he has time.” I hold up my phone to show her his text.

  “If he’s going to crash my date with you, he’d better be bringing me a friend of his as well.”

  I raise my eyebrows and tap my finger on my chin. “That’s a good idea.”

  I take a bite of my sandwich and daydream about how great it would be to find a handsome attorney for Charity. Not that she needs a professional, but like me, she has gone through a few duds and is due for a nice, reliable man—someone who treats her good. He has to be funny though and up for spontaneity.

  I swallow. “I’ll have to ask if he knows of anyone at the firm who’s single and can join us next time.”

  “Are you already trying to get me to bring another guy for Charity?” I hear the sexiest male voice say behind me—deep, rhythmic … mine. Sebastian leans in to kiss me before holding out his hand to Charity. “I don’t think we’ve officially met, but I’ve heard all about you.”

  She meets his gesture as they shake. “Only the good things I hope.”

  He gives her a smoldering grin as he takes a seat beside me. “No, Amy has only revealed the deviant behaviors of her best friend, including a time you went streaking in front of the Liberty Bell.”

  She puts her palm to her face and feigns embarrassment. “I blame it on the booze. You know I can’t handle a beer flight.”

  “A beer flight is a tasting. You had pints after that,” I explain.

  With a flick of her hand, she takes a faux bow. “No one can blame me for being boring.”

  “That’s for sure,” I say and then look over at Sebastian.

  He’s debonair in his gray suit and no tie. It’s his style for days when he’s not going to court, and it just happens to be when I find him the sexiest.

  “I hope you don’t mind me crashing,” he says to Charity. “I only have a second, so I wanted to stop by to say hello.”

  I hold up my sandwich to him, and he takes a bite. When he pulls back, he’s got a spot of mayo on his lip, and I rub it with my thumb before taking a bite myself.

  “Mmm.” He nods his head. “That is good.”

  I pick up the other half and hand it to him. “Here, take the second half.”

  He scoots closer to share the box with me as he takes a bite.

  When I glance over to Charity, she’s got hearts in her eyes as she takes in the ease between Sebastian and me. She’s right. We’re like an old married couple even though we’ve only officially been together for a few weeks. There’s been this level of comfort between us since the day we met, and it’s only getting better as each day passes.

  We see each other when we can, and there aren’t hard feelings when we can’t. He opens doors and pays for dinner. He tries my chocolate recipes and listens to me drivel on about the new layout ideas for the website. I listen as he talks about past cases he’s worked on, and I even indulged in a game of Pictionary with him because it’s his favorite. He’s theatrical and competitive, so I can see why. We walk our dogs and talk about music. It’s by far the easiest relationship I’ve ever been in.

  “So, you’re wanting to meet someone?” Sebastian asks Charity, who snaps out of her dazed expression.

  “Aren’t we all?” She tries to blow it off with a wave and takes a sip from her drink. “Not everyone is as lucky as you two meeting via a wrong text. If you know of anyone who’s not a total asshole or who doesn’t have massive baggage, let me know.”

  My chest tightens at the baggage comment. While being with Sebastian has been easy, there is a very large elephant in the relationship that threatens to make it difficult.

  Yes, I’ve come to terms with Sebastian being a father, but coming to terms and fully knowing what will happen in a few short months are two completely different things.

  I know I’m living in blissful ignorance, but it’s like the song “The Dance” by Garth Brooks. I guess I’ll never know if the pain was worth it if I don’t take the dance first. I just pray I don’t fall too hard if he decides a relationship with me is too much in the juggle of his life.

  When I turn back to Sebastian, I can tell the wheels in his mind are spinning as he stares off to the ceiling, like I’ve seen him do when he’s trying to find the right words to say as he works on his closing arguments.

  He slowly starts to nod his head. “I think I might know a guy. He’s a lawyer too, and last I heard, he was single. Good guy, and he went into real estate law, so he doesn’t work the long hours I do.”

  “Well, I’m game if you think he’s worthy of all of this.” She shimmies her hand down her body in an overdramatic way as she shakes slightly in her chair.

  We both chuckle at her antics.

  “Yeah, I think you two will do just fine,” he says.

  Charity’s phone alarm goes off. “Time for me to run. I have to get to work.” She takes a final bite of her sandwich and then packs up the remnants in the cardboard box.

  Sebastian finds her endearing. “Do you have an alarm on your phone, telling you when you need to leave?”

  “Hell yeah, I do. I tend to lose track of time pretty easily, especially when I get to hang out with my bestie here.” She points at me and then stands, tossing her garbage in a nearby trash and recycling bin. “It’s saved my ass plenty of times. It was great finally meeting you, Sebastian. Talk to your guy, and if he’s down, we can go on a double date.”

  His chuckle fills the room. “I will. Great meeting you too.”

  Charity leaves with a wave, and I turn to Sebastian. “You’re pretty wonderful, you know that?”

  He turns to me and slides an arm on the back of my chair. “Is that only because I told her I’d hook her up with my friend?”

  He leans in and kisses my neck and then the tender spot of my jaw, sending chills throughout my body that pool right where they shouldn’t since we’re sitting in the middle of a coffee shop and can’t do anything about it.

  I run my fingers up his thigh. “Not only that. You’re wonderful because you’re you.”

  “Well, you’re pretty spectacular, so I guess that makes us a dynamic couple.” He kisses my lips before pulling back with a smirk, knowing damn well how turned on he just got me.

  I take a deep breath and then pick up my latte, needing to change my thought process, and then I remember I needed to ask him something. “Hey, do you have plans tonight? I have a meeting at the bank at four, but I was hoping we could toast in celebration of my new loan.”

  His smile falls as he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but I do. Lauren has a sonogram tonight. I asked her to make it the last appointment of the day, so I could attend. It’s a 3-D image, so I’ll be able to see his face.”

  There’s that gleam that ignites in his eyes when he talks about his son. It’s hard for me to be annoyed with him when he is so genuinely happy.

  “That sounds awesome. Have you thought of names yet?”

  “I have. I’d like to name him Oliver, after my father, but I’m sure she has some very hip names planned, like Wyatt or Hudson. Perhaps she’ll let me tug on her ear a bit at dinner tonight

  I sit up in my seat at this news. “Dinner?”

  His stature tilts a bit as he sits back, looking at me to assess my reaction. “Yes. The plan was to go to dinner afterward. There are a few things I want to discuss with her. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes!” I say rather too convincingly. “You should take the mother of your child out for a meal.”

  I swallow down any bad feelings I have about this dinner—because I do have a few. I know how charismatic Sebastian can be. He is a natural flirt and can woo any woman, just with a greeting. I know he wouldn’t cheat on me, but I can’t deny that he wouldn’t give Lauren false hope. I shake my head and rid myself of the dramatic thoughts. I’m getting way ahead of myself.

  “What sort of things did you plan to discuss?”

  “Her birth plan, for starters. I think we should take a few parenting classes, as neither of us has had small children in our families for quite some time. I’d also like to discuss our joint custody. Where our son will live and how often I’ll get to see him.”

  I blink at the details. “That’s a lot to discuss.”

  “It’s a long relationship the two of us will have together. I’ve seen these things go south fast. If we do this with the mind-set that we’re a family, I think the three of us can make it work.”

  “Three of us?” I perk up, feeling included.

  “Yes. Me, Lauren, and Oliver. Well, assuming she lets me have my way.” His grin showcases his positivity that he can convince her. He repeats the name of his future child a few times and continues to grin.

  Meanwhile, I’m stuck on the word family.

  The fact that he already sees them as one is his greatest virtue. It’s the kind of thing that could make me fall in love with him. It’s also the thing that scares me the most.

  He grins and leans over to kiss me. I let his tongue will my mind away from all thoughts that bare the things out of my control as I melt into him. My eyes are hooded, and my lips are still puckered when he pulls back and rubs his thumb along my cheek.

  “Sorry tonight won’t work, but I have the entire weekend dedicated to you. Anything you want, I am at your beck and call.”

  I arch a brow at his grand proposal. “Really? So, if I told you I wanted to tie you to the bed and do wicked things to you all weekend long, you’d be game?”

  “I’d love nothing more than to be buried in you all weekend,” he breathes.

  I laugh because he can be so sexy. “Good to know. I did have something else in mind though. Something a bit more PG-13.”

  He arches his brows in interest.

  “My niece is having a birthday party. My sister is pregnant and due any day, so they’re having a family-only get-together at my parents’ house. It sounds small, but there’s eighteen of us, and, well, I was hoping you’d come with me.”

  “I’d love to.” He kisses my nose and then grabs his sandwich and takes a bite before looking at his phone that’s going off. As he chews, he sighs, like he’s sad he has to go. He swallows his bite and faces me. “It’s Miles. He told me he’d call if my next appointment didn’t have to cancel. So, I guess I should get going.”

  “That’s okay. I have errands, and then I’m off to the bank. Wish me luck.”

  He takes the box and throws it in the trash. My latte is still full, so I take it with me and grab my bag.

  “Just text me if they don’t issue the check today,” he says as we walk to the door, grabbing it and holding it open for me. “Actually, text me either way.”

  “Will do. And have a great appointment tonight.”

  We’re standing on the sidewalk as he glances down at me with a glazed-over look in his eyes, and it’s all from staring into mine. “I am the luckiest man alive, you know that?”

  I sway my shoulders as I smile, not disagreeing with him.

  He leans down and kisses me again. This kiss is full of longing and not wanting to let go. I feel his pout as he pulls away.

  “Now, walk away quickly before I forget all my obligations for the day and stand here, kissing you like a fool until the cops come and arrest us for indecency.”

  I grin, biting my inner lip.

  Sebastian is the quintessential gentleman. I’m a fool for worrying about his impending fatherhood.

  Now, I get to worry about him meeting my father … and the whole Morgana clan.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “This is the town you grew up in?” Sebastian asks as I drive through my hometown. Dogwood trees and wide sidewalks make it a beautiful suburb. Being from out of state, he almost seems impressed that such a lush area exists outside the city. “You must have had a great childhood here. Soccer teams and playing tag in the street?”

  “I played basketball in elementary school but wasn’t good enough for the high school team. I was more of a loner. Coming home to bake was the highlight of my day.”

  “Obsessed with chocolate even then?”

  “Yes. And my parents have a big kitchen, so I could lay out all of my ingredients without getting in anyone’s way.”

  He nods as he looks out the window, taking in the Tudor-style houses and large front yards. “This does seem like a great place to raise a family. And it’s not too far a drive from Center City.”

  “Traffic can be a bitch though.”

  I’m driving Sebastian’s car since he had to be on a conference call for most of the ride here. It’s fascinating to listen to him work, using legal jargon and coming up with case law on the spot. Hell, it’s even sexy.

  We hit a touch of traffic on the way here but nothing like it can get during rush hour. He spoke on the phone while I sat in silence. It wasn’t too bad since his car, with its soft leather cushions, is a glorious piece of German machinery that glides like a dream.

  As we pull up to my parents’ house, I get a twinge of nervous energy. I hope they won’t say or do anything to embarrass me.

  I park Sebastian’s BMW behind my sister’s Volvo and turn off the ignition with a grunt. Before I can exit, he grips my wrist, pulls me toward him, and places a simple kiss on my jaw.

  “You shouldn’t worry so much. Parents love me.”

  I watch as he keeps his cool demeanor while exiting the car, and follow suit with a shake of my head. I walk up to his outstretched hand and take it as we head to the front door, and I let us in.

  The house is a bustle of activity. My three nephews are rushing around, playing laser tag. Only one stops to say hello before crashing against a wall and going into hiding from who I assume is his enemy brother, ready to shoot.

  “That’s Aiden, Caleb, and Connor,” I point out to Sebastian as my niece comes strolling by, wearing a feather boa, hot-pink sunglasses, and Little Mermaid high heels while pushing a play baby stroller. “And this fancy little girl is Alice.”

  “Don’t you look glamorous today?” Sebastian says to her, kneeling to his knees to get to her level.

  Alice lowers her sunglasses to reveal a deep scowl as she places a finger to her lips and briskly says, “Shh. My baby is sleeping.”

  Sebastian puts his hands up in retreat and speaks in a whisper, “My apologies.”

  She puts her glasses back in place and continues her stroll, little heels wobbling as she walks.

  “I like her.” He watches her with wonderment.

  “She’s a spitfire all right. My sister says she’s just like me. I don’t see it.”

  Sebastian laughs. “I can definitely imagine her picking up a phone in a few years and bitching out a complete stranger over lost rent.”

  “Never gonna let that go, are you?”

  “Never.” He leans in to kiss my head.

  His hand is on the small of my back as we walk to the backyard, where my family is scattered about the back deck. Matthew is cooking at the grill while Henry stands behind him with his arms crossed and foot tapping, looking like he’s dying to take the spatula away from him.

  “Those burgers have to be precisely at one hundred and sixty deg
rees Fahrenheit.” Henry points to the patties as Matthew flips them haphazardly.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll poke my finger in yours to make sure it’s just right,” Matthew says.

  “It’s called a thermometer.” Henry grimaces and then sees Sebastian and me watching them. “Hey, Amy. Didn’t see you sneak in here.”

  I smile. “Sebastian and I just got here.”

  My mother, who is over by the table, talking to Fiona and her husband, turns around, and the three of them come over, as does Matthew, who abandons his post at the grill.

  Sebastian and I are now swarmed by four members of our family, who are all staring at him with mixed looks of skepticism or intrigue—depending on the family member.

  “We’ve heard so much about you!” Mom is the first to greet Sebastian. She leans in for a hug, and he accepts it willingly. “Amy is so smitten. We weren’t sure if you were actually coming.”

  I lower my brow. “I told you this morning I was bringing someone.”

  “Yeah, but your dates aren’t that reliable,” Fiona chimes in as she gives Sebastian the head to toe. “Or as handsome. You usually like them lanky and a little greasy. This one is super attractive.”

  “His name is Sebastian, and it’s weird that you’re talking about him like he can’t hear you.” I turn to Sebastian and excuse my sister. “Fiona is quite vain.”

  “Oh, please. You can totally judge a book by its cover. Your other boyfriends were lame. This one comes off like he can take care of things.” Her hand pets his bicep, which I pull away from her trajectory.

  Matthew seems to be assessing Sebastian as well, but where he couldn’t care less about his pretty features, he is definitely sizing him up. My brother loves nothing more than the knowledge that he can beat up everyone else.

  “Yo! What do you bench? Two? Two fifty?” Matthew asks, and I roll my eyes toward Mom, who just shrugs.

  Sebastian doesn’t seem fazed. “Two eighty to three hundred. I try to stay about a hundred pounds over my weight. I want to be strong but not bulky. I don’t have the discipline to get to the gym as often as I’d like. I do mostly cardio and strength training with free weights at home. Lots of push-ups.”


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